Final Course Reflection

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Final Course Reflection

Part One

I decided to choose this topic because it is something that is prevalent in today's society

and is something that I feel very strongly about. I think my perspective on the topic just became

more solidified as the semester went on and as I did more and more research. I had already felt

pretty strongly about what I was talking about and the research made what I believed in more

clear and obvious to myself. There was a specific article that I am having a hard time finding, but

this article was what really did it for me. This article spoke about the misinformation that has

been spread about vaccines. This article was about a man, Andrew Wakefield, who made up all

of these lies about vaccines, it was found out that the reason he made all of this information up is

because he was paid from an outside source to lie about vaccines.

I used three different notebooks on my website. These articles were all information about

vaccines and being anti vaxx. I made my notebooks easier to read to the average person, you

don’t have to be a well versed person in vaccine knowledge to understand what my notebooks

were saying.

When looking at my assignments to revise, I looked mostly at my peer reviews for help. I

think that hearing about your assignment from someone else that is not your teacher, but

someone like yourself, really helps you see what you have to do. Sometimes when you read an

article that you wrote yourself, you tend to skip over your errors that you made. Another person

reading over your article will make it much easier to spot your mistakes.

I think that looking back at my goals for this semester, I really slacked off. I didn’t work

as hard as I wanted to. I got a little overwhelmed with baseball and with work and found myself
having a hard time coming home and working on my assignments. I really am hoping this next

semester I am a little more serious and work a little bit harder and complete the goals I want to.

Part Two

Language and writing are probably some of the most important things to the human race.

Without some form of language there would have been no chance of evolution or forming of

different cultures and societies. All advanced life forms on the planet have some sort of

language, whether that be human spoken language, barking, purring, growling, etc. There is a

form of language being put out in order to convey a message. And language has been advancing

since the creation of time, we are creating new words, phrases and ways to communicate to

further our language. And writing is just a furtherance of language. There are some people who

can communicate better using writing, and in some instances, using writing is a better way to

communicate with others. Writing also allows us to keep history of what our people are doing.

Without writing there would be very little knowledge of what has happened in our past.

Rhetoric is one of the best forms of writing. Being able to persuade someone using

writing is something that is very valuable to society. There are many articles that are written

every day and spewed on to social media. If you are able to use fact, logic and knowledge to

convince someone and prove to someone you were correct, you will be able to move thousands

to hundreds of thousands of people. And writing is something that is slowly losing its

prevalence, and being able to use rhetoric well is something that is very valuable to our world.

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