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2014 American Control Conference (ACC)

June 4-6, 2014. Portland, Oregon, USA

Impact of Irrational Consumers on Rational Consumers in a Smart

Pratyush Chakraborty1 and Pramod P. Khargonekar2

Abstract— Leveraging of flexibility in certain types of electric The idea behind demand adjustment is to leverage the po-
loads such as water heaters, washers, dryers, heating and air tential flexibility in electric loads. This flexibility, naturally,
conditioning, and electric vehicles, offers an attractive and varies from load to load and from consumer to consumer.
promising approach for large scale penetration of renewable
generation and peak demand reduction. In price/market based Distributed control [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] offers a significant
approaches, consumers of flexible loads optimize their con- direction and opportunity for leveraging this load flexibility
sumption schedules to meet their energy/power demands while for reducing cost of renewable integration and need for
minimizing their total costs. However, it may be that not all capacity additions by reducing peak demand.
consumers will optimize their consumption schedules. We call These adjustments in demand can be achieved via price
such consumers “irrational consumers” and use the phrase
“rational consumers” for those who optimize their consumption signals sent to consumers [9], [4]. Design of such price
schedules. In this paper, we analyze the impact of irrational signals is the subject of much current research under the
consumers on rational consumers in a stylized supply-demand smart grid theme. Regardless of the technique used, the
balancing problem. We derive a condition which characterizes ultimate result of any price based adjustment depends on
when the optimal utility derived by a rational consumer is lower consumer response to these signals. We use the term “rational
than the case when all consumers act rationally. This condition
uses parameters of the utility functions of consumers and the consumers” to denote those that optimize their consumption
total consumption of the irrational consumers. The result offers schedules based on price considerations. However, not all
some interesting insights into this phenomenon. consumers behave in this manner. In this paper, we take a
simple model for such nonrational consumers. In particular,
we use the term “irrational consumers” to denote those who
Large scale integration of renewable electricity production make no alteration to their consumption in response to prices.
is a compelling technological objective to reduce carbon Irrational behavior of consumers and its impact on the market
emissions arising from current fossil fuel based production is a research topic in the field of behavioral economics
infrastructure. Renewable sources of electric energy such as [10]. It is qualitatively shown that irrational behavior due
wind and solar are “variable”, i. e., they are inherently uncer- to overconfidence affects market efficiency and investment
tain, variable and non-dispatchable. This variability poses a decisions [11]. Again it is shown that irrational units would
significant challenge to power systems operations, especially often be forced by a change in opportunities to respond
at high penetration levels [1]. Power system capacity is rationally [12].
largely dictated by the peak demand for power. This peak In the smart grid context, the importance of consumers’
demand occurs only for a relatively small number of hours behavior has been studied in [13], [14], [15]. The year 2010
during any given year. A cursory examination of the load is highlighted as the year of the “Bakersfield Effect” [16] in
duration curve shows that a large fraction of the generation smart grid circles. Certain patterns and trends of irrational
capacity goes unused most of the time as the peak demand behavior have been identified by behavioral economists.
occurs in a relatively small number of hours of the year [2]. Using behavioral sciences and data analytics, utilities were
Balancing of generation and consumption is a major able to motivate changes in customer energy usage behavior
operational constraint in power systems operations [3]. The and reduce utility bills [17]. In [18], two different incentive
traditional approach to this balancing requirement is by schemes on demand-side management (DSM) techniques
adjusting electricity production to meet (random, exogenous) have been designed; one to encourage and another to discour-
demand. This adjustment is carried out via day-ahead and age adoption of DSM. Leveraging results from evolutionary
intra-day markets based scheduling of supply and additional game theory, it has been shown that in the first case, a large
real-time adjustments via frequency regulation. The remain- amount of agents adopt DSM whereas in the second case,
ing mismatch manifests itself via small frequency variations. only a fraction of the agents’ population uses DSM and the
A paradigm shift is currently underway whereby demand system reaches mixed equilibrium. In [19], optimal power
adjustment also contributes to the supply-demand balancing. consumption policies in a system having two types of loads
*This work is supported by NSF grant CNS-1239274.
(flexible and fixed) have been computed for co-operative and
1 Pratyush Chakraborty is with the Department of Electrical and non-cooperative market structures under real time pricing.
Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. Then efficiency-risk trade off has been studied in both the cases using numerical simulations.
2 Pramod P. Khargonekar is with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA. In this paper, we analyze the impact of irrational con- sumers on rational consumers. In particular, we pose the

978-1-4799-3274-0/$31.00 ©2014 AACC 58

question: under what conditions would a rational consumer for all t. This means that the scheduled thermal generation
receive a lower total utility due to the presence of irrational and renewable production are sufficient to meet the uncon-
consumers as compared to the ideal case where all consumers trollable demand. The supply demand balancing is done by
are rational. We analyze this question in a stylized problem adjusting the power consumption of the flexible loads. We
formulation. Here we take the case of distributed control do not allow load to grid power transfer, i.e.,
with price taking flexible load consumers where price is
di (t) ≥ 0 (5)
determined by proportional allocation mechanism [9]. We
obtain a necessary and sufficient condition to characterize for all i and t.
this phenomenon. This condition uses parameters of the Let Ui denote the utility function of a flexible load i in
utility functions of consumers and the total consumption of monetary units. The utility function Ui is assumed to be a
the irrational consumers. concave, continuously differentiable and strictly increasing
function. The flexible loads satisfy the following constraints:
• The power consumption is bounded above and below
We begin by briefly presenting our problem formulation by dimax and dimin respectively:
which has been described in detail in [9]. We consider
a residential area with thermal and renewable generators, dimin ≤ di (t) ≤ dimax (6)
uncontrolled loads, and flexible loads. Uncontrolled loads where dimin is nonnegative as per (5).
are those loads whose consumption schedules can not be • The total energy consumption of each flexible load is
varied or controlled. Flexible loads are those loads whose bounded below and above by qmin and qmax
i i :
consumption schedules can be shifted to different times or
whose consumption levels at a particular time can be varied.
i ≤ ∑ di (t) ≤ qmax
i . (7)
We start with the notations: t=1
• The time horizon is divided into T discrete slots and
As the above constraints are linear, we can write them
indexed by t ∈ T := (1, 2, ..., T ). (Typical value of T together in the following form
6-8 hours.)
• Flexible load consumers are denoted by N :=
(1, 2, ..., N) and indexed by i. For simplicity, we assume ∑ γim (t)di (t) ≤ bm ∀m ∈ M, i ∈ N (8)
that there are N flexible load consumers each having one
flexible load. Each flexible load consumer possesses a where the set M := (1, 2, ..., M) is the set of constraints
smart meter with two way communication capability. indexed by m.
• di (t) : the power consumption of the i-th flexible load III. C ENTRALIZED C ONTROL
at time t.
At first we consider the case where a central control
• c(t) : the total scheduled power generation of all the
authority intends to maximize the total utility of consumers
thermal power plants at time t.
while satisfying power balance constraint at each time. Thus,
• w(t) : the total predicted power supply of the renewable
the control authority’s objective is to
generators at time t.
• n(t) : total power consumption of all uncontrolled loads
maximize V = ∑ ∑ Ui (di (t)) (9)
at time t. di (t) i=1 t=1
We assume there is a traditional day ahead market, where the
subject to (3) and (8).
supply is scheduled based on demand predictions. During the
We assume that the convex set produced by the set of
operating day, the control authority obtains a better forecast
constraints defined by (3) and (8) is nonempty. Since this
of renewable generation and accordingly, it sets an electric
is a concave optimization problem with convex inequality
energy price for time period T in order to balance supply
constraint functions, the above assumption will ensure that
with demand, i.e.,
global maxima exist for this problem [20]. The central
N control authority can compute the optimal solution using the
c(t) + w(t) = n(t) + ∑ di (t) ∀t ∈ T. (1) well-known KKT conditions [20]. See [9] for more details.


v(t) := c(t) + w(t) − n(t). (2) L OAD C ONSUMERS
The centralized control approach faces the following draw-
So, (1) becomes backs:
N 1) The central authority should know utility functions
v(t) = ∑ di (t) ∀t ∈ T. (3) and operational constraints of all the flexible load
consumers at all times to solve the problem. The
Now we assume that consumers may not want to disclose these information
v(t) > 0 (4) to the authority.

2) The consumers may want to handle the power con- V. D ISTRIBUTED C ONTROL WITH S OME I RRATIONAL
sumption of their loads independently. F LEXIBLE L OAD C ONSUMERS
3) Considering large numbers of flexible loads, the di- Let us assume that there are some consumers who do not
mension of the optimization problem may become very change their consumption plans according to the changes
large. in price signal. They are labeled as irrational consumers.
Therefore, the distributed control technique described below The irrational consumers are indexed by j ∈ J where set J
is more attractive [9]. contains J members . The rational consumers are indexed by
Let ki (t) be the monetary value associated with consump- l ∈ L where set L contains L members. So according to our
tion di (t). Here at first the control authority, after getting the definition, J + L = N. The monetary value associated with
values of c(t), w(t) and n(t), calculates v(t) according to (2) demand d˜l (t) of a rational consumer is k̃l (t) and that with
for all t and broadcasts the value to all the consumers. Each demand d˜j (t) of a irrational consumer is k̃ j (t) (which will
consumer then sends its ki (t) to the central control authority remain unchanged with respect to the change in the price
for all t. The central control authority calculates ∑Ni=1 ki (t) for signal). So the formula for price with the new notations is
each time t and computes price according to the following as follows:
∑l∈L k̃l (t) + ∑ j∈J k̃ j (t)
∑N ki (t) p(t) = (15)
p(t) = i=1 (10) v(t)
where allocation of demands are
where v(t) 6= 0 as per (4). The allocation of di (t) to the i-th k̃l (t)
consumer is d˜l (t) = (16)
ki (t)
di (t) = (11) k̃ j (t)
p(t) d˜j (t) = . (17)
for all i and t. This mechanism of demand allocation is called
Here only the L rational consumers will try to maximize
“proportional allocation mechanism” [21]. We assume all the
their objectives subject to the operational constraints of their
consumers to be rational who will maximize their utility
loads. So each of them will
functions and minimize the costs. More specifically, each
consumer i will k̃l (t)
maximize Ll = ∑ Ul ( ) − ∑ k̃l (t) (18)
T T k̃l (t) t=1 p(t) t=1
ki (t)
maximize Li = ∑ Ui ( ) − ∑ ki (t) (12) subject to the constraints
ki (t) t=1 p(t) t=1
k̃l (t)
subject to the constraints ∑ γlm (t) p(t) ≤ bm ∀m ∈ M. (19)
ki (t)
∑ γim (t) p(t) ≤ bm ∀m ∈ M. (13) We assume that the convex set produced by the set of con-
t=1 straints defined by (19) is non-empty. Now as the objective
function is concave and inequality constraint functions are
We define i-th consumer’s strategy as ki = (ki (t)) and price convex, global maxima for the l-th consumer exist. Maxima
in the system as p = (p(t)) for all t. We say that (ki∗ , p∗ ) is can be found from the KKT conditions. In order to find the
a competitive equilibrium if KKT conditions, let us define
Li (ki∗ , p∗ ) ≥ Li (k̂i , p̂) ∀ i ∈ N (14) T
k̃l (t) T
L̂l = ∑ Ul ( ) − ∑ k̃l (t) −
t=1 p(t) t=1
where k̂i and p̂ are all possible consumption schedules. We M T
k̃l (t)
assume that the convex set produced by the set of constraints ∑ µml ( ∑ γlm (t) p(t) − bm ) (20)
defined by (13) is non-empty. As the objective function m=1 t=1
is concave and inequality constraint functions are convex,
where µml is the Lagrange multiplier. Now taking partial
global maxima for the l-th consumer exist. Now it has
derivatives with respect to k̃l (t) and writing the complemen-
been shown that the distributed problem has a competitive
tary slackness condition for the inequality constraints, we get
equilibrium [9]. The KKT conditions of this distributed
the following KKT conditions:
problem are also identical to the KKT conditions of the
centralized control problem defined in section III with La- M
k̃l (t)
grange multiplier corresponding to the equality constraint Ul0 ( ) − p(t) − ∑ µml γlm (t) = 0 (21)
p(t) m=1
equal to p(t). So the solution of distributed control problem
will maximize the aggregate centralized utility [9]. Also a k̃l (t)
µml (γlm (t) − bm ) = 0 (22)
distributed algorithm is developed to jointly compute the p(t)
price and consumption schedule [9]. µml ≥ 0 (23)

So, this implies that distributed control will achieve supply- 3) The authority adds all the k̃l (t)s and k̃ j (t)s to obtain
demand balancing even if some consumers act irrationally ∑l∈L k̃l (t) and ∑ j∈J k̃ j (t). It then computes p(t) accord-
provided the set produced by all the constraints are non- ing to (15) and broadcasts to all the consumers.
empty. 4) The rational consumers update their consumption
Now let us consider the following hypothetical centralized schedule according to
optimization problem:
( f +1) k̃l (t)
T k̃l (t) = k̃lf (t) + γ(Ul0 ( ) − p(t)) (32)
maximize Q =
d˜l (t)
∑ ∑ Ul (d˜l (t)) (24)
( f +1) ( f +1)
l∈L t=1 k̃l (t) = [k̃l (t)]Sl (33)
subject to the operational constraints
where γ > 0 is a constant step size, f is the number
γlm (t)d˜l (t) ≤ bm ∀m ∈ M, l ∈ L (25) of iterations and [.]Sl is projection onto the set Sl pro-
∑ duced by constraints (26). The smart meters associated
with irrational consumers send the same value without
and the supply-demand balance equation
following the price signal.
v(t) = ∑ d˜l (t) + ∑ d˜j (t) ∀t ∈ T. (26) 5) The process from step (3)-step (4) is continued until
l∈L j∈J convergence is achieved. When γ is small enough, the
This is a concave optimization problem with convex in- algorithm converges [22].
equality constraint functions. We assume that the convex set
produced by the set of constraints defined by (26) is non- VI. I MPACT OF I RRATIONAL C ONSUMERS ON THE
empty. Then global maxima exists and can be found using U TILITY F UNCTIONS OF THE R EMAINING R ATIONAL
KKT conditions. In order to calculate the KKT conditions, C ONSUMERS
let us define
As the solution to the distributed control problem with
Q̂ = ∑ ∑ Ul (d˜l (t)) − ∑ λ (t)(v(t) − ∑ d˜l (t) − ∑ d˜j (t)) some irrational consumers does not maximize the centralized
l∈L t=1 t=1 l∈L j∈J aggregate utility of section III, there will be overall utility
M T loss due to irrational behavior. Here we focus our attention on
−∑ ∑ µ lm ( ∑ γlm (t)d˜l (t) − bm ) (27)
the impact on the utility derived by the rational consumers
l∈L m=1 t=1
due to the fact that some of the consumers are irrational.
where λ (t) and µ lm are the Lagrange multipliers. Now taking Specifically, we are interested in the question: Will the
partial derivatives with respect to d˜l (t) and λ (t) and writing total utility derived by a rational consumer be reduced (or
the complementary slackness condition for the inequality increased) due to the presence of some irrational consumers
constraints, we get the following KKT conditions: as compared to the case where all consumers act rationally
M to optimize their consumption schedule?
Ul0 (d˜l (t)) − λ (t) − ∑ µ lm γlm (t) = 0 (28) Our goal is to obtain analytically tractable results in order
m=1 to gain qualitative insights into this question. To facilitate
v(t) = ∑ d˜l (t) + ∑ d˜j (t) (29) this, we will consider those flexible loads (e. g., electric
l∈L j∈J vehicles, washers, dryers, etc.) for which the utility function
T is inter-temporal and the total utility over time T is a
µ lm ( ∑ γlm (t)d˜l (t) − bm ) = 0 (30) function of the total energy consumed, i.e., ∑t=1T
Ui (di (t)) =
t=1 T
Ui (∑t=1 di (t)).
µ lm ≥ 0 (31)
We make two assumptions:
for all l ∈ L, t ∈ T, m ∈ M. Now if we compare equations A1: The utility functions of the flexible load consumers
(21)-(23) with that of (28)-(31), we see that the distributed are quadratic (with negative coefficient of the quadratic
control problem will have same global maxima as that of the term to maintain concavity). (For example, the utility of
hypothetical centralized problem having λ (t) = p(t). In that an electric vehicle= ∑t=1 Ui (di (t)) = Ui (∑t=1 di (t)) = Ki −
max T 2
case, µml = µ lm . (qi − ∑t=1 di (t)) So the utility increases quadratically
from Ki −(qmax 2
i ) to Ki with increase in energy consumption.)
A. Algorithm to Compute the Price and Consumption A2: The inequality constraints defined by equations (8), (26),
Schedule (13), and (19) are non-binding and the optimal solution is in
Next we develop a distributed algorithm, where the central the interior of the set produced by the constraint equations.
control authority and flexible load consumers jointly compute The main result of the paper is stated next.
their power consumption schedule and the price .
1) The control authority computes the value of v(t) as Theorem 6.1: Define the following scenarios:
per (2) for all t and broadcasts to all the flexible load Scenario I: All consumers are rational; the optimal consump-
consumers. tion schedule is given by solutions of (12) and (13) in section
2) Rational and irrational consumers send their k̃l (t) and IV and
k̃ j (t) for all t to the control authority. Scenario II: Some of the consumers are irrational; the optimal

consumption schedule is given by solutions of (18) and (19) Taking partial derivative with respect to di (t)
in section V. T
Suppose assumptions A1 and A2 are satisfied. Suppose the −2ai ( ∑ di (t)) + bi = λ (t). (42)
coefficients of the quadratic utility functions of rational t=1
consumers are denoted by −al , bl , and cl and those of Here, λ (t) = λ (independent of time). Therefore,
irrational consumers are denoted by −a j , b j , and c j .
Then the optimal total utility of a rational consumer l in λ − bi
Scenario I and Scenario II satisfies the following property: ∑ di (t) = −2ai
. (43)
So, taking summation over all the consumers’ consumption
∑ Ul (dl (t)) ≥ ∑ Ul (d˜l (t)) (34)
t=1 t=1 N T N N
1 bi
iff ∑ ∑ di (t) = −λ ∑ 2ai + ∑ 2ai . (44)
i=1 t=1 i=1 i=1
∑ ∑ d˜j (t) ≥ Again from (40) we can write,
j∈J t=1
bl b
T v(t)
∑t=1 ∑ j∈J 2a j − ∑l∈L 2al ∑ j∈J 2a j + ∑ j∈J 2aj j ∑l∈L 2a1 l
1 1
∑ ∑ di (t) = ∑ v(t). (45)
. (35) i=1 t=1 t=1
∑l∈L 2a1 l + ∑ j∈J 2a1 j
Combining the above two equations, we can find the value
Further, if we assume that the utility functions are the same of λ as
for all consumers i.e. al = a j , bl = b j , and cl = c j for all l b
and j , ∑t=1 v(t) − ∑Ni=1 2aii
λ= 1
. (46)
T T ∑Ni=1 −2ai
∑ U(dl (t)) ≥ ∑ U(d˜l (t)) (36)
Putting the value of λ in (43), we get the total energy
t=1 t=1
⇔ consumption of the i-th consumer as
∑ j∈J ∑t=1 d˜j (t) ∑t=1
v(t) T v(t)− N
∑i=1 2ai
≥ . (37) T 1
− bi
J N ∑N
i=1 −2ai
∑ di (t) = −2ai
. (47)

Proof: As we have assumed quadratic utility, the Next, we consider the Scenario II.
distributed control problems of both scenario I and II have
B. Scenario II: Some of the consumers are irrational
same solution as that of two centralized problems described
earlier. We use those associated centralized control problems The hypothetical equivalent centralized optimization prob-
to prove the result. lem is to
A. Scenario I: all the flexible load consumers are rational maximize Q = ∑ (−al ( ∑ d˜l (t))2 + bl ( ∑ d˜l (t)) + cl ) (48)
Here, d˜l (t) l∈L t=1 t=1

T T subject to the supply-demand balance equation

∑ Ui (di (t)) = Ui ( ∑ di (t))
t=1 t=1 v(t) = ∑ d˜l (t) + ∑ d˜j (t) ∀t ∈ T. (49)
T T l∈L j∈J
= −ai ( ∑ di (t))2 + bi ( ∑ di (t)) + ci . (38) To compute the KKT conditions, let us define
t=1 t=1
So, the centralized problem is to
Q̂ = ∑ (−al ( ∑ d˜l (t))2 + bl ( ∑ d˜l (t)) + cl +
l∈L t=1 t=1
maximize V = ∑ (−ai ( ∑ di (t))2 + bi ( ∑ di (t)) + ci ) (39) T
di (t) i=1 t=1 t=1 ∑ λ (t)(v(t) − ∑ d˜l (t) − ∑ d˜j (t)). (50)
subject to the supply-demand balance equation t=1 l∈L j∈J

N Taking partial derivative with respect to d˜l (t)

v(t) = ∑ di (t) ∀t ∈ T. (40)
i=1 T
−2al ( ∑ d˜l (t)) + bl = λ (t). (51)
In order to compute the KKT conditions, let us define t=1
Here also the λ (t) is independent of time and is defined as
V̂ = ∑ (−ai ( ∑ di (t))2 + bi ( ∑ di (t)) + ci +
i=1 t=1 t=1
λ . Therefore,
λ − bl
∑ λ (t)(v(t) − ∑ di (t)). (41) ∑ d˜l (t) = −2al
. (52)
t=1 i=1 t=1

So taking summation over all the rational consumers’ con- Substituting the values of x and y in the above expression
sumption and upon algebraic simplification, we get
1 bl
∑ ∑ d˜l (t) = −λ ∑ 2al + ∑ 2al . (53) ∑ dl (t) ≥ ∑ d˜l (t) (64)
l∈L t=1 l∈L l∈L t=1 t=1

Again from (49) we can write, ⇔

∑ ∑ d˜j (t) ≥
∑ ∑ d˜l (t) = ∑ v(t) − ∑ ∑ d˜j (t). (54) j∈J t=1
l∈L t=1 t=1 j∈J t=1 bl b
T v(t)
∑t=1 ∑ j∈J 2a1 j − ∑l∈L 1
2al ∑ j∈J 2a j + ∑ j∈J 2aj j ∑l∈L 2a1 l
So combining the above two equations, we get . (65)
∑l∈L 2a1 l + ∑ j∈J 2a1 j
∑t=1 T
v(t) − ∑ j∈J ∑t=1 d˜j (t) − ∑l∈L 2a
λ= l
. (55) Again as the utility functions are continuously differentiable
∑l∈L −2a l
and strictly increasing,
Putting the value of λ in (49), we get the energy consumption T T

of the l-th rational consumer as ∑ dl (t) ≥ ∑ d˜l (t) (66)

t=1 t=1
T v(t)− T d (t)− b
∑t=1 ∑ j∈J ∑t=1 j ∑l∈L 2al ⇔
T 1
− bl
∑l∈L −2a T T
∑ d˜l (t) = −2al
. (56)
∑ Ul (dl (t)) ≥ ∑ Ul (d˜l (t)). (67)
t=1 t=1 t=1
C. Comparison of utility between Scenario I and II Therefore,
Let us compare the utility of a rational consumer l between T T
two cases. Now from (47), the energy consumption of the ∑ Ul (dl (t)) ≥ ∑ Ul (d˜l (t)) (68)
consumer l across time T in case I is t=1 t=1
T v(t)− N b ⇔
∑t=1 ∑i=1 2ai
T 1
− bl T
∑ dl (t) =
i=1 −2ai
. (57) ∑ ∑ d˜j (t) ≥
t=1 −2al j∈J t=1
bl b
T v(t)
∑t=1 ∑ j∈J 2a1 j − ∑l∈L 2al ∑ j∈J 2a j + ∑ j∈J 2aj j ∑l∈L 2a1 l
In order to compare ∑t=1 d˜l (t) in (56) with ∑t=1
dl (t) in (57), . (69)
let us define ∑l∈L 2a1 l + ∑ j∈J 2a1 j
T T Let us assume that all the consumers have same utility
x = ∑ v(t) − ∑ ∑ d˜j (t) − ∑ (58) functions. Then the above condition simplifies to
t=1 j∈J t=1 l∈L 2a l
∑ Ul (dl (t)) ≥ ∑ Ul (d˜l (t)) (70)
1 t=1 t=1
y= ∑ . (59) ⇔
l∈L 2a l
∑ j∈J ∑t=1 d˜j (t) ∑t=1
So, ≥ . (71)
∑ dl (t) − ∑ d˜l (t) We can now offer some qualitative interpretations of the
T bj above result.
1 x + ∑ j∈J ∑t=1 d j (t) − ∑ j∈J 2a j x
= ( − ) (60) • First, the necessary and sufficient condition is the same
2al y + ∑ j∈J 2a1 j y regardless of the specific rational consumer under con-
sideration. This is an interesting property of the result
T j b
1 which is not intuitively obvious and may be related
1 y(∑ j∈J ∑t=1 d j (t) − ∑ j∈J 2a j ) − x(∑ j∈J 2a j )
= ( ) (61) to the specific allocation mechanism. Thus, either all
2al (y + ∑ j∈J 2a1 )y j rational consumers increase their utility or decrease their
Therefore, utility but there cannot be a mix.
• The case of identical utility function parameters is easier
to understand. The left hand side of the inequality (71)
∑ dl (t) ≥ ∑ d˜l (t) (62)
is the average energy consumption schedule of all the
t=1 t=1
⇔ irrational consumers over the time horizon [0, T ]. As
v(t) has to be balanced by power consumption of N
bj 1 number of flexible load consumers, the right hand side
y( ∑ ∑ d˜j (t) − ∑ ) ≥ x( ∑ ). (63)
j∈J t=1 j∈J 2a j j∈J 2a j of the above expression can be interpreted as the average

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