Small Business Administration

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Small Business Administration

The Small Business Administration (SBA) is a United States government agency that
provides support to entrepreneurs and small businesses. The mission of the Small Business
Administration is "to maintain and strengthen the nation's economy by enabling the
establishment and viability of small businesses and by assisting in the economic recovery of
communities after disasters". The agency's activities are summarized as the "3 Cs" of
capital, contracts and counseling.[3] SBA loans are made through banks, credit unions and
other lenders who partner with the SBA. The SBA provides a government-backed guarantee
.on part of the loan

1. Are media and films affected by society or society affected by them?

A significant number owadays are suffering from eating disorders attributable to

unhealthy lifestyles that are emerging. The television programs, movies, and even print materials
often showcase this lifestyle as fun activities despite their negative effect on health. Media hypes
the acceptability of vices.

It has also been observed that children nowadays do not do the same activities as children of

instead of reading books, studying, playing outdoors with other children, and engaging in .1
social activities, they end up being cooped up in their rooms watching television. And
because of technological advancements and the availability of gadgets to young people,
these children end up spending a significant amount of time in front of their computer

2. Describe a major environmental problem and what you believe should be

done about it.

One major environmental problem that we should be really careful about is water scarcity. As
much as people would like to think that it is just impossible to run out of water, they are very
wrong. Water scarcity has become such a big issue that goes global and affects everyone
everywhere. The problem is that we use more water than what is actually returned to the
freshwater systems, we are a part of the problem. To  help lessen and solve this problem,
.there are plenty of things people can do on a daily basis

Are we influenced too much by advertisements

Advertising is an important part of marketing. You can’t escape it. Some commercials
are created so professionally that they become a piece of TV art. Its also crazy how far they will go
just to get peoples attention. While you may be taking advertising for granted, it does seek to
influence what you spend your money on. Many people don't believe that they're susceptible to
being influenced, let alone manipulated, by advertising. However, it wouldn't be so omnipresent if
.it didn't work

1. Life without computers and mobile phones+


 cell phone
we will have to get a pre-paid phone because we need it in case of emergencies. If
you haven't noticed, the pay-phones have -
been disappearing (at least in US), and we don't carry cash with me anymore, so we
won't even be able to use one of those. Not to mention not remembering (no need to
remember) the lengthy phone numbers.
 computer
For leisure, it won't be a problem, we will just occassionally use work laptop to
schedule bill pay or access credit card information. Work won't be possible to
perform without a computer because we communicate with people in other
countries and access to them (documents, revisions, signatures, WebEx
presentations) are not possible without a computer.

1. The brighter aspects of Pakistan

3. There is so much negativity around us, every day we hear about these depressing
news coming out of Pakistan, which makes everyone think is there something good
happening in Pakistan, is Pakistan really all about bombs and political instability? well,
certainly NO! Pakistan is not all about this and there is more to Pakistan than just bombs
and drone attacks. There is no shortage of talent and resiliance in Pakistan, there is so
much good stuff happening, be it on individual basis or on larger scale and unfortunetly,
many are not aware if it, thats because mainstream media is not interested in reporting
these positive news about Pakistan, hence, we dont really get to hear about these inspiring
stories. When I thought of starting this thread and I started to look for postive articles
about Pakistan, I came across such inspirational and motivational stories, It was so nice to
see how people havent lost hope and they are striving to make a difference in the society
for a brighter, prosperous Pakistan! 

This thread is a small effort to show the real Pakistan. So let's all counter negative
propaganda andshow the brighter side of Pakistan which the world rarely gets to see.
4. My ideas of a successful life.

we all share something in common—a desire to be successful. success as being a

loving and faithful spouse or a caring and responsible parent, while most people would
equate success with wealth, fame, and powe

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