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DAVID NAGA | 11834777


“The Blind Side”

The Blind Side is a movie about the life of a homeless teenager named Michael Oher, a real football star.
It is a story of survival, love, redemption, and family in which it revolves around a positional strategic
idea in football. This is why towards the end, the movie tracked through Big Mike’s drafting into the NFL,
which brought him to fame and riches. Apart from this, I find the movie is so wholesome that every
audience, like me, finds this relatable and on how it talks more about what society is like in America. An
example of this is how people judge a person by its color, race, or where he/she lives. It also talks about
how people belittle someone based on their appearance just like how Mrs. Tuohy’s friend did on Micheal
upon seeing the Christmas postcard by the whole Tuohy family. On contrary, the movie also tells us
about the sense of belongingness, humanitarian acts, and Virtue Ethics that is evident throughout the
whole course of the movie.

The notable things that are evident in the movie are being prudent, the sense of justice, temperance,
and courage. On the other hand, Imprudence, Injustices, lack of self-control, and cowardness are also
evident in the movie. Being prudent is noticeable in the movie especially when Mrs. Tuohy hired a tutor
for big Mike in order to meet at least a 2.5 GPA. This is the required grade in order to get an athletic
scholarship, which in the case of the movie is Football. The main characters of the movie obeyed the
rules and not only that Oher ensure did his best to become the football player he can be. On the other
side, imprudence is also apparent in the movie. This happened when Oher went back to hurt village to
meet his mother but ended up seeing his brother and the rest of his gang there. It is not okay to bring a
gun and use it to threaten others.

The sense of Justice is very evident when Mrs. Leigh Anne Tuohy offered her family’s home for Michael
Oher to live in. Even greater than that, Mrs. Tuohy offered a family to Michael. This action had changed
the fate of Big Mike although out his life. On the downside, injustices are also evident in the film. One of
which is when Mrs. Tuohy is having a get-together with her white friends and eating expensive food such
as salad. In this part of the movie, her friends judge the outskirts of the “other part of the town” like the
hurt village because of the people (black people) living there. Thinking critically, this talks about the
inequality between society, white and black colored people, and poor vs the rich people of society.

Another virtue that is evident in the film is the sense of temperance or the abstinence from too much
indulgence of pleasure or passion. A very simple example of this is when Big Mike did not drink a bottle
of beer that was offered to him when he runs away from Mrs. Tuohy and finds her biological mother.
Lack of self-control is also evident in the movie. An example of this is when Michael blocks his opponent
and pushes him over until they were no longer on the football field and he falls over a large barricade.
Another example is when Big Mike is driving in a car with SJ. They were enjoying the moment together
while singing at the top of their lungs that Michael loses focus on their pathway and ended up crashing
into a truck.
Lastly, the virtue of courage is apparent in almost all parts of the movie especially in the decisions that
were made by the main character which is Michael. From the moment he enters the Wingate Christian
School and to all of the times when Big mike runs toward his biological mother without knowing where
she was just to take care of her. Another thing is when Mrs. Tuohy cuts through a long line of people and
goes directly to the frontline lady in the admission and talks to complain about the unproductiveness of
the people working there. In opposition, the sense of cowardness is also shown in the movie. This was
manifested when Collins, stayed in the house when Mrs. Tuohy asked her why she did not go out with
her friends which later on Mrs. Tuohy find out that Collins is being judged and teased for having Big Mike
live with her.

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