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Landscape Architecture Personal Statement

When I first began my undergraduate studies, I soon realised I found satisfaction in the art of design. I studied many fields during my first
few years in college, including engineering, only to find some were unfulfilling. I was interested in expanding my knowledge of how the
built environment affected our daily outcomes with others. When younger, I would observe how our environment produced positive and
negative outcomes among people and was fascinated by the idea of how they could be altered.

In order to better familiarise myself with the study of landscape design, I took on Environmental Design (the closest program available in
my school to landscape design). Studying Environmental Design allowed me to investigate how good planning tactics led to certain
outcomes and trends in populations. I took Architecture as a minor in order to establish a strong foundation for the actual construction of
our built environment. Studying architecture alongside environmental design allowed me to achieve a balance between the arts,
mathematics, and design. I fell in love with the idea of how building communities with a simple pen and paper could easily flourish and
yet fused many of my own passions.

To my surprise, as I became more interested in pursuing my subject to its fullest I came to know there was no collegiate club or society I
could join for my major. After having gained leadership skills from my past Resident Advisor experience, I and a collective few chose to
run for office and forge our school's very first chapter for the Environmental Design major.

Establishing this organisation helped maximize my commitment in working with members of given communities, while expanding my
capacity for designing ecologically sound environments. Being able to work with communities provided a sense of accomplishment
within me and was one aspect I wished to instill to our future club members. Past experience of working with Street Synergy Community
Association, proved to spark my interest in the landscape architecture field. Providing opportunities like these to our club members,
could perhaps lead to the similar results.

While working with Street Synergy Community Association, I had the opportunity of helping design a local community garden. Designing
a community garden truly opened my hearts true desires. Knowing the design of this community garden would lead to a reduction in
crime rate in the nearby area, amazed and intrigued me. Looking to keep fulfilling this sense of satisfaction, I opted to yearly apply to
summer programs in similar fields. This year inclusively, I bewildered myself in being adventurous and applying to the New York State's
Department of Transportation Summer College Internship Program and was accepted under the Landscape Architecture and
Environmental Sciences department.

The experiences I underwent through this organization helped me to truly determine Landscape Architecture is the field for me. Since
the start of the program, I devoted myself to the job as though I was already part of the workforce. I couldn't help feeling happier
everyday as I saw the concepts learned in the classroom setting, became a reality in the workplace. Working alongside Landscape
Architects helped me gather a sense of the complexities LA's cope with throughout a typical day. The excitement and thrill of speaking
with community block club members and knowing your design will help meet their needs is a sentiment I only wish to hold as my own in
the years to come.

I am seeking to pursue a degree as a landscape architect to further develop myself in the art of designing environments for current
community members and those to come. I wish to give back to my own community in the future. As growing up in a low-income area, we
never had the opportunities many high-income areas have. Many of my neighborhood streets were vastly filled with a high crime rate. If I
were to obtain a LA degree from your institution, I would embark the profession on a new journey.

I wish to one day go back to my own neighborhood and redesign local community parks, playgrounds, and public use facilities to re-invent a new
forge a better future. I am also seeking to broaden my artistic capabilities suitable to this delicate profession.

Profile info
This personal statement was written by jpruiz for application in 2009.

jpruiz's Comments

This is a first draft. I don't know how to end it.

This personal statement is unrated


Fri, 19/12/2008 - 09:06


i am applying for a LA course and this has really helped me get an idea of what to put in my statement =)

it's really good.

reply (/comment/reply/64422/15111)

This was really helpful to me :)

Mon, 12/03/2012 - 19:00

reply (/comment/reply/64422/15112)

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