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SPOKEN ENGLISH Lecture 01 Prepared by:

Written By:
Hasan Ahmed Faisal
BA(Hons.) & MA, University of Dhaka.
Founder: English Club

Smarter English, better career…

Contact: 0186 726 4 726

Present Indefinite Tense

eZ©gv‡bi †Kvb Kv‡Ri †ÿ‡Î Avgiv e¨envi Present Indefinite Tense e¨envi K‡i _vwK| GQvov,
wPišÍb mZ¨, HwZnvwmK NUbv BZ¨vw` ‡ÿ‡ÎI Present Indefinite Tense e¨eüZ nq|

Subject + Verb (present) + …

Subject Verb (present form)/V1 +…. ev‡K¨i evsjv A_©:

He goes. ‡m hvq|
I see. Avwg †`wL|
They live here. Zviv GLv‡b emevm K‡i|
Mamun is busy. gvgyb e¨¯Í|

I – Avwg Example Sentences Meaning

We - Avgiv He goes. ‡m hvq|
You - Zzwg He doesn’t go. †m hvq bv|
You - †Zvgiv Does he go? †m wK hvq?
They - Zviv Doesn’t he go? †m wK hvq bv?
He - †m
Why does he go? †m †Kb hvq?
She - †m
It - GwU/ Bnv Why doesn’t he go? †m †Kb hvq bv?
My brother - Avgvi fvB How does he go? ‡m Kxfv‡e hvq?
Rahat - ivnvZ How doesn’t he go? †m Kxfv‡e hvq bv?
Mamun - gvgyb

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Gevi Verb ¸‡jv Change K‡i

wKQz Sentence ˆZwi Kwi (Translate into Engllish):

†m hvq - †m Av‡m - ‡m Lvq - †m Nygvq - †m K_v e‡j - †m wj‡L - †m nv‡m - †m †`‡L - †m ‡ev‡S - †m a‡i - †m
mvnvh¨ K‡i - †m Abygvb K‡i - †m †L‡j - †m wk‡L - †m Bs‡iwR wk‡L - †m Mvq - †m †Póv K‡i - †m ïiæ K‡i...
 Gevi Dc‡ii cÖwZwU evK¨ w`‡q 1. Affirmative, 2) Negative, 3) Interrogative, 4) Negative-
interrogative, 5) WH + interrogative & 6) WH + negative-interrogative Gfv‡e †gvU
6wU K‡i evK¨ ˆZwi Kiæb|

 Gevi He Gi cwie‡Z© Dc‡ii ZvwjKvi Ab¨vb¨ Pronoun Ges Noun ¸‡jv e¨envi K‡i wKQz
Sentence ˆZwi Kwi (Translate into Engllish):
Avwg hvB - Avgiv hvB - Zzwg hvI - †Zvgiv hvI - Zviv hvq - †m hvq - †m hvq - GwU hvq - Avgvi fvB hvq - gvgyb
hvq - ivnvZ hvq ...

 Gevi Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jvi cÖwZwU evK¨ w`‡q 1. Affirmative, 2) Negative, 3) Interrogative, 4)

Negative-interrogative, 5) WH + interrogative & 6) WH + negative-interrogative
Gfv‡e †gvU 6wU K‡i evK¨ ˆZwi Kiæb|

Task 1: Now use other verbs to make more sentences. For example:
He wants. ‡m Pvq|
He doesn’t want. ‡m Pvq bv|
Does he want? ‡m wK Pvq?
Doesn’t he want? ‡m wK Pvq bv?
Why does he want? ‡m ‡Kb Pvq?
Why doesn’t he want? ‡m ‡Kb Pvq bv?

Task 2: Now make similar interrogative sentences with other WH words:

Where (‡Kv_vq), When (KLb), Which (†KvbwU), Why (‡Kb), Who (‡K), Whom (Kv‡K), Whose
(Kvi), What (Kx), How (Kxfv‡e)

Where does he go? ‡m ‡Kv_vq hvq?

Where doesn’t he go? ‡m ‡Kv_vq hvq bv?

When does he go? †m KLb hvq?

When doesn’t he go? †m KLb hvq bv?

Which does he want? †m †KvbwU Pvq?

Which doesn’t he want? †m †KvbwU Pvq bv?

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Which book does he want? †m †Kvb eBwU Pvq?
Which book doesn’t he want? †m †Kvb eBwU Pvq bv?
Why does he want? ‡m ‡Kb Pvq?
Why doesn’t he want? ‡m ‡Kb Pvq bv?

Who goes? ‡K hvq?

Who doesn’t go? ‡K hvq bv?

Whom does he help? †m Kv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i?

Whom doesn’t he help? †m Kv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i bv?

Whose book does he read? †m Kvi eB c‡o?

Whose book doesn’t he read? †m Kvi eB c‡o bv?

What does he want? †m Kx Pvq?

What doesn’t he want? †m Kx Pvq bv?

How does he go? ‡m Kxfv‡e hvq?

How doesn’t he go? †m Kxfv‡e hvq bv?

Translate into English:

1. †m Kxfv‡e K_v e‡j?

2. †m Kxfv‡e GZ `ªæZ K_v e‡j?
3. Zzwg †Kb K¬v‡m GZ †ewk K_v ej?
4. cÖwZw`b Zzwg KZÿY cov‡kvbv Ki?
5. Zzwg mKv‡j KLb Nyg †_‡K DV?
6. Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z Zzwg KZ mgq e¨q Ki‡Z PvI?
7. Zzwg wK Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z PvI?
8. Zzwg †Kb Bs‡iwR wkL‡Z PvI?
9. Zzwg wK b`x‡Z mvuZvi KvU?
10. Zzwg wK b`x‡Z mvuZvi KvU‡Z PvI?
11. ‡Zvgvi eÜziv wK †Zvgv‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i?

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Translate into English:
1. How does he speak?
2. How does he speak so fast?
3. Why do you talk too much in the class?
4. How long do you study everyday?
5. When do you get up in the morning?
6. How much time do you want to spend to learn English?
7. Do you want to learn English?
8. Why do you want to learn English?
9. Do you swim in the river?
10. Do you want to swim in the river?
11. Do your friends help you?

‡QvU †_‡K eo eo Sentence ˆZwii mnR c×wZ:

wkÿv_©x‡`i A‡b‡KB e‡j _v‡Kb Ò‡QvU †QvU evK¨ evbv‡Z cvwi wKš‘ eo evK¨ evbv‡Z cvwi bv|Ó wPšÍvi †Kvb KviY
†bB| wb‡Pi c×wZ AbymiY Ki‡j AvcwbI Lye mn‡RB ‡QvU †_‡K eo eo Sentence ˆZwi Ki‡Z cvi‡eb Bbkv

Subject + Verb (present)

He goes. ‡m hvq|
He goes to school. †m ¯‹z‡j hvq|
He goes to school in the morning. †m mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq|
He goes to school in the morning every day. †m cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq|

Subject + Verb (present)

He tries. ‡m ‡Póv K‡i|
He tries to go. †m †h‡Z †Póv K‡i|
He tries to go to school. †m ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z †Póv K‡i|
He tries to go to school in the morning. †m mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z †Póv K‡i|
He tries to go to school in the morning every day. †m cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z †Póv K‡i|

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Subject + Verb (present)
He wants. ‡m Pvq|
He wants to go. †m †h‡Z Pvq|
He wants to go to school. †m ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z Pvq|
He wants to go to school in the morning. †m mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z Pvq|
He wants to go to school in the morning every day. †m cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j †h‡Z Pvq|

You want to continue your study in Dhaka college.Zzwg XvKv K‡j‡R †Zvgvi cov‡kvbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z
But, you want to continue your study in Dhaka college.wKš‘, Zzwg XvKv K‡j‡R †Zvgvi cov‡kvbv
Pvwj‡q †h‡Z PvI|

Avgvi evev m¤úªwZ PÆMÖv‡g e`wj n‡q‡Qb| - Recently, my father has been transferred to
Chittagong. (Passive voice Gi Present perfect tense As‡k GB wbq‡gi evK¨ cvIqv hv‡e|)

wKš‘ Avwg PvB| - But I want.

wKš‘ Avwg Pvwj‡q †h‡Z PvB| - But I want to continue.
wKš‘ Avwg Avgvi cov‡kvbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z PvB| - But I want to continue my study.
wKš‘ Avwg GLv‡b Avcbvi K‡j‡R Avgvi cov‡kvbv Pvwj‡q †h‡Z PvB| - But I want to continue my study
here at your college.

Subject + Verb (present)

He eats. ‡m Lvq|
He eats rice. †m fvZ Lvq|
He eats rice with his family. †m Zvi cwiev‡ii mv‡_ fvZ Lvq|
He eats rice with his family every day. †m Zvi cwiev‡ii mv‡_ cÖwZw`b fvZ Lvq|

Gevi Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jv‡K Negative ev‡K¨ cwieZ©b Kiæb| ‡hgb:

He doesn’t go. ‡m hvq bv|
He doesn’t go to school. †m ¯‹z‡j hvq bv|
He doesn’t go to school in the morning. †m mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq bv|
He doesn’t go to school in the morning every day. †m cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq bv|

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Gevi Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jv‡K Interrogative ev‡K¨ cwieZ©b Kiæb| ‡hgb:
Does he go? ‡m wK hvq?
Does he go to school? †m wK ¯‹z‡j hvq?
Does he go to school in the morning? †m wK mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq?
Does he go to school in the morning every day? †m wK cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq?

Gevi Dc‡ii evK¨¸‡jv‡K Negative-interrogative ev‡K¨ cwieZ©b Kiæb| ‡hgb:

Doesn’t he go? ‡m wK hvq bv?
Doesn’t he go to school? †m wK ¯‹z‡j hvq bv?
Doesn’t he go to school in the morning? †m wK mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq bv?
Doesn’t he go to school in the morning everyday? †m wK cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq bv?
Why does he go to school in the morning everyday? ‡m †Kb cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq?
Why doesn’t he go to school in the morning everyday? ‡m †Kb cÖwZw`b mKv‡j ¯‹z‡j hvq bv?

 Gevi GB c×wZ AbymiY K‡i ïay Verb cwieZ©b K‡i AvcwbI bZzb bZzb evK¨ ˆZwi Kiæb|
 Gevi GB c×wZ AbymiY K‡i ïay subject cwieZ©b K‡i AvcwbI bZzb bZzb evK¨ ˆZwi Kiæb|

GK bR‡i Do/does, have/has, am/is/are, was/were Gi e¨envi

Subject Do/does did have/has had am/is/are was/were

(Present) (Past) (Present) (Past) (Present) (Past)
I – Avwg do did have had am was
We - Avgiv do did have had are were
You - Zzwg do did have had are were
You - †Zvgiv do did have had are were
They – Zviv do did have had are were
He - †m Does did has had is was
She - †m does did has had is was
It - GwU/ Bnv does did has had is was
Rahat - ivnvZ does did has had is was
Mamun - gvgyb does did has had is was

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
BE verbs

Subject + am/is/are + …

I am a student. Avwg GKRb QvÎ|

I am not a student. Avwg GKRb QvÎ bB|
Am I a student? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ?
Am I not a student? Avwg wK GKRb QvÎ bB?
How am I a student? Avwg Kxfv‡e GKRb QvÎ?
How am I not a student? Avwg Kxfv‡e GKRb QvÎ bB?

He is happy. †m myLx|
He is not happy. †m myLx bq|
Is he happy? †m Kx myLx?
Isn’t he happy? †m Kx myLx bq?
Why is he happy? †m †Kb myLx?
Why isn’t he happy? †m †Kb myLx bq?

Rahat is in Dhaka. ivnvZ XvKvq|

Rahat isn’t in Dhaka. ivnvZ XvKvq †bB|
Is Rahat in Dhaka? ivnvZ wK XvKvq?
Isn’t Rahat in Dhaka? ivnvZ wK XvKvq †bB?
Why is Rahat in Dhaka? ivnvZ ‡Kb XvKvq? ivnvZ ‡Kb XvKvq †bB?

Translate into English:

1. evsjv‡`k GKwU b`xgvZ…K †`k|

2. evsjv‡`k GKwU †QvU †`k|
3. XvKv evsjv‡`‡ki ivRavbx|
4. XvKv GKwU e¨¯Í bMix|
5. XvKv we‡k^i e¨¯ÍZg bMix¸‡jvi g‡a¨ GKwU|

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
6. XvKv we‡k^i Rbeûj kni¸‡jvi g‡a¨ Ab¨Zg|
7. cÙv ‡muZz evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii GKwU †gMv cÖKí|
8. Avvg‡`i RvZxq ¯§„wZ‡mŠa mvfv‡i|
9. Avgv‡`i MÖv‡gi bvg iNybv_cyi|
10. Avgvi †`‡ki bvg evsjv‡`k|
11. Avgv‡`i †`‡ki mvsweavwbK bvg ÒMYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`kÓ|


1. Bangladesh is a riverine country.

2. Bangladesh is a small country.
3. Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh.
4. Dhaka is a busy city.
5. Dhaka is one of the busiest cities in the world.
6. Dhaka is one of the populous cities in the world.
7. The Padma Bridge is a mega project of Bangladesh government.
8. Our National Memorial is in Savar.
9. The name of our village is Raghunathpur.
10. The name of my country is Bangladesh.
11. The constitutional name of our country is “The Peoples’ Republic of Bangladesh”.

Have verbs
Subject + have/has + …

I have a pen. = Avgvi GKwU Kjg Av‡Q| (Formal)

I don’t have a pen. = Avgvi GKwU Kjg ‡bB| (British & American English)
Do you have a pen? = Avcbvi wK GKwU Kjg Av‡Q? (British & American English)
Don’t you have a pen? Avcbvi wK GKwU Kjg ‡bB? (British & American English)
Why do I have a pen? = Avgvi †Kb GKwU Kjg Av‡Q?
Why don’t I have a pen? = Avgvi †Kb GKwU Kjg †bB?

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
I haven’t a pen. = Avgvi GKwU Kjg ‡bB| (Only British English)
Have you a pen? = Avcbvi wK GKwU Kjg Av‡Q? (Only British English)
Haven’t you a pen? Avcbvi wK GKwU Kjg ‡bB? (Only British English)

Use of 'Have got'

I have got a car. = Avgvi GKwU Mvwo Av‡Q| (Informal & used in conversation)
I haven’t got a car. = Avgvi GKwU Mvwo †bB| (Informal & used in conversation)
Have you got a car? = Avcbvi wK GKwU Mvwo Av‡Q? (Informal & used in conversation)
Haven’t you got a car? = Avcbvi wK GKwU Mvwo †bB? (Informal & used in conversation)

Note: Don’t have got a car, Doesn’t have got a car BZ¨vw` nq bv| Have got n‡jv GKwU
present form| GwU get Gi present perfect form bq| Past tense wn‡m‡e had got Gi e¨envi
†Zgb GKUv †`Lv hvq bv ej‡jB P‡j| †m‡¶‡Î eis I had got a car Gi cwie‡Z© I had a car e¨eüZ nq|

Translate into English:

1. evsjv‡`‡ki wK GKwU fvj wµ‡KU `j Av‡Q?

2. Zv‡`i wK A‡bK¸‡jv Ackb Av‡Q?
3. Avgv‡`i wK GKwU eo M„n Av‡Q?
4. Kvgv‡ji wK GKwU bZzb Kw¤úDUvi Av‡Q?
5. Zvi wK GKwU fv‡jv †¯‹vi Av‡Q?
6. Zvi wK GKwU ¯^cœ †bB?
7. Zv‡`i wK GKwU my›`i M„n †bB?
8. jÛ‡b wK †Zvgvi wKQz eÜz †bB?
9. Zvbfx‡ii wK GKwU †gvevBj †dvb †bB?
10. gvngy`y‡ji wK GKwU M„n †bB?
11. ‡Zvgvi †Kb GZ¸‡jv mgm¨v Av‡Q?
12. ‡Zvgvi KZ¸‡jv eÜy Av‡Q?

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
1. Does Bangladesh have a good cricket team?
2. Do they have many options?
3. Have we a big house?
4. Has Kamal a new computer?
5. Does she have a good score?
6. Doesn’t he have a dream?
7. Don’t they have a nice house?
8. Haven’t you some friends in London?
9. Hasn’t Tanvir a mobile phone?
10. Doesn’t Mahmudul have a house?
11. Why do you have so many problems?
12. How many friends do you have?

I have no relative. - Avgvi †Kvb AvZ¥xq †bB|

I have no relative here. - GLv‡b Avgvi †Kvb AvZ¥xq †bB|
Unfortunately, I have no relative here. - `~f©vM¨ekZ, GLv‡b Avgvi †Kvb AvZ¥xq †bB|

Translate into English:

m¤úªwZ Avgvi evev XvKv †_‡K PÆMÖv‡g e`wj n‡q‡Qb| wKš‘ Avwg GLv‡b Avcbvi K‡j‡R Avgvi cov‡kvbv
Pvwj‡q †h‡Z PvB| `~fv©M¨ekZ, GLv‡b Avgvi †Kvb AvZ¥xq †bB| myZivs Avgvi K‡jR †nv‡÷‡j GKwU wmU

Recently my father has been transferred from Dhaka to Chittagong. But I want to
continue my study here at your college. Unfortunately, I have no relative here. So, I need
a seat in the college hostel.

 g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e mvaviYZ †Kvb English Sentence G hw` cÖ_g Verb wUi Form ev iæc Change
nq Z‡e cieZ©x Verb ¸‡jv Avi cwieZ©b nq bv| G‡ÿ‡Î cieZ©x Verb ¸‡jv Base form G A_©vr,
Verb Gi g~j wnmv‡e _v‡K| ***
Example: Does he play cricket? = †m wK wµ‡KU †L‡j?
Yes, he does. = n¨v, †L‡j|
GLv‡b ev‡K¨i cÖ_g Verb n‡”Q Do †hwU Does G cwiYZ n‡q‡Q A_©vr, Form cwieZ©b n‡q‡Q| G‡ÿ‡Î cieZ©x
Verb, Play †K cwieZ©b K‡i Plays †jLvi †Kvb `iKvi †bB|

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
More examples:
1.Does he go? 2.Does he have any problem?
3.He doesn’t come here. 4.Doesn’t he know you?
5.Does Rahat sleep?

GB wbqgwU Tense cwieZ©‡bi †ÿ‡ÎI cÖ‡hvR¨| †hgb:

Did you play cricket yesterday? = Zzwg wK MZKvj wµ‡KU †L‡jwQ‡j?
GLv‡b cÖ_g Verb wU jÿ Kiæb Do Gi Form cwiewZ©Z n‡q Did n‡q‡Q| myZivs ev‡K¨i wØZxq Verb, Play
†K cwieZ©b K‡i Played †jLvi †Kvb cÖ‡qvRb †bB|

More examples:
1.Did you go there? 2.Did he have any problem?
3.I didn’t see him. 4.He didn’t come here yesterday.
5.Didn’t you see me?

Yes/No Question and Short answer

Do you like him? ~ No, I don’t. ( = No, I don’t like him.)

Avcwb wK Zv‡K cQ›` K‡ib? ~ bv, Kwi bv| (= bv, Avwg Zv‡K cQ›` Kwi bv|)
Do you want to go there? ~ No, I don’t. =
Is Rahat playing cricket? ~ No, he isn’t. =
Is there a school in your village? ~ No, there isn’t. = †Zvgvi MÖv‡g wK GKwU ¯‹zj Av‡Q? bv, †bB|
(A_©vr, Avgvi MÖv‡g GKwU ¯‹zj †bB|)
Has Shifa done this? ~ No, she hasn’t. =
Will he agree? ~ No, he won’t. =
Are you a teacher? ~ No, I am not. = Avcwb wK GKRb wk¶K? ~ bv, bB| ( = bv, Avwg GKRb wk¶K

Do you have any problem? ~ Yes, I do/No, I don’t. (British & American English)
Do you have any problem? ~Yes, I have/No, I haven’t. (British English)

Z‡e g‡b ivL‡eb, Aby‡iva, Dc‡`k, Avgš¿Y, AvnŸvb BZ¨vw`i †¶‡Î Short answer
e¨eüZ nq bv| †hgb: Can I take your pen, please? ~ Yes, of course. Or I am afraid I need this.
Avwg wK Avcbvi KjgwU wb‡Z cvwi? ~ nu¨v, Aek¨B A_ev, `y:wLZ, GwU Avgvi `iKvi|

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Do you go there? ~ Yes, I do.
Is there a book on the table? ~ No, …………….
Did your father have a car? ~Yes, he……………….
Will it hurt Tomal? ~ Yes, ……………………….
Has Tanvir a book? ~ Yes, …………………………
Are you happy? ~Yes, ………………..
Was he invited? ~ ……………..
Do you like him? ~ No, …………………

Speaking/Writing Topic: Your native village

1. What is the name of your native village? (Avcbvi wb‡Ri MÖv‡gi bvg wK?)
2. Where is your native village? (Avcbvi wb‡Ri MÖvg †Kv_vq?)
3. Is it a big or small village? (GwU wK eo bvwK †QvU MÖvg?)
4. Do you like your native village? (Avcwb wK Avcbvi wb‡Ri MÖvg cQ›` K‡ib?)
5. Why do you like your native village? (Avcwb †Kb Avcbvi wb‡Ri MÖvg cQ›` K‡ib?)
6. How many people are there in your native village? (Avcbvi MÖv‡g KZRb †jvK Av‡Q?)
7. How is the natural environment in your native village? (Avcbvi MÖv‡gi cÖvK…wZK cwi‡ek
8. How do you go to your native village from here? (GLvb †_‡K Avcwb Kxfv‡e Avcbvi wb‡Ri
MÖv‡g hvb?)
9. Is there any river or canal in your village? (Avcbvi wbR MÖv‡g wK †Kvb b`x Av‡Q?)
10. Is there any school in your village? (Avcbvi wbR MÖv‡g wK †Kvb we`¨vjq Av‡Q?)
11. Is there any madrashah in your village? (Avcbvi wbR MÖv‡g wK †Kvb gv`ªvmv Av‡Q?)
12. Is there any college in your village? (Avcbvi wbR MÖv‡g wK †Kvb K‡jR/gnvwe`¨vjq Av‡Q?)
13. Is there any problem in your village? (Avcbvi MÖv‡g wK †Kvb mgm¨v Av‡Q?)
14. Which is your favourite place in your native village? (Avcbvi MÖv‡g Avcbvi wcÖq RvqMv
15. Do you live in your native village? Why/Why not? (Avcwb wK Avcbvi wbR MÖv‡g _v‡Kb?
†Kb/‡Kb bq?)
16. Do you want to live in your native village in future? Why/why not? (Avcwb wK
fwel¨‡Z Avcbvi MÖv‡g _vK‡Z Pvb? †Kb/‡Kb bq?)

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
NOTE: What is the name of your native village? GB cÖkœwU What is your village name?
Gfv‡e Kiv hv‡e bv, Ges GB cÖkœwUi GKwU common fzj DËi nj: Ò My village name is … Ó| G‡ÿ‡Î
Aek¨B ej‡Z n‡e: The name of my native village is… | GiKg AviI wKQz common cÖkœ Ges DËi
†`‡L †bqv hvK:

1. Question:
What is your school name?
What is the name of your school?

My school name is Mymensingh Zilla School.
The name of my school is Mymensingh Zilla School.

2. Question:
What is your college name?
What is the name of your college?
My college name is Fulbaria Degree College.
The name of my college is Fulbaria Degree College.

3. Question:
What is your father name?
What is the name of your father?
What is your father’s name?

My father name is Md. Yeahea Dulal.
My father’s name is Md. Yeahea Dulal.
The name of my father is Md. Yeahea Dulal.

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Common irregular Verbs

Verb-¸‡jv †kLvi ‡ÿ‡Î g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e: cÖ_‡g Common ev cwowPZ Verb-¸‡jv `vM w`‡Z n‡e Ges wk‡L
†dj‡Z n‡e| †h¸‡jv AcwiwPZ †m¸‡jv †kLvi wKsev †kLvi †Póv KiviI †Kvb `iKvi †bB| †`L‡Z n‡e †hB
Verb-wU Avgvi Kv‡Q cwiwPZ A_©vr †Kv_vI c‡owQ wKsev ï‡bwQ wKsev †`‡LwQ †mwUi nq‡Zv evbvbUv mwVK Rvbv
†bB wKsev A_©Uv Rvbv †bB wKsev Rvbv Av‡Q Z‡e KbwdDRW& G‡ÿ‡Î Avgv‡K †mwU fv‡jv K‡i †R‡b wb‡Z n‡e|
Verb wUi Present, Past Ges Past participle Form ¸‡jv Ges †m¸‡jvi Aek¨B Spelling +
Pronunciation wk‡L wb‡Z n‡e| Z‡e GB Verb-wU‡K Avwg cÖ‡qvRbgZ Confidently e¨envi Ki‡Z cvie
Bbkv Avjøvn&|

Present/V1 Meaning Past/ V2 Past participle/ V3

Read (ixW) cov read (†iW) read (†iW)
See (mx) †`Lv saw (m) seen (mxb)
Drink (wWªsK) cvb Kiv drank (†WªsK) drunk (WªvsK)
Sleep (møxc) Nygv‡bv slept (†møÞ) slept (†møÞ)
Keep(Kxc) ivLv kept (†KÞ) kept (†KÞ)
Know (†bŠ) Rvbv knew (wbD) known (†bŠb)
Build (weì) wbg©vY Kiv built (weë) built (weë)
Learn (jvb©) wk¶v Kiv learned/learnt (jvÛ©/jv›U©) learned/learnt (jvÛ©/jv›U©)
Teach (UxP) wk¶v †`qv taught (UU) taught (UU)
Tell (†Uj) ejv told (†UŠì) told (†UŠì)
Forgive (diwMf) ¶gv Kiv forgave (di‡MBf) forgiven (diwM‡fb)
Lead (jxW) cwiPvjbv Kiv led (†jW) led (†jW)
Light (jvBU) Av‡jv R¦vjv‡bv lighted/lit (jvBwUW/wjU) lighted/lit (jvBwUW/wjU)
Make (†gBK) ˆZwi Kiv made (†gBW) made (†gBW)
Swim (myBg) muvZvi KvUv swam (myq¨vg) swum (myqvg)
Think (w_sK) wPšÍvKiv thought (_U) thought (_U)
Stand (÷¨vÛ) `uvov‡bv stood (÷zW) stood (÷zW)
Understand (AvÛvi‡÷Û) eySv understood (AvÛvi÷zW) understood (AvÛvi÷zW)
Grow (†MÖŠ) Rb¥v‡bv grew (MÖæ) grown (†MÖŠb)
Go (†MŠ) hvIqv went (I‡q›U) gone/been (Mb/exb)
Get (†MU) cvIqv got (MU) got/gotten (MU/M‡Ub)
Forget (di‡MU) fz‡j hvIqv forgot (diMU) forgot/forgotten (diMU/diM‡Ub)
Tell (†Uj) ejv told (†Uvì) told (†Uvì)
Foretell (di‡Uj) fwel¨ØvYx Kiv foretold (di‡Uvì) foretold (di‡Uvì)
Forgive (diwMf) ¶gv Kiv forgave (di‡MBf) forgiven (diwM‡fb)
Wear (I‡qqvi) cwiavb Kiv wore (Ii) worn (Ib©)

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Win (DBb) Rqjvf Kiv won (Iqvb) won (Iqvb)
Sit (wmU) emv sat (m¨vU) sat (m¨vU)
Spend (†¯úÛ) e¨q Kiv spent (†¯ú›U) spent (†¯ú›U)
Spoil (¯úBj) bó Kiv spoilt (¯úBë) spoilt (¯úBë)
Rise (ivBR) IVv rose (†ivR) risen (wiRb)
Show (†kŠ) †`Lv‡bv showed (†kŠW) showed (†kŠW)
Shine (kvBb) PKPK Kiv/ shone (†kvb) shone (†kvb)
D¾j nIqv
Pay (†cB) cwi‡kva Kiv paid (†cBW) paid (†cBW)
Meet (gxU) mv¶vr Kiv met (†gU) met (†gU)
Begin (wewMb) Avi¤¢/ïiæ Kiv began (weM¨vb) begun (weMvb)
Become (weKvg) nIqv became (we‡KBg) become (weKvg)
Bring (weªs) Avbv/Avbqb Kiv brought (†eªvU) brought (†eªvU)
Break (†eªBK) fv½v broke (†eªŠK) broken (†eªŠKb)
cvIqv/KviI AwaKv‡i _vKv
Have (n¨vf) had (n¨vW) had (n¨vW)
Sing (wms) Mvb MvIqv sang (m¨vs) sung (mvs)
Sell (†mj) wewµ Kiv sold (†mvì) sold (†mvì)
Run (ivb) †`Šov‡bv ran (i¨vb) run (ivb)
Send (†mÛ) cvVv‡bv sent (†m›U) sent (†m›U)
Ring (wis) NÈv evRv‡bv rang (i¨vs) rung (i¨vs)
Rise (ivBR) IVv rose (†iŠR) risen (wiRb)
Kneel (bxj) nuvUz †M‡o emv/ knelt (†bë) knelt (†bë)
bZRvby nIqv
Give (wMf) †`qv gave (†MBf) given (wMfb)

Smarter English, better career…

Contact: 0186 726 4 726

English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726
Bs‡iwR‡Z AbM©j K_v ej‡Z Pvb?
‡h‡Kvb Topic Gi Dci wb‡R †_‡K evwb‡q evwb‡q
wjL‡Z Pvb?


K‡i †djyb
†Kvm© wd: 5000/- 3000/-
mßv‡n 3 w`b K¬vm| †`o gv‡mi †Kvm©| Bs‡iwR KwVb bv
jvMvi M¨vivw›U Bbkv Avjøvn&|
(`wi`ª wkÿv_©x‡`i Rb¨ †Kvm© wdÕ‡Z Qv‡oi e¨e¯’v Av‡Q|)
fwZ© n‡Z:
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bv¤^v‡i UvKv cvwV‡q †g‡mRwU Forward Ki‡Z n‡e wb‡Pi

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English Club, Notun Bazar Traffic Signal, Mymensingh, Contact : 0186 726 4 726

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