Chapter 6

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BACKGROUND Cluster Leader



COURSE This course describes the skills, knowledge and performance

DESCRIPTION outcomes required to develop the ability of students to become
professionals in their field by undertaking the ideas of improving
one’s personality and ways on how they are going to be valued
in the business industry by means of presenting their ideas like
company meetings, professional networking, interviews and
through proposals of services considering the proper
collaboration to their associates and portraying professional
business ethics. It also teaches writing skills and emphasize in
verbal communication and company potentially and stability to
develop a strong and effective career pathway. (CMO No. 62
Series of 2017)
COURSE I – Introduction to Professional Development
OUTLINE II – Image Management
III – Professional Ethics In Hospitality Management
IV – Business Etiquette
V – Techniques In Professional Development Phase I
VI – Techniques in Professional Development Phase II
VII – Techniques in Professional Development Phase III
VIII – Techniques in Professional Development Phase IV
RATIONALE It is important to come up with your career planning as it gives
you the much needed direction and makes it clear there where
you see yourself in future. It makes you aware of your strength
and weaknesses and the skills and knowledge that are required
to achieve your goals in future.

INSTRUCTION This module should be completed within 1 week.
TO THE USERS If you set an average of 1.5 hours per meeting, you should be
able to complete the module comfortably by the end of the
assigned week.
Try to do all the learning activities in this module . If you do not
get a particular exercise right in the first attempt, you should not
get discouraged but instead, go back and attempt it again. If you
still do not get it right after several attempts then you should
seek help from your friend, tutor or professor.
PRE-TEST Answer the question:


What do you understand about career development?

LEARNING After going through this module, you are expected to:
OBJECTIVES a) Define the meaning of career.
b) Enumerate concepts of career development.
c) List down the stages of career planning.
d) Analyze how the leadership abilities can help an
CONTENT Planning For Your Career Development
ACTIVITIES (a) Developing Career Expectations

Accept Reality – jobs today are changing and getting more

limited, where education is a requirement, and job security has
disappeared with the birth of the manpower agencies.

(b) Plan Career Early

(b.1) Concepts of Career Development

Career development theories help us appreciate our
experiences. A theory is, in effect, a rationalized set of
assumptions or hypotheses that allow you to explain the past
and predict the future.

Top 4 theories on career development

1. Parson’s Theory – Frank Parsons is regarded as the
founder of the vocational guidance movement. He
developed the theory of matching careers to talents,
skills and personality. Parson noted that the people
perform best when they are in jobs suited to their
abilities and developed the talent-matching approach
2. Holland’s Theory – according to John Holland’s Theory
of Career Choice, careers are established by the
interaction between our personality and environment.
Something like, we want to work in jobs with people
like us. Holland believes that in choosing a career,
people prefer jobs where they can be around others
who are like them. They look for work that will let them
apply their skills and abilities, and express their
attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable
problems and roles. Holland’s theory is focused on the
belief that most people belong to one of six personality
types: RIASEC (realistic / investigative / artistic / social
/ enterprising / conventional)

3. Super’s Theory – Donald Super introduced the

concept that developing a sense of self and realizing
that an individual change over time, is important when
planning one’s career. One of Donald Super’s biggest
contributions to career development in his emphasis
on the value of the development of self-concept.

4. Krumboltz’s Theory – John Krumboltz’s theory states

that OK to not always the plan, because unplanned
events can lead to good careers. This is an optimistic
outlook can help turn destiny into opportunity. John
Krumboltz developed ideas about backing up in
decisions in his clients. He said that indecision is
desirable and sensible, as it allows the prospect for
clients to benefit from unplanned occasions. This
theory is called planned happenstance.

(b.2) Stages of Career Development

1st: Evaluation Self – this is to have a clear picture of your unique

talents, interest, values and skills which will be the foundation
of your career-planning journey.

2nd Exploring Options – when you are ready have a clear idea
of your interests, current skills and the things you value, you can
now start looking at options.

3rd Making Decisions – when you have explore your options, the
nest step is narrowing down your choices of work and / or
training opportunities on which you would like to concentrate on.

4th Setting Goals – once you have identified your career path,
you will now classify the steps you need to take to move towards
your goal. Make an action plan and chart your course.

5th Implementing Your Plan – start the ball rolling. Be aware you
may have to make changes to keep yourself on track.

Organizing Life Goals

- Goal setting usually involves short-term and long-term goals.

A short-term goal is one that can be accomplished in a short
amount of time. The key characteristic of a short-term career
planning is developing realistic goals and objectives that you
can accomplish in the near future. As you begin your career
planning, take the time to free yourself from all career barriers.

Long-term goal career planning usually involves a

development window of five years or longer and involves a
wider set of preparation.

When you set goals, make sure they are SMART:

Smart / Measurable / Attainable / Relevant / Time-bound

Organizing Leadership Abilities

(a) Steps in Becoming a Leader

- A lot of people will agree that being a leader is not given to all.
But don’t you know that you can also be a competitive leader if
you have the proper perspective and model.

Five Core Competencies

1. Know thyself
2. Develop a model of leadership you can strive to
3. Learn from everything
4. Create a feedback-rich environment
5. Find a mentor

(b) Leadership Factors

1. Consideration
2. Structure
3. Production emphasis
4. Sensitivity

(c) Leadership Styles

1. Dominating leader
2. Negotiating leader
3. Persuading leader
4. Modelling leader
5. Empowering leader

(d) Characteristics of a Leader

1. Leaders enlist the support of others

2. Leaders walk their talk

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3. Leaders put their people first
4. Leaders leverage their resources
5. Leaders know their followers
6. Leaders lead

DEVELOPMENTA Check this link, read the full essay “The Transformation of Our
L ACTIVITIES Weaknesses to Strengths to Achieve Our Goals in Life: in a
separate document, make an essay of your own.

Watch these videos and be ready for oral quiz.

SYNTHESIS / Summarizing the Big Ideas in this Chapter

GENERALIZATIO Top 4 theories on career development
1. Parson’s Theory – Frank Parsons is regarded as the
founder of the vocational guidance movement. He
developed the theory of matching careers to talents,
skills and personality. Parson noted that the people
perform best when they are in jobs suited to their
abilities and developed the talent-matching approach
2. Holland’s Theory – according to John Holland’s Theory
of Career Choice, careers are established by the
interaction between our personality and environment.
Something like, we want to work in jobs with people
like us. Holland believes that in choosing a career,
people prefer jobs where they can be around others
who are like them. They look for work that will let them
apply their skills and abilities, and express their
attitudes and values, while taking on enjoyable

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problems and roles. Holland’s theory is focused on the
belief that most people belong to one of six personality
types: RIASEC (realistic / investigative / artistic / social
/ enterprising / conventional)

3. Super’s Theory – Donald Super introduced the

concept that developing a sense of self and realizing
that an individual change over time, is important when
planning one’s career. One of Donald Super’s biggest
contributions to career development in his emphasis
on the value of the development of self-concept.

4. Krumboltz’s Theory – John Krumboltz’s theory states

that OK to not always the plan, because unplanned
events can lead to good careers. This is an optimistic
outlook can help turn destiny into opportunity. John
Krumboltz developed ideas about backing up in
decisions in his clients. He said that indecision is
desirable and sensible, as it allows the prospect for
clients to benefit from unplanned occasions. This
theory is called planned happenstance.

Stages of Career Development

1st: Evaluation Self – this is to have a clear picture of your

unique talents, interest, values and skills which will be the
foundation of your career-planning journey.

2nd Exploring Options – when you are ready have a clear idea
of your interests, current skills and the things you value, you can
now start looking at options.

3rd Making Decisions – when you have explore your options,

the nest step is narrowing down your choices of work and / or
training opportunities on which you would like to concentrate on.

4th Setting Goals – once you have identified your career path,
you will now classify the steps you need to take to move towards
your goal. Make an action plan and chart your course.

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5th Implementing Your Plan – start the ball rolling. Be aware
you may have to make changes to keep yourself on track.

Five Core Competencies

1. Know thyself
2. Develop a model of leadership you can strive to achieve
3. Learn from everything
4. Create a feedback-rich environment
5. Find a mentor

EVALUATION Watch this video and share your thoughts thru reaction paper.
This is a powerful Motivational Speech Video on figuring out for
yourself who you want to become. These motivational videos
are created to motivate students to study for exams, work hard,
and fight feelings of depression and anxiety.

Make your own video/vlog focusing on how to organize your life

as a student, and how to achieve. (2-3 minutes)

ASSIGNMENT / Peer Teaching / Group Activity

Watch this short video, and give your thoughts based on the
documentary film.

REFERENCES Personality Development by Charo L. Bayani. et. al. Philippine

Copyright @2009 by Mutya Publishing House, Inc.

Personal Development by Maria Gina Garcia-Cox. Copyright

@ 2106 by JFS Publishing Services.

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