Sample Questions Snow White

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You will find six questions based on the fairy tale entitled �Snow White and Seven

Dwarfs�. You are asked to match the questions with the appropriate level.

Example: �What is the name of the girl?� The question belongs to the level of
�remember�, because it only inquires the students to recall the information from
the text.

To answer, please click and drag the level of questioning to the questions. Once
you have matched all the questions with their level, click �Save� and �Submit Quiz�

A What was the name of the baby girl? > remembering

B In your opinion, why did the seven dwarfs decide to keep Snow White with them? >

C If you were the huntsman, what would you do differently to save Snow White? >

D Why did the stepmother order the huntsman to kill Snow White? > understanding

E What would you do if you knew that your stepmother was a very bad person? >

F Do you agree with Snow White�s decision to eat or receive something from a
stranger? > evaluating

Explain your reason!

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