Chapter 2

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COURSE This course describes the skills, knowledge and performance outcomes
DESCRIPT required to develop the ability of students to become professionals in their
ION field by undertaking the ideas of improving one’s personality and ways on
how they are going to be valued in the business industry by means of
presenting their ideas like company meetings, professional networking,
interviews and through proposals of services considering the proper
collaboration to their associates and portraying professional business
ethics. It also teaches writing skills and emphasize in verbal communication
and company potentially and stability to develop a strong and effective
career pathway. (CMO No. 62 Series of 2017)
COURSE I – Introduction to Professional Development
OUTLINE II – Image Management
III – Professional Ethics In Hospitality Management
IV – Business Etiquette
V – Techniques In Professional Development Phase I
VI – Techniques in Professional Development Phase II
VII – Techniques in Professional Development Phase III
VIII – Techniques in Professional Development Phase IV
RATIONAL First impression is the last impression‖ is an age-old saying. Research
E proves that within seconds, people make observations and assumptions
based on limited visual information and these first impressions can become
one’s identity.
Image is all that an individual projects consciously or unconsciously—
the way one looks, cares for, and carries oneself, personal style, poise, and
It is part of who one is on the inside, and is a reflection of one’s
personality, values, attitudes, interests, abilities, uniqueness, roles, and
often goals. One’s image leads to perception which results in an impression
in the minds of others.
This module focuses on the theories and methods for managing the
media image of a business, organization, or individual and the
communication process with stakeholders, constituencies, audiences, and
the public; and that prepares individuals to function as public relations
assistants, and managers.

This module covers the following topics :

A. Image Audit
a.1 Benefits of an Image Audit
a.2 First Impressions
B. Skills to Help You Improve Your Personality
C. How Do You Introduce Yourself in Business Meeting
D. How Do You Introduce Yourself Professionally
INSTRUCT This module should be completed within 2 weeks.
ION TO If you set an average of 1.5 hours per meeting, you should be able to
THE complete the module comfortably by the end of the assigned week.
USERS Try to do all the learning activities in this module . If you do not get a
particular exercise right in the first attempt, you should not get discouraged
but instead, go back and attempt it again. If you still do not get it right after
several attempts then you should seek help from your friend, tutor or

PRE-TEST Answer the following questions:


What is your first impression on image management?


How do you describe yourself as a person?

LEARNING After going through this module, you are expected to:
OBJECTIV a) Be able to define image audit.
ES b) Be able to discuss the benefits of image audit.
c) Be able to discuss why introducing yourself in business is
Be able to discuss how introduce yourself professionally.
CONTENT Image Audit
TORY Key Points
ACTIVITIE In order to project the business image that the corporate world demands,
S you need to develop the habit of considering all aspects of your personal
image from head to toe. This chapter will help you be on your way to
learning where to start and how to achieve it.

Your perception of how you look and act influences your confidence to
achieve your aspirations, which is why how you feel about yourself, is so
important. You owe it to yourself to present the best of who you are or can
be. Your total image must indicate the right signals.

An image audit is a research tool that companies use to measure the

opinions of others, particularly the hidden perceptions of internal and
external stakeholders. A personal image audit, which you are tasked to do,
is a means to find out if you are projecting the best possible image of

In today’s overly competitive environment, men and women in business

are expected to be polished and skilled in appearance and in business
etiquette. A personal audit is a barometer to measure your perception of
your own business image and how you think others perceive it.

Benefits of an Image Audit

A personal image audit is important to your social and business
success. Knowing how you’re perceive by others allows you to understand
their perceptions, craft the steps, and take corrective actions to get you to
where you want to be. If conducted honestly, it allows you to leverage your
personal style to create a consistent effect. It lets you design visual assets
that heighten your physical impact, your business presence, and your
brand distinction.

When your answer the audit, consider all aspects of your personal
image from head to toe; take a mental inventory of how you act, smile,
laugh, explain and narrate. The more honest you are with your answers,
the better your image makeover will be. After you are done, identify the
image you want to project, jot this down in the self-improvement separate
sheet, and learn as much as you can from this course in order to achieve

First Impressions

All you are given is a few seconds to make that crucial first impression,
and often that impression cannot be changed. It is important then that
people have a good impression of you at the first encounter. Although
common sense tells you how to make a good first impression, polishing
your instinctive flair can change that impression from good to great.

You are in a room, and someone walks in, let’s say, a new classmates,
a teacher, or a stranger. You take a quick glance, no matter how cursory,
and within seconds you’ve formed an opinion – who he/she is, how
successful that person is, if the person is rich or poor, his/.her level of
sophistication. You evaluate the person from head to toe even
subconsciously. Similarly, it takes only seconds for somebody you’re
meeting for the first time to from his/her estimation of what you are based
on you looks, your body language, your manners and your clothing.

Studies show that these first impressions are almost impossible to

overturn or undo, making those first encounters extremely important,
because not only do you get just one shot at them, but also because they
set the tone for the relationship that follows. Substantial research has also
confirmed the significance of first impressions and how you, by
understanding the kinds of impressions you create, may affect future job
opportunities, alliances, or other important matters. So, whether it’s in your
social or professional life, it is essential to learn how to create a good first

Here are some useful tips to help you do this.

(1) Be on time

The person you are meeting is not interested in whatever reasonable

excuse you have for keeping him/her waiting. Always plan to arrive a few
minutes early, no matter what your social or corporate rank is.

(2) Be Yourself ; Be at Ease

First meetings can be nerve-wracking, especially if it is for job interview.

Take a deep breath before walking in, imagine yourself confident and
pleasant, use positive self-talk and smile.

(3) Present Yourself Appropriately

Check your grooming. Clean and tidy is always appropriate for most
business and social occasions: a neat haircut or shave and clean, crisp,
tidy clothes.

(4) Wear that Winning Smile

There is nothing like a genuine smile to create a great first impression.

Remember that smiling the entire time makes, you appear over-pleasing,
and it lowers your status.

(5) Be Open and Confident

Project self-confidence and assurance by letting your body do the talking.

A study by Albert Mehrabian of UCLA found that 55% of communication is
received from body language. Stand tall; smile; make eye contact; greet
with a medium-firm handshake.

(6) Be Courteous and Attentive

Mind your manners. Anything less than polite, attentive, and courteous
behavior can ruin your first impression. Be friendly and pleasant, but not

Skills to Help You Improve Your Personality

When it comes to polishing your skills and improving your character, the
possibilities are endless. If you make good use of the resources, you can
learn new skills and develop new ones. Developing the personality can
have a lot positive effect on your life and career. There was a belief that
nature is permanent and it is not possible to change it. The personality is a
typical pattern of behaviors, thinking, and they are unique. With outstanding
effort, you can improve your habits and the pattern of thinking.

Here are some tips that will help you improve your personality.

1. Become a Better Listener

If you are a good listener, you can learn a lot from your surroundings. Being
an excellent listener is a very good skill. When you listen to other people,
you give them importance. They also pay more attention to you and will
become more engaging. It allows people to be more open to you and they
will comfortably share any information with you. If someone listens to you
intently, it makes you feel important. You provide the same feeling to other
people by being a good listener. Try to instill this trait in your personality.

2. Expanding Your Interest

It is always good for the mental health to develop your interests. It will keep
the mind fresh, and it will help in cultivating the new interests. It will also
make you more attractive to others as you will always have new things to
share and talk about. It instills you with more confidence and provides you
with an opportunity to share your views with people who have the same
interests as you. You need to be creative and think outside the box. The
interests can be literary or physical. You can join book clubs or experiment
with creative things like paracord projects.

3. Becoming a Better Conversationalist

When you know your interests, and are well versed in them, you will have
more confidence to talk about them. Having more knowledge means that
you can contribute more to the conversation. If you want people to listen to
you, it is important that you are an impressive talker. It is not possible to
know everything, and if you are good in making conversations, then you
will be able to share your knowledge and learn from others as well.

4. Meeting New People

Always make an effort to meet new people. Engaging with people provides
you with a lot of experience, and you can learn so much from different
people. Meeting new people can expose you to new cultures, ideas,
opinions and it expands your mind. Meeting new people makes you more
tolerant towards other people. It can broaden your horizons.

5. Polishing Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal skills are the core competencies for a successful life. These
skills are useful for communicating and interacting on a daily basis. These
skills are needed not just for individual interactions, but also in groups. You
can work on developing good interpersonal skills. It is not just important in
professional life, it is also vital for personal lives. These skills include
listening, building connections and persuasion.

6. Developing Leadership Skills

You may have heard the saying that leaders are born, but it is not entirely
accurate. If you want to achieve success in your professional life, it is
important that you seek to develop and polish your leadership skills.
Employees always look forward to improving them because it includes
dealing with people and motivating them.

7. Presentation Skills
If you want to make sure that you can get your message across to other
people, you need to have effective presentation skills. These skills are
required in almost all fields. You need to have all the necessary skills like
speaking and creativity to make the best use of your presentation skills.

8. Treating People With Respect

It is important that when you make promises to people, you fulfill them.
Honesty and truthfulness are essential qualities for an effective and good
personality. You can only earn respect and admiration of others if you
extend the same feelings towards them. If you have integrity and respect,
then your personality will shine among many others. Respect others and
yourself so that you have an excellent life.

How Do You Introduce Yourself in Business Meetings?

How many times have you been to a meeting in English? And how often
have you stared at your pen, avoiding eye contact

(Example as your colleagues Etienne, Thierry, Anne-Laure, and Marie

stand up to introduce themselves)

Euh, Hello. My name is Etienne. I am 39. I am from Lyon and I am in my

job since 3 years. Euh, I, euh am project manager and I manage the France
team. I went to university in Paris and…euh…I have 2 children.

That sort of introduction in a meeting would make anyone uncomfortable.

Moreover, poor Etienne surely knows that he can do better. After all, in
French, he doesn’t’ have any problems introducing himself. So what
happens when his team has a meeting in English?
Why all of a sudden does he feel the need to say where he’s’ from, where
he went to university (nearly 20 years ago!), and how many children?
So, if you know that you have a meeting in English soon, spare your
colleagues those uncomfortable 2 minutes. Don’t’ make them feel like they
have to play with their pens and keep their eyes down.

Here’s’ how you can make one fantastic impression in the first minutes of
the meeting, with a solid introduction.


Right, you just have to remember which is which. Your first name is
probably something like Emilie, Charlotte, or Romain. If it helps you
remember, your First name is what your Friends call you. Your last name
might be Dubois, Leroy, or Moreau. If, however your name is something
like Arthur Bernard, Thomas Simon, or Robert Michel, people will probably
mix your names up anyway.
Yes, its’ impressive to say how many people you manage, how many
projects you’re working on and how many times you save the boss every
week. Save it for the coffee break. When you introduce yourself in a
meeting, just one or two sentences about your role in the company is


Again, you won’t’ impress anyone by talking about all the different
evolutions you have had since you started in the company. We do not’ need
to know where you went to school, either, as it’s’ probably so far in the past
that the clothes you wore are in style again. Just say how long you’ve been
in the company, in your current position, and maybe how long you’ve been
on a specific project if that’s’ relevant.


No, not because you forgot to water the department yucca. Not because
you accidentally broke the copy machine. Tell the other participants why
you are at the meeting. Are you going to present some key information?
To make sure that everyone understands the new regulations. To get your
colleagues ‘ideas on how to repair that copy machine? Whatever the
reason, let your colleagues know your role in the meeting.

Put it all together. The perfect introduction to start your meeting. Just
compare these two introductions: The one from the beginning of this article,
and the new and improved version.

How to Introduce Yourself Professionally?

As you progress in your career, you will meet many people who can help
you grow professionally. Having a professional introduction ready when
you meet someone such as an interviewer, supervisor, mentor or new
connection can help you establish a positive reputation with him or her. In
this article, we outline why professional introductions are important and
give instructions and examples for introducing yourself.

Here are four ways you can introduce yourself professionally:

1. State your purpose

Many people introduce themselves by stating their name and current job
title, but you should also try to add information your new contact can’t find
on your business card. If you are at a networking event, consider starting
with your name, then stating what your passion is. You could also mention
what your goal is for the encounter, such as finding someone to collaborate
with on a new idea you have.

Quickly summarize who you are and why you are there when you interview
for a job. Your interviewers already know what position you are applying
for, so have your professional introduction explain your purpose in a few
sentences. You should include your name and why you are a good
candidate for the job position.

Keep in mind that you should start your introduction in a way that is
appropriate for the context. For example, if you are at a networking event
you might simply start by shaking a new connection’s hand and giving them
your first and last name. Then begin a conversation by asking and
answering questions about their background and your own.

Interview introduction example: “My name is Tara, I moved to New York

City because advertising is my passion and this is the place to find an
inspirational, innovative ad community. I have a rich background analyzing
audiences for messaging optimization and would love to tell you about the
strengths I can bring to this role.”
Read more: How to Introduce Yourself in an Interview
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2. Control your body language

Both your words and your body language make an impact on first
impressions. Controlling your body language is essential to staying poised
and professional in a new introduction. For example, when you approach
a new coworker in your department, start with a strong handshake, and
maintain eye contact during the conversation. Doing this shows the other
party you are engaged in your interaction.
When you introduce yourself to someone, you can demonstrate confidence
by speaking in a clear and audible voice. During your conversation,
maintain natural body language with relaxed shoulders and open arms by
your side. If you are seated, stand to greet someone who walks in the room,
such as during an interview.
Related: 18 Body Language Tips to Remember During Your Next Interview

3. Explain why you are valuable

Employers might schedule multiple interviews throughout the day or week
for a job opening. Your professional introduction should convey your
unique experience and qualifications so you stand out from other
candidates. Hearing an introduction that sounds different from previous
ones directs your new contact’s attention toward you and tends to make it
more memorable. During an interview introduction, for example, you should
let your interviewer know why you would make a valuable contribution to
the team.

Example: “My name is Ebony, and I have 10 years of experience working

in public relations. I have worked with more than 20 destination marketing
organizations to increase tourism at their destinations, resulting in 40%
more business at certain locations.”
Related: 7 Life Lessons You Can Learn at Work

4. Understand the culture

Consider researching the company before an interview or meeting to
understand their culture. Before an introduction with a computer
programming company, for example, review their website or social media
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pages to see what the culture is like. If the company seems more casual,
it may be appropriate to include humor in your introduction. For a more
formal position or meeting with a potential client, keeping a more
professional demeanor could make you more likely to be hired or gain the
client’s business.
DEVELOP 1.Click the link below then watch and reflect
S 2. Please click the link, watch the video and make reaction paper.


1. Why do you think first impressions can seldom be altered once

2. Experts disagree with one another when it comes to building
one’s self-confidence. Do you agree with the statement “fake it
until you become it.”?


Andy Netzel of Cleveland Magazine and photographer friend Billy

Delfs conducted a first impression social experiment looking at
how Clevelanders view each other just based on a quick glance
at a photograph. They talked to people on the street, explained
what is the experiment all about, and photographed them. Each
person photographed was also asked to give their first
impressions of one another person’s picture. Capturing a
representative sample of who makes up downtown on a given
day, the pictures featured young and old, male and female,
affluent-looking and those who appeared to be a little rougher
around the edges. You can find the results in their website

12 | P a g e and click on the
story link on the right column.

Your group’s task would be to replicate Netzel’s social

experiment. You may ask your family members to be your
specimen. You may use your mobile phones to take pictures and
show the participants the picture of another for his/her first
impression comment. Make sure to save basic information’s
about each person photographed for the end, so you can see how
close the assumptions of other people are. Report your findings
in class, thru power point.

SYNTHESI Chapter Summary

GENERALI 1. A personal image audit is a means to find out if you are projecting
ZATION the best possible image of yourself. It allows you to understand,
design the steps, and take corrective actions to get you to where
you want to be.
2. It takes but a few seconds to make a first impression, but often
that impression can’t be changed. It is important, therefore, to
know what first impressions you create and to change it for the
3. The perfect introduction to start your meeting. Just compare these
two introductions: The one from the beginning of this article, and
the new and improved version.
Having a professional introduction ready when you meet someone such as
an interviewer, supervisor, mentor or new connection can help you
establish a positive reputation with him or her. In this article, we outline why
professional introductions are important and give instructions and
examples for introducing yourself
EVALUATI Identify areas you would want to improve. Write at least 10, the “new
ON person” you want to achieve.
4. (Note: Image is all about establishing a deliberate and favorable
impression to assist others to believe the evidence of what they
see. If you present yourself visually and behaviorally as a
successful person, others will respond to you accordingly. The
first step in building a successful image is to determine what your
current image really is. You have an image and the challenge is
to develop an accurate picture of yourself as perceived by others).

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ASSIGNM Share what you feel after watching the video below.
AGREEME Ted Talks – Ze Frank, Are You Human?

REFEREN Personality and Soft Skills Development For Workplace Success. J. G.

CES San Miguel. Published in 2015 by C & E Publishing, Inc.

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