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Ex1: As the man left the café, Maria saw that his phone was still on the table….

As the man left the café, Maria saw that his phone was still on the table. She
took the phone immediately ran after the man to return his mobile phone. However,
she was late and the man had gone away. She didn’t know how to do with his phone
and she took it to her house and hoped that the man would come to see her one day.
Two hours later, there was a call from an unknown number. She immediately
picked up. The nurse announced that his wife was about to give birth to their first
child. Maria freaked out. She knew nothing about where the man currently was. She
replied hesitatingly: "Her husband forgot his phone here and it's unknown where he
currently is". The nurse passed the phone to the wife. She only knew that he was at a
meeting, but didn't know where it was. The wife wanted Maria to deliver her message
to her husband. Maria, being a graduate and currently out of employment, had plenty
of free time to help and agreed. However, she only had about 45 minutes. The wife
told her the address of her husband's workplace and his name, which is John. Figuring
out that it was quite near, she ran to her destination. It was a spacious and large
company. She came inside and asked the receptionist where John was, but the
receptionist had no idea and regrettably said that only John knew. Maria had run out
of hope. She left the company and hopelessly walked around the area and stopped by
the nearby cafe to refresh her mind about the situation, thinking about what to say to
the wife. Suddenly, a man showed up and implied that the phone Maria was holding
resembled his missing phone. Maria immediately realized that this man was John and
delivered the message to him. He was surprised. However, 30 minutes had passed by.
With no hesitation, he offered to take Maria to the hospital. Maria waited in the
waiting hall while John checked his wife's status. Maria was relieved to hear that he
made it in time.
John was grateful for Maria's help. He knew that Maria was unemployed, so he
offered her a job at his company. It turns out that John is the chairman of that
spacious. company. The job was suitable for Maria's profession and its wage is quite
huge, so Maria accepted it. It was the best day of Maria's life.
Ex1: As the man left the café, Maria saw that his phone was still on the table….

As the man left the café, Maria saw that his phone was still on the table. She picked it
up, curious of what secrets it hid. As soon as she turned it on, she was startled by the face of
the man that was sitting in front of her just a minute ago. He thanked her for picking up his
phone; he told her that his whole life depended on that thing. Maria, driven by curiosity,
asked him if she would ever see him again. He said it was not likely because of his job, but
maybe if she came to that café at that exact same hour, she would find him there again, just
like today.
She went there every day at 6pm, thinking he might be there today, or maybe
tomorrow, or maybe the day after. Without realizing it, she had fallen in love with this
mysterious man of whom she knew nothing about. She fell in love with his sweet voice and
charming stories. She was hopelessly, madly in love. But love, love is always changing.
One day, exactly a year after their first encounter, the man came back to the café. He
saw Maria, but as he was approaching her, another man got there first. He handed her a cup
of coffee and kissed her. She looked happy. She had found another man…

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