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Taking simple phone message is something that is important and useful in every language. At
home or at work, we might need this skill when we receive a call on the phone and need to pass a
message for others. We'll discuss how to take a simple phone message in this post.


We often find ourselves in a situation when we receive a phone call for someone who's not there and
there's a message we need to take for that person. There are some useful different phrases we can use
for that.

When calling someone

- Hello, can I speak to [name], please?

- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your name]. I would like to speak to [name].

If you're the caller and the person you want to talk to is not there, you can leave a message.
Here's some other useful phrases you can use:

- I would like to speak to [name] about ...

- Could you ask [name] to call me back at ... pm?

- Do you know when he/she will be back?

When receiving the call

- Hello, [your name] speaking.

- Good morning/afternoon. [your name] speaking.

- Good morning/afternoon. This is [your company name and your name] speaking. May I help you?

When a caller asks for someone who's not there

- I'm sorry. He/she is not at home/in the office at the moment. ... [provide the reason here]. May I take
a message?

- [Name] is not here, yet. Can I take a message?

- I'm sorry. He's in a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message?

- She's on a vacation leave now. May I take a message?

When the message is not clear, you can ask the caller to repeat

- Could you speak more slowly, please?

- Could you repeat that, please?

- Could you spell that, please?

Let's take a look at the dialogue below as an example.


(1) Linda is calling her friend, Tina. But, Tina is not at home. Her brother picks up the phone and asks
Linda if she wants to leave a message.

Dodi: Hello, Dodi speaking.

Linda: Hey Dodi, is Tina home?

Dodi: Uhmm... Who is this? Tina hasn't come back home yet.

Linda: This is Linda. Do you know when she'll be back?

Dodi: Oh hey, Linda. I'm not sure but probably in an hour or two. She went out to buy something. Can
I take a message?

Linda: Yes, could you tell her to call me back, please?

Dodi: Sure.

Linda: But I've just changed my number. Could you pass it to her?

Dodi: Yeah... What's your number? I'll take a note.

Linda: Okay. My number is 0815-9876-799.

Dodi: Let me repeat. 0815-9876-799, right?

Linda: That's correct.

Dodi: Ok. I'll tell her when she comes back.

Linda: Thanks again, Dodi.

Dodi: You're welcome.

(2) Tatia is calling Mr. Rio's office. But, Mr. Rio is currently away for a meeting so his assistant, Leia,
is answering the call.

Leia: Good morning. Leia Gunawan from Smith Company speaking. May I help you?

Tatia: Good morning. This is Tatia Sukma. I would like to speak to Mr. Rio.

Leia: I'm sorry. Mr. Rio is currently away for a meeting. Would you like to leave a message?

Tatia: Yes, please. Please tell him that I'm Tatia, the marketing office from Nielda Company. I would
like to confirm the project he's submitting to our office last month. Could you tell him to check his
email and call me back after he check that?

Leia: Of course. Do you have the email address so I can tell him to check the email from that address?

Tatia: Yes. It's

Leia: Ok. Let me repeat,

Tatia: That's correct. My number is 739-5282.

Leia: Got it. 739-5282.

Tatia: Yes.

Leia: I'll let Mr. Rio know about it after he comes back from the meeting.

Tatia: Thank you so much.

Leia: You're welcome.


Actually, there's no strict rules on how to receive a call and take a message. We just need to make sure
we know who the caller is, what do they want to talk about, what the message is, and to what number
the person should call them back if they have many numbers.

The other note


1. Making a Call

 Hello, I am…..……..can/could I speak to…

 Hello, can/May I speak to……………
 Hello, can/could you connect me to……………..

2. Answer a Phone

 Good afternoon. Can/may I help you?

 Hello, can/may I speak to………………..
 Hello, What can I do for you / what can I help you?

3. Take a Phone

 I am sorry, he is out at the moment

 I am sorry. He is not in today.
 I am afraid, he is not able to answer. He is busy right now
 Could/would you leave message?

4. Connect a Phone

 I’ll put you through to….

 Wait a minute/hold the line, please.
 Sure, I’ll connect you to ….

Ms. Regit           : Good morning. I am Ms. Regita’s speaking. Could I help you?
Ms. Georgy       : I am Georgy from Mega Furniture. I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas. Is he at the
offine now?
Ms. Regita         : Yes he is.
Ms. Georgy      : I am his old friend Of Mr. Thomas. Please told me that I could contact him through
your company
Ms. Regita        : Ok. Just a moment, please.
Ms. Regita         :  Good morning Mr. Thomas. Ms. Georgy is on the line. She needs to talk to you.
Mr. thomas      :  Sorry Ms. Regita. I am busy now. Please tell her to call me in an hour.
Ms. Regita        : All right Sir, I’ll tell her
Ms. Regita       : I am sorry Ms. Georgy. Mr. Thomas is busy at the moment. Please call him in an
Ms. Georgy      : Well, Ms. Regita. Thank you.
Ms. Regita       : You are welcome.

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