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g\r ЕN G L l sH sU P P L Е ^ ^ Е N т NoVЕмBЕR1969
(rrt Agent for UК: SEYМoUR INтЕRNAтloNAt sUBsсRlPтloNs tтD.l.3 BrixtonRood,London,s. W.9

T.wo рotзiЬIe woуs of lroсing o Pqlte]n from lhв
сч lnзlruсlionз for lrссing o potleln from the Ьurdo sheGl.
Cч сoloured pgltern sheel
P e n сi I l r oсi пg : Fi r st of o|| mq r k.l h e ou t|i n es o f lh e o q ile r n
1 . In t he Ь ur do foshion ioUг nol you w ilI find ne x r l o th е p i е се vi th o d i f f e r е n t сo|ou r e d p e n сi l . Т h e n lo y lis s u e . p o p e r
i|t us t ro t io n o tiny squor e. deпoting the modеI nu mЬ e r , l h о
on to th e p otte r n sh e e t on d tr oсe ' oссu r otе J y е o с h ' o u t lin e , . s e o m
rf s ize, po t t er n numЬeг ond sheet r efer enсe. n u mb e r , sl i t or p |е ot mor ki n g os w e || os th e m o r k e d in p o r т s .
Cч 2 . W it h t . his r e{er еnсe you w iiI be оЬle io fo||ow in t h i s su p p |e . P oy p or i i сu l or otte n ti on to th е i n str u сti on s r e o o r d in o ' o n o in
m ent lhe insir uсtions for moking Up the gor ment in q u e sti on . Iines. With regord to poсkets it is imporlont io troЬ -'heir

A |s o s Ь o wn is o diogr om of the modeI w ith Ьoсk vi e w , l h e position oссuro'telу so thot ihеy moy be stitсhed on in the
t ro с ino Iine. o Iist of lhe number ed por ts ond ih e ootl e r n сor r e сl p |oсe .
c\a lo y -o u-t . Т h ii potter n toy.out gives yoЬ the,ldeo"
num Ь ered por l. YoU w iIl r eсognize ot o glonze i t.s sh op e
of е oсh W h e e | tr oсi n g : Y ou l i ke w i sе p гe р or e th e p otl e r п m o r k in g o n d
th e n p I oсe th e tl ssU e p op e r b e n e oth th e oq .tr tte r ng s h e e t . F o | | o w
oс in
o s we|| o s o|| teсhпiсoI mor kings, w hiсh or e 'oсс u гote |y r e . с|| ou tI i n е s on d mor ke d l i n e s w i th you r w h e e | , u s in g
peoted on the pqttern sheet. mod e r q te or e ssu r e _
Or A|l pottern pqrls ore given withoul зeom qnd hem otIowqnсes'
р 3. By meons of the two сolours the pottern sheets ore rendered
сonсise ond luсid. Еoсh side of sheets A, B, с ond D is
Whеn сutting you must lherefore ollow 2-З inсh. for hems. l/r
i n сh ..e oсh f or sl е e ve top s, sl e e ve on d n e сkl i n e вd g e s o n d з / i_1
morked on the upper edgе ф o row of uneven ond on the
i n сh f or o|| ol h e r se oms.
lo wеr edgе Ьy o r ow of evеп numbeг s. {Numer iсoI i n d i сotor ).
ф Ехoсt|y Ь-e|ow or oЬove eoсh number уЬu wi|t find the self.
P r i or .to.сu tti n g ou t, p i n р q p e r p oti e r n p or ts t o g e t h e r o n d lг y
on , w h i сh w i || е n oЬ l e you to moke oпy п Ь сe sso r v - o lle г o t io n s o п
JS solne numЬer with the сorresponding potlern сhort. th e p op e r p q tte r n .
4 . A Il s im ple oпd stг oight potler n por ts, i. e. Ьelts. сu f f s, ski r t
o r t ro us er Ьonds oпd str oight skir t pone|s or e not sh ow n oп Burdo potterп Ьring out cvвry month o now "Speсio| pottэrn'
l\ the sheel. Foсings ond poсkel pouсh ports ore morked on thе in four sizes on сhort A, B, C ond D.
al mdin ooltern sheel. P|eosе do nol forqеt lo troсe lhesе
po rls iepor otely or you w iIl miss thеm- w hen сU tti n g oU l .
Fo r pIeo t ed skir t, detoiled instr uсtions or e given.
rO 5. сUt out p|ons show you how io сUt oul eсonomiсolly. 2 you will find informotionfor or-
On oooe,,buido"
6. Тhe indiсoted omount of mo,iеrioI required оpplies on|y to
t he m o t eriol used in the piсtuг ed mode|. You w i I l n e e o
derihg- рotterns ond needleсroft
m o re, if yоU Use o moter io| w ith o lqr ge desi g n , l or g e
l T с heс k s , wide stг ipes or gr oin lines.



Ьurdo. New SpeсiolJournols
lr Foзhions lol зdlool lglodelз for thв |uIlэl
l- фildren figu re
He r e on e f i n d s mon у shows fсshionoЬle сhiс
ot the some lime or oс. p r oсl i сol , smor t on d for |oгger sizes. For
tiсol сoIIeсtion for thе
boirns. Snug сozy win.
b e сomi n g mod e I s f or
b oth g i r l s on d Ь oys.
instoпсe, severo|.pieсe
ouifiis, smorl pinofore
ter wordrobes, ploy Т h e sl or h i ts of th e dresses with blouses,
suils, skir ts. tr ouser s w |п тe r se oson or e sn u g su i ts, i h e e le g o n t " lit t le
ond сhorming . poгtу p I u sh e s on d or ti f i сi ol bloсk. ond whot is o
Or weor _ |n o woro, еverу- I e oth e r .
.,dusl Fosh i on oЬ |e mojor osset,- suitoble
thiлg, to moke o сhi|d.s сoIors" ore lhe oссessor|es tor every
hеort beot higher. lotest hit for the teen- mod e l . A| l w it h с o n с iз e
Ordrr No. 175 ogeгs. w or ki n g d ir e с t io n s .
ф ?riсо: DIT t.50 Order No. 176 Order No. 177
Priсrз Dlll 3.50 P:iсc; DlП t.50


кnil fo'hionr/ Love|у Iinge:ie Еxtаnзivо сo|orlul
пoзdIcсroft Y ou w i l l f i n d i n th i s NaсdIeсrсfl Jou;nol
This speсioI iouг nol iournсl еvеryihing worn lп the 5th seoue| of
lа br iпgs smor t knits for
.she.' between the Ьedroom th i s i ou r n o ly o u w ill f in d
"he, oпd iп ond bothroom. Chor- сr oss-sti l с h e m Ь r o id e r ie s
Ьoth kпittiпg oпd сr o. mi n g n i g h i otti r e f or of o|| types to lhe forс.
iIч iill- с Soeсio| the.
сhet.w or k. SpeсioI mol h e r on d d ou g h te r , N otu r ol l y o ls o g o y e m -
ct i"%у#-i*l me: Кnilled'modeIs for

ii.,;"i,,j "iiPl'ъ
Ь r oi d e r i e s o л d с r o с h e l
a"Рffi Еt",''
sl e e p i n g su i l s f or
.,Аdom" w oгk os we | l o s п u m е -
ond "Evо. ond
goу сolorful mode|sfor r ou s su g g e s t io n s lo r
rffi in du t ge.iп kn it t in gon d lhe kid d ie s' in o woгd , f u r n i sh i n g in "good

lffi .Е i39"
o|| yoursfor сopуing .
'S** .
3ХI".."' Order No. 173
tosle" in fonсy work.
Ords; No. l7l
order No. 174 Pliсe: Dltll 3.50 Priсо: Dii {.90
Priсэ: DJUI4.90

order from уour locol news ogenl now!


Priсe Iistfor Ьurdo polterns Womon'r Sizes

Ьurdo size 31 3а зыю 12 ц 16 48 50 52 51
lmPo'tont! A|| sizes for tho Ьurdo modals сontoinod in this iournol orз
Ь u st indt. 33l/r 33l/z 35% Э71Il 11|lt 13Yz 19ll 49 5з
under|inodon the pottern сhort. wo ist inсh. 23 241lo 25|h 2Pll 3Фlо 3!tl/r 355/1 38llt 12'Il 16Чо
hips iпф. 35% 36llz 37|lC 39Yz {Iзh 15 1Tlz (9,.ll 53 56|lt
front woist lenglh inсh. 16% 17|h 17|lz 1vlз 18|lz T9ly'r 1fll 201lо 2Фlс 20Чl
lпdividuot polt.]nt orc ovoi|obte for lhosе models ond sizes only whidt busl depth inсh. 9!lr 9% l0 101h 11|lt 12 123h IЗIh l3и l1
Ьoсk length inсh' 15?в 15,lв .l4
151з 161lt 161lz
.|5'lс 16\ 16зlt 1631116,h 16,lз
orо morked with oп oslerisk' boсk width inф. l3l/в 13% 111h Tflll 16з1117'Й 171lz 18|ll
shouldеr width inсh' 4% 5|ll 5!/r 51lz #h $/r s/. S,lt S'lt 5'h
пeсk inсh. l3l/о 13% 14 11эlо l1Чt 15'h 1xh 16'h 1ёh 16'lс
sleevе lenglh indn. 22|h .l03A
2|lz 23 23'lз 23'tl 211lо 21tlо 2ёh 23|h B
upper orm widlh inсh. l0 ll'/r 12 13% l{ 11'h 15|lz IУh 16Чl
Priсesfor Ьurdс NeedleсrqftDoto: wrist
skirt length
6% 63lо 63lз
19% 2011221zh
6311 7|h
22tlt 23
7Yt 7|h 7|lz 8
23'lt 24\lz 25sh 25,h
lroUser Ieпgth iпсh. 375/1 38'h 38% 38% 39Vu 103h 11|h 111h 111h 11\lо
Ьurdo design in mosler size No. 57920 ol'^ 2,20
burdo сount pottern No. 43680 D^,t з.з0
Ьurdo сount ond tronsferpottern No. 57885 Dli^ з,85 Women.з holf sizэз
burdo сount ond tronsferpottеrn No. 577130 Dм 3,30 Ьurdo size 13 45
burdo tronsferpottern No. 549/40 Dм 4.40 Ьust inф. 40
|Th 121lt Цзh lvlз
ЬUгdo tronsf€ r pottern No. 580/15 Dltt 1,65 woist inф. 29'll з2 311h 375|з 1Фll
per m. hips inсh. 1ФIl Bh 161h 18зtl 51.ll
front woisl lenglh inсh. 171lz 18 18!z 78'/l 1j.lс
bust depth iпф. 101lz l.l'/з ' 12 12.h l3th
boсk length inсh. 151lz 15l/l lsД 15||l 16||t
boсk width inф. 151h 153h 16111 1611 17|h
lnзtruсlions for ordering Ьurdo potlernt qnd shoulder width
sleeve length iпф. x21lz 221lz
,l3tД 23 73 B
Needleсrqft Dqtq: upper 5leevo width
Th 7||l
Tlz vll
skirl |вngth indr. 22112 23th 21th 2171t 2!lt
We odvise our reoders to гemit the сorreсt omountрluв postogofor priпted
motler, in odvonсe on lhe oddress of Мesзrs.
Children.s зizer
mode * preзse serviсe GmbH
D-7 S l u ttg o r l I Ag о 123
Postfodr 546 height iпdl. 3iit/z 36Чz 3Ф/r 11 13Чz 15\h 181lо illz
Bonkers: St6dtisdle Girokosse stuttgort 2 246ш сhеst inф. 2l% I2|h 23 23Чl 241lz 25'h 26|h 267ll
woist inф. 2l% 22|ll I|Чz 2з 2З1lо 2 h 211tl 21Yz
Тhose residing in Еuropеon сountries сon use intеrnotionсlМoneу Orders hips inсh. 23 231ll 241lz 251h 261lв 26711 2Ttl 28\lt
front woist Ienoth inф. 8 BEll 9зh 10Чl lll/r 11l/l 121lz l3l/r
(М/o), stoting the!r order on the poying-seсtion.Reoders Iiviпg in overseos Ьoсk |ength inф. 71lz 81ll 91lо 97tв l0i/r 1ll/l ll5/r 121Il
shoulder width inф. 3 31/r ЗЧo 3% 35lо 3зll 1 11ll
сountriesshou|duse boпk tronsferor drequeз. neсk indt. I0 l0% 1Фh ll'/r ll% 111lz 1.||ll 12
sleоve Ienglh inф. 9|h l.|Vr l3l/g 14||t 151lz 161lt 17 1Tll
upper sleвvв widlh indt. 63tl 7\h 7Чв 8 8% 81h 8% Фtt
wrist inф. 51h 51|l 5зh 5'h 55tв 5'h 5Чt 6
skirt Iength iпф' 7|h 8 8зll 91lz l0ll ll ll% 121lz
trouser l6nolh
(withoUt Ьoъd) inф . l7V l 19 XIYz 2ltlz 26112 2Tlt 2911t

ooОооОоО.оо..o.о.oоooоо..оoОo.oco..o.оo..o Children'ssizes
Ag e 9 r0 12 '13
heisht indl. 52,lо 55% 5Tll 60|lс 62'h 65
Еxplonotionof зуmЬolз: сhest inсh. 2T|l 281lz 291It 30l/в 301ll 3l%
woist iпсh. 247lg 25.h 2#ll 25Чl 261h 261lt
Fold ol motэlЬlз Do nol сut o|ong thir hips inф. 291ll 301/s 30Чв 32 З31lц 34'h
. Iinе. Еither fold motвrioI undeг oi oul front woisl length inсh. lз% 141ll
.|31lz 11Чl 151lz 161|в 16Чl
pollern рieсe ссrоss enlirв wiфh. boсk length iпсh. 121з 137ll 111lz 117h l5l/z
shoulder widih inсh. 41lz 1Чl 41ll 1Чl 5 5l/r
Stretdll Widen or lengthon moterio| Ы inй. 12||в 12зlc 125lo 12Чl l3 l3Vr
aaaa. neсk
iroпing with or without o domp сloth, dci. iпсh. 185h 191h 201lc 201lz 20|h 211lц
pending oп motвrtio|. sI e e ve |e п g th . ...
upper sleevg wrotn inсh. 91lв 91lз 91lz 91|z 91Iz l0
Eu:e iп: Gothвr edgе of motэrioI with tiny wrist inсJr. 6
.l3t/z 6 61|1 61/1 6зh 6'll
a*4 14зh 151lэ 771tl 181h 19'lt
зtitсhеs oпd iroп with or without o domр з ki r t I e n g th inф.
с|oth, depвnding oп molerio|. trouser Iength
{withoul bond) inсh. 30'/z 37зh t2,h 31|lz з5% 36|lz
Slit: Еnds of zip foslеnвr opaпing or Ьuttoп
Inсiзion: For po*ets, slilз, kimono gusrclз
Н ond buttoп ho|es.
lllэn.s зizeз
Gothоl: Тwiсe bу hond or sewing modrinc.
- burdс sizc 11 16 .18 52
чl" Ruп of Groiп or Stфerl os we|| os рile of
--+ vеIvet or mohoir motorio|. If пo оroin фest inсh. 355/r З7'h З91lz . 111lz 431/z 151lz {vll
|,inеs indiсoted il runs porol|е| to hссk ond woist inсЬ. 31зh 33l/r 341о 371h 391lz 111Iz 1QIh
front entrgз. hip s i;a: 18.t, 10Чt 12 43Чt 451lt 171lz 1?
neсk inсh: l5l/r 151lz 15,ll 761h 16зh 17'!r \7-|I-z
I P!eсt: Form Ьу oссuroteф lqying X onto O. sleeve length
25'h 25зll
431h 1Зrll

эft Seom Numboвl

|пdiсote how thэ pieсos fil

lengtheпiпgз The рottern pieсe must Ьe

lenothened ы the shown meGUremonls. These meosuremсntsore net meosurements. тhe ne-
Еx t Бпd sideIir ies fir st, stor ling,оl lhe or -
f*-\ rows. Меosure ot 3 or 4 poiпls from lhв сrssory ollowonсes for сomfort ond style orc in-
wo is t | in e dow пw or ds ond сoпneсt thа lhus
o rгiv ed ot points for thе hemlinе. Comрor e сluded in thв "burdo" poрer potterns
with the meosUremeпts зhown on the poь
tern Iqу-oUt.
Joiпinq lineз For ports сonsisting of two
oieсes. Тmсe ond сul oul.oсh pieсэ rcpe.
\Д-qJ iotеtу ond ioin wherе indiсoted.
ond сul out the рoсkеt morked oп port l twiсe, сUtting out ol| porls plus lurnings,
d i аg . d } : W oi stb Ъn d me osu r e si 3 5 i n сh e s l on g ,2 i n сh e s w i d e (f i n i sh в d w id t h l iп ф )
p l u s tu r n i n g s.

: T oсl on l o w oi stЬ on d i n to th e h oI f , I e n oth w i se sl r i р s o f v i| e n e , o s

D i oс. Al.ooqinst
l Ski* pottern in four diflвгвпr verзionз we|Г os the edqes in width of the foсinE. Stilсh dorts. Join seoms. Тurn
The foсing for lho front edge is сul.on. This meons soving time ond..thе edge out the еdЪe foсings oГong the fo|d |ines to righ-i side ond stitф thg |ower roun-
reйoini fГot. |l iз up to yoй, whether you finish off the two еdges with on lhe dinqs i f f . T u r n i n 1 oсi n g s-l o w r on g si сi е . He m ski r t. Cu l ou t I i n i n g . d is o I lo w in g
roundвd off рriсkrd 6dgвs Ьr merelу the right. Еilher monner is сorreсl. forlhe widths of foсinE, ioin seoms ond sew in, ot l;le woisl edge toсking rowed.
oed. Тurn out пorrow sides of bond. App|y the outeг loyer of bond moieriol
WorL or follogl: Toсk ogoinst the right fronl skiгt ponеI- interlining oJ vilene- in lrom right side lo the woisl edge. lurn in inner |oуer of motвrio| lo wroлg side
width of the foсing, even if you do not inteпd lo work bultonho|es. ()n lhe |eft ond heй oqoiпsl lhe seоmIine. тUrn out bios slrips os rol|eou ond |oy in shope ol
iiаЪ, yй сon. Ьut-it is пot oi o|I neсessorу, lo loсk down wilh hеrringЬone stitф loops. Sew-oп loops. os рer notсhes to the right edge. Sew on Ьullons. Foslen
olong'lhe fold line, photo l. undеrp|oсket of bond with o lorge sized snoр fostener.
Work workеd buttonho|es. First of oll lurn out lho сut.on toфg to right sidе,
stildt roundings off, norrowlу snip iп seom еdges, Photo 2' Turn in foсing lo
wrong side, lqсk odge. D i og . B ): Мoke u p i n g e n e r o| os p е r th e d i r e сl i on s g i ve п f or d i o g . A ; T u r n o u l
Podrgtз: tntertinэ wilh vitenе. |f you orr in o tеrrib|E hurrу, just try thisБlIoщ stroos lenohwise' mitrв off dront edqes ond upperploсket of bond. Sew oп stгoрs
on lhe uooer edoэ of the poсket some 2_2llr inсhes turnings. тoсk on o strip of to tЪe rigЪt edo.e os pеr notсhes, t6p stitсh uЁpeip|oсket of Ьorrd. Hove eye|dts
|iпino. |eЪve on Ъoeninq oЬon in the сenter for lurning out, рhoto 3. lf уou ore punсhed in to.tЪе.upfrerploсkвt of biInd. Sew'on fosleпers wilh strop. NoriowIy
not [rj||y profiсigni in сЪrrying out fonсy stilсhing, top stitсh 1he po<ket, pтior to hem sсorf on ol| edgёi. Knot on to the norrow sides woo| fringe.
photo ,l. Piп on sew down by hoпd on wroпg side. e. g. with bqсk
sэwinq Ъri,'ptioto
stitфiйgs, 5. Stitсh dorts. Join side seoms.
Diog. C}: Toсk on to woistЬond, in to the hoIf, leпgthwise, ond ogoinst edges,
WзirtЬond: Priсk on vilene or iron on on iroп.on iпlerfoсing. Work o worked slrios of vi|вne in width of the foсinqs. qs we|| os oп lo lhe ouler poсket. stitф
Ьullonhole' oпd slitdr the roundinq IoyinE on thе fo|d of moleriol, photo 6. doris. Join seoms. App|y woistЬond in opеn Ioy oul of moleriol, from right side,
NсrrowIy Ъotсh in sвom odqe. Тurп oui wЪistbond to right side. Тop stitсh the to the woist edge. Work down |he right edge bound Ьutlonho|es. тUrn oul edge
woistЬorid sidе, iпtв#oсed wiih vi|eпe, then oltoсh to зkirt, right side to right. foсings lo right side ond stitф the |oйer roundings off. Turп in foсings lo wrong
Wheп сulliпo out tho |ininq, disoi|ow foг the widlhs of foсiпg. only ofter уou side. Hem skirt. Turn oul poсkels. Top stitсh edges, hem ond еdges of poсket. os
hove sewn i; the |ininq' hЁ,й down lhе inner side of the woislЬond ogoinsl thв showп on photo. Sew on poсket to ihe right skirt poпe|. Cut out lining, diso||owiпg
liniпo. Stitdl hem of lininq. Corry out fonсy stitdtings on Ьond oпd edgеs. photo 7. for the widths of foсing, ioin sвoms ond sew iп, toсking ot the woist edge rowеd.
Do йt foroet thв |oops lor honЬiпg up. Ёosten ihe uпdвrp|oсket of lhe woistbond oe d . Т u r n ou l w oi sl Ь on d to th e h o|f to r i q h t si d e , tU r n ou t u p p e r o n d u n d e r .
with o |oro-s sizвd sndp fosteпer]lriorier to ensure lhot the buttons hove o firmor itoсket, гouпdiпg off thв uрperpIoсket ol soЬe time. Turп in Ьoid lo wrong side
hold, uпde-r|oу with o itriр of moterioI or riЬЬon, ond hem down Ьveг thr sеom|ine. Top stitсh Ьond. Nвolеn off buttonhoIes.

Diog. D): Мoke up os por tho direсtions givеn for diog. A. but omit ЬUttoп
Hintgwhidr help to moke working ooзier looрs.

l AIгeodv whеn сultinq out сorg musl be loken thot tho dreсks meеt oссuгole|у
- on lhe,side sooms.Ъy onе-sided фeсks сul out thв skirt pone|s in the sэ|f.
some direсtion.
a |п order lo рrevent lЬe pelershom iп thэ woistbond when weoгiпg s|ipping,
stitdl somo oЬ thв upper Ьdge Ьу siпglв |oуer of moteriol 'on side. Fo|d
Ьond doubIe, ond slitсh lhe point o|ong lhe Pelershom os for os eпd of upper-
l 8332 chorming Coсktoil dlesз for Ьurdo size 42
pIoсkel. Norrowly notсh in seom edge, phoio 8. (Top Hir fvlodel)
О Тurn out the |oops non intbrIined, foпсу stitdred ond then sewn on bу hond,
phoio 9, Yoldсqeз AIlow for Ьurdo зize 38/40: 2 уords 56 inф wide molвrio|, for Ьurdo
o P|oсe of oppIiсotion of the fosleпer, dеpends on its size, рhoto l0. зizg |1з 2|h уords 56 inсh wide molerio|, fЬr Ьuldo эize l|4з 21ll yords 56 inсh wide
mote r i ol . on .ossor l mе n t of Col I i oпt Ь e od s oЬ toi п ob I e f r om sp е сi oI is t s o f f o b r iс s =
o You сon эvвп iroп lhe seom|iпe of thв woistbond oporl. ond sew on the inner
sido гowedgвd to lhe outer, photo ll.
Stoffhous Kopp, D _ 62 Wiвsboden, om FoulЬrunnen. Thв ossortmanl сon on|у Ьe
deIivered os pЪr the design shown oп lhe origiпol mode|.

Cutting out ot velvol: On рrinсip|e ogоinst thв pi|э. Тhis meoпs thot it hos
o bеtlЪr effcсt ond is deeper in сoIoi. The nop сon be fe|t wilh the finger Pottsm Po;tr:
tips. if your зlroko poro||el to the selvoge. lf you notiсe ony resislonсe. ihis 3 front

meoпs lhot it is ogoiпst the pilе, when уou сUt out. i. e. the hoiгs bristle up, -
3. 4 Ьoсk
if уou stroke os from edge of woisl dowп to hgm. 5 boсk skirt pone|
Thо wзiзlЬondз Cul woistbond oп lhe сross (not o|ong the selvoge}, Ьeсouse I 6 fгonl skirt pone|
likewise hеlo the run of nop must сoinсide. Prior lo ot|oсhing thЬ woistbond 7 fronl foсing
to lhe upper эdEв Ьy meons of herringЬone stitсhes, toke сore lhot you toсk 8 Ьoсk foсiпg
down the ho|f of boпd, whiф is then sewп on lo thg skirt from right side. 9 sleeve
Foslen lhe |oops on to the foсing. Cotсh in when sewing oп, lhe interfoсing
os wel|. |f youf wont it to look espeсioI|y niсe, then insert o bodkin of o thin
I lпslruсlionз: The sleе.
ve foсing is morked on
сroфet hook direсtlу iп to the fo|d|ines. Due to the рushing logetheг of lhe port. . 9.T he гlning , сut
f ob r i с l h r е o ds , o . ho | e. res uIts, w ithoul iniur y w holsoever to thв m ol e r i ol . on lne
oп сгoss for
lhe сross Duroo
тor burdo Д
Slip iп thв Iooрs ond sew down firmly on to the inter|ining. sizэ 3U40 is! 3zl inсhes |ong,
size 42з 36 inсhes |ong, for Ьurdo size 44:
37'lr inфes Ionq, oll 3'/r inсhes wide
(finished width ll/z l'/z inсhes) bow: ]4tla inсhes
Ьow: l4'l: Ц
ooo.O..oо......oo.Оoоo..Оо..oo..Ооoo.oo... on g .3 3 iinсhes
llong. w i d e (f.nished
n сh e s wide i n i sh e d w i d th l l /z
i n сh e s). Cu t ou t o|| p or ts p |u s tu r n i n g s.

Dreзt: Under|oy the s|eeves ond еdoes of shouIdeгs in preрorolioп for the beod
Direсtives for moking Up emЬroidery, whiсh prevents tho mote-rioI from рud<ering.'stitdt

b! Ioуing Xi' oп to.

to . on_dprэss bi
on-dрrэss by |oying
oqoinst thЫneсkIineedEes. Join p|eot on wrong side obЪve
|oуing X onJo.
the pleot
obЪve the
Тoсk viIene
Slitф dorts. Toсk.vilene
pleot пotф
пotф formed
on to . oссurote|у.App|у front port to
poneI, Ьoсk p6rts
fronl skirt -sew lo boсk skirt poneIs.
porls lo'Ьo* TUrn oul slrips
Poпe|s. Joiп seoms. Turn ! of
oioino ond sew Ьn Ьond over
by hond
on by over lhe diogonс| seom.
the dioEonс| seom. Sew
Sew in
in o zip
zip fostener. Join
fostener. Join

ftorr A Burdo.flodeп
ll/1969 lotinis ondI turn
turn out'neсk|ine еdgr. JoinЪolh.s|eeve-foсings
out-neсk|ine еdgr. JoinЪolh s|eeve foсings ond
sleeve edges. Hem dress. Set in slвeves to ormho|es. Тurп oЪt
lurл out

Ьow ond sew on o knot to keeр it in

out |ower
out Ьow strips, lie in .o

ploсe ond sew on. Troсe the design for

Ьurdo Speсiol Modэl emЬroidery on lo lhe
the beod emЬroiderу the s|eeves
ond shouIders bу using сorboп дoper.
8356 FoзhionqЬlerkirts for burdq size 38/40 belween lhe orrows you wlll т|пo o
potlern series. Еmbroider.dress.
Yordogэ: A|Iow for diog. A):3Vr yords 36 inф wide molorioI, l'/r yords Iiпing 56
indres widе, diog. B): 21ll уаrdз 56 inсh wide motвriol. for thв sсorf: 1ll уord 56
inф wide molоrioI, lt/r yords liniпg 56 iпdres wide, diog. C): 2llr yords'64 inсh
wide molвrio|, lt/r уords |ining 56 iпdres wide, diаg. D): 2 yords'36 inф widе
moleriol, 3/r уord lining 56 inфes wide.

= ! 2 Ь o с t- s k i r tp o n e|
= tronsporentp|ostiссirсle, 3 mm diomeler

m Ет
,_ тl Л: ll
l lnrtruсtions: Prior
l to сulling oul, o = tiny g|oss sew on Ьeods

lв Il l I l с l l l p я. t" th e poP е!
t LJt I poilern ports 1 = round. tronsporenlp|ostiсbeods, 6 mm diometer
l i$f,""lo*':i"Т'hi,;
in vэIYэl Doу ott.nlioli to run ol*nile.!
D i og . A l : - Wo i slЬ o nd m в o s ures . 3 5 in-
Фes |ong.
,| 2 indrэs wide (finished
o = whitr slross slones, diomеler 7 mm

= ongu|orсul p|osliс beods, diometer8 mm

width iпсЬ), Ьios slrips for the Ьut.
loп looрs: 6llz indros long, l/r iпсh
wide (fiпished width !/r inсhl. Cut out О
ol| ports plus seom oI|owonсes. Diog.
= oпgulсr si|ver Ьeods,diomeler 3 mm
B): Woistbond m€ o зUfes:37'lr inсhes long, of whidr 2Vz inйes ore upoeгoIoсket'
3Vz iпсhes widв, (finished width l'/e indtes-l. 2 slrops оoсh 6'lz inсhes |oЬЬ, i strooi
= р|ostiс bloзsom l.
i:lсh |9rl9'.сovered ovor on thв norrow sides
foг sewiпg oп thc fosteпers eoсh 3 inсhej |ong, dll 2 inфes wide (fiпiiЁed
.wide. widih
l jnф}, Gut in diogono| woгpgroin sсorf 21ll iords |ong, 13 inфes I a
Cut out l lъ- l wlln o Cno|nсoпs|sl|ngoт U ttпy.sewon bэods.
oIl porls p|us seom ol|owonсes. Digg. C}: Woisibond Ъoosuresl 36 inсhes |oпo.
of whiф Yr inсh is uppэrp|oсket, 3j/r inфвs wido, (finiзhed width ll/I inсheii tлi
4 8з35 Drest спd Ьlouso for Ьurdo tize 38/4{t
Yoldogэ:.2'lz уords 36 indr widв moterio|,for the Ьlouse
36 inсh wide molerio|. уou wi|| requirc:2 уords

ф ф

o lol o
a П Blouзe: Stildr dorts. Join seoms. Turn Ьut
norrow sides of сollor. Sew in сol|or. Hem
ЬIouse ond sleeves. Sew in on opti|Ьп
D:asrз Тurn oзt lhe Ьios slrips os r/r.inсh wide rolleou. Stitф thв lu*s oп |he
тгonтond boс,( porls In oссordoncв with the morked |ines.
le morked |ines. stitф
stitdl thg
thg fronl
fronl с€ nnte;
sвom obove ttrв diogono| пotdr, сotd].
ф ф Ф Iпg bеtween lhe |oops os рer nolфes.
Iroп seom oport, ond iron in р|вotfolds'
Sеw oп underpIoсket. Sew с zio
fostener. Turn out neсkliпэ odoe witЬ
bios striрs. Sel in slвeveз lo oйho|es.

2 8333 Dress for qfternoon weor for burdo size 44 5 8з36 Beсoming dresз for Ьurdo size 42
(Top Hit Мodel) Yordсge: 3tlr уords 36 iпdr widэ mqteriol.
Yordog.e.зfo.r Ьurdo эin |2э.2зll yords _56jnф wj{e moleгiol, 11/zуords Ьordеr !/z l^ nъ, Pollern Po'tt3

inсh wide, tor Ьurd.osize 4{:3.jords 56 inсh wide йotJrioi.4ъi; i;;J; Б;;;;;'i;
! ng} чi{e, f o r b u r d o s i z e 4 6 : 3 . y o r ds 56 in сh wiJe m oьпril,5 i;;J; Б;; ;;;'i; Etr Е. 3lii]ji."li..l,lo."*",
lnсn w|oэ. Port
1, l l l l \ i '81: i " Н:
тTтттГ ) lnзtruсtionsl
ll ll ll/ I Dressr lron in pteor
JJ ц1t ' ;Iff;",o";",l
:li il1i
om lwiсe
seom lwiсe -in
in с width
in сenler front port ond- tЬen -toр stitсh
the se t /
Stitф аi'idi;g-re;il..
Ьoсk- dividing . of % inсь.
width of Yl inф. I
seoms й;".i;g',.;ii
lqPer|ng oтт Ь
os dorls. stitсh do?ts. Join seЪms.-Hem tile Ei
drвss' uпderplссketond sleeves. тop stitсh ь--- -l
edges of p}eol
edges pleot сгeoses
сгeoses down sЬme з/r
down lo sЬme
i п сh . ob ove
-l h e h e mI i n e l h е n s!bsequent|у
su b se q u . top stitdl hemline. Sew on under.
to the
р|oсket to.the^pleot. Turл out the b.oсk Ь.сk n6rrori
norrow sides of сol|
сo||or. App|у сol|or to
nесk||ne edge. Sеw in o zip fostenэr. Set in sleвves lo qrmholes.

Dress: Toсk o.n to neсkline edges front overskirt pone|s striр of vilene in
width.of the foсings' Stitф doйs. Мoke'ond
sieeve sliii.'тuin out froiri uJq"l Ъi-rh;
oversI(|rt ponels with th€ foсings, then ioin overskirt ponels. Hem oversk.irl oone|s.
loсk on.overskirl ponе| wrong side to right to lhe front skiгl ponеI. App|y front
рort to. lhe tfont skiгt рone|, boсk ports to the Ьoсk skirt ponel. Joiп sddm!. Sвw
Iп o zlp tqstener. Join neсkline foсiпgs ond lurn oul ne*|ine edge. Hem dress.
TUrn out sIеeveЬonds 6n the noгrow
sides os. we|| os on .the upрer (upper}
ond Underp|oс*et edges, mounled on
to vilene. Gother lower sleeve edoes.
Sew on slеeveЬonds. Work on lhe -uo.
perploсkets eoсh 2 worked ЬuttonhoIes.
Sew on Ьultons to the left side of un.
der ploсket. Set in s|eevеs to or m h ol e s.
6 83з7 Chiс сoot fol Ьurdo gize42
т Ur n. oul.|t' Sew on Ьor d e r b у Yordoge: 4llr yords 36 inсh widв motвrio|,2 yords Novolin |ining
hond os shown on photo. 56 inфes wide.
Patterп Polttl
: 36 front
oo тroпт
ii 37 poсket
38 bo& pqrl
I i3lъT.1!ъ?;
39 front sleeve
lt 4.l
4] сol|orЬond
l 42 undeгсol|or
! 43 s|eeve turnboсk
3 8334п,"lу а,",, for Ьurdosize lЦ
Yordсge: 3 yords 36 inсh wide moteriol.
JJ\ш I *,:#.'ji':,;o
four times, ports 4l ond
42 eoсh twiсe, the uppei Ъo|lor onсе.

Pottern Portsr os. Per.port 42' but аt сenler boсk with
iii,::is"""' fu
: ]9 front 2 tol d ot mq te r i ol , i n str oi g h t w or p g r oi n ,
Ё 20 bqсk on o on l h e ou te r e d g e o I i tt|в |or g e r .
сu t oU t o|| p or ts p I u s-tu r n i n g s'
C -O, AT ':. T oсk,
in slriPs of vi|e л e .to iho. froп t Ports, og oinst the ouleг сo| | orЬ ond

] n s l r u с l i o n s :Y o u vi|| fin d t h e ond lhe Underсo.l|orports. Wo.rk Ьound Ьuttonhole!. lurn out rьd nЪ*п-ni-ЬЪ-oЁi

Б{::Ё. l;1
i Ъi:. .:ll tiJ
:9s:;..',fuцi. viJene. Stitсtr.
"".k- ;19L
дl]!ь..tь9,-сut-91foсings.oll os.for os. the se.grй
эel In sleеves lo ormholes.JoinjurnЬoсks. тUrn""йЬЬ. out
Ь. stiй.Ji,tl.
the poсket on the ouler edoe' Top.stitф outer йgЬi'.oip".к"',
jЁi" .JЁХ'ii
.."-iЁ;ЪЁь;; ъ-dъ;;;
turnboсks..ond.s|eeveinserti6nseoЬtinei. lЬi"-i,"l"?JБrrii.. App|y UpPer edges of
J. \ъь | "fЬ o d iс e,
o n s k i r t. d . n d l"ln .eoйi. ou|еr сollorbond
"n а set lhe сUl. lo the underсo||or,the iпner сot|orЬoпJ to ih; i4й;.;;ii";т;;;;i
. Jo In neс k llne t o с In gs ond Upрer сo|lor. Арpj;l outer сoIlorbonJ ond-unаe-.сБiiЬi. ;il;;-;;;
on eoqe toс|ngs between. тUrn out пeсkline еdqe. Toсk i.'Ь Jii'-oFЪ..-iii
on гIghf trcnl ptrt to remoin Ioose. Тurn in lhe inner сo||orЬond "-ir"*;ng wiiь-lЁJ ;;";;;;""
-fгom гight sidе to the telt o|oпo surрIus Iength ond еnds of foсing, ""J "Ьp".i"rl"? ;;;
lne сenter Ilnes.
lhe..сenler Iines...GolЬer
Golher skirt. Aoo|v
АppIy Ьodiсe
bodiсe. Sew
sвw i^
й_;й down lhe inner сo||orЬondrowe?ged. ф L"i; i;йlй.;.;;.iiЫ
Upl||on z|PPer. г|em dress ond sIeeves. set in sleeves ^i зъ;.;-;;;;Ы;s
ormholes. Sew on bullons-
to edges from right side ond hrmlinЪi_in-i".ь-i'Jii'Ёi-ifrЁt o|ong th."i.т.;iй."й; IowвI s|eevg
|oу on th6 turnboсk' сome lo
seom o||owonсes.Turn up turnboсksond-hoiГbown ;ь;;;li;'I;:..й";
сool ond s|eevеs.тop stitсh outeг edge of сolIor, front edоes ond hem edoeз in Droзз: Stitсh doгts. Тoсk vilвne ogoinst the ngсk|ine edgвs. Join oll зoomз oп
o width of 3/r indl. Neoten off buttonho|es.|ron out the сut.on flops 6f the skirt ond Ьdiсe. Gother skirl ond_opplу to Ьodiсe. Sew-in o zio fostener' Joiп
poсket to right side. Sew on poсket. Line сoot. neсk|ine.ond.ormho|efoсings.ond turЬ-dut with the respeсtivввd!es. Hem dress,
JoIn sosn рorls oпd norrow|уhem oII edg3s.

7 8342 Youthful dresз for Ьurdo sizа 36
Y.сldoge:.2llr yqrdg j0 indl widэ moteriol, for tho sсorf уou wi|| require: € / r уord l0 8зз8 FulI lengrh coql for Ьurdo зizо 38/4{)
40 inсh wide moleriol.
Yordogз: 4!/r yords 52 indl wide moleriot, 3 уords Novв|in |iпing 56 inсhes wide.
Pqtlern Pсr|з:
q 44 front
45 front bolween-Dqrl
Ч Potlgrп Portrз
46 boсk 8 63 сentвr fiont
47 boсk between-pqrt
64 side frопl
65 yokе
0 Ё;Ё.";','".
. 4 8 s k iф рo neI .
l 66 vi|эпe
I 67 сеnter Ьo*
A ln3truGtioпз: You will r 68 sidв Ьoсk
|| f ind rhe ne&line foс. t 69 unde rсolloг
'i ng s m o r k e d . Cu l ou t I 70 belt
Ьios striрs
strios for button | 7l uppor orm
loops. Sсor| meosules 2 уords |ong, l2 inфes widз plus turnings. I 72 undar orm
Draззз Тoсk vi|ene ogoinst the neсkIine edqes. Тurn out Ьios strios os l/r inсh
wide rol|eou. Apр|y eЪсh 5 rolleous to the lront s|вevo s|it edqes v;ith Gorresoon- tпзtruсlioпзз Cut out lhe foсino for
ding long, з/r iпф wide strips of foсing. Stitф dorts. Join sЬoulder ond сinteг thе revers morked on port 63 iwiсe,
tronl seoms. Joiп neсk|ina foсings ond lurn out with thв respeсlivв edges. Toсk the poсkвt pouсh twiсe from Iining,
p|eots formed Ьy loуing Х on td. oссUrolelу. Set thg botween porls os БЬi s"o. the piping morked on рort 7I foйr
numbers Ьetween
numbers Ьetween the frontfront ond boсkboсk limes, ond GUt out porls 69 ond 70
por ls os w е|| os skir t pone|s. Jo i n si d e вodt twiсe, lhв upper сo||or onсe os
oпd s|eevв seoms. Hgm dress ond por porl 69, ot свnter boсk with fold
sleeves. Set in sleeves to ormholes. of motoriol, ond on the outer edge o litt|e lorger, сutting o|| pсrts plus
Join sсorf ports ond hem o|I edges. turings.
l6w on Deods. GOAT: Тurn out be|t ond top stitdr. Sew on poсket poudr. Join side' front oпd
boсk dividing seoms, сotсhing in ot some timё, on the front sвoms ihe bеIt os
weI|. Top stitф dividiпg seoms os shown on pholo. Тurn in ood<st DoUф to wrono
side oпd ioin seoms. Sew on уoke ond top siitф сenter Ьo& seom. Toсk iп vi|enБ
lo front Ports, ond priсk vi|ene on lo thе undеrсol|or. Work bouпd but}onholеs.
ТUrn out edges of revers with tЬe foсings. Тurn out вoсh lwo s|eevo oioinos ond
8 8343 Pinofore dleзs with Ь|ousefor Ьurdo size 44 toP stitф. Sew on piping lo upper orйз fгom rigЬt side dulу turne'd'ouТ. Join
Yordсgо:.Al|ow fo.rЬIouse: l% уords 56 iпф wide moteriot,for dressl 3r/r sleevв seoms. tlgm сoot ond s|eeves. Join underсol|or pоrls. тьrn out uпder oпd
36 iпсh wide motвrio|. уords .Uрper сolloгs. Sew in undвrсo||or, Ьut do not сotdr iп tЬe ends of foсiпo. Тurn
in UPPer сollor ond эnds of foсing with tha nsсessory surolus lenqth oБd ioin
Potlem Pсrtз: to.gelher' heming down lho upper сollor os from эnds of foсiirq rowoJoed. Nedten
i* 50 front off buttonho|6s. Тop stitсh ouler edgев of сo||or, rэvers ond-front eJgэs. Sеt in
5l Ьoсk sl€ e ves to qгmho|es. Line сoo|.

ll 8352 Feзtivedress for Ьurdo gize 36

Yordсgo:3 уords diogono||урotterned36 inф widg moteriol.

Drcзs: Stitсh dorts. Тoсk iп vilene-to edges ond ogoinsl the nесkIine edges. Work
down the.right edge Ьound butlonho|es. -Applу the-poсket рouсi lo thв сБпйr front
p€ r ts. Joiп seoms. ТUrn in poсket pouф to wroпq sidе ond ioin зeoms. Hem
dress. Join oll foсings oпd lurn out-with somg thd сorrespondiig зdges. Neoteп
off ЬuttonhoIes.

12 8339 Smсrt dresз for Ьuldo size 36

9 м Cosuсl dress |or Ьurdo size 42

Yordogo: 3 уords 40 inсh wido molвrio|.
Pollсrn PoЁg:
60 front
i 61 Ьoсk
* 62 skirt рonе|
1 lпrlruэlioпз: You will
l find rhe пeсkling oпd
! or m h o | e f o с i n g s du ly
t morked. Prior lo сutting in. .dioяonol Yolpsroin .ond mgosures: lYr уords tong, 6 indres widв, (finishod
! out, |oy lhe shouldeг w|oln J Iпcпеs,pIUs lUrnIngs.
I dorts. Sosh maosures:
| 2 уords |ong, 8 inФes Drвсr; Joiп skirl poneIs ond lroп in l,l pIeols roсh 3l/: iпdres in depth.
wide p|us turпings. -hem. Join
Pl€ o t width 3 indeз. Stitсh dorts. seoms..тU; ;uiйсk iiiiiJ:rv.iiаэiЪi
с oI l or. A р р l у с o||o r t o nв с k |iпe edge. Sew in on O ptiion ziрper . Sew s ki r l on 15 8з57 Elegont evening gotlYnfol Ьurdo size 42
to bodiсe. Hвm sleeves ond sel in to ormholes. TUrn out sosh |enqthwise, milre off
the right end, Sgw. on. sosh over lhe skirt seomline without -Ьriпgilig stitсhes Yordoge; 21/l уords 56 inф wide moteriol. Use for the desion of the beod em.
lhrough, ond фow the right end lhrough o foslener. broidery l burdo tronsfer рotlern No. 580/15 сostinq DM l,65 oer yord. ond
ossortmenl of Colliont beods. Тhe ossorlmenl is on|i oЬtoinob|e. iп ёonnЪсtion
with the originoI mode|. For sourсe of suрpIiers refer to pottern priсe Iist.

t3 834l SmoЁ drвss for Ьurdo зizo 38/40

Yoldogeз 3l/r yords 36 inф wide moteriol.
oul сeпtei

foсings ond turn out with some lhe

сorresoрndiпg edges. Hem dress. Turn
out bios strips os l/: iпсh wide rolIeou.
Еmbroider сЬntвr front poгt, direсlions
for some ore indiсoled oп the tronsfer

16 83Q5Pinofore dressond Ьlouзefor sizes 9-tl уeons

Yordoge: з/r yord 60 inф wide skirt molerio|, for the Ь|ouse: .l yord 6,l inф widэ
mol e r i ol .2 yor d s b or d or l i n сh w i d e , 1 1 Д yor d s Ь r oi d з /r i n ф w i d a.

14 8347 Dress,wroр-roundskirt ond woislсootfor Ьurdo size 44

Yo rdoge: A I I o w fo r dres s : 3 l/l y o rds 36 inф w ide moter io|, for lhe ski r t on d
wс i s t сoс l : . 2 l l z y o rds 6 0 inс h wide m oter iol, lзlr yor ds Сupr olin Iiniп9 for sk i r t on d B|ouse: Мoke sIits on s|eeves. Stitсh dorts. Join seoms. Gother lower sleeve edoes.
woislсoоl э6 Inсhes w|de. \ T u r n ou t b oсk п or r ow si d e s of сo||or ' Ар p |y сo|l or to пe сk|i n е e d o e . S e w d Б w n
tho boсk opening o zip fostener. Hem Ь|olse. Мoke s|еeveЬonds-ond sew on.
Ч Poilсrn Pаrts: Work on the upрerp|oсkets eoсh one worked Ьutlonhole. Set in sleeve to ormholes.
8 86 froпt
э 87 Ьoсi Skirt: Мoke oп the front skirt ponel o s|it ond sew in o zip fostener. Tссk on
} 88 сo|lor poсket pouсh rowedged. Тoсk ЬiЬ ports
I 89 sleeve togеther rowedged' Bind oround open.
l 90 front skirl poпel i n g e d g e s on d Ь i Ь i n o wid t h o f ' / l in с h
Я 9 l b o с k s k i r t p o neI with broid. Toсk on hio yokеs ond
] 92 гight fronl port i oi n p oсke t p ou сh . J оi n . s id e s e o m s .
! 93 left front oort Sti f f e n b on d w i th vi l e n e o n d s e w o n .
.я,+ьoсt. Hem skirt. Work on bib worked bul-
{ tonholes, ond Ьulton on. Тoсk down
lпstructioпs: Whеn сutiing out lhe fronl seom ol|owonсes of slrops ond lono
ports of woislсoot |oУ on lo the rioht side edges of bor on wгong iide. Sew oi
Ьf molerio|. Sleeveboilds ore eoсh l0 inфes broid norrowly. Button slroDs on to
|ong, of whiсfi % inсЬ is uрper ond l indr bond, overсrosЪ ot boсk ond Ъew down
underploсkets, 5 inфes wide, (fiпished on to lhe boсk Ьond. Sew on Ьor to
widt h 2 tl I i n с h es ) , wo is t Ь o nd: 4 2 inсhes strops os shown on phoio.-
Io п g, 3l / z i n с h e s wide ( fiпis hеd wid th P /r
i nс Jre s ) , b е | t: l зlr y o rds Io ng, 2 inсhes
wide (f i n i s h e d w idt h I inс h) . C ut out o||
por. l s p l u s tu r n i n gs . Y o u will find lhe edge,
neс k| i ne o n d o r mho le fo с ings duiy mor kеd
for lhe woistсooi.
Dresз: Мсke sIils on s|eeves. stitф doгtg. Join seoms. Тurn out сo||or oп the boсk .l7
пorгow sidеs ond opply to neсkliпe edge. Sew down the boсk oрeninq on Opli|on 8389 Chorming litt|edressfor the 6-8 уeor olds
zippeг. Hem drgss. Gother |ower s|eevв edges. Тurп oul the sieеveЬЪnds oil the Yordoge: 21ll уords 32 inф wide moterio|, lllz yсrds bios Ьinding I inф wide.
no rrow si d e s , o i l t he U pper edges o f the upper ond under ploсkets, du|y mou п te d
on to o foundotion of vilene' Sew on bonds. Work оn the uppеrрloikets eoсh Pdltern Porlr:
]^ 108front
l woгked buttoпhoIe. Set in sleeves lo ormholes.
skirt; тoсk ogoinst edges strips of viIene. Wсrk Ьound buttonЬoIes. Stitсh dorts. ф 109 Ьoсk
Joi n s е o m s. H e m s k irt : Т urn in fo с in gs to w r ong side. Мoke up lininq on d se w " I , l0 s|e е ve
i n. T oсk - o g o i п s l wo is t Ь o nd, in t o t h6 ho|f, |enlthw ise. o slr ip.of viЁne. W J r k l11 сoI loг
on th.e righ.t norrow side o bound Ьuttonhole. Turп out upper 6nd uпderрIoсkels.,
round|ng ott ot soms lime the Upperploсkel. sew on Ьond. Neoten off buttonholes. lnstruсtions: Cut out
oll edges lo be Ьoцпd
Wgiзtсool: stitсh dorts. Тoсk on io the neсkline ond down fronl edqеs strios of or ou n d mi n u s l u r n i n q s.
vi|ono in.width of the foсing. Work Ьound butfonholes]Join sЬoms. Cui out the ooсйet
JпЕвx^rтЁ 1 mor ke d on р or t 1 0 8 f ou r
Hem woistсoot. Join o|| foiings ond turn out with the respiitivJ
.liпe woislсoot .St iffen be it
edg e s ' N e o te n o f f bu t t on h oIeJ. тI me s.
o I o y g ro т v | l е n e . Drэsg: lron in pleols on the s|eeves
or me d byb y |oyi
n g X on iio o. . oссU
r ote l У
thеn loрt stitсh
s ltсh on wrong side rol oп g
the o--l i n e s Gqther t ront poгt. stitсh
dorts. Joiп
dorls. Joi
J oi п seoms'
seoms, Sew{ sleeves to ormho|es. Gother |ower s|eeve edqes. Тoсk
in sleeves
eodl 2 poсkets,.wrong side to wrong. moun'ed oп ro vilenЬ, iooЪiЪЪi. B-i;"J;r;;й
|ower s|eеve edges. edges ond edges-
edges..ofоf poсkets
poсkets_withwith Ьios biпding in
inЪЪ width of Vz inсh.
Ьew on poсket lo tront tront. port. tlеm
l.lеm dгess. тurn Turn out сo||or mЪunted on to o foundo.
tIoп ot v||ene oпd sew in to neсk|ine edgo. Sew in o zip fosтener.
l8 8396 Suit ond сop for little Ьoуз in qge.grouP 2-3 уeсrt Dlоrз: Sew oп edgiпg to lhв front pgrl пorrowlу.ond oпсe iп o.width of-з/r jndr.
1lз Мoke siitз.on s|eovei. Stitdr dorts. Join saoms. Sвw in o zip foslener. Тurn out
logdogq: Al|ow for suil: l yord 60 inф wide moteriol, for the сop: уord 6a eoф on under ond uppвr mllor port on lhe outer edgе, du|y mouпted on to
i n ф w i d e mo l eri o | . о foundotioп of vilеna. Тoсk iпner
i..Тoсk edoes of
iпner.edges of сol|or
сol|or looelhэr
logeiЬэr rowedоed.
roйedged, oivino
giving ol

time тne
some tlme thв Upper сoI|or тnв neсessorу surрl
сo||or thв surрIus |englh. Aрp|у
;urрlus lenglп. Aрplу сo||or to ne*||ne
сoIlor lo neсkIine

g l]3r;&ъ'
/R Pсttem Poпз:
E edge bу meons of o bios strip. Headress.]-orLoу |ower sIeeve edges in p|eots. Turn
out sleevebonds on the norrow sides,
uр p eг вd
os well os on the uooeг g es.ofof un.
вdoes un.
lЕJfllLl..ll r ]]1bo* der ond upper pIoсkets,mounled oп to
Д ii3;iJlil
Т.l,.YfiT vi|ene. Aрр|у lor the
oes. Work iп the
the Iower
Iower sleeve
lhe uooer
upper- ond
s|eeve ed-
ond uпder.

Ltl ll I I ll9eorfIoв
.t."0 ploсkets eoсh one worked buttonhole.
Еosten bond wilh snop fosleners. Sеw
я wЧ l
s vll8 in sleeves lo ormholes.

|nthuclionз: Cut out port ll7 eight times, ports 1l3 ond
l 19 е o ф f o ur t i m e s ,p o r t l l 8 twi с e ' 2 8з8l Stenderizing d,esi for Ьgrdo size 48
Suit: ^ J o i ns Iee v e ,s. i d e . o n d i n n e r |eg sт m s on d'.su Ь se- Yordаge: 2|h уordз 56 inсh wide moteriol.
queпlly front oпd Ьoсk сenter seoms. Aрply сollor, in
Potlem Portзз
open foy
dрen loy oul of motеrioI
oul of motеrio| to to the
the nесk|inr edgв. Sew ogdinst
nесk|inr ed!Ь.-Sew ogoinst 9 front
the woist Ievel. in
woist Ieve|. in preporotion
preporotion for for the
the dгowstring сosing
dгowstring сosing l0 side front skirt
o stri o Ьt
Ь'.it,lБ o f йЬl&i"i
m o t e r i o lm e o s u r n i n o2
й;;,i;i^; 9 iпсh eslon o,2f Тnсйei
2'.iп;h;s_йg, in сh esйide,
w os we|| os oloinsl
the |ower leo ond s|eвve edoвs on wrono side. Insert eIostiс. Sew down thв froni рonel
ll ЬoсJ<
ooenino o zЬ
opening z-ф
zip fosteпer.
fostoпer. тurn Тurn- out сo||orсoIlor To
to the holf to wrong
wrono sidв.
side, lurn in edoes
edges l2 neсk-edging
ond h е m o g o i n s t t he s eo m |ine o s we|| os ogoinst lopв of z iрper . Тur n o u t e od l l3 sleeve
two poсkets mounled on to vi|ene. Sew in zip fostenor in o width of l/r indl. Top
stitф еdges
edEes of рoсkols. Sew
of рoсkels. Sew on on poсkets. Set iri
poсkets. Set sleevesto
in sleeves to ormho|es.
ormho|es. lnзtпJсtions: Cut out
CAP: }lount Ьuсkrom on to lhe outer flops eoф 6Tz inсЬes
сrown ports ond the outer visor (peqk). |orig, rl inсhes wide,
Join сrown porls ond toр stitф seoms. (finished width 2 inсhes)
Turn out visor ond eoсh two eor pro- p l u s tu r n i n g s.
teсor porls. Norrow|у top stitсh edges. Drэзз: Apply the side front skirt ponels
Join сrown porls on lower edge, righl oЬove the pleol nolсhes lo the front port
sida lo right togelher, сolсhing in ol ond top slilсh sеoms in сonformilу with
some limo tho visor oпd eor proteсtor tha morked lines. Stitсh dorts. Тurn oul
porls Ьetween. Leovo o sIit open on
flops on lhe norrow sides mounled on to
the boсk hеod port for lurпing. Turп

vilene, thеn top siitсh. Toсk on f|ops to
out сoP oпd j oin s|it by hoп d . N or . the side front skirl poпets from right side.
row|у top stitф |ower еdge of heod Applу upper elges of the. side front skirt iE 6l
poгt. sew oп o сovered-over button.
oone|s tё thв front Dort. Join seoms. lurn i -l' t
Ьut Ьoсk norrow sidЪs of пeсkIiпeedging.- ---::
Sew on edging to nесk|ine edge. Serr
in o zip fostenэr' Hem dress ond slee.
ves. Joiп inпer pleot sвoms. Set iп
sleeves to ormhoIеs.

Chlrt B Burdс.|Uloden
1111969 з 8382 Sophistiсoteddregs tor Ьuldo зize 4l
8356 Foshionqble skirts for Ьurdo size 42 Yordogel13/r уords 56 indt wido moleriol.
Yoldoge: A low for diog. A}: ff/r yсrds 36 inсh widg moterio|, lvr yoгds lining

@ l'.
56 inсhes wide. for diag.. B): 2|lz уords 56 inф wido moterio|. for the sсorf: з/r yord
56 iпф wide moterio|, ll/r yords Iining 56 indles widе, for diog. c):21lz yords
64 inсh
i nс h wide
wi d e moterio|, li/r. }o
m o t erio | , -lilr rds |iniпg
уords 2'lr yords
Iiniп! 56 inсhes wide. for diog. D}зз 2llr iords
36 inсh wide moterioI. з/r yord lining 56 iпсhes wide.

t.? i;:-ftЁЁff'":
А. а =T"j'"Tl3il;*,r.,u


ДAlll::ffi!; Ц

Diog. B}; WoistЬond meosures:40 iпdres |ong. of whiф 2llz indles orэ upper.
ploсkеt,3l/z inсhes wide (finished width lllz inфes) 2 slroрs eodl 6'lu inсhes |ong,
3 strops for sewing on lhe fosteners eoф 3 inсhes long, o|| 2 inсhэs wide
(finished width 1 inсh), сut in diogonсl worpgroiп, sсorf is 2!/r уords Iong,
13 inсhes wide. Cut oul oll ports p|us seom o||owonсes. Diog. c}: WoislЬond is:
38'/z inфes |ong. of whiсh з/r inсh is upperploсkel,3llz iпсhes wide, (finished width
lt/z inсhes oпd сUt out the poсket morked on Bort l lwiсe, ond oIl рorls plus
t urni п g s . D i o g . D) з W o is t bo nd m eo sUr esl 37'lr inihes |ong,2 iпсhes w ide, (f i n i i h e d
width l inсh} plus lurnings. Мoke up os desсribed for speсioI model on фort "A".

4 8370 Еnlronсing ponlsuit for Ьurdo зize 36

l 8з7t Ponls ond lVlinidressfor Ьurdo size 44 Yondoge: АIIow for рonts ond dress:2зlr yords 56 indr wido moterio|, for dressl
. lVz yords 56 indr wide moterio|,'/z yord lrimming moterio| 56 indles wide, Тr уоrd
Y ol d og e : A l l o w fo r po nt s o drеs s:31/з yor ds 56 inсh w ide moter iol, fo r d r e ss.
21h уords 56 inсh wide moteriol, l yord rep ribЬon l indl wide. rep iibboп 1 indr wide.
, Pсttern Porlз:
Pottem Pсазl 2t
я"g Е.iЬl"liшll;;ш*
20 front port of ponls
2l Ьoсk ports of ponts
22 inset
lll ; ff:l'o."

23 front рort

24 boсk
, 25 underсollor

t ffi;{;$'"""fl:..'t}lT-lfT
26 sleeve
lnsl]Uclioпs3 Cut oul
сorriers for рonls four
times eoф 4Yz inсhes
twiсe os per porl 7, |oпg, lз/r indres wide,
Ьul on' the outer edge.o, Iitt|e'loгg!r, slee. sleele strops four times,
ve oon o s o r e еo с n: Il. / . lnс nes loпq' ot eoсh 5llz iпсhes |ong. g. 2 inсhes wide, сut out thв poсket morkod on port 23 iwiсe, iwi
port 25
port 25 twiсe,
twiсe, lhe lhe upper
uppеr сollor
uppеr сollor twiсatwiсa os
os perper port
por 25 but oп lhв outer edgэ
edgs с
whiсh з/r inсh = upper ond underp|o-сkets'
41lz inсhes wide (finished width 2'li inфеsl. i ttl e loroe
llittle l or g e r r.C ut
. Cu out
t ou olI
t ol oorls
I p or l s oI
p I uus
s se omolI
sе om owonсe
ol I ow on сe s. s.
C ut ou t o I l p o r ts plus s eo m o Ilo wo nсes. PaпB: A4oke Up os per the direсtions giveп for рotlвrn l on this фort. Тum oul
Ponts: Stitсh dorls. Join seoms. Sеw dowп eoф two сorrier poгts, top stitсlr in o width of l/z inф ond sew on over lho side
t he s id e o p e n i ng o n Opt ilo n zipper . Neo-
ten off the uppeг.edge of ponts wilh rep Drэsз: Тurn out lhe front edge of пeсklinвwith Ьios strips. Sеw on thз front port
ribbon. Hem ponts. to the insel in o width of l/zlnф. Turn out eoф ong undвr ond upper сo||or ports.
mounled on to vilene, os we|| os eoф 2 poсkets ond slroр ports. тop stitсh poсkets 7 8зт7 Smort pinofo]e dress for burdo sizв 34
oпd slrops. Тoсk on stroрs to lhe froлt s|eeve seom edges from right side obove
the hm|ines. Stitф dorts. Join seoms. Toсk iпner edges of сo|lor togelhеr row. Yсrdoge; 2|ll уordз Corduroу 36 inсhes wide.
e dg e d , . g i v i n g , . o l s o m e lim e t he upper ,сollor lhenесеssor y sur plus |ength . Se w i n Pattern Porls:
сol l or to n e с к l l n e эo go Dy m вo ns o т o oIos sт r |p. D ew |n o z |р т osIeпer . пe m d .е ss 59 front
ond sleevеs. Set in s|вevеs to ormholes. Sew on poсkets. 60 boсk
6.l stroрs

NB. When moking uр in vэlvet poу
qttenlion to run of pile!
8346 Pqilified outfit fo] Ьurdo size 46
'Yordзge: АI|ow for skirt, woistсoot ond ioсkel: 6зlr yords 36 inй wide moleriol, I lпstruclion33 You wiIl find the foсings
f or l h e u ooe r e d oe of ski r t d u |у moгk.

f or, Ь| o u s э : 2 Ч z . у o t . d1 '3 6 , inс h wide moter io|. 31/r уor ds Visсo|in liniпg f or ski гt, e d . B e l t Ы е osu r e i ,3 0 i псh e s |d n g ,3 ]/:
loскel оno wolslсool э0 |псnes wloe. i n сh e s w i d e , (f i n i sh e d w,li 1
d /z
th l ' /, i n сh e s),
4 Ь e I t сor r i e r s, e oсh i n сh e s I on g ,
Potlаrn Poilзз l inсh wide (finished width з/r indr,
27 front skirt ponel 2 bqrs for slroos for sewino on lhe fosteпers eoф 2 inсhes
28 Ьod<skirt pone| Iong, 3l/z iпсhёs wide ({ini;hed width li/, inсhes}. Cut out
29 front port ol l p or ts p l u s tu r n i n g s.
30 boсk port
3l sleeve Ski r t: T oсk oп to th e u p p e r e d g e s of ski r t str i p s of vi |e n e . Т u rn o u t e o с h t w o
-8- 32 сoltor str op p or ts q s w e l l os b e I t, b e l t сor r i e r s oп d Ь or s f or str op s, o ll I e n g t h w is e .
33 front рort of тop stilсh strops ond bе|t. Stiiсh dqrts. Join seoms. Sew in o zip fostеner. Joiп
woistсoot f oi i n o on d i u i n ou t u op e r e d oe оf ski r t, сotсh i n q b e l w e e n th e s t г o p s o n d Ь o г s
a for sйoos os oеr notсhЬЬ. Тoo Ъtitсh uppei edoe oT skirt. Sew on fosienеrs to tha
I 34 side port of Ь or s or i d th e .l e f t n or r ow si d e s of b Ъi t. Hoi e e ye I e t h oI e s p u n с h e d in o n t h a
J woistсoot
sl r oр s on d th e Ь e I t. Se w on b e l t сor r i e r s. Hе m ski r t.
l 35 boсk port of
t woislсoot
il 36 front port
l 37 poсket
< 38 side рort
8 8373 Smorl dressfor Ьurdo size 38/40
39 Ьoсk Yordoge :1зД yords 56 iп сh wid e mote riol,r/. yord trimmingmotеriol 5 6 inсhes
40 undeгсol|or wroe.
4l upper orm
42 under orm @

шii|.'l,ъ"*o."I; l *' lt.i-l-{i

|пslruclioпt3 WoistЬond meosures: з4rl2 g
il..,lъT},JJ"in"'"lU3ЕJ; l ,' llol
"'""."u''x,.i''"lTo.,t: Il i Iх
holes-of woistсoot йoikеd on the Ports 33,
holes of woislсoot morkеd on the Porls 33, l l| l l l : l ll l l l :
ond 35.
3,l, ond
3,l, Prior to
35. Prior to сUtting out. |oy
сUtting out. |oy
shoulder dorts ond iront dividinq seom
together. Cut out the edgе foсing йorked on port 36 twiсe, the рoсket twiсe, port
40 onс e , l h e u p per с o ||o r o nс e o s P eг P or t 40 but on the outer edge o litt|е |or g e r .
Cut out thо foсing morked oп Port 4I lwiсa.
Slirt: Join froпt skirt poneIs ond ioiп p|eot seoms oЬove the plеot nolсhes. stitсh
dorts. Join seoms. Sew in o zip fostener. Мoke up lining ond sew iп. Аl lhe woist
вdgе to* rowеdged. Мouпt woistbond on io o foundotion of vi|ene ond sew on.
liem skirt.
Blouзa: StitсJr dorts. Joiп seoms. Turп out boсk norrow sides of сollor. Sew in
сo||or. Hem blouse ond sleeves. Set in sleeves |o оrmholеs. Sew in o zip fostenеr.
Woirtсoсl: Stitсh doгts. Тoсk ogoinst the neсkline еdgеs ond down the front edges
s t ri p s o f v i Ie n e . W o rk bo und Ь ut t o nholes. Joiп sеoms. Join o|| foсings ond l u r n Qu t 9 8355 FulI lengrheveninggown lor Ьurdo size 44
witlr somg the respeсlive edges. Hem woistсoot. Neoten off ЬuttonБoles. Мoke up
Y or d сg e : f f Д yor d s 3 6 i n сh w i d e mote r i ol , 1 l /u уor d s b e od b or d e r l in с h w id e .
woi s t с o o t I i n i n g o nd s ew in.
Jodlаt: Тoсk in lining io front edges, lhe outeг рoсket oпd the uпderсo||or. Work
Ьound Ьultonholes. StitсЬ doгls. Join seoms. Тurn out eoсh two poсket porls ond
s e w o n . Т u r n o ut t he undеr o nd upper сoIlor s. Тoсk thе innor edges o f сoI I or ,Ё,
t oge t h e r r o we d g ed, giv ing o t s o me timo thе upper сoI|or the neсessor y su гp I u s
lеngth. To* in сoIlor to neсkline edge fгom right side. тUrп out neсk|ine edges oпd
froпt edges with the foсings. сorrуing on with the seom os from eпd of foсing
oп|у over the underсo||or. Hem down foсings on wroпg side. Sew oп upрer сo|lor
rowedged. Hem ioсket. Neoteп off buttonhoIes. Stгelсh sIeevе seom edges. Joiп
s l e e ve se o m s. eo s ino in o t s o m e time the boсk upper oг m sеom edoes. T u r n ou t
adges of upper orй with the foсings. Hem sleevЬi. Sew oп slil unierploсket to
iпner edges of foсing of lhe uppor oгm. Sgl iп sleeves lo ormholes. Line ioсket.

wise. Fosten be|t ot сenler boсk with hooks

ond eyes. Sew on ihe Ьeod Ьorder Ьy hond. Sew on ornomento| trimmings to bett.
6 8346 Go pIoсe; in сomЬinotion for Ьurdo size 42
Y o; d o g e з А I | o w fo r s k irt , wo is t с o oЬond ioсket:6зlr yor ds 36 inсh w ide m ol e r i o|,
tor. thв b|ouse: 21lz уords 36 inсh wide moteгiol, 23ll уords Visсolin Iining for
ioсket ond wqistсool 56 inсhes wide.

?oltem Porь:
43 front skiгl ponel
44 boсk skirt pone|
45 front port
46 boсk l0 836l Chiс ski suit for Ьurdq эize 42
47 sleeve
I - Yordogвз 2||а уords 60 inсh wide moleriol, 1/' yord trimminE moteriol 60 iпсhes
lЁf'q. fi;.'Jl!'o"u
orwoisr. .w i d e (w h i tе ), l /, yor d r e d i r i mmi n g mote r i oI ol so 6 0 i n сh e s w i d Ъ,,l ' / r y o r d s N o v o | in
I i n i пg f or i oсke t 5 6 i n сh e s w i d e , f or Ь i n d i n g or ou n d th e f r on t I e g e d g a s : з / r y o r d
50 side port of woist- еlostiс з,/rinсh wide, for the boсk leg edges. l/z yord bios Ьindiпg l_ inсh-wide.
I - tl
Pсllern Portsl
[Гfi } sr Е.""Jрo*of wois! 72 ond 72o fronl porl
щ l sz iiйt
( 53 poсket
g of tr ou se r s (p i ё сe
tоg e th e r l i n e s)
73 ond 73o boсk porl
. 54 side port of trousers. (pieсe
55 boсk toq e th e r I i n е s)
5 6 u n d e r с o I I or 74 fr6nt yoke
57 upperorm 7 5 f r on t e d oi n o

58 underorm 76 froлt po7t -
tnзtruсtionз: 28зl
n"..,,i'"JJo"IJlures: - гTT\
. fгiтl.l 77 side porl
inсhes Iono, of whiсh з/r iпсh is under. l l Т фr I 78 boсk
7 9 сo||or
рloсket , IVi i п ф e s wi d e ( f i n i s h ed widt h I ll lI l l 80 slе
i /r iпс h ) p Iu s t u r пi n g s .Y o u wi l | fin d t h e l -- ll - ^l I l l
fo сin9 s ,f 6r t he f r o n T е d g e s , n e с k|in eon d |lу| l|43l l l ;
ormho|esof woislсoot morked on lhe porls l-lll l I r
49, 50 ond 5I. Prior to сUtlinE out, loy
s hЬu| d e r d o г ts ond fro nt div iding seom together . Cut out the odge foсing mor ke d
on p o г t 5 2 tw i с e, t he po с k el t wiс e, por t 56 onсe, the upper сoIlor onсe os p e r
pori 5 6 , b u t o n t he o ut eг edge o litt|e |or gеr ' Cul out the foсing mor ked on p or t 5 7
twiсe. The loy out of moterio| ond moke up ore the ъome os outlined on the
preсеding pottern.
whiсh l inсh is underpIoсkel, 2 inсhes wide (finished width ll/r inсhеs), 2 рoсket l3 tlil83 Chorming d]ei3 lor sizec 8-l0 уeors
loЬs eoсh 6tlz inсhes iong, 21lz inсhes wide (fiпished width 2 iпсhes). сut out the Yo;dogэ: l!/z уords 60 inсh wide moteriol,2 уords Ьorder 3/r iпсh wide.
poсket pouф morked oп Ъort 76 four limes, 2 sleeveЬonds eoсh ll inсhes long, of
wh i сh 6o с h 1 i п с h is upper o nd under p|oсkets, сUt oul сolIor ond fr oпt e d g i п 9 Pollern Poilsr
f rom re d o n d w h it e m o t erio | ( t rim m ing), thв iпner сo|Ior fr om г ed tr imming mo- ,^ 100
,l0l front
l e ri o| , on d с u t o u t o lI po rt s plus t urnings. Cut out |eg edges minus lur nings. Ч bqсk
Ё ]02 sid e p ort
T;ousersз sew on lo the |owеr poсket pouсhes the foсings. Мoke bound poсkets. э lff} сo|loi
Stitсh dorts. Join seoms, leoviпg s|its open os per nolсhes. Sew on lhe s|it inner
edg e s oп. l h e i n n er | еg s eo m s . t o get he r .^|r on in lhe fr oлt s|il foсings os mor k e d l o
wr ono s |d a o л d s ew | п o z|o t o s ieпer . D l|tlen bonо w |tn vI|ene ono sew on. |n se r т
e|ostiс through |eg edges reipeсtive Ьind oround with Ьios binding.
Anolqк: : J o i n re d g ing
Anorqkr rg o nd, o ut er с o llo r. r .. тIUr ,Ut poсket llobs on
Urnп oUт
out rn t h e rnorrow ' side s
mounte( ne o nd
d o n to to v i l ene no lo t opp, sst irс otсk on po<
it с h. тloсk pс
poсket tobss lo the re fronl
thr nl рorts,, right
side t o г i g h t.. I'чy poсket pouсn
рo :ket ,pouсhcuсn over !sс some
Ime ono opр yr lh e sr
o rsew on, oppr sесono poсket
pou€Ь t!b th e : sIo e, рo
poutЬ po пs . 1 lпsert
гls. пss ert edgin yokt
en lhe yokes o C front
es oпd t
edgings gr;s belween
dorts. J o i n sе s e o ms . Тoр
l oр stitсh it с h
't it с h div idin
idingrg I s.
SeOmS. Join' poсket
po pouсh seom s. Hem
onorok. tu r n iin
ro k.. Тurn n the seoms eo m o||owonсes
o llo ' olonq
o|ong th, edges
olong the ro \wrong side. Тurп out
lgs to porls os per seom numbеrs
сo||or mounted on to o foundotion of vi|ene ond opp|y to neсkline еdge. Toсk iп Аoo|y' i oiside
te n е r . Т o p s t it с h upper edg es of сo||or , fr ont edges ond hЪ
o z i p f o sste m. Se t i n
hem. or i d l ow e r sl e e ve s e o m s . J o in
slee ve s l o o r m h o les . М o k e Iining |ining o nd hem in. on the Iow er s|eeve еdges l oсk l ow e r ' or mh ol е e d g g s t о g e lh e r . J o in
rowedged. Loy |ower s|eeve edges in p|eots..TUrn out s|eevebonds on .the пo.rrow сenter boсk seom. Тurn out boсk nor-
sides os w ell os on the edges o f th e row sides of сo|lor ond sew in сollor.
upрer ond under p|oсkets duly moun- Sew in o zip foslener. Hem drёss.
ted on to viIene, mitrе off upper. Golher Iower s|eeve edgэs. Join both
p|oсkets to o рoint. Sew on Ьonds. Ьonds ond sew on lo the lower s|eeYe
Work oп lhe upperp|oсkets eoсh l edges. Sew on border lo sleevebonds
worked buttonhole. Тop stitсh Ьonds. on d th e сo||or

t4 8393 Anorok with сop for girls in oge group l.l-l3 уeors
ll 8375 Elegonl ensemЬlefor burdo gize44 Yordсg e :1зlryord s 56 inсh wide mole riol, 9 yord s borde r l iп сh w id e, 1 l/ r у ord s
NovoI inlining 56 inсhe swid в.
Yqrdooe: A|low for dгess ond ioсket: 3l/z уords 56 inсh wide molerio|. for dress:
Pollёrп Po]l':
l'/z yoЪs 56 inсh wide moterio|. 1l/r уoгds Novolin |ining for ioсket 56 inфes wide' o 104 fronl
Pсlteш Porls: Q l05 Ьoсk
8l front yoke 5 ]0 6 сo||q r

82 front between рort ]07 sleeve

83 сenlet fronl skirt 108
,l09 heod oort
. ( upреr вdging

i gHЕfl "/ 1
Б в+lixТ}.ont,кi,t .lU\\ il L
I l l 0 l ow e r e d g i n g

;'; fry--\Ь"{\

l ]n3i]Uсlioпs8 Sleеve.

l bonds ore eoсh: 9в/r
I i n сh e s I on g , of w h i сh
l ll/r iпсhes = under.
.2 4 inфes widв
{finished width inсtles) 2 Ьoпds for
ioр eoсh l4'lz inсhes |ong, з/r inф
wide, (finished width l/z iпй). Cut out

,;:}i* [NР}<--
ol l p or ts p l u s tu r n i n g s.
Anorokl Мoko slils on s|eeves. Sew
on Ьordеr. Stitсh doгts. Join seoms.

=v Sew on boгder to ihe fгont porls qnd
you wilt find the o..hol" lt ill -


'i obove the hom|ine in сonformity with lhe morkiпgs' Hеm onorok. Sew down lhe

ffit.н* tЬ*u{Цг1 [r1

f r on t e d oв s o z i p f oste n e r . Мou n t сol |or on to o f ou n d oti on of v i| е n э o n d lu r n
out. Seй in сo|16r to neсk|ine edge. Set in s|еeves lo ormholes. Мoke up lining
oлd sew in. On the lower sleеve edges toсk rowedged. Goiheг lower sleeve edgas.
- тUrn out sleevebonds on ihe пorrow sides ond I.nсl.upрer of^underp|oсket, moun.
еoges oт.Unбerp|oскel'
Upрer edges mo^un.
led on to vilеne. Sew on bonds. Sew

U bl
on Ь or d e r to сol |or on d s le e v e Ь o n d s .

Fosten Ьonds oпd сo|lor with snop
seoms. Тurn out neсk|ine on the froп] Copl Mouпl tha сrown ports oпd the
betwеen port with the foсing. Set in Ьeь |ow e r e d g i n g on to vi l e n e . J o in с r o w n
weеn porl os per seom пumbers' тop stitсh ports. Joй cdgings ond lurп out bonds
Ьetween port, uпder|oying on neсk|ine on f or сop l e n g th w i se ' Se w o n u p p e r
un d е rp l o с k e t 4 x 4 inс hes . Jo in s eo ms, Tur n оut neсk piping on the upрer e d g e e d oi n сr 6 w n oq r t. T u r n o u t | 6w o r
ond on l h e b o с k пo rro w s ides , duly mounted on to vi|ene, ond opp|y to n e сkl i n e pip-ing-on the |owЬr edge, сotсhing the
еdge. Sew down neсk piping. Sew in o zip foslener. Тurri out ormho|es with the bonds between. AppIy the oulвr edging
т oс| ngs . п е m o r e s s . (|ower), hem down iпner rowedged
Jodсe!: Stitсh dorts. Join dividing seoms. Тoсk in vi|еne lo froпl edges ond priсk over the seomIine. Sew on Ьorder os
p е r mor ke d l i n e s. Li n e сo p .
vi| e ne o n to th e underс o I| o r po rt s . Join seoms. H em ioсkel ond sleеves. Jo i n u n .
derсo| | o r o n d fo с ing po rt s . S ew iп under сo||oг . Тur n out outer edges of сol |or
oп d f ro п t e d g e s wit h lhe fo с ing. Hem dow n foсing on w r ong side, hemming d ow n
oУe r l he с o l | o r s eo m | ine wit h t he neсessor y sur plus length. set in slеeves t o or m- t5 8395 Sportivednorok for girlз qged Ь8 уeqrs
holes. Sliffen belt with vilene ond lurn Yo:doge: l'/r yords 56 inсh wide moterio|, l yord Сuprolin |ining 56 inфes wide.
oul. Top stitсh outer edges of сo||or ,
front edges, hem oпd edges of Ьelt,
os shown on photo. Line ioсket. Hove
o fuг сolIor mode by o fur r ier on d
sewn on.

12 8376 ProсtiсoIpinolore dresзfor Ьuldo зize 38/40

Yordoge: уords 56 inсh widе moteriol.

A.R Eiiirr:{:iii'
$'lt\lllк ; fi i'Ji:
il N \ \ r lnstruсtions:
You wiI| find the l- l\ l
"".n. l

/ ШlJ
l i n e o n d o r m h o |efoсiпgs du |у m orked.

l ",\
tу т Yт т 1 l| l

i *t]i*+-"i.уllll*Jiд,,i",#
jtiп. тo.t. ogoin,l."ii'""
""J&ri"Ъ.. -iriii. -oi .
Join E.g-*
the front edge, oп the edges os well
os lower edoe oll os for os lhe seom
Stitсh doгls. JЬin seoms. Sew in on Эpti|on zipper."ii""-.:
"JiБ' пumber 6. Sew on outer hood. Hem
ne сkI i n e o n d o г m ho Ie fo с ings o nd lur n oul w ith some the dowп innеr rowedqed over the seom-
сor r esoondino edoes. H em I i n e . T u r n i n th e i e om o I lo w o n с e s o f
p|eot'under p- |oсkeГ. Sew oп th e l ow e r sl e e ve e d g e s o lo n g t h e f o ld
derploсket' Turn out eoсh |i n e to w r on o si d e on d s e w d o w n iп
ond sew on wilh butlons. preporotioп {Ъr he drowslring сosing.
Set in sleeves to ormho|es' Мoke up
|i n i пo on d h e m i n . I n se rt e | o s t iс . W o r k
o Ьuitonho|e' Мoke be|t ond top stitсh.
Trim the front edge of hood with foke
fur bу hond.
16 8394Snugonorokforуouthsogвdl0.I2уеorз 2 8з80 PrqсtiсoldresstorЬurdorize45
Yсldogel l1/z yords 56 inсh wide moterio|. ll/r уords Cupro|in lining 56 inсhes wide. Yсrdзge: 21/zуords 56 iпсh wide moterio|.

@д"E iii*#.ii.*:t,*:i,N,'
Po}lem Pсrlз:

L i[;"#,:,:. п.AY
ll7 front - - 116 Qnt r;s


*,"" .\ F
! ]:.,.::;:"', ё

ffiffi|$';$ч Ё
гlчll . l\


0 \
#,iI I L
eoсh twiсe from mo.
'J I
lerio l o nd lining, 61/z
inсhes wide, 6 inсhes dеep, the bell сor.
-lJ \\1t
out the right front Port
on|y os for os thе
morked edge |ines, the edgiпg onсe, Port

|r сollor onсe os per tY iv 7

- i.uJ
9 twiсe' the Uppor l t. .|

Ёliji;] t ьЁ
ri m o r k e d on
e rs morked po rls ll7 o
o n Dorls nd lll8
ond l8 eoф
eoсh oort 9..' ЬЬut
oor l 9 ot свnler
u t ot.сЪn ler ЬЬoсk
oсk l{rom
r om ffo|d of i
o|d -of r \ lа -l
j;j''i1jln';Ь". tonо, wide(fiпished
3 inсhes lllz indtes).
width Cutouto||
F _ ч.
Нli: 8li
h:"l;k,'loJx.."nn'|.'t"..?ffiJl: Ёз
Anorok:Тurn out eoсh two f|op ports stitсh.Wor! on.!l.? т"nl pg,lt l:I L.F-J t- ч,l
тloЬйj.;;;i"i;. iЪp-.ЪriiБ i;ь;t Ь;;i-s
:ll. *n:^P]y','чl}".1,:.м:}*:1,::j'
out Ъf moierio| the sЪme os meirtioned oir ---- aЁJ
os'6er йor ked |ine6.' Tur n out сoi r i e r s th e p r e сe d i n g p q l l e r n .
Iendthw ise. too stitф oпd se w oп .
stiiсh dor[s. JЁin seoms. Hem onorok.
Мouпt сol|or on to vi|ene o пd l u r n
out. then sew in. Toсk down ihe fronl
ijР."". 3 8:t59Slenderizingeveninggownfor Ьurdosize lE
.i""tin}::" .".i..Е?"';*',}l" 3l
!!|' ,i"Ч Yсгdogо:3зli уords36 inсhwide moteгio|. уord beod border21lzinсheswide.
onor ok. Ъ ew on to lhe.|ow er s|e e ve ']
JJ"Ьi...ti"йьeа .l"Ь"jbonds iв inБel ГЪ rs' Pottэm Pqrts:
i.iEБ' i'.iiЫ-ай;т'ъliЁ;; l}'.iшЁiJ-.Бi Чl (] ;.]. 1l front
12 fronl skirt poneI
from eIosliсol moterio|.
I3 Ьoсk

ChoЁC Burdс.ilodэn I ]ntlruclioп3: You will find the neсk-| !
|i пe on d or mh ol e f oсi пg s d u |уl r

I morked.

Ьurdo Speсio|Мodel I Dlesз: Тoсk slrips of vilene ogoiпsl

th e n e сkl i n e e d g e s. sti tсh d or ts.
сe n l e rг f r on l -on
J oi n се ondd Ь oсk se oms, q ms,
8356 Foshionobleskirtsfor Ьurdo зize 44 |е ovi n g с sI i t op в n . Aр p l y th e
.on t ski
Y qrdo E e : Y o u wi|| require: fo r diog. A)l 3з/r yor ds 36 inсh w ide mote r i ol , fronl port to thе fгont skirt poг |. J oi n sh ou l d e r on d
r t ooпе
]з / r yo r d s I i n i nq 5 6 inс hes wide, f or diog. B};2'lz yor ds 56 inсh w ide m ote r i ol , side seoms.
sЪoms. Sew down the bЬсk Ьoсk openino o zip foste.
J oiln b
neer .r . JoIt n eCкI|пe
oth пg сk|i n e on
ollq d ora r mmh
t lo|9oi e fr qoс-i
c|r |gn q r |ud tu
5 q s on lUlrrl n
for the sсorf: зh уord 56 inсh wide moteiioI, ll/r уoгds |iпing 56 inсhеs wide, for n oolп

diog. c}: 2,lz уoids 64 inсh wide moterio|, з/r yord Iining 56 inсhеs wide. for out with some thв гespeсlive гesрeсlive edges. edoes. Hem Hem-dress. dress. Sew ' !
diog. D):21llуords 36 inф wide moterio|, з/r уord liniпg 56 inфes wide' on the beod border lo the fronl porl obove the woist !

rd F
m Pofierп Pgrt::
I tl / l\ R l o n d l o f r o n l s k irt Ц
l^ll ъ- ;l 2 г."J:ik"1'ffi"", d
1 Ь o с ks k i r tp o ne|

tjJfil lij,нiitlт.,ж*
Гf\ ff\ l ln,t.u"tion,.Prior

4 8348 Smort out|it tol Ьurdo size 36
moking .up in ve|vel рoy oltenliоn lo Гto Y or d сg e : A||ow f or Ь l ou sе . l l /z уor d s z |8 i псh l on g mote r i o|, f o г lh e w o is t с o o t :
run o т o l l e . l r /z yor d s 3 6 i n сh w i d o mote r i o|. f or l h e tгou se r s,|r /r уor d s 5 6 i n с h w id e m o t e r io | ,
з /з
D i oo. A l : W o is t bo nd m eo s ures: 42 |oсke t: ?/r yor d s 3 6 i n сh w i d e mote r i o|, уor d l i n i пg f or w oi stсoo t 56 in с h e s w id в,
l'lu yords |ining for woistсоot 56 iпсhes wide, lr/l yords Ьеod Ьordеr з/r inсi widэ,
i nсhЪ s l o n g , 2 iпс hes widв, ( finished
ф '.'{ I\ зh
уord rep ribbon l inф wide.

wi dt h l i n с h ) ' Ь io s s t riрs fo r b ulton
l oops 6 'l z i n с h еs Io no , '/ z
(f i ni s h e d w i d l h l/ 4
inс Jr w ide
inс h) . C ut o ut olI
L.зцs-J Pсttern Porls:
ports plus turnings. lzl froni g
15 poсket
D i oq . B ) : W o i st bo nd m eo s ures : 4 4 iпфes |ong, of w hiсh 2llz inйes ore u р p e r . ]6 boсk
pl oсke t, 3 l / z i n ф es wide, ( fiпis hed w idth ll/z indtes},2 str ops eodt 6llr inй e s l on g , l7 undeгсolloг
3 сorriers for sewinE on the fosteners, eoсh 3 inсhes long, oI| 2 inсhes wide ]8 sl e e ve '
(f i ni sh e d wi d th l inс hl, с ut in dio gonoI w or pgr oin. sсor f is 2llr yoг ds |ong. l 3 i n сh e s 19 сenter fronl porl of
wi dе . C u t o U t ol|, po rt s pIus t urnings. woislсoot
з/r inсh is u p p e r . 20 side froпt port of
D i og . C } : W o i st bo nd m еo s ures : 4 2'lz inсhes ,ll/u |ong, of w hiсh
inсhes} сul out the рoсtet on port 'l

ploсkеt, 3r/z inсhes widв, (finished width woistсoot
t w i се, o n d o l l o t her рo rt s p|us t um ings. 2.l сenier Ьoсk рort of
w oi stсool
Diog. D):,l WoistЬond meosures: 42 inсhes long, 2 inсhes wide, (finished width
2 iпсhes inсh plus tuгnings. Мoke up os desсribed for speсioI model on фort "A,.

l 8380 ProсtiсolDressfor Ьurdo sizв 50

Yсldoge: 2зh уords 56 inф wide moleriol.

Pqtlэrп Pofl3:

:l igiil; гt. lnslruсtioпs: The pottern for trousers No. { on фort

ore opp}iсoЬlе lo lhis

t t.-\д
potterп. Cut oul port 15 four times, port 17 twiсe, the Upрgr сo||or twiсe os per

When сut.

9ort 17, but on lhe outer edge o |itt|e lorger,2 s|eevеЬonds eoсh 9llz iпсhes |oпg.

of whiсh з/r iпф is underploсket, 5 inсhes wide (finished widtЬ 21/z inсhes). Cut
ou t o|| p or l s p |u s tu r n i n g s' Y ou w i || f i пd th e f oсi n g s f or l h e f r on t e d g e s d f w o is Ь
сoot. n e сkl i n e on d or mh oI e s d u |у mor kе d . P r i or to сu l ti n g ou t, I o y t h e d iv id iп g
I '4 I L-
seoms tooеtheг. Cut out the edoe fqсino morked on Dort 23 twiсe (os shown
г";5т!",*я: i iY. .'l ".:1, with seсф, port 26 four times, p6сket poйсh eoсh twiсe irom moterio| o'nd lining,

6 l l I i n сh е s w i d e .6 з l l i n сh e s w i d e .2 str i p s of p i p i n g e oс{ r 6 1 /u in с h e s | o n g , , lt lz
i п сh e s w i d e , сU t ou l р or t 2 9 |w i сe , th e u p p e r сo|l or tw i се os p e r p с r t 29. b u t o n

Г".,il,.','.i',iij.ilil'' o*т}"Jнп.'i!o *.j'''3;lt - .ц. \.-J

th e ou te г e d g e o l i tl l e l or g е r . Cu l ou t o|| p or |s p I u s se om oI l ow on сe s .

lТ.1lь T"'l';.i8ll ;.ij?'%.',:;n:;.

o| | po r ts p I u s seo m o | | o wo nс es .
.ii i дgf Tlouseв: P|eose Ьe guided Ьy the direсlions given on pollern 1 on сhort "B,.
Blouse: Siitсh dorls. Join seoms. Мoke iпсision on front port then norrowly hem
D r взз: Toсk on vilene to edgi n g s. l e f t edges. Turn out eoсh two poсkеl рorts ond sеw on. Turn oul eoсh onсe under ond
e{ge oп.d lhe undeгсollor рorts' App|у u p p e r сol l or p or t. Аp р |у u n d e r сo||oг to n е сkl i n e . Т u r n i п th e u p p e r с o I | o r w it h t h e
edg|ng lo.lhe lIgnt т r onl por t l n op e n n r сe ssor y su r p l u s l e n g th on d se w d ow n ove r th e sе om|i n e . Se w i п o z ip f o s t e n e г .
Ioy out.oIl
of motеr io|. Tur n out n e сkI i n e He m b l ou se . G oth e r l ow е r sI e е ve e d q e s' n or r ow |y h e mmi n o b e twe e n lh e d io o o n o I
еdges os for os seom nu mb e r 3 . notсhes. Тurn out s|еeveЬonds oп thЪ norrow sides ond -uooer edoes of u-nder.
Stitсh dor ts. Join seoms. Join u n d e r . p|oсket. Sew on bonds. Work in the upperptoсkets eoсh 2 wЬikвd Ьйtonholes. Set
сoIlor por ts. т Ur n oul under on d u o. i n sl e e ve s to oгmh oI e s.
per сolIor porls. Applу underсollor, Woislсoot: Toсk in vi|ene to edqes ond oqoinst the neсkline edoes. Work Ьound
lurn in upper сollor with the neсessory b u tl on h ol e s. Sti tф d or ts. J oi n sЪoms. He й w oi stсool . J oi n o|| Ъ с in о s o n d lU r n
surp|us Iength ond hеm down over the out with the resрeсtivе edges. Neoten off buitonho|es. Line woislсoot' -
seomline. Hem dress ond sleeves. Work
worked Ьuttonholes. Set iп sIeeves to J od r e l : Sti tсh d or ts. J oi n d i vi d i n g se oms' Т u гn ou t e oсh tw o f l oр p e d p o с k e ls m o u n .
or mholes. tв d on to vi |e n e . W or k on th e f гoпt p or l s f |oooe d p oсke ts. Т oс v ile n e t o f r o n t
e d g e s on d p r i сk vi I e n е on to th e u n d e r сoI I or .p Ъr ts..W or k Ь ou n d b u t t o n h o t e s . J o in

foсinos oпd turn out эdgэs:{6Ьсhl:qsfor os the seom numЬer i5. Join seoms. Hem 8 8362 Smorl сope for Ьuldo size Щ
ioсkol-ond s|эeves.Joiniuлфr.oпd uppeг сol|or ports. Turn out under ond upper
Ьul do not сotсh in эnds of foсiпg. Turn in
сo|Iors.App|у underсo|lqtr]]lti,neсkIiпe, Y.ordogэ: 2 уords 56. inф' wide moterio|. l!/z уords Cupгolin lining 56 indrеs wide,
uрpgr,сo||or сnd ends of foсing togelhor with the пвсessorуsuгplus length ond f/r уords |eother riЬЬon ,/r iпdr wide.
hвm togolher, os from эпd of foсing, hem down the uppor сo||or rowedged. Neoten Potig'n Polьз
off Ьullonholes. Sew on thо beod bordэr os shown oп photo. sэt in s|eвYos to 50 froпt
ormho|es. Linэ iосket. a 5l Ьoсk
Ё 52 undsrсo||or

5 8345 Poф Suit |or Ьurdс cize 38,140

l rol| (50gr') PingouinМeto||iсуorn
yfiЁil'ii 3t/rуords36 inф widemolerio|,
cAPEl Turn out toЬs on lhe outer

bond to heйline. Sew on fostenind

strop mode from IвotherЬond ovor thE
front сoIIorsoomline.Line сopв.

9 8368 Smorl dreзз for Ьurdo size 38/40
Yоrdoge: 2|la уo|ds 52 indr wide moteriol.
lolоlo: Toсk in vilene lo gdges ond ne*|ine edoвs. Stitdr dorts. Join seoms. Hem Potlоrп Portr:
boЬro. Join foсings ond tuin out lhr сorresрondiпg вdgos. Knot on friпge os 53 сentэr troпт
thown on photo. - 6\ яь 54
-кP s! Q 54 Ьutton tob
4IIN|гГh l9 ьр!t"
sдЕUll I |l 56 sido front Dorl
-flЁ[lгп [ 57 front yoko.
,| l\l I i ll 58 boсk port
,l lll-t-l l( 59 сoI|orЬond
Tт1 lll |{ 60slввvэ
// tl ll/ |t tnзtruсtioпз: Cul oul
I \\чt |t
the poсket pouсh mor.
T - ked on port 53 lwiсe,
two з|eэvoЬonds eodr
l0 jnсhes |ong, of whiф l inсh is un.
derploсket, 4% iпdres widэ (finished
width 2'lz indtesl. Cut out ol| porlз plus
7 8з6т Chiс зki suil Ьurdo зize 44 turnlпgs.
Yordзge: 2|lz уords 60 inсh wido molerio|,l/r yord whitв trimming moterio|60 inфes DrgзззТoсlсstriрs of vileno onl lo the sleevebondsond thв lhв outer сoIlorЬond.
сo|lorЬ |enoth.
wide, '/r уord Ь|oсk trimming moterio| 60 inсhes widв. ll/r yords Cupro|iп liniпq we|| os the outer
wiso, os well ouler be|t.
|t. Work
belt. W Ьound Ьuttonho|es.Turn
Тurn oul the
thе riqht |oiryer
56 inфes wide. For Ьindiпg Ъгound the front |og edgosl Тr yord вlostiс, Yr inсh norrow sides of
norrow sides toЬ. sew
o1 loЬ. Sеw on iobs.
iobs Aрply
Aрplу poсket
рoсket pouсh lo the сenter fйnt ports
wide, for the boсk leg edgвs Vz уord Ьios binding l inch wide. from
trom right sidз.
lrom rioht
right sids. Stitdl
sidз. Joiп сenler
stitф dorts. Join сenier Ъoсk
boсk ond.side
:сk .ond
ond o
oul Ьэ|t.
side seoms. Тurn out Тop
stitф buttoп lobs ond edgos of Ьelt. Toсk on be|t. Joiп frontfronl dividing
dividino seoms,
seoms' сoi.
Polt.m P6tь! dring in bеlt between.Тurn in poсkel pouсh Ф lo wrong side ond ioin ioin. seoms. Top
,Ю ond 40o froпl port stitdt dividing seoms, but do not сotй
а pieсe
of lrousers,piёсe 6 ^ in. the poсkэt_poudr.
in рoсkэt poudl. Sеw
Sew on уokоs. Тop

stilф seoms. Join shou|derseoms. Turn
oul сo||orЬond ond sew oп. Top stilф
сollqrЬond. Set in s|eeves to ormho|es.
Hem drEss. Ngoten off Ьutlonho|gs.

iвii:ii:*", \.'/ \ ll N. ./ъ'

ш L!
l0 8372 Prellу lrouзer зUril for burdq sizo 42

Yсrdoge:23ll уotdз.56 lndr widв moleriol,
wide, l yord rep ribbon l iпф widэ. '/z уord lrimming moleriol 56 inсhes
Pollem Porlз:
on рorl 40 four timвs from lining, the fo- 6l front port of
с|ng for
тor the pocкel pouclr
lne poсkеt poudr twiсe
toгio|, .l strips of рipino
twlсe Jrom
trom mg.
pipinо eoсh 6 indles
g trousors
62 Ьoсk porl of trousors
6sс{ фce
|ong, ll/z inсhes wide, troussrsЬondmeosures:32tlz indres |ono. of whiсh l inсh 63 fгont port
is underploсket.2 inсhвs widE (finishedwТdth l inфl, 2 poсkei'loЬs eoсh 6llr in. 64 boсk
Фэ.s tong, 2llz Ьrфes wide (finishвdwidth l indr}' porТ45 Ьoф twiсe from motеrio| 65 betwoeп рoгt
on{ |ining, Pqrt 47 onсe.,port 49 twiсe' culting oйt tho эdeings, outer сo|tсrbond 66 froпl skirl oonel
ond ouler s|eevebondsfrom lhв lrimming moterio|. Cut out o|I porls p|us sеom
Trourэвз Мoke up os per lhэ djreсtives given foг Pottern lo on фort .B..

Troulgв: Stitсh dorts. Join seoms. Iron in lhe сut.on s|ii foсinqs lo wronq sidc.
Turn oul lhe uрper edgв o.f lrousers.with.the s|it foсingi, whiсh Еiв iuйn..Ъ"i"-i,i
o z|p N€ o len ott upPer еdge of trousвrs with reр ribЬon. Hom lrousвr3.
lurп oul lhe poсkel tobs on the norrow sidеs mounted on to vilеnэ. Мokэ
on tho tfont sk.fl ponel.tobbed pockets. Stitсh on.edging lo lhe |ower s|eeve edoсs
ooove lne nem||nes.5tllсh dorls. Join sвoms. Golher upper front edoэ of зkirt.
Sel Ьelweеn Port betweeп. Sew iп o zip fosteпer. тurn oй.tho iй^t iБ&]tiй.?ili.
colou; kэуз
B = pink
Еl = |i|oс

iJl = white
jQl = ,ua

El -_ уe||ow .
q = pа|e bгown j
Colour koу:
П] = b|ue Е - g.""n

E = turquoiso
g = veilow

[ = g old e n ve llow

@ = p ole gre вn
= d ork g rе dn
@ = cote arev
= dork ereу

Е = solmon pink

p = p ink
= Рolo pink
El = medium pink

El = dork pink
-6 = рolвst Ь|uo
= pole blue
[1 - mediumblue
El = morigoIdуellow, po|e
Еl = morigo|dуe|low

ol = morigold уe|low,dork
= уellowish greеn, po|e
Ш _ уe|lowishgreen, medium

[l = greвn ц
!П = dork grooп

@ = bluish greeп, рo|e

Бl = Ьluish groan

EI = brown

[$l = go|den уe|low,рo|в

[] = go|denуe||ow
.fifl = yellowish brown
boсkground= b|o&


O = d. с.

I =tr.

I = Z trs. worked loo.


= з',". worked tog.
Y = sl . s t ,

fr = piсot(= 3 ф.; l d. с. in lst dl.)

J \ = 1 db t .r r .

69ll/07 '9

69118l oorh with Chlittmor ttаrз

p] = pole sreen
p = dork greeп

I ъ).ё+
-"1 s*. т..


Iurn out эoф one under oпd upрer сol|or tr porl on ouler edgв mouDled on 14 8369 Coсt ond Ponъ lor Ьurdo зize 42
vi|ene.Toсk сo||or logetheг lrowodgэd, giving of ot somв time thэ
Тo& iпner edges of сol|or 'o
Upper Col|or porl3 lhв neсessory sUг. Yoldqqeз A||ow for сool ond lrousвrs:4'lr yoгds 56 inсh wide moleriol, foг сootl
oluз lengths.
lenqlhs. тurn out eodr two сol. 3 yord1 56 inсh wide molerio|,2 yords Novojiп сoot Iining 56 inфes widе. зi yoiil
lorbondз, со
сotdring in on the uрpвг reo riЬboп l inсh wide.
вdoe the
edge :o|lor betwээп.
the сo|lor
сo|lor bЪtwooп.Sew oп сoI.
Hem tuпiс ond sleвves. Sel
|сrЪоnd. Hem
in s|eвveslo ormho|эs.

ll 8379 Youthtul dresз for burdq sizэ 48

Ioga: i2 уords 56 indl wide moleriol, Yr yord trimmiпg moleriol 36 indres widэ.
llo.n Podas
сeпleг froп
7l сeпleг
сeпl froпl

I 73 sidв
72 sidв
sidв front

Пltll I tt undвrсo||or
74 undвrсo||ot

75 sleeve
ont skirl
76 front
tron skirl ponel
skirt р

77 Ьod
TI Ьoсk
rсk skirt
Ьod< р
skirt tрonеl

uсlioпз: Your w ill
d the
find tl
the пe пeс e fo-
сingsl lmorked
gs 'ked. Cut
morked. ul oul
the ur
lhe uпdвrсolI
u rссool l |l |oorr tonсe,
n d вrrсo
lhe upper |nсe
Upрer сoIlorг onсe os
t 03 per
рerвr t|
the ul
under, CoATl App|у poсket pouсh os per notсhes. Stitсh dorts' Join front dividing seoms.
-o3^ Turn in poсket pouФ lo wrong зide ond ioin sвoms. Priсk vilene on lo fronl porls
th€ r
bul on lhв re o liti
edge little-lorgt
ond the underсo||or porls. Turn out fronl edges eoсh os for os the seom number
Dtэзз: Тасk in vi|eпe to edges, ond пeсk. 4 with the foсings. Join seoms. Join underсo||or porls. Тurn out undor oпd upper
|ine edges. Stitф dorts. Join dividing сoIloв. Sew in сollor to neсk|ine. Hem сoot ond s|eeves. Тurn out ba|t |enolhwise.
seoms' Hem Iower fronl oпd boсk port Тop stitс}r еdgеs, edges of beIt oпd ouler edges of сo||or. Sel in sleeves orm.
вdoos. Joiп on skirl ond bodiсe the seoms. holes. Hove o fur сo|lor ond сuffs modc Ьy o furrier oпd sew on'
Tuin oul edgэ foсings to righl side. Join
neсk|ino foсings ond sel edge foсings bet.
ween, turп out nsсk|ine odgo. work down
the riqht edqe worked bullonholвs. Тop
stitф Бdges. aqсk on right front port tЬ
left. Sew on upper port to skirt. Sew
in o zip fostener. Hem dress ond slee-
ves. Sgt in s|eeves to ormho|es. Мoke
trimming сo||or ond dew in Ьу hond.

15 836| Sportive iuil for уouths qged Ь8 уeoв

l1r уords 60 indr wido moterio|,l yord NovoIin liпing for io*et 56 iпdres

Pollorп Port.3
99 front port of

^ lrousers
Ё l00 underoloсket
э l0l boсk iort of
Yourhful dreзз for Ьurdo size lB
12 |ff3,79 I trousers
I l02 сenterfront
I 103 side front
I( lff l!&",
106 сenterboсk
t l07 sids boсk
. l08 сolI orb ond
109 upper orm
ll0 und e rorm t
lnstruсlionзз сut oU! porl lФ onсe
from moleгioI ond Iiпing. .l05 ports l04
ond l08 eoсh twiсe, port four times,
lhв foсing morkod on port l02 twiсe,
the poсket pouсh morked oп porl 99
e oсh tw i сe f r om mol e r i oI on d l i n i n g ,
4 slrips of.pipiдg eodr 6 inсhes |ong, ш
l tn сh w |d e . I r ou se r soon o me osU r e s: t05
26 inсtes |onq, of whiсh ] inф is un.
derp|oсlet, 2 inфes wide (finished
width l inсh). Cut oul oII ports P|Us
Trouзeв: Work on thв fronl рorls of lrousers Ьound poсkэls. Stitсh dorts. Joiп
seoms. |ron in to wrong side the сut.on slit foсiпes. Sew'in o zip fosteпer,сolфinq
in ot somв limв, oп the right slit edge the du|y turnod oul udderploсkоios welil
Stiffen trousersbondwith o |oyer of vi|eпg oпd sgw on. Hem tiousors. Iroп in
сreoзвs,lhвп top stitсhsomв os'tuсks.
Jodсet: Inlerfссe front edoes with
lз 8349 Еlegont ioсkel for Ьurdo size 46 vilene. Join seoms. Turn out Т|ops ond
po*els duly mounled on to vileire, lop
Yodogo: 3% уords 36 inсh wido moteriol,1Vz уords Visсoliп lining 56 indlеs wide. stitсh ond sew on. Тurn out fronl ed.
ges. Hem ioсket ond s|eeves.Turп out
сo||orЬond interfoсed wilh vi|еne ond
sew on to neсk|ine edor. Тoo stitф
front edgвs, hem oпd - |ower. sleevo
edgos, os we|| os сollorbond. Set in
sleeves to ormholes. Work worked but-
lonho|вs.Linв ioсket.

16 8388 Chorming dreзs for sizes 5.6 уeors

Yoldсge: ltД yords 60 indr wide moteriol,I'lr yords Ьorder 3/rinсh wide.

indreз wide, 6 indres

Cut out oll ports plus

Jodlolз slilф
JoC*ols Stirdr dorls.
dorls. Join
Join front
front dividino seoms. T
dividing seoms. Тurn out eodr two f|ops mouпted
on to vi|ene.
on to vi|ene.Work
Work oп oп the porЬ flopped
front porЬ
the front poс
f|opped poсkets. тoсk in lo front'Dorts slriDs
of vi|ene.
of vi|enв. Work bound buttonh6Ios.
Work Ьound bullonhoIos.Turп oui fronl edEes
TurЬ- oui.fronl edEes eoсi
eoсi os
os fdr
fdr osos seсim
пumber.44 whh
whh the
the foсings.
foсings. Join
Join saoms.
sвoms. Join
Join underсolйr ports ond
underсolйr рorts priсk
ond priсk on to
.edge.on to
vi|eпе. ТUrn oul under ond uppвr сol|or. Sew in ,сo|lor tЬ neсk|ine neсk|ineedoe. Hem Hem
ioсket oпd s|eeves. Neoion
Neolon off
ofl bution.
holes. Sot in sleeves lo ormholes. Line

17 8387 Russionluniс tor Ьoуs oged з-4 уeors
Yoгdogg: l'/r уords 36 inф wide moieriol, l'/r yords Ьorder l inсh wide.

Рollerп Portsз
l l6 front
ч Ьoсk
$ l1 8 с o l| o rЬ o nd
l | у s leev e
''ъ llE
..- .|
: lns t ruс t io пs : S leеvebonds or e eoсh 7з|д|
i inс hes |o ng, 2 1! z inсhes w ide. (finished I l|
widt h l iiс Ь ) ' s|it foсing is 7зlr inсhes L- - - lI
i -
З lo пg. 2 inс hes w ide. Cut out o|| P or ls
; H:Т:'.,;::;';,.", oo*.сotь".h .
t urп o u t o л d to pp| у t o nес k |ine. S ew in o z ip fostener . H emf
t uni с . G o th e r lower slееve edqes. Мoke Ьonds oпd sew r
on. S e w . i n ss|eeves to ormhol6s. Sеw on border os per l 115
rt l
mсrked lines.
- 2 8354 Full lengtheveninggown for Ьurdo size 38/40
Y сr d og e : Al |ow f or yoke , sI e e ve s. ski r t f |ou n се : 1 з /r yor d s 3 6 i n с h w id e m o le r io l,
for the fronl ond boсk porIsl 21ll yords 36 inсh wide moteriol, 2зlr уords bеod
bordеr 2|lz iпсhes wide, з/r yord bеod Ьordеr 1 inсh wide.
Potterп Pсrls;
I2 front yoke
; l 3 f r on t p or t
L l 4 f r on t ski r l f l ou n сe д
15 boсk yoke
; 16 b oсk port
} l7 Ьoсkskirt fI ounсe
| 18 sle e ve
t |nstruсtions, You wilI
{ find tьe ne сkI ine fo-
сinos dulv morke d.
t8 Cushionsin nine difterentyorielies - Dressэ Toсk strips of
vi I e n e og oi n st l h e n e сkI i n e e d g e s. Sti tсh
d or ts' Ap Ъ|y yoke s on d ski r t f |oйсe s. J oi n
$ Pon l20 сushioп.
se oms. Se w i п on Op ti |on z i p p e r . T u r n ou t
Y o u wi| | fiпd t he wo rk ino dir eсlioпs for lhesе сus. th e n e сkI i n e e d g e w i th f oсi n g . Hе m d r e ss
hions indiсoted undог [.Гo. 6911t37 in the need|e-
сroft seсlioп, os well os omounl of mo}erio| neсes-
on d sI e e ve s. Se t i n s|е e ve s to or mh oI e s'
Sew on lhe norrow beod Ьorder lo the v J.l
so rу. lower sleeve edges, the wide Ьеod border
ove r th e d i og on ol d i vi d i n g se oms. 11-и.
3 8360 Elegonteveninggown fo] Ьurdo size 46
ChorrD Burdo.ilodeп
||l|9ь9 Yordoge,з 4tlr.yords .piп*triped .36. inсh. wide moteriol, 21/l уords lining 56 inсhes
wide, l|/r yords beod border з/r inф wide.

Ьurdс.SpeсiolModel Pollern Porls.

19 front yoke
20 front Ьort
8355 FoshionoЬ|eskirls for Ьurdo size 46 2.| Ьoсk Ёort
Y ol d o g e : A | Io w fo r dio g. A }:3 з/r yor ds 36 inсh w ide moler io|,2 yord s I i n i n g
l'l;::*"'.Cut.",Гntr !*] Ёll
56 iпсhes wide, for diqg. B): 21lz уords 56 indl wide moteriol, for the sсorf:
з h у o r d 5 6 i n с h wide m o lerio |, l3/r yor ds Iininq 56 inсhеs w ide, foг d i oq . Cl :
21l z 'у o r d s 6 4 inф wide m o t erio |' lзД.yor ds Iiniй 56 inсhes w ide, foг d i ol . D l :
l,l.i.", тffl_il t '4 ) il]
| !Yl,",Ylol'.i'*dli:i
Cul out oort 2'l belo-wI \ ,J Il
21h у o r d s 3 6 i п с h wide m o t erio | , i yor d.|ining 56 iйhes w ide.
2 \
цУ ,' l| ,o
Potte.n PorlJs
г#"'Tl.Ёi,?]""?"'."1I \ ,а\
/] oв'ii:?j"T':[{*:,
Ц we ll os port 20 in od d ition from lining .

l \ ,, .l l
'ж i
: i /' l-\ I I

L lt

F d!r 1 Ь si
Цl lzljltrskirtpoпel
. ,l Ш#'т."lь.'"r::l'lтjr::"',".JiT:"i"{
l\-J l !
NB. Wheп mokiпg up iп voIvэt poу
otlentioп lo
otlent.oп lo .Uп
.Uп o{ ol рi|e. Diog. A):
рi|e. Diog. A):
i l

I i:.i';l'llLJS-J
th e or mh o|е е d g e s, on d h е m th e b oсk s|i t
p q гt. B i пd th e n e сkl i n e e d q e or ou n d i n o
i r yi d th of ' /z i n сh . Se w i n Ъ z i -beod
o f oste n e r '
i Ч0 i ; Ц 4с :

Woi s tb o n d m eo s ures i 4 5 inс lrеs ]o!s, Hem dress ond s|eeves. Sew on Ьordеr to the front sIit edges, neсkline edge
2 iпсhes wide, (finished width l inсh)' ci___!gфj_
- iЁ 'o.6lа ond lhe lower sleeve edges. Set in sIeеvеs to ormho|es.
,|.ч9p1 {'l,.j1; L-здLj
сhes |ong, inф wide (finished width
'/z po гt s р|Us tUr п.
' / r i п ф} . C u t o ut o ll
i ng s . D i o g . 8 )з W o is t Ь Ъnd m еo s ur es: 47'lz inсhes Iong. of w hiсh 2'lz iп фe s or e 5 8366 Snug lop сool for Ьurdo size 38/40
up pe r p | o с k e t, 3l/: inс hes wide, ( fin ished w idth 11/zinсhes),2 str ops eoсh 6 tl z i n сh e s
Yсrdсge: 2.1/1
long. 3 сorriers foг sewing oп lhe fosteners o|I 3 inсhes long, oпd eoсh 2 inсhes у9rd1 foke fur 56 inсhes wide, lVz yords Novo|in |ining 56 inсhes
wi de ( fi n i s h e d widt h l iпс h) , с ut iп diogonoI w or pgr oin, sсor l is 21ll yo r d s l on g , w |oe . J me l o|ol тos' e n е r s.
l 3 i n ф е s w i d e. C ut o ul o || po rts pIus seom oIIow onсes. D iog. C): Woi stb on d Poltern Pсrlsз
mе os u r e s : 4 6 inф | nс hеs wh|сh з/r
еs lo ng, o ft whiсh "/r inсh
|nсh is
|s Upper p|oсket,3r
ploсket' 3'l2
/z |nсhes
inсhes wi (f i nni!s.
wIddee [tI s. 32 front .oort
he d wiwidth 1 l / l inс
d th 1l/l inсhes),
hes l, ссUl
U l oul
o ul tthe poсket mor
he ooсkеt morked
ked on Dport
or l l lwiсe,
lw iсe, сuttiпq
сuttiпq ou
oull ololll i з3 boсk
poгt s p l u s tu r n ings . Diag. D) l W oistbond meosur es:45 inсhes |oпg,2 in сЪe s w i d e *
34 hood
(f i ni s h e d w i d thв l inс h) p| us lurnin gs' For mokiпg up p|eose r efer lo the d i r e сti on s 35 sleeve
gi ve n fo r s p e с io I m o del o n с ho rt , A"'
l 1j!:ч.,'.?].:-.

зД iпсh wide. 21/z уords

. broid.

InФ w|oe.
seom n u mD mb еerr 3 w i th
€ the foсi
f ngs' stitсh d or l s . J oi n se oms. Т u r n
35- ? 2fi\ ou l ooo
I on
o tr
the frr
fro пl edse. { ccl v ou te r
f se . {r
hood from. rig ht sl sid.e. n e m oс oow n tn n e r
hoоd roweoqeo, гп l n e nnddss of f oсi n g on d
ed. lUгп


l J ) " l Llil
lJ ltДШ
6 8з44 Dreзs lor ofle]noon weo. fo] burdo gize 44 9 8351 Smqrl suil for burdo size 42

Yordoge: 3l/r уords 40 inсh wide moleriоl. Yordoqeз Tll уords 56 iпф wide molеrioI, with o l% inф wide woven oп Ьorder..
on bo.Тh sides, 2llr yords Cuprolin Iinind 56 inсhes wide, 30 inс}res lap ribbori
Poile]n Pgrвз l iпсh wide.

36 froni yoke
37 fronl port

Ф а = !i'F*,',o*'
: ii?'н";:Ё.ЁJ*$
38 boсk yoke

39 boсk port
40 underсol|gr
4l sleeve I
42 sosh
Шr liilff:i}.h шtl
lnslruсlioпэз Сut oul
рort 42 twiсe, port 40

o n с e , th e u p per сolIor
onсe os per porl 40 .,. ltD
Ьut on th6 outЬr edge ,l0 t
lпstruсtionз:Loy th6
o lill|e lorger, 2 s|eeveЬonds eoсh
nсh ееs
s IIo
o nnqq'-'-oo
f f whiс % iпф
wh i сhh % i пф is u пder.
is uпder . ; gt (Ъ
ond сenter t,on,on!o1i,.l"do%Т,"l'}"ъ'ifl
ploсket, 5 l'nсhes widь (tinished wid|h 2\/2

Ьordеred edge. Cui out from the border L'l lt Jf

inсhes). Cui out o|l ports р|Us seom o|lo. 2 upper tob.s.e9ф 4зl1 inсhes |ong,,,|.loweг l | |lll9.|


i n сh e s |on g , ol l 1 ' l z i n фe s,
the poсket pouсh four time!
6llz inсhes widе, 3з/r inсhes

f;l].ifr:'i.t l'ъ..
i,Yi! Е:li ""l'".:ffi
lkirh Joiп рleots Ьу loying Х oп io. oссUrole|у. Stitсh dorts. Join sеoms. Sew iп
o zip fosleneг. Мoke up Iining Ьut minus pleots ond sew iп. Тurn oul the upper
e d oe of ski r l w i th th e r e p r i Ь Ь oп.

Toсk iл lo fronl poгls vi|ene. ond priсk

vileпe oп to the Ьoсk neсk|ine вdge.
Joiп seсms.. Joiп песklinз foсinos ond
7 8з58 Coсkroil dresз for Ьurdo size 38/'10 set Ьеtween thз fronl edoe loсinos.
Turn out пeсk|ine еdge. HБm sleevБs.
Yoldoqo; 1]/r уords 56 indr wide moteriс|. You will need for the design of the Join s|eovе edgings. lron neсk edging
beod ёmbroide.ry ll/r уords Ьurdo troпsfer poltern No' 580/15. сosting DМ l.65 pвг to shopc. Sew on вdgings. Work wor.
yord ' A n o s so rt m enl 6 f С o llio nt Ьeods obtoinoЬ|e fг om speсiolists of mote r i ol s = ked Ьuttonholеs. Sеt iп s|oeves lo
Stoffhous Кopр. D - 62 WiesЬoden, om Еou|brunnen' Тhв ossorlment is onlу ormholes. Line ioсket.
obtoinoЬ|e in сonneсtion with the originol mode|.
Pottern Porь:
{l сenler froпt
1 44 side front
Ё 45 Ьoсk
.16skirt ponel
47 sleeve l0 8365 Dress ond io*et lor Ьшdo size 42
Yqrdqgg: For pollerпеd dress ond ioсket: 3 yords 56 iпф wide moteлiol. for
potteгned dress': Il/r yords 56 inсh wide molerio|, for dress in se|f-сolor: 3/r уord
56 indr wide moteriol, ll/z уords VisсoIiп liпing {or ioсket 56 indtes wide.
Dreзз: Toсk slrips of vileпe ogoinsl
|he neсl|ine еdges. Stitсh dorts. Join
'div iding s eo ms. Apply skir l ponels.
Jo in s eo m s . Sew iп o z ip fosleneг .
Тurn out lhe neсkline edge йth the foсiпg. Hem dress ond
sleeves. Sel in sleeves lo ormholes. Embroider front port,
direсtionsto Ьe found on the tronsfer рollern.

8 8378 Cosuol diess for doу weor for Ьurdс size 34

Y ord с g e з ] '/ , y o rds 6 4 inс Ь wide moter iol, for tho knitted сol|or l opрr ox .4 oz s.,
SсhoсhЪnmoyr woo| "Мoth proof Sport Primo", еoсh one рoir of lnoх knittiпg
needles sizes I ond 3.

^&'"&Aig::д+Jiф D ; e tэ : T oсk sl гi p s of vi l e n e oooi n st th e n e сkI i n e e d q е s. Sе w on v o k e s . J o in o le o ls

}Цр ,A\,h,'ft
(<tt }llt l ll 50 boсk by |oying X on to oссUrolе-ly. Тop stitсh yokes Ёnd pIeot seЬms. Stitсh dorts.
Аpp|y front porl |o the front skirl pone|, boсk poris lo thе bссk skir} ponels. Join
se oms. Se w i n on Op ti l on z i p p e r . T u r n ou l th e n e сk|i n e e d oe w it h f o с in o . H e m
dress ond s|eevеs. Set in sle6ves to ormho|e. Тurn oul be|tЪoсh mounted on to
|oundotioпs of vi|ene, ond rounding off the right front edge. Тop stitdr edges.
Sew oп belt oorls.

ll цч} 0 Тii!ъ;:;
i;*i"di'}jl:h.^ l /' ll'\ fl.lllо || 1
oсkogo;,' ] l i " ...ь ^ " ..^ j ; .tl 5 o_l .J
Jqсket: Toсk in vi|еne lo front edges, lhe оuter poсket, the outer сol|orbond, oпd
priсk vilene on to the undeгсo||or. Join seoms' Тurп oul front edoes with the fo.
ti n g s. Hе m i oсke t on d s|e e ve s. J oi n u n сje r сoI I or p or ts. Аp p l y ou t й с o t | o r b o n d t o

vitenе. ;ЕРi#[ъi,}jl
Join l k.o :lil |.-t |.-l l h e u n d e r сoI I or . i пn e r сoI l or b on d to th e U p p e r сoI I or . Т u r n o u l с o I lo r . A p p I y
u n d e r сol i or on d ou te r сoi |or b on d . ol |ow i п q th e e n d s of f ссi n o t o r e m o in | o o s e .
withthr foсinoond.o .'''Jь].t,Д,?
l \ F9l J t Т u r п i n th e u p p е r сol |or on d i n n e r сol l or Б on d w i th th e n e сe sй r y s u r p lu s | e n g lh ,
oпds|eeves. \Jl tu r п i n е n d s оf f oсi n g on d joi n tog е th e r on d se w i n , h om d o w n o v e r t h е b Ъ с k
"Ili[l,jJ."'з Ll Ьs сo||or seqm|ine rowedged. тUrn out poсkеts. Top stilсh сollor, front edges, hem,
|ower sleеve ond еdges of poсkets. Sew on poikets. Set in jleeves to ЪrйhoIes.
collсr; 8osiс рgllernt worked in rounds Line ioсket.
of k n i t 3 , p u rl'3 o lt erno t ely . Knil lension:
26 stitсhes x 30 rounds = 4 x 4 inсhes.
Cosl on l98 stitсhes with needles size 3' п: l-^l
Disiribute lhe stitсhes on to 4 needles. ond ioin jn o ring. Work for the ouler
ttoz I a tl
e doe o | l e r n o l e |y , l ro und k nil o nd l r ound рur l. When w or k meosur es l i n сh f r om
aa_ t././ |
Ьe6'. сoпtinue io work in bosiс potlerп. By o meosurement of 3!/z inсhes os from Еl ./,/
ч . 1' , A
Ьe6.. vou wi|l hove reссhed the neсk еdie. Now woгk with the set of need|es ol \1 I \1
s i z Ъ - '| . . wo r k i n o in t he firs t ro und fr om eoй knit stitсh the 2nd ond 3r d sti tфe s os
knit siitсh tooБlher. workino every our| stitсh slrip lhe 2nd ond зrd рUrl slitсhes
tooelЬвг = l52 stitihes. For_the pсilo сo|lor сontinuЪ to work iп knit 2, ЬurI 2 o|ter. llФll ..

no-iely. Wheп сo|Ior dеpth meojures 8 inсhes сost oft o|| stitdreз ioose|y os lhey
opрeo r. 0,60m
ll 8374 Smorr dress with iссkel tor Ьurdq gize '16 14 Stropped dreзs with ЬIouзоtor toddlgrs ot 2.3 уeов
Yordoсd: AI|ow for Ьodiсe of dress ond edges of io*et. l% уords whilв 56 inФ Yordogез l yord 36 iпсh wide bIousо moteriol, for dresg: 'h уord 60 inф wide
wide йoterio|, for ioсket, pinсfore dress ond edgings, 3 уord b|ue ф inФ цide moteriol.
moteriot, for ЪodiсЁ of drЬss. l yord while 56 iпсh wide- m-oъrio|, for-.piпoforв
dre s s o r i d в d g i n gs : , l!/ z y o rds blue 56 inсh w ide moter iol, l'l2 уor ds lin i n g tor PofiGrn Porls:
ioсket 56 inсhss wide. ч l0,l front
8 lоs ьo*
Potlt]п Pgrl': э 106 underсo||or
dr a.* @
7l lronl .l07
l.r?' ll flr]lгll ] s|ввve
f2r.яthll lll ll ч 78 boсk I 108 front yoke
I tlrltШUAЦl - 79 с6nterfronl
йlЁfr{-- } skirt ponel
,tllll I ltrt' ) 80 side fronl зkirt
4JJtд.lllll t 81 Ьoсk skirt pone|
ll \ll l ,t д t l 82 sleeve
&l front porl
j.П llJr l 84 side port
цt} l' 85 boсk
86 front edging
87 boсk hsm вdgiпo
88 sleeve
lnrlruсti,oпt:You wi|| find the nвсk|iпе
еdoiпqs ond
е dg i ng s o n d foсinqs for
fo с ings . fo r ihe
t he drвss
drв s s duly
morke d . r r o n г eo g| пg тo r o res s Isi Blouзcl Тoсk in vilene to edgвs. Turn.out.пeсk|in.э еdges eoсh os for os the зоom
20llz inфes |one, boсk eoфl 9tlr inсhes ii,-,i6Бi i *irЁ'.ltii.iui.й ioёiпgs. Мoke sleeve. sIits.. Join sroms. Мoko сollor ond
ono. o II l iinф
o|| wide, 3 3 plеo
n с h wide. plеott uпder
uпder.. iБйln. GotЬe' |ower sIeevв еdЪes. Мoke Ьonds on.. Work.on lъg uPPgr.
piqёiets eodl. ?2 inфЬs |6п9 (plus hem o||owonсe), 6 inсhes wide. Cut out ol| ploсkets eodr two ond down the тight edge worked ЬUltonholes. scw in sl€ e v€ s
port s p l u s tu r n i ngs . l o or mh ol 6 s.

Drgзз: Joiп front skirt pone|s. lroп in сгeosв pleols ond top stitф seom Ьolh sides.
stitсh dorts. App|y front рorl to lhe front ski.t рoneI, boсk ports to the boсk skirt Dвss: Тoсk iп vileпe to neсk|ine edgo. Sew oп уokes ond ioiп seoms. Sew.iп.o
zip fostепвr. Join пeсkIine ond ormho|e fссiпgs ond lurn out togolher.withJh€
.neсk|ineSew oh.lЪe edqiпqs lo lhe resрвсtive рorls norrowIy. Тoсk in vi|enв lo
edoes. Joiп se6mi. Sew in o iip fostеnвr. Turn oul noсkliпe вdge with сdrresponding edgвs. Turп out eoсh -two рoсtal Porls mounted on lo Yilene. loP
the foсing.-Ham drеss, sIeeves ond pledt undeгpIoсkets. Sew on underploсkels. stitdl yokes o|ong the seom|ines ond ormholo edges os w6l| os poскels. Dвw on
poсkвB, }lem
Sэl in sleeves to ormholes.

Jod<el; Stitdl doгts. Join seoms. Toсk ogoinst the outer edgiпgs strips of vilene.
Joi n o | | e d g i n g po rt s . А pp|у t hg outer edgiпg- fr om r ight sido lo .lhе. пв сkl i п e ,
front edoes ond hem edqes. Nolф in seom edqes on thr round shopings. |гoп
sвoms opЪrt. Turп out nв&liпз, fгont edges, oпd Ъem edges with the inпor odgiпg.
Hem s|eeves ond set in to ormho|es. Linr ioсket.
15 &!90 Preф io*et for iunior l/lisset of Ьll уeзrз

Yзldссg: l Yord fв|t 64 inсhes wide, Vr yoгd tвddy p|ush |ining 56 indtes wido,
3Yr yo1ds Ьdrdвr ll/z indleз wide. f/r уoids riс.roс Ьroid, Yr yord sleeve lining
56 indrвs wide.
Pottcm Portэ:
ll2 front
ll3 poсket poudt
ll,l Ьoсk
I]5 s|eеve

12 8374 Smorr dreзs with ioсket for Ьurdo зize 42

lпзlluсtionl: Cut out рort ll3 ooф
twiсe from molorioI ond Iining,
gЧ! gut th.e fIop^morkеd .on.P€ r l
l12 four timss, 2 strips of piping
/z inсhes
eoф 5 iпсhes |onE, l'/z inсhes wide,
wide, the odging morked
the edEino morkod
on p or t l l 4 6 n сe ,-th e в d g i n g mor ke d on p or t 1 l 5 tw i сe
Yoldoqe: Allow for bodiсe of dresз ond edoings of iod<etl ll/r yords white 56 indr from teddy plush. Cut out tho felt ioсkвt on the fronl edges
widg йoteriol' for iod<et, piпoforв drssз Ъnd edgiпgs: 2ah уords Ьlue 56 indl ond hem edoеs miпus turпings. but cutting oп lo thе teddу
widе moterio|. for Ьodiсo of dress: з/r yord white 56 indl widэ molerio|, for pino. plush |iningЪn the fronf edOes qnd hrm edges o lИ inф
f oro d r e ss o n l edgings r'll/ 2 у o rds blr je 56 inф w idэ moter iol, l'/r yor d s I i n i n g wide seom ollowonсe.
for ioсket 56 inсhes wide.

16 8il9l Snug Goсl qnd GoP fo] little girlз fo] 3-4 уeorr
Yordоgcз r/r yord foke |gother 60 inсhes wide, ,ll уord plush indres wide.
4tlr yoids Ьorder l inф widв, !/zyord slвeve ond сop lining 56 indres widе.

l3 8353 Chormingdlфs fol Ьurdo cize Ц

Yordсgэ: 3 уords 36 inф wide motErio|.
PotlerD Port!!
'l0l front oort
102 boсt
lGl sleeve

lпtiruclions: You will find the fqсinos
for the neсk|ine duly morked. Prior To
Jс*et: Sвw on border to s|eeves. Stitсh oll dorts on |inino ond |eolher ond ioin

сutting oul, loy the Ьoсk dorls logether. seoms. Sew on Ьorder to ioсket. Тoсk in lininq to ioсket._wrono side lo wrdnq.
Turn out the Ьoсk пe*|ine Ъdge from wroпg siilв wifh tha еdgiпg=.Turn out plusa
Drcr3: stitdl doris. Тo& in vilene to

Iiniпg on thе edges to right side, turn in onil sew oп. Joiп s|eeveЪdgings ond sew
neс k line еdo e. Join sвoms' Sew in o on. Set in s|eеves lo oгmhoIеs. Line sleeves. Fostвn ioсkвt with hooks ond eyэs.
ziр fostenei. Turn oul neсkIine edqe
with thе foсino. Hem dгess ond s|eЪ-
ves. Sel iп sleeies to ormhoIe. Cop: Join сop рorls of pIush ond lining togelher. Turn out the boсk tower edqe
of. сop, Join. the remoining Ьorder togethеr, сotсhiпg in ot some time the froъt
edge of сqр betwe6n' Fosten border with buttoп oпd |oop'

n е e d |e s, w or k l 0 r ow s i п r i Ь , th e n сost of f i n r i b . Se w on i n si d е p o с k вt . S e w
69ll/0l Trouserзond ioсket |or Ьurt size 34 ins. (size l2), сop {or r ou n d Ь u ttоn h ol e s. J oi n se oms q n d i n se r i sl e e ve s. Se w on b U tl on s.
heod зize 2l ins. к+.t2+.+1{з| l3l-9+ll-e-+8{ сI P i U si n q si z e ,l 2 р e е d |е s, сost oп 2 1 6 sts. on d w or k 2 4 r ow s i n г iЬ . C h o n g e t o
r ou пd s i n st. s t . ln ls l r o u n d
se t of,l d ou Ъ|e .ooi п te d n e e d l e s si z e l ] on d сon t. i n
inс. st. ofler'еverу 4th st. 54 iimes times. Cont. ovеr 270 sts. Аfter 12 rounds from
. сгoss 2 , w or k2 7 = 2 5 2 si s. l n i h i s wo y d e с . 9 s t s .
Ь oп d ' b e q . d e с. os.f ol l ow s'


i n e vЪгy Ъl t' r ou n d , th e n o. of sl s. b е t. e oсh d e с. i s r e d u сe d b y l s t . e o с h t im e .
сon t. i ; th i ; mon n e r u n ti l 1 8 si s. ге mor n . I п n e x l r ou n d сr oss e oсh 2 s t s . D r o w u p
r e m. 9 sts. on d se w i n e п d . _ J oi n b on d se om. Fo|d b on d i n h o| f o n d iu r n o u l,
i oi п e l osti с l o r i n g on d р l oсe i n b oпсl ' He m d om Ь on d .

69|||02 Crodret sports pullover for Ьust sizes 34 ins. gnd 36 ins.
with motсhingsсorf ond сoр

Т h e f i g u r в s i n Ь r oсke ts oгe f or si z e 3 6 i n s. W h e r e i h e r e i s on l y oпе s e t o f f ig u r e s ,

these ooplv to both sizes.
lrloreridI.: Double knitting woo|. for lhe pulIovеr ?.5 130i ozs, for the sсoгf l.l ozs
on d f oг th e сop o р i е сe i u гr y mol e r i ol 3 0 i n s. l oп g оn d 4 i п l . w i d з ; l b u lt o п .
B osi с p q ttэ r n l .l 3 t.]ow 3 i n .ove r y oth e r st. l сi . с. oпd 1 h |f . tr . ( = l g r o u p ) .
2nd qnd,l everу othв] row: 2 сh. to lurn, then in еvеrу d. с. of previous row l d. с.
ond hlf. tr. тhe instruсiions сounl lhe sis. in groups.
lnсreosing l gloup: in hlf. tr. ond d. с. of on group of previous row 1 d. с. ond
I hlf. tr. .lst
Doсreсsing I group over 2 groups of previous row: iп d. с. of gгoup l d. с.,
i n d . с' of 2 пd oгou o l h |f . tr .
_l-.2s-| Deсlmsing :evБlol.groupз: ot Ьeg. of row, work over opProPriote пo. of groups
l-.2S-l l-25-|
l-25-l l-3+.9-| rЧF91F9{. Fetnfe-l with s|. sts., ol the of rоw. lеove sts. Uпсroфeted.
T r n si on з l 0 q r ou os = 4 l l r i n s. w i d e ''ф.
1 4 r ow s = 4 i n s. h i q h .
SuitoЬle for knitling mсфines .Pingo.ex .. PULtovЕR i BЁсkз Мoke 88 (92) p|us l сh. io tuin, сroфel 7 rows d. с. {or
iijiiiй. il"o"uin-woЬi Clossique" (4.plу sуnthetiс wool}. for lhe tro-u..
,l5-ozs.ond.for.1he wel!. Cont. iп Ьosiс pottern ; 44 (46) groups. Wheп work meosures l4Vz ins. =
;;;;-iГ;';; iъ;-ihe io&et сop.2 ois; lпittiпg пeed.|es sizes l2.
Il; o n e ,z l P 5l rows from wеlt deс. on either side iп every row for ormholes 2 groups onсe,
ond l l ; зg t d o u b|e. Po jnt ed- reed| es s|ze Il; w ool'сr oсneт .nooк.slz e l g r ou p tw i сe , th e п i n f oI I . ol t r ow l g r ou p on сe . Con t. ove r 3 4 ( 36) g r o u р s u n t i|
f os l в ne r 8 i п s. l ong; lll. у ds э|o s t iс w oIst bond | |nсh w |oe; |u D uт lons; o пe D e l l ormho|e meosures 5l/: ins. = 20 rows (6 ins. = 22 rows)' Now deс. for shoulders
сlosp. i n e vе r y r ow on e i th e r si d e l g r ou p 7 ti me s, 2 g гou p s on се (l g r o u P 6 t im e s .
Ri b: kl , p l . 2 groups twiсe). Сroсhet |osl row over 16 grouрs, of whiсh one grouP on sither
Sr. St. si d e Ь e |on g s to sh ou |d e r sh op i n g , th e сe n tr e ]4 g r ou p s or e f or l h e n e с * s e с t io n .
Тeпrion:28 sts. x 4l rows = 4 x,| inз. Еronl: Аs for Ьoсk Ьut with |ower пeсk. Wheп ormho|e meosures 5'/r ins. =
Тrouзeв . Lcft ьod(: Beoin foot strоp iп two seсlions. For eodr seсtion сost on 20 rows (6 ins. = 22 rows). leove сentre 8 oroups unсroсheted ond finish eoсh holf
6 sts. with sizo ll need|eiond work in st' sl. ln 7th row inс. l st. on inside edge, seporotеф. Тo shope neсk..deс. l group 3 limеs ot neсk edge in everу row. Shopе
reo.7 times in every olt. row. Тhen сost on 2 sts. iwiсв ond 3 sls. onсe in every shoulders os for Ьoсk ond work |ost row over l qrouo.
oli. row. Аttеr 2зh iлs. (28 rows} work over both seсtions iogelhrr, сosting on l st. Sloevвsз Мoke 40 (44) сh. рlus l сh. to turn, сioсhdt 7 rows d. с. for bond. Cont.
in сentre to ioin = 43 sts. At lefthond edge (outside seom) in 4lsl row, inс. l sl',
'lOth row, 8 timеs in every 8th гow ond i п b osi с p ottе r n = 2 0 (2 2 ) g r ou p s. Т o sh op e si d е s i n с. l g r ou p o n e it h э r s id е
reD' onсo in'20th row, twiсe in every 7 everУ 7th row. When work meosures l4!/: ins. = 5l rows from bond,
12.times in еvery l2th row. At righthond edge (iпside sеom) iпс. l st. in 69th гow, d е с. f or l op or i e i th e r si d e os f o||ow s: 2 g r ou p s on сe , l g r ou p t w iс e , l g r o u p
reD. lwiсв in evЬry 20th row, 8 times in every l0th row, 4 limes in eveгу 8th row 8 times in every oll. row oпd l group onсe iп fo||. row. (2 groups onсe, l grouр
oпd l0 times in вvery 6th row = 92 sts. After 28'lu ins. (298 rows) dвс. on гight- twiсв in every гow, 1 group 7 times in everу olt. row ond 1 group 3 times in every
hond ed o e fo r qus s e| o s fo | lo ws . 7 sts. onсе,3 sls. onсe,2 sts.4 times oп d l st. row}. Work top of shou|der oYer rеm 8 groups. А|ler 4'h ;n5. = 16 rows (5 ins..=
4 timeз in eveй oIl. row = 70 sts. After 2 iпs. (20 rows} from bэg. of gusset 18 rows) leove сenlre 2 groups unсroсheted ond finish eoф ho|f seporote|у. on
shooino, Ьeoin ihooino for dorls ond hips. For |ho dorts. mork the 32nd sl. from inside edge in every row deс. 1 group twiсe ond work |ost row over l group.
rioБlho.iid eJEe. ln.neit row сгoss 2 (='s|. l, k l, psso) Ьotolо morking. lп next Mсking up: lnler toрs of shou|der Ьet. boсk ond front. Sew in sleeves. Join side
8tЪ row k 2 ЬE' otъr morking. Deс. l st. 8 times in evеry 8th row ot dort. oIter- oпd s|Ьevё seom. Croсhet 2tlz ins. = 14 rows d. с' round neсk edge. Turn this Ьond
пote|у bвfore ond oftвr morkЪd st. For lhе hip зhсрing, ,l0th dес. l st. on lefthond iп ond hem dowп.
edoe. reo. twiсe in every l2th row, lwiсe in evёry row ond 4 times in every
SCARF: Мoke ,t6 сh. ond work iп bosiс роltеrn = 23 grouрs. The sсoгf is obout 9
8th-rЬw..After 7|lzins. |78 rows} from beg. of hip sЬoping, сost off rem.5l sts. iпs. wide. Whеn work meosures 60 ins. ihe sсorf is сomp|ele. Тiе 23 tosse|s to
lioht Ьodr: work lo сorersDond. eodr norrow edge. For eoсh tosse| fold in ho|f 2 lhreods 9 ins. |ong, drow
LoТt |lontз Beoin foot slrdp in lwo seсtions. For eoф seсlioп сost on 6 sts. with thгoubh edoв ond kпot iп oIoсe'
sizs lI пвed|е_sond wоrk'in st. st. ln l9th row iпс. l st. on inside odge, rep. 6 сAP: LэfТ sideз Мoke 34 ф. ond work in bosiс pollerп = 17 grouрs. on lefthond
times in eYеry o|l. row. Тhen сost oп 2 slз. onсe ond 3 sts. onсe in wery o|t.
edgo in 3rd row inс. l group, ,l reр. 3 times in every o|l. row. on righthond edge
row. After 3l/l ins. (36 rows) work over both sесtions togelher сosting on l st. group, rep. twiсe in every 8th гow. When work mgo-
iп 5th row from bвg., inс.
iп свпtre os ioin = 37 sls. lnс. on righthond edge (outside seom) os desсriЬed for
sures 6 ins. = 2l rЬws there Ъre 16 groups in row. on lefthond edge in 25th row
Ьoсk. oп |efthond edge .(iпside seom) ins. ] st. in 77|h row, rep. 5 limеs in еverу inс. l group = 17 groups. On righthond еdge in 29th row deс. l group, rеp. 3 ti.
lOih row, . twiсe in еvery 30th row ond 5 times in every 20th row. = 75 sts.
mes in every olt. row. Work 35th row F?{
When work meosurв 28|/u iпs. (298 гows) deс. for gusset on leflhoпd edge in evвry
ovвr 13 groups. Work right sidе to
ol t . ro w o s fo | l ows l 3 s ls . o nс g, 2 sls' oпсe ond l st.6 times = 64 sts. Afte r 2 i n s. тг.l
(20 rows) from Ьeg. of gussel, work hip зhoping on righthond edge os desсriЬed сorrespono. (l5}+.({
for boсk. The dзrt begins l inф (l2 rows} ofter hip shoping. Мork ,l0th st. from G?s+ll.s+s] _Fl( i I l
|efthond edge. ln next row сгoss 2 Ьsforэ morking ond in fo|l. 6th row k 2 tog'
сenl.e 3eclionlМoke 6 сh. ond work Н.5tlo5i5l. + п +l I
oftrr morking. Rep. deс. 8 times in eveгу 6th row ollerпole|у. Ьefore qnd o{ler
morkiпg' А|ter 61lz ins. (70 rows) from Ьeg. of hip shoping' shope woisl edge bу
сosling off from сentre seom in eveгy o|l. row os followsl 18 sts. onсe, ll sts. onсe, пfilТ
tт )| l\I
9 sts. onсe ond 7 sls. oпсe.
light lronl: work io сorrespond. iхiir*l1'l'.".":;..:"i;.i".,:J,,'nl3l.t,l
]| \ii/ l l |55lls.
Wсirl Ьondз Using sizэ ll пe.ed|es, сosl on 186 sts. (- 26 ins.}, work in st. st. ond
oiter 21lz ins. (24 йws} сost off.
ll/lсkingupз lnserl сenlre seсtionь l l I\ l
lloliпg upз DЪ not steom pгess synlheliс fiЬre. B|oсk pieсвs, moislen ond oI|ow lo side piесes. Croсhet 2 rounds d. с. on -l 1| l \ r Fl!-i.{
drу. Join seoms. Leove |вft side seom oрeп 7 ins. Leove inside leg seoms open from
orrow lo orrow ond work l row d. с. round opening. Join сost oп edges of fool
::::l;:'o?,"fl" тl lt A \ l $ Гf *
slroрs, lhen work l гow d. с. round the opdnings] Slitсh bond to йoisi edge.
gother woist lo required size. Fo|d Ьond in ho|f ond turп in. Drow lhrough ;o"'iъ*il"ъ#'#',"?tflilY}*Р:Ш:
ofсop. ll ll l \ li Г.,lI
elosliс woist Ьond, ioin norrow edoes of bond, sвwino in elostiс. Work l row d.Ъ.
round |efl side oрoпing ond inserl iip fostener. l!;;jд*'*l=ЫI
JAскЕт - !oс!rl Usiлq size 12 пeed|es. сost on l4l sls. ond work l0 rows in rib
for wвlt. Chongo to sizв ll nеeUles ond сont. iп sl. st. For hip shoping, iп 35th
row trom welt, deс. I st. on either side. rso. 12 times in everv 8th row = ll5 sls. 69tl/03 Мon.s pullover with gco]ffor сlreзlзizes 36 ins. ond 40 iпs.
When work meosures l2rlz ins. {132 r6ws[ from well. mork'the woist. For side Тlre figures in Ьroсkets.сre for сhest size 40 ins. Where there is onIy one set of
shopiпg, inс. l st. oп either side in l3th row from wЬist. rep. 10 times in every figures, these opp|у to bolh sizes.
6th row = l37 sts. When work meosures 71lz ins' |82 rows) from woist, сosl off for iAqteriol: Double knittinq woolt 27 (30)ozs for the oullover ond 12 ozs for the
ormho I e з i n e v ery o lt . ro w o s fo | |ow s:4 sts. onсв,3 sts' oпсg.2 sts. lwi сe on d sсorf; knilling need|essizЪs1l ond 9;.sdt douЬle.рoiпtddneed|essizе ll.
l st. 6 times. Cont. oп lЦl sls. unti| ormho|e meosures 7llr iпs. P8 rowsl. Тo shope RiЬзkl, p l.
shou|ders, сost off 6 sts. ot beg. of neхt 6 rows ond 5 sls. ot bЬg. of nЪхt 6 rows. RэYэвe 3l. ll.
Using size 12 noэdles work l0 rows riЬ over rem.37 sis. for neсk bond, сost off
Coblо.ovэr l2.3ts = right зide ]ow: k 4, p 1, k 1. Wrong зide row: p 4, k 1, p 1.
rn flb. ,ll ln |3th row. lhen in every l4th row сross сoble os fo||ows: s|io first 4 k sts. oпto
!пridо po&зl (work 2}: Using size nеed|es, сost on 3l sls. ond work in sl. sl. соЬle nеedle ond leovв in lronl of work' leove 4 p sts. oп dob|e need|e bghind
Aftor 3l/r iпs. (37 rows), s|ip sts. onlo o sporв needle.
work, k4, p 4 p sts. from сoЬ|e need|е спd k 4 k sts. from сoble needle.
Lc|i troпt: Using side 12 needles, сost on 79 sls. ond work l0 rows iп riЬ for we|t.
Joпзioпз 20 sls. x 32 rows = 4 x 4 ins.
Chonge lo size ll needles ond сonl. in st. sl. Work hip shopiпg oпd side shoping
B oсk; U si пg si z e ,l l n е e d l e s, сost on l 0 8 (,l l 8 ) sl s. on d w or k1 2 r o w s r ib f o r w e ll.
os desсriЬed for boсk. 3!/l ins. (38 rows} fгom woist, work рoсkвt Ьond os fol|ows:
storlin from righthoпd edge. woгk 12 sts. st. st.. next 3l sts. riЬ, lost 28 sts. st. sl. Chonge lo size 9 need|es ond сont. in revеrsЬ st. st. Wheл work meosurеs 16 ins.
= l32 rows from welt, deс. for ormhole on вitheг side in every o|t. row os fo||ows:
Wolk 8 rows |ika this. ln пexo right side row, сost off the зl rib sts. ond inserl r| sls. oпсe, 3 sts. onсe, 2 sts. onсe then l st. twiсe [l st. 4 tiйesl. Cont. on 86 (92)
3l sts. of iпside poсkol in lheir Ё|oсв. Coпl. ovor oI| sts. in st. st. Wheп work
mэosules 5tlz iпs. (58 rows} from woist, сommenсe ned< shopiпg. oп |efthопd sts. unti| ormholв meosures 8Vz ins. = 70 rows [9.ins. = 76 rЬws), Cost off Ioi
edge, сross 2 sts. bЬfore Ioit sl., rep.26 times in every 4th rdw.-Shope ormhole sh ou l d е r s on e i l h e r si d e i п e ve r y o|l , r ow os f o||oi s: 5 sts. з ti me s ;- 4 s t s . з t im e s
(4 sts. onсe, 5 sts' 5 times). After 2nd гow of shou|deг shooino. iosl off сentre
ond shou|der on riqhthond edoв os for Ьoсk.
Right lroпt: Work-to сqrresp6nd with left front but with 5 douЬle butlonholes os 20 (22) sls. for neсk ond firiish eoсh ho|f seporote|у. At neсk.ed!Ьs, deс. in everу
fo||ows: slorling from front edge, work 2, сost off 4, work 5, сosl off,| oпd olt. row 3 sts. onсe. 2 sts. onсe ond I sl. onсЬ-
finish гow. |n пext wrong side rcw сost on sls. ogoin. Work first poir of butlon. Fгоnt: Usiпg size ll need|es, сost on 108 (ll8) sts. oпd work 12 rows riЬ for we|t.
ho|es in 25th row from well, the others in every fol|. 40th гow' _ Foг deс. on Chonge to size 9 needles ond divido woгk oi fo||owsэ 27 tЗ1ll sts' reverse sl. st.;
* kl , kI u p , kl , kI u p , p
neсk edoe k loo. the 2 sts. oftеr edoe st. l , p I u p , p l , p I u p , k 1 , k l u p , k l, k l u p *.
SlooveсiUsing-sizв 12 needIes соit on 55 sls. ond work l8 rows in гib. Chonge Work сob|e over 12 sts. from * lo '. Then 42 (44) sts. reverse it' sl. Now iep.
from . lo . for 2nd сoЬ|е. Еnd with 27 [3l) sls. revеise st. st. сoпt. on l20 (l30) sli.
to size ll needles oпd сont. in st. st., in lst row inс. 6 sls. evonlу oсross row =
6l sts. For shoping. inс. on either side l st. 16 times in every 8th row ond l st. u n ti | 1 6 i n s. = l 3 2 r ow s f r om w e |t. Sh d p ё or mh o|e s os f or b oсk. C o п t . o n ' 98. ( , l04)
4 times in every 6th row = l0l sts. When woгk fteosures 15 ins. (156 rows} from sts. unti| ormhole meosures 6llz ins. = 54 rows |7|lz ins. = 60 rows}. Cost off сenlг6
ribЬing shopе top _ dвс. on either side in everу olt. ,ow os foI|oш: 4 sls. onсe' 16 (,l8) srs' for neсt ond finish eoф ho|f sepoйtely. At nесk edqёs сost off 2 sts.
3 sts. onсв, 2 sts. twiсe, I st. ]8 times, 2 sts. 3 timёs, 3 sts. onсe ond 4 sts. oпсe. lwiсe ond l st. ,| times in every o|t. row. Shope ihou|dвrs os foг boсk. over lhe
Cosl off rem. 17 sts. сoЬle k 2 tog. 6 times when сosliпg off.
Bоh: Usiпo зize 12 needIes сost on 293 sls. ond work in rib. Аfter lt/z ins. [16 S-leэvэt: Usiпg size ll need|es, сost on 52 sts. oпd work 16 rows iп rib for Ьond.
rows}, сosr off in riЬ. Sew rоund Ьe|t сtosp with buttonho|o sl. ond sew to one chonge to size 9 needles ond сoпt. in reverse st. st. тo shopе sides. inс. l st.
end of Ьolt. Attoсlr eye to otheг end. 1 6 ti me s i n e ve гу 8 th r ow (1 st. 1 2 ti me s i п e ve r y 8 th r ow on d l .sl .6 lim e s in e v e r y
Moking up: Do nol itвom press synlhetiс fibre. B|oсk pieсes, moisten ond ol|ow to 6th row} = 84 (88) sts. Whеn woгk meosurgs 16 ins. = l32 sts. (16lll ins. = 136 stil
dгy. FЬr the Ьonds, piсk up 229 s|s. on eodl front ond ne* edge using size 12 from ribbing deс. for lop on either side in вverу o|t. row 3 sts. onсe, 2 sts. twiсe,

'l st. 13 (l5l times. 2 sts. 4 times ond tq5+laE{6,1t untiI ormho|e meosures71lz ins. (30 rows}. Е.or shouIder shoping, сost. off 4 sls.
3 sts. twiie. Cost off rem' 16 sts. l-8-fil:l.s-БЕ{ Н{3l ii.iieJ..Ьj-"Ъ'Т 2-iowi qnd 3 sts. ot beg. of next 2 rows. Slip rem. 2l sls. onto
sDore nвedIе.
Н'{3{ i?;;i. A;Ъ; boсk but when ormho|emeosures51lzins. |22-rgws) s|ip сeпlre 15 sts.
}lqkiпg upз Bloсk pieсвs ond steom т<t ти
nress.]oiri seoms. |nseгtsleвves. Using onlo spore need|efor neсk ond deс. l st on either side of this in everу olt, row J
iet of needles, piсk up l00 (106)sts. д' а limos.
3iйiet: Cost on 25 sts. ond work os fo||ws:6 rows reversgst. st., 13 rows st. st.
round пeсk, work ll rounds rib, сost :
off in riЬ. woгkino l Dollerп over сeпtre 15 sts., lhen 4 rows revrrse sl. st. сont. .n st. st.
ii';l;i }"; iьe iie"'e shoping, inс. 1 it. on either side ond llth row, rep..3 limes
in вvery l2th row = 33 its.-Afteг 121lzins' (52 rows) shope top: с 3.sts. ot
Sсo{: Usino size 9 needles, сosl on
7 l s ls. o nd -w o r k i n r i b . Af tе r 6 3 i пs' Т э
Ьsq. of.пext 2 rows. l st. ot Ьeg. of next 18 rows ond 2 sls. ot bвg. of пexl z rows.
a э
o сoъt off rеm. 5 sts'
сo s l of f i п r i b . Al to d r . l 8 to s s e l s t o
йъ-iiiй Up; ъь* pieсes, moisteцond o|| drу. Joiп зroms loovi1tglefi.s-houЬ
eoф norrow side. For eoсh tosse|,fold : ler seЁm.ooen. Piсt up.6 sts. from eodr sidэ of nэсk opoпing wiih thо 15 sir.
5 threods 12 ins. |ong iп holf, drow
throughedge oпd tie. from toorо Ьвedlo bgh'riвonoпd tho 21 sts. from bссk nвсk зdgэ. Work-in rcvврз
st. st..ovor 48 sts. oпd in 5th row Gosl off. Join Iоfl lhoulder sэom. Turn Und6l
3 .ow hem.

}.8+в{ l=kI
1--27 ig3t-l |.9-t-в{ Е=р l
r = l boЬb|o: from l sl.. k l, k 1 up, k l; tu]п to wrong gidв, lс 3; lurn,
зl. l. k 2 tog.. Pззo.
69ll/l}4 Lodies sрorts pullovef wiй сop, Ьust зizo 36 iпr. '
lioteriolз For the pullover 2l ozs, for the сop 5 ozs double kпitting wool; knitting ?+61-11{

needles size 9.
siitdreз: See Мon.s pullover 69ll/03.
Teпtion; 22 sls. x 32 rows = 4 x 4 ins. E
iuit.o1ъГ--яd.i сo't on ll0 sls' ond work 12 rowз r.iЬ for the we|t. Conl. iп
jпs. (l24 rows) from welt. сosl off
ъ-й;.i: st. whe; work meosurеs l5l/z .4 sts.
ot bеq. of next 2 rows, 2 sts. ot beg. of nеxt 4 rows ond l sl..ot beg..ot next
l0 roйs for ormhole. Conl. on 84 sts. Until ormho|e meosures 6'l-2 lпs. (56. rowsl.
СЪst off.t sts. ot ЬeE. of neхt 12 rows for shou|der.'After 4 rows shouIder shoping' Fi
с_ostoff сentrв 22 sti. for nесk oпd finish eqdl ho|f seporote|y. At nесk edge сost
off 5 sts. in foll. olt. row. I
i'ont'-Ь for bссk Ьut with lower neсk. When ormho|o meosure-5'/l.ins. (,|6 rq1vs], 10
ioit off Ъentre 16 sts. ond finish eoсh ho|f seporote|у. At neсk edge сost off in
every o|l. row 2 sts. twiсe ond l st. 6 limes. T

ileeieзз Cost on 44 sts. on work 12 rows riЬ. Thеn divide work qs fo|lows: t ;I8 sts.
i eve rs е s l . s t. , * k l, k 1 , up, k l, k l up. p.|, k l, k l up, k l,t.l UP w or k
from * to *; then 18 sts. reverss st. st. Тhere ore now .Ь
сoЬlв over ttie 12 sts.
the need|e. Work сob|е сгoss in 7th row from riЬbing then iп evеrу ФI lв
+в sЬ.
'l4th row. "n Тo shope sides, inс. l st. on eilhor side in everу 6th row I8 times = E4 g
sts. WhJn woгk'meosureЪ l41lu ins. (ll8 rows} from riЬbing shope top: deс. on |а
either sidо in every o|t. row os fo||ows - 4 sls. onсe, 2 sls. twiсe, l sl. 7. times,
l ,t Е I
2 sts. 5 times ond.3 sts. iwiсe. Woгk 5 ins. (42 rows) over rem. 22 sts. for top
Ъf sЬou|der. Cost off o|| sls. working 2 tog. 6 times over сob|e.
ёoligij eost Ьn 37 sts. ond divide-work-os fo||ows:5 sts. reverse st. st., 12-sts. 1 lz
ioьte ond 20 sts. revеrse st. sl. Work сoble сross in 7th row then' in every l4th
row. After 19 ins' (l54 rows} k sts. tog. with сost on edge.
мoiiй uo' Bloo Ьiесes ond steom iress uпder domр с|oth. Inserl lop of shoulder
Ьetweй front dnd Ьoсk, sew in s|deves. Join side ond slееvе seom. Fold сo||or
iп holf ond ottoсh lo neсk edge. 69|1t09 Кniшeddreззwith Ьe|l-shopedskirt,lize 12
cAP - letl sidэ: Cost on 4б sts. oпd work 3 rows k. Тhen сoпl. in rеverse sl. st. }lotario]: 39 ozs synlhetiс douЬ|e knitting wool; kпitting needles sizes 1 ond 2i
йrtino with wroпo side row. At гighthond edge inс. l st. iп 14th row, rep. 6 timеs one ziр fosleпer6 ins' loпg.
in eveЬ 4th row.- = 33 sts. When work mёosures 4tl: ins. {39 rowsl ottoф o Nolo. The yorn is used tгeЬ|e.
morki n o , . o n tе ft hЬ nd edqe с o s t o ff in ever y o|t. r ow os follow s.7 sts. onсe,3 sts' Rэvg..e sl. tl.
oпсe' 2'sts. onсв ond l 3 times. Аt soйe lime on righthoпd edge in l'lth row St. it.
, rep. 3 t im es in ever y 4th r ow ond 3 times in eve r у o|t.
f ю r k i n o i n с . l s t .'inс.. squorc Dotlc]п (no of sls. divisiЬ|e Ьy 8 + 2) = l3l tэwз s|. l, k .|, р 4; гep. from
row. On lefйond edoe l st. in 23rd row from morking, rep. 3 times in every * Ъndini with k-1' Rowз 2-5з k or Ь sts. os lhey oppеor in row Ьelow.6th rcw:
6th row' 5 times in Ьvery 4th row ond 4 times in every o|t. row. on сomP|etioп sl. l, *.-p 4, k 4i rep. from * ending with k l. Rows 7-l0: k or p sts. os theу
of inс. Ъn riohthond edde, сoпt. stroight UnliI work meosures 6llz ins. (56 rows) oрpeor in row below. Пowз l_l0 form the рottern.
fгom morkinql |п next row deс' ] st., iep. lwiсe in every 4th row ond 4 limes iп T e nsionll0 sts.x 13 гows = 3 x 3 iп s.
every o|l. roa. then сost of 2 sts. iп.2 fo||. o|t. rows. At.some time. on |efthoпd Тhe рolterп showп the lop stortingfrom Ьeg. of squore рotlern.
edgё, 8,lz ins..(70 rows} from morkiпg сost off 4 sts. 4 times in every o|t. row. Bo*.з Usino size 4 need|еs.сosi on l00 s]ts.ond woгk 8 rows revеrse st. sl. for
Cost off rem. ll sts. _ Woгk righl side lo motф. hem. Chonie lo size 2 needles ond divide work os follows: sl. l, + k 7, p 8i rep.
Ceпlro зeсtioп: Cost on 40 sts'Ъnd work 3 rows k' Cont. in rвverse st. st. storting from * 5 tйes eпding with k 9. |п oll fo||, rows k or p sls. os thoy oppeor in row
with wrono side гow. |n 14th row inс. l st. oп either side, reр. 6 times in every Ьelow. |n l7th row fйm hem ond 6 times in every foll. 8th row, k 2 tog' in eoсh р
4th row =:26 sts. Wheп work moosures 4llz iпs. (39 rows} ottoф o morkiпg. ln llth strioe. In fo||. l2th row k loо. |osl 2 р sts' Тhe work is now dividеd os fo|Iows:
row from morking inс. l st. on either side, rep. twiсe in everу l0th row. Conl. oп s|. . ]. * k 7. o 1|.(,l00
re o. from-. 5 limЬs e ndino with k 9 = 58 sts. When w ork
32 sts.
sts. until work wЪrk meosures
meosures 7 iпs. iпs. }-l1-+дl
tse-{-ll-+.{ Еrд4д] meojures 24. iils. rows) from hem сont. -iп squore pottern. After 3l/r ins.
$;^" ti )jl
т.| тI
(l4 гows}squorе pdttern сosi off for ormholes on either side in everу olt. row. os
in every 20th row. Cont. oп 26 sts. Il
( l28 ll
пss . l'l28
until w o r k m e o s u r в s l 5 ' / u i n |l
тТ!l / |
fo||' 3 sts. Ьnсe , 2 sls. onсe ond l st. 3 time s = 42 sts. Whe n or m hole m eosuгg s
2ilu ins' (l0 rows) divide work in сentre for zip fostener ond finish eoф holf
seoorolety.Cсst on 2 sts. ot ooeniпo вdoe = 23 sfs. oп eodr sidв. When ormho|e
in l|
.. \iT/ |_ьт+s+ы-t mЁosures.7iпs. (28 rowsl ЬeoiЬ shoiltdeiond neсk shooino. For shoulder сost off
in еvery oIt. row'5 sls. ohсe Ёnd 4 sts. twiсe. For ned<ihoiing сosl off 8 sts. onсe
i lЬ. A tte.i.."*'i Ь. r " r i n Гs Ё . - ' . ll l l |\ lт-ТT ond lhen 2 sts. in fo||.сlt. row.
тl l+t\ It\ ]*+
с| ot h. S e w с e n tr+зeс lio п bet weвn side || ll l \ lfi ] | f .i
seсl i on s. J o i п с ent гe fro nt s ф m . Sew |] l I l \ l*1 t +т
Ьoпdwith сosl off edgeto foсo edqe |l || l
:il'1,.l:' T'i "1!iт6Jil F=
.'".."'i.l; *9F8-+-t0.{
morki n g .

691|107 Croсhet slo|e mode of motifз sewn logolheц siza 26 x 54

ins. (withoutfringe)
Aiоterial: ozs Lurex wool (fine сrepe wool wilh Lurex threod}; wool сroсhet
hook si z e l '1 .
Botiс рotlemз Work lorge motifs (= A) ond smoll motifs (- B} from фort. The
сhort сi|so shown how to loin |orge ond smoll molifs ond the edge.
Teпsion: Loroe motif 4 x 4 ins.
lпslruсtions;-Croсhet 70 loгoe molifs from сhort' Тhen work lhe smoll motifs ond
in tost rouлd ioiп to 4 |oiqe motifs with сh. ond s|. st. Attoсh motifs loqether
6 oсro s s o n d 1 3 high, Т hen йo rk еdge fr om сhor l in lw o r ounds: for thв Io n g si d е s
repeol from orrow to orrow. ol the сorпers from 2nd orrow to lsl doub|e orrow
orid on the лorrow sides from douЬle orrow to double orrow. Attoсh l0 inсh long 69tl/l0 Brown knitled dresswith red Ьqnds,size 14
lossels mode from i4 threods lo evеry 2nd сh. |oЬp of norrow sides ond tie lo-.
gеlher 1r/z ins. owoy'from edge; A|so su i toЬ l e f or kn i l ti n o moсh i п e s.
l /l2сtэ l i o|: 1 7 oz s b r ow r i on d 2 oz s r e d f i n e syпth e ti с yor п; kn i tl i n g n e e d le s s iz e s
on d l I ; сi r сu |or kn i l ti n g n e е d |e si z e l 1 , 1 6 i n s. I on g ; on e b e |l f os t e n e г .
Ri Ь l k.l .p 1 .
69Il/08 кnitted dresswilh Pollorned edges,size l0/l2 Sl. sl.
liloleriс|з 28 ozs I00o/ofine Drolon yorп; knitting need|es size 2. Тenзiоп: 26 sls. х 38 rows = 4 x 4 ins.
Notё! тhe yorn in used quodruple. Bod<: Usiвg rеd wool ond size ll neеd|es, сost oп 146 sts. ond woгk 2 rows rib.
ReveБe 5t. sl. сoпl. in st. st. After 20 rows, сont. iп Ьrown. For the side ond hip shoping deс.
St. st. l st. on eiiher side in 5 th iow ofter red bqnd. Rep. 5 times in dvery 24tБ row'
вo]de] Pottarn: Work from сfiort. Reр. pollern 5 times bet. edge sls. 7 times in every 8th row ond twiсe in every 6th row = 116 sts. When work meo.
Tgns i o n : l 0 sts, х ] 6 ro ws = 4 x 4 ins. su r e s 2 0 i n s. (l 9 4 r ow s} { гom r e d Ь oпd mor k w oi st. For si d e sh op i n q . in с . I s l. o n
Bo*: Cost on 7 sts. ond work os foilows: 5 rows reverse st. st., 1 row p on e i th e r si d e i п-]Sth гow f гom w oi st, r e p . 6 ti me s i n e ve r y 8 th r oй = - . lз 0 s t s . W h e n
wrong side, 4 rows гeversе st. st., 13 rows Potlerп, 4 rows reveвe st. st., l'row vrork meosures 71/z ins. |72 rows) froй woist, deс. on еither side in every o|t. row
o o n w r o n q s idе,4 r o ws reverse
е , 4 rows г e v e r s est
st.. st
st.. т h en over
тhen over сenlre'l5
с en lre] 5 sts.
st s. work
work reverse
re ve rse for ormhole os follows: 4 sls. onсe, 3 sts. onсe. 2 sts. onсe, l st. twiсe'ond lhen
!t. st. ond-the rеm.rеm. sls.
sls. on
on either
either sideside in in st. st. Nota!
st. st. Nota! For
For skirt shoping, deс.
skirt shoping, deс. in every 4th row l sl. twiсe =,l04 sts' When ormho|е meosures 71lz ios. t72 rows|
l sl. on either side in 25th row, rep. rep.1010 times
limеs in every 6th row, row' At iomo
tomo time Ь e g i n sh ou l d e r on d n e сk sh op i n g ' For th e sh ou l d e r , сost of f i n e ve r y o lt . r Ь w 6 s t s .
n 47lh
in 47lh row
row deс'
deс' l st.
st. on
on eilher
either side
side of сeпlre pone|,
of сeпlre ponel, rep.
rep. 3 times in every ]4th
times in on сe on d 5 sts.5 ti me s. For пe сk sh op i n q , сost of f сe n l r e 1 6 sts. o n d f in is h e o ф
row. Сoпt..on
ow. Сoпt.
Сoпt. onon 47
47 sts. uпtil work
sts. uпtil work meosures
meosures 30
30 iпj.
iпs. (I24
(I24 rЬws}.
rows}. For
For orm
ormholes, сost h ol f se p or ote l y. For sh op i n g сost of f i n e vЪr y o|t. r ow os f o|I ow s: 6 s t s . o n с e , 4 s t s .
off oi Ьeg.
sts. oi
lff 3 sts.
sts. Ьeg. of neхt
Ьeq. of neхt 2 rows
neхt rows ond
rows ond l st. qt Ьеg.
st. ot Ьеg.
Ьеq. of пext 6 rЬws.
of пext rЬ
rЬws. Conl.
Cont. on 35 sts. onсe, 2 sls. oпсe ond 1 st. oпсe.
F;oпt: The oollern shows the top on|y. ski]r, |elr side Poпe|; Using red wool ond 691|11з Stole in furry wool, 27 ins. wide ond 75 ins. long
size ll neeJ|es' сosl on 42 sls. Ъnd work 2 rows in r!b, then сont' in st. sl' Aftвr Mote r i q I : 2 6 oz s w h i te on d .l oz e oсh 3 d i f f e ге n l сo|ou r s f u r r y w oo I ( t w o . p | у W o o l
20 rows с o n t. i n Ь ro wn. W o rk s ide ond hip shoping os for boсk. When w or k me o- th ot сon b e Ь r u sh e d u p ); w oo| сr oсh е t h ooks si z e s,l l on d 2 . T h e w o o l is w o r k e d
iures 16 iпs. (in 156th row) from rеd Ьond. сosl off 2 sts. oп inside еdge for seom d ou b l e w i th h ook si z e 2 .
ond |edve reй. 3i sts. oп sрoгe need|e. Work lighl зido poneI to motф. Bloсk B osi с p atl e r n (сomme
,l n сe w i th o mu l ti p |e of 2 + 1 сh ): l st l ow l l d . с ' in 3r d с h .
Ьoth side oone|s ond steom press. f r om ,l Б ook, * сh , mi ss l ,l сh .,,l d . с. i n f ol l . сh .; r e p . f r om * .2 n d r o w :2 с h . 1o
eiпtrc Ьlйt .in poneI: Usinq rёd woo| oпd size.l1 needles, сosl on 166 sls. ond work tu r n , d . с. i п 1 st сh ., * d . с. mi ss сh . of р r e vi ou s r ow , 1 d . с. in f o | l. с h . ; г e p .
2 гows,16 riЬ'. then сonl.-iп st. st. Аfter 20 rows сoпt. in brown. When work meo- from *. Rep 2nd row for pqtiern.
iuris ins.,(l54 rows) from red Ьond, remove knitting from moсhine, bloсk ond T е n si on : ,i 5 sts. x 1 2 r ow s = 4 x 4 i n s.
* p|oсе next 6 sts. on
s t e om р r e s s. N ow m o k 6 p| eo t s , us ing 2 spor e need|es: k 4, l n sti u cl i on sl U si n g w h i te w ool , moke ,l 0 7 сh . on d w or k i n Ь osi с p o t t e r n o v e r l05
lst soore need|e qnd lеove in fronl оf work, plссe next 6 sts' on 2nd spore needle. сh . u n ti I w or k me osu r е s 7 0 i n s. or u n ti l r e q u i r e d I e n g th i s r e oсh e d .
turn Ъeedle ond plосe oqoinst lst neеdIe, wrong sides logether, theп k log. 6 times, Po*ets: {work 2). Using white woo|. mqi(e 3l сh. ond work in bosiс pottеrn over
l sl. from lsl sdore neеdle,1 st. from 2nd spore needle ond l st. from lefthond 29 сh. uпtiI work mеоsurеs 8l/: ins.
ne e d | e ; k 2 ' R e. o . fro m * 3 lim es . Now w or k p|еots iп other w oy: lD sl i p n e x l FI ow e r s: U si n g сr oсh e t h ook si z e 1 1 , сcl ou r e d w ool on d o si n g le t h r e o d , m o k e
6 s t s . 6 n to l s t s 6 o re o nd p|o с e bеh ind w oг k' slip next 6 sts. onto 2nd spor e n e e d |e . 4 сh . J oi n сh . l o f oгm o r i n o w i i h 1 sl . st. l sl r ou n d : ] сh . os l s t d . с . o n d ll
t urn n e e d,l| e o n d. plo с e in lro nt o f lst sрor e need|e, r ight sides logеlhеr , thе п k tog . mor e d . с. i n сh . r i n o, i oi n йu n d w i th ] sI . st.2 n d r ou n d : 3 сh . o s ls t . t r ' o n d , lZ
6 times st. frdm |еfthond neеdIe, ]' st. from 2пd spore needIe ond ] st. from mor e tr s. i n r ou n d , йЬ r к 2 tr s. i п e ve r y o|l . d . с. 6 ti me s. 3 r d r ou n d :3 с h . o s 1s t
lst spore needlе, k 2. Rep from | 3 iimes ond ofler Iosl plеot k 4. ln next wrong lr., 23 more lrs., work 3 lrs. in every olt. 1r. 6 times. For slem of flower. moke 20
side row. сost off first 2 ond |ost 2 sts. for sеom = 66 sls. I oose сh . oп d w or k,i 9 s|. st. on e i th e r si d e of th i s сh . W or k l m o r e r o u n d s l. s l.
Hio зeсtion ond iop: work sts. from left side pone|, pleoted seсlion. right side i n se r ti оo.h ook i n b oсk of st.
ooЪel on one needЬ = l28 sts. сoпtiпuing deс. for hip shoping on both sides = For th e -l e ove s' moke 1 6 сh . on d w or k l r ow d . с. on e i th e г si d е of с h .
116 sь. When work meosures 4 ins. (38 rows) from join, mork woist. Shope sides Мoking up: Sew 3 сroсhet flowеrs with stеms ond |еoves to eoсh poсket. Bгush up
for loo os dвsсriЬed for boсk = l30 sts. When work meosures 7 iпs. (64 rows) fгom stol e on d p oсke ts. W or k 3 r ow ,l s d . с. on n or r ow e d g e s on d oi to с h 7 in с h f r in g e .
woi s t, . fo r d o r ts , с o s t o ff 3 s t s . 1 , l limes in ever y o|l. r ow , lhen in evеr y ol t. r ow . Se w p oсke l s to n q r r ow e d g e s i n ф f r om e n d s.
сost 6n 3 sls. li limes. When work meosures 9 ins. (84 rows) from woist bеgin orm
ond neсk shooinq. Shope ormho|es os for boсk. For neсk shopiпg, divide work in
сenlrе ond {iiristi eoсh'ho|f seporolеly, deс. l st. on inside edge iп lst row ond 6917174 Croсhet Gop ond scq]f
20 timos in every 4th row. Shoрe shoulder os for boсk. It/loterioI: 10 ozs white doubIe knitting woo| ond 4 ozs Ьrown ond 4 ozs ye|low
SIeaveзl Usino Ьrown wool oild size t2 needles. сosl on 78 sls. ond work 16 roш 4 -p |y w ool ; w oo| сгoсh e t h ook si z e ,l ; 8 i n s. уe ||ow l e oth e r ,8 in s . w id e ; o n e
i n ri Ь fo r b o й . C ho nge t o s ize ll need|еs ond сonl. in sl. st. Тo shope si d е s, i пс. I e oth e r Ь U tton .
l st. on еither side in 3rd row from bond ond rep. 4 times in eveгу 4lh rоw = N ote ! U se oI l th r e od s tr e b |е ' ,l
88 sts. When work meosures 21lz ins. |22 rows) from boпd shope top: dес. in everу Bdsic Pottэrnl d' с. work сop in rounds, sсorf in rows, wilh сh. to turn.
olt. row on bolh sides 4 sls. onсe, 3.sts. onсe, 2 sts. onсe, l st. 20 limes, 2 sts. T e n si on з 9 sts. х ]0 r ow s = 4 x 4 i n s.
twiсe ond 3 sls. onсe. Cost off rem. 16 sis. SCAПЕ : Мoke ,l 9 сh . on d w oгk ]8 d . с. W h e n w or k me q su r e s 52 iп s . , с u t o f f
ihreod. Cut 2 strips of leqthег 4 x 8 ins. oпd sew io norrow sides, сut tringe 21/z

т*,Ат T
I n s. ton q .
CAP : Comme n се i п се n tr e w i th 4 сh ., i oi n to f or m o r i n q w i th l s | . s t . ls t r o u n d :

i./ i* I
rows |n some monпer. lпls proouсes o ist
i n е oсh сh . 2 d , с. - 8 sts.2 n d r ou n d : i n e ve r y 2 n d d ._ с.,2 d - с . = ] 2 s ls . 3r d
roundз in evеry d. e. 2 d. с. = 24 sts. 4th roundз in every 3rd d. с. 2 d. с. =
32 sts' Sth round; in every 4th d. с. 2 d. с' = 40 sls. 6th..lound: in every 5ih d. с.
tube of kniiting. Work lo required length. t
: l
Ц 2 d. с. = 48 sts. lnс. 8 i. с. iп this woy in 8th round gnd l2th louпd. = 64 sts.

Аf te r l 4 r ou n d s w or k l og . е vе r y 3 r d on d 4 th d . с. l 6 |i me s f o г e d g e ( = p u | |
вglt tis, work 2l using Ьrown woo| ond
s i z в 1 2 . n e e d I e s , с o s t o Ъ 8 s t s . ond w or k
.г |.- - l Т l h 1 oчg h l .|oop oп 2 f oI |. sts. w r h , d r ow th r ou g h ol l 3 l oop s on h o o k ) = 48 s t s .
in luЬu|or st. After 2 ins. сosl off. W or k 4 mor в r ou n d s. Se w |e oth e r b u tton to сe n tъ.

Mсking up: Slеom press olI ports, ioin

seoms. Stitф pleots on hip seсtioп for 3 691|l|5 кnitted shoesfor l&-ll уeor old (shoesize 2)
ins. theп stitсh folds of p|eots down to l.а.{-12+5{ i /l ote r i ol : 5 oz s. Qu i сke r kn i t; se t d ou b l e -p oi n te d n e e d I e s si z e 1 1 ;1' / r y d s . w o o l
hem. Using red woo| ond сirсU|or neеd|e, b r oi d ; l e oth e r sol e s.
piсk up sts] round neсk, so thot 26 sls. сover B oз i с p ol te m: k..l , p l .
4 iпs. Work in k rounds. |n eoсh round k
2 too. tb| before 2 sts. in сеnlre front ond
k 2_too. ofter lhesе 2 s|s. Afler 1'/u ins.
str i р e d P otl e r n (n o. of sl s' d i vi si b |e b y 4 + l ): l sl r ow : p 1 , * k 1, s | . 1 p u r | w is e
p ossi n g th r e od b e h i n d st., k l , p l ; r е p . f r om..2 n d
fгom *- Reo. tows l qпd 2.
r ow : k l . - p 3, k l; r e p .

(l5 rou_пdsl mokв l st. Ьefore oпd ofter T e n si on : 1 7 sts. x l 8 r ou n d s = 4 x 4 i n s' i n b osi с p otte r n .

2 свnlre st!. A{ter 30 rouпds сost off, fold ]n sl r u cti on s: Cost on 3 6 sts. on d Ь е g i n ot on k|e e d g e . D i vi d e w or k b e i. 4 n e е d lе s ,
Ьoл d i n h q | f o nd hem lo ins ide' Inser t i oi n to f or m o r ou n d on d w or k i n Ь osi с p otte r n . W h e n ' g or k meo s u r e s 5 in s . (.of 22
s|eeves. Sew on beIt ties. Аltoсh fostener
to belt,
i * l-a-l rounds) сonl. over сenlre 17 sts. in striреi! potiern for lop of foot. Whеn top
f oot me osu r e s 5 1 /zi лs' |2 6 r ow s), сost of f 2 sts. on е i th е г si d е of n e x t 2 r o w s , . s | ip
r е m.9 sts. on to sp or е n e е d |e . Т h e n p i сk u p th e 1 9 sts. of oпk|e Ь o n d , 26 s t s . o n
either side of foot ond 9 sts. from sрore needle = 80 sts. Divide these sts. Ьet.
4 n e e d l e s on d w or k i n b osi с p otl e r n . Af tе r 6 r ou n d s, сosl of f .9 s t s . o t f r o n t o f
69tt/ll Cсзuot Putlover iп douЬIe kniшing wool for Ьust fooi ond сont. in rounds. Аt.Ььlh edges сost off 2 stj. onсe ond 4 sts. 6 times in
size 36 ins. e ve r y oI l . r ow ; сost of f r е m. 1 9 si s.
lloteliol: 2] ozs Nevedo "Sirene douЬle" (douЬ|a knitling woo|i; knitling needles lПoking up: Sew on |eother so|e оnd ottoсh broid to this еdge.
ond sets double-poinied needles sizes 8 ond 6.
l os i с p o tte r п ( n6 . o f s t s . div is iЬ |e Ьу 4 + 2| - Right'ide r ow : p 2. * k 2 . p 2 i
reo, frЬm *. Wгonc зide rcw: p. 6917/16 Кnittedshoesfor 3-4 yeor old
}l/alt рottem (no.Ъf sts. divisib|e Ьу 4 + 2| = Right зide rowз p 2, * k 2, p 2i Il/lo|eriol: 4 ozs blue ond on oddmeпt of whiie douЬle knitling wool; kпitliпg
rep. fiom *. Wroпg gide rcw: k or р sts. os lheу oppeor in row be|ow. ln 5th n e e d |e s si z e 8 ; 3 0 i n s. сo|ou r e d w ooI b r oi d ; |е ol h e r sol e s.
сd d 9 th r o w з с ro s s lhe 2 k s t s . o s fo|iow s, k 2nd st. befor e ]st. st., then k.l st. st. St. st. ,i
* ln rounds, work p 2, k 2 ond in 5th ond 9ih rounds сross k sts. os desсriЬed Bosic рqlte]n; k. р 1 rib.
oDove. Т e n з i on : 2 2 sts. х 2 5 r ow s = 4 x 4 i n s., b osi с p otte r n .
Т e nз i o n з : ] 7 s ts . x 2 5 ro ws = 4 x 4 ins. l n s|r u сl i on s: Сosl on 3 8 sl s. oпd b е g i n ot oi r k|e e d g_ eW. hD e ni vi d e st s . b e t . 4 n e e d I e s
Bсdt: Using size 8 need|es, сost on 86 s[s. ond work in we|t рoltеrn. Аfter ]0 rows on d joi п to f or m o r ou n d , w or k i n b osi с p otte r n . w or k m e o s u r e s 3 in s .
сhonoe to size 6 need|es ond сon'. in bqsiс Dollern. When work mecsures ]3'/z ins. (20 rounds}. сont. in sl. st. over сentre ll cts. for top of foot. Wheп fool meo.
(86 йws) fгom welt, deс. for ormho|e son either side in every o|l. row os follоws: sures 4 i.ns. (26 rows) ,l рiсk
l up the rem. 27 sts. of onkie Ьond, 2l sts. from eilher
3 sts. onсe, 2 sts. onсe, l sl. 5 times ond in every 4th row l st. 7 limes. Whеn si d e of f oot on d th e sts. f r om f oot = 8 0 sts. D i vi d e sl s.' Ь e t . 4 n e e d le s o n d
ormhole meosures 6llr ins. (42 rows) s|ip сentre 24 sts. onto spore needle for neсk сon t,.i n Ь osi с p otte r n . Af tе r 6 r ou n d s, сos1 of f ,l sl s. of top of f o o t o n d с o n t . in
ond finish eoсh holf seporotеly. Аt neсk edge сosi off 2 sts. twiсe in еvery o|t. r ou n d s. Сq st оf f з sts. 7 ti me s oп e i th e r si d е on d th e n сosi of f re m . 27 s t s .
row for shoрing. When ormhoIe meosuгеs 7 ins. (44 rows) сost off 5 sls. in еvery Moking up: Sew on solеs ond ottoсh woo| Ьroid to this ioin. Sew blue ond while
olt. row twiсe. pompom to lop of fool.
F]onlr 03 for boсk bo1 when ormЬole meosures 4 ins. (26 rows} slip сenlre 18 sls.
onlo sрoгe need|e for neсk oпd fiпish eoсh ho|f seporоte|y. Аt neсk edges сost off
2 s t s ' 3 ti me s ond l s t . o пс e iл ev er y o|t. r ow for shoping. 691|/|7 Knittedond сrochel ploysuitfor 5-6 yeor old
S|сeves: Usinq size 8 needles, сost on 34 sts. ond work in weit pottern. Afteг l0 i i l ol e r i o|: 2 6 oz s P oton s .,J u mp e r w oo|" (4 .p l у w oo|) ; f or th e e mb r o id e r y o d d m e п t s
rows с h o n g e i o s ize 6 need| ei o nd сont' in Ьosiс potter n. To sho! е sidеs, i n с. on of р o|e oпd .d or k w oo|; kn i tti n g n е e d l e i 6 n i sе t i l Ь u b l e .p oi n te d n e e d lЪ s s iz e s 12
either . Iside os fo||ows: st. 3 .limes
si. times in every eveту 8th цt.Jt on.d 11; woo| сroсhet hook size g; one ziр fostener 5 ins. iong.
F-15-.{зl Ri b : kl ,p ' 1 .
row' s t. . l|l !
rl l c es in-ev
|l r e Ygery w . :=
r uw, t 5t.
h rr oow 62 sts.

s ry ,oqt
o Z sls.
........ . т? п
St st.
When work meosures 15 ins: rows} from welt }gs+6+t0{ ф ll l
deс. for top on either side in eveгy Ь|t. row os f т ,/ |i Teпsion: 24 s|s. = 3З rows = 4 x 4 ins.

l",lir,t'.j"':.'.#Ъ3':? !i'jiьl'.,;l1n''Т.?iTll +l-l \\ ь| +./

[ / iI Il
Cloсhet potlern: сommеnсe with on even no, of сh. - lst.owi I h|f. tr. in 3rd сh.
tr om h ook, th e n l h l f . tr . i п e oсh сh , 2 n d on d e vor y o|h e r r ow з 2 с h . lo t u r n ' t h e n
(l8 гows}ovеr 12 sts. ln losl row сost off lsl ond l | l h l f . tr . b е t. h l f . tr s. of p r e vi ou s r ow . w or k l ost h l f .- tr . i n tu r n i n o с h .
losl ..s i . f o r sе o m . S l i p r e m . l 0 st s. on lo spore l . Pqtte]ned slriрes: сroсhet in d. с', ot Ьnd of eoсh row l сh. to tuin'
\+ |t Il T e n si on ; 1 6 Ь l f . tr s. on d 1 6 r ow s = 4 x 4 i n s. _ ]9 d . с. on d 22 r o х ч s = 1 х 4
п qП п g u Pi |п se r I I o P o Ts пo u l a e гDeI.т roпт qпq lI ts.
lI I l ll Е mЬ l oi d e r y: W or k i n сr oss st. f r om сh or t. Еoсh сr oss st. сove r s . l d . с . iп b o t h
Ьoсk. sew in s|eeve. ioiп side ond sleave seqms. З| l | | l l I
Fo r ih e n eс k b o n d , Ё i i k u p s ts . f rom spore n eed|es | ! direсtions. Тhe сhort shows 2 potlern oсross ond l6 rows hioh, thеse ore reoeoted.
lЁ в \ Il К e у; e mp ty sq u or е = l d . с.; x = l l i q h t с.oi s st., = l аЪr k i й J s ' t it . п - - _ ---
o ns el nёed | ess i ? e 6 , p i с k i n g u p 1 6st s.from |efi |. lI l l .l
o ndr i g h t s i d eo f f r o n tn e с k o n d 5 s ts.from |eft P U LtovЕ R - B q сk, I э f l з i d e : Мoke 2 0 сh on d сr oсi r e t i n b osi с o o t t e r n = ] 8 h | f .
|! ll I l lI
o ndr i g h l s i d eof b o с k n е с k . W o rkon i04st ll 1l l l Il tr s. W h e n w oгk me osu r e s]0 i n s. (4 0 r ow s} , сost o{ f 5 h I f . tr s. Ь n | e f t h o n d e d q e
r o un d s i п ..w e I t P o tte r n . . . Аf te r . rou n ds
сh on ge lo I[ 7] * for ormho|e = 13 h|f. lrs. When Ьrmhole'.meqsures 5 ins. [2I гows} сost off fЪг
size 8 пeedlаs ond ofter l0 rounds, сosl off. *fi55-1 * E'l shou|der in everу row 4 sts. onсe ond 3 sls. twiсe' Crосhei lost roiv oveг 3 hlf.
l-s.{-10-l tr s.
Right sidoз Work tо сorrespoпd.
69||l12 Croсhet cio|е,22x 63 ins. сenlre зэction3 Мoke 28 сh. ond work in d. с. = 27 d. с. When work meosures
lloiвriql: 8 ozs mohoir; woo| сroсhe!hook size 3. 14llz ins. (82 тows) |eove сentre ],l d. с. unсrосheted {or neсk, deс. on either side
Boсiс potlorn (no. of сh. divisiЬ|e by 6 + 5): lsl ]og! in 5th сh. from hook. in every row 2 sts. onсe ond l st. 3 times. Work.! d. с. foг |osi row.
l she|I (= 5 limas o|lernole|y wrh ond drow woo| through iп some poinl, pul| Fronl; Work in 3 seсtions os desсribed for Ьoсk.
lhrough |oops зl inсh long, wrh qnd drow through o|| 1l |oops on hook). 1 сh', * Sleaves: Мoke 36 сh. oпd work in d. с. for Ьond = 35 d. с. Afler 9 rows сonl. in
mi s s 2 с h . , i n пвх l ф . l t r. , 2 с h ' ond l tr ., miss 2 сh., in next сh' l sh e l |; r e p . bosiс potleгn, inсreosing 'l hIf. tr. on either sidе in every 9th row 4 times = 43
f rom * e n d i n g wit h m is s 2 с h', l she|| in |ost сh. 2nd r ow : 5 сh. to tur n , l tr . i n h |f . tr s. W h e п w or k mе osu r e s 1 0 i n s. (4 2 r ow s) f r om Ь on d , d e с.4 h I f . t r s . 5 t im e s
top of sheI|, I l she|l round nexl сh. |oop, in lop of neхl shell, l tr., 2 сh. ond on e i th e r si d e i п e ve r y r ow f or top . W or k l ost i ow ove r 1 3 h |f . tr s.
l i ' . ; г e р . fr o m . . 3 rd ro wз 4 с h. to lur n, *.| she|| in пext сh. |oop, in ih e top of Co||or : Мoke 6 5 сh . on d w or k i n ' d . с. = 6 4 d ' с. l n ]Oth r ow i n с. 1] s t s . e v e n I y =
ne xt s h e Il l tr . , 2 с h. o nd l t r. ; r ep. fr om *, ending w ith.l she|| in tu r n i n g сh . 75 d. с. ColIor is сomp|ete ofter ]8 rows.
Rep. :ows 2 ond 3. illoking upз Embroider pieсes os iIIustroted. Work 1 row d. с. on Ionq sides of
Tmзion; 2 polterns oсross = 4 ins., 4 rows = 3'/r ins. bolh сenlrв seсlions ond stitсh to side seсlions. Join left shou|der ond s_ide seoms.
lпtl,uclionз: Мokв 7l |oose сh ond work in Ьosiс рottern util requirеd length is Е mb r oi d e r sl e e ve b on d on d |ost 9 r ow s of сoI l or w i th d or k wo o l. J o in s I e e v e
rsodled. Attoсh 3 inсh tossв|s to norгow sides _ 3 lo eoсh рottern сonsisting of seoms. |eove l inсh open ot lop ond insert this pieсe in ormho|es of froпl ond
5 threods. boсk. Set in s|eeve. Ailoсh сoIloi with norrow sides.ovEг right shoutder. FoId сollor

in ho|f ond luгn outwords. Work l row d. с. round open edges of righl shou|der Fronl: Work os for Ьoсk but wilh stripes os follows: ofter the we|t work first 34
insэrting.hook through doub|e |oyer of сo|lor. Inseтl zip foslener. Work 2 rounds sts. with blue, the |ost 34 sts. with lwo.toпe woo|. Cross lhreods in сentre whеre
o. с. o n | o we r фge o т puI| o v еr. сo|our с thоt there is no ho|e. After 8 rows сhonge lhe stripes over =
cAP: This сonsisti of 8 seсtions ond the bond. Firsl work 4 seсtions in Ьosiс oot. first 34 sts. two. tone ,lost 34 sts. ЬI ue . S hop e ormhoI e sos for Ь oсk . Wheп orm -
tern. tor eoсh seсtioп moke l8 сh. ond work 9 гows over l6 hlf. trs. ln next ho|e meosures6 iпs. (30 rows) сost off сentrе l0 sts. for neсk ond finish еoсh ho|f
row deс. 1 hlf. ir. on eiiher side, rep. twiсe in every 3rd row ond 4 times iп
every oll. row. Work 2 hlf. trs. for lost row. Тhe seсtion is 6 ins. = 25 rows hiqh. ilj:: $iЬ;i ьЁliш"i].i.
se p or ol e I y. For n e сk sh op i n g , d e с.3

" iJi -
sts' on сe on d
_ Now сroсhel 4 polterned striреs in d. с. For eoсh seсlion moke 8 сlr. ond work
27 rows over 7 d. с. |п n6xt row deс. l d. с. on either side, rеp' oпсe in foll.
L,il. .i"-'""iiт-
S |e e ve з:Using lwo. tonewoo| ond size 8 ne e dle s,сost I Г
i*Ч..l тA }_ 1 6 J
3rd r o w o n d i n fo ll. o lt . ro w wo гk log' r em.3 d. с. Wor k ] г ow d' с' o|| гou n d on29sls. oп d work2 ins. (l2rows) in k1, p1riЬfЬ l Т r. .-1a
;Нl l l \*т1
seсlion. Тhe seсtion is 6 ins. = 34 rows high. Embroidery 2 polterned stripes with
po|e woo| oпd 2 with dсrk woo|. _ Foг thе Ьond, moke 96 сh. ond wor|i 9 rows
over 95 d. с. ЕmЬroider Ьond with dork woo|. _ Join o|l sесlioпs togelher os sides, inс. l sl. on either side in every 8th row 4 timъs I l
l I l t
l. lI
illustroted ond sew dork pompon to top. 6th, . row4. limе s =. 5l sts. Whe n work Еl
ond in e v. e ^ry. l l l \ |&
T::'i,{"3"l?,':ii.Ч3;:уJ fliЕ:illI
т п ous Е Rs , l a l t ho l's Us iпg s ize, l2 nеedles. сost on 49 sts. ond w oг k,l4 r ow s i n
riЬ. Chonoe to size ll needles oпd сont' in st. st. Тo shope legs, in 1st row ofter
riЬЬing, inс. l st. on either side. rep. ll timos iп everу l2th row. At samэ tima ''#ъ;'Pjiз."jТ.?l
2sts. 4lime s, зsts. twiсo. C ostoffre m. llsts.
lтт \ .lт
lt l l l
inс. l st. on eilher side of 3 сentre sts' in 7th row ofter riЬbiпg, rep. l0 limes iп iiokiп g up; S lе om pre ss p ie сe s. J oin se oms. Work lI I lI t ll
эvery l2th гow = 95 sts. When work meosures 16 ins' (l34 rows) from ribbing, 3 rows d . с. round ne сk e dg e Using two-tone*. c|. lг. -т-7ЁЁ
dвс. for оusset in everу olt. row oп гighthoпd edge 4 sts. onсe' 3 sts. onсe, l st. sl. round boсk neсk opening ond insert ziр *i-_,'_-' Е lI
lwiсe ond on leflhoпd edge 3 sts. onсe, 2 sfs. onсe слd ] st. twiсe. Then on Ьoth H:''*"'J }5t!-9l
edoes. deс. l st 3 timеs in everУ l6th row. Conl. on R sts. uпli| work meosures
7|Б |;s. |6 roи) from gusset. For Ьoсk shoping, work 40 from rightbond edge'
wrn, lurn ond work Ьoсk. Then in everу right side row work 8 sts. |ess ,l2 4 times,
wrn Ь e fo r e tu r niпo .IsТ. А ft er l0 ro ws w or k w oist bond in r ib usinq siz e needIes
ovеr ol| sts. In row k tog. mode st. with fo||. st. Work 7th 6s fo|Iows: * k 2,
wrп, k 2 tog.; rep. from *. Afler 14 rows сosl off oI| sts. _ Work right hoIl to
Мokiф upз Stеom press ol| pieсos. Join seoms. Drow elosliс through ho|еs in
woi s t b o n d .
LEFT lllTTЕN: douЬle.pointed needIes
Usino set douЬ|e.ooinled
Using needles size l2, l2. сost on 40 sts. ond
work 20 rouпds гouпds in iib rib for bond. Choпge Choпqe to lo set needles size ll qпd oпd сont in k
rouп d s . | n 3 r d ro und fro m Ь o nd, Ьеgin thumЬ. |nс. l st. oп either side of l ost st'
of ro u n d , r e p . 6 t im es in o v ery o lt.- r ouпd o|w oys befoг e or ofter Iost in с. sl . so
t hol tu mЬ p i e с e is widened Ь y 2 s ts. еoсh time. Аfter After 2 ins (16 r ounds) fr om Ь on d ,
s|io ]5 thumЬ sis.
s|iр sls. onto soore needIe ond inс. l st. over thumЬ
spore need|e thumb to ioin. Coпt. over
40 sts. until work lrk meosures 4'lz ins. {40 rounds} from Ьond. bond. Deс. for lop os fo||ows:
a ь o . ^. . . .
k2' k 2 | o g . ;i rep. fro m . . |lnn {o
ь. . l . . ^l l , L
fo |l..
4hl r-^ound,
L 1 L n. ^ ^.
k l, kk.2tоg.;.r
2 tоg.; r. ^ep.
ep. .
fr om **
..^_ *.. |..^
l n ||
f o||.
3rd d r o u n d k - 22 t o g. o ll o lo nE. ng. W Wor orkk one mor e e_ r ound then dr ow thr eod th r ou g h
-o ll _ Еor thumЬ,
]0 sts. йnd sew iп' иl-_30-+5.|
'-т-т=r.т=ffi- piсk up sts. on spore пeedIe with set
пeed|es s ize ll oпd l st. fr om ioin.
W o rk . ll/r ins . (15 r ounds) ovеr .l6 sts.
t hen k 2 lo g. oll oloпg, dr ow up r em.
8 sts. ond sew iп thгeod. _ Work

гight mitleп to сorrespoпd.

l--10 ----t

6911/21 кnitted doll.s dresswith yoke, for do]l size I4-l5 ins.
Moferiql: l oz piлk oлd oddлеnt white Pingouin "Аge d.or" (fine synthetiс уorn);
kn i tti n g n e e d l e s si z e l l ; on e b u tton .
F -Fa{ }11-{ }95-Н0_}95{ St. st.
sto] p ol l e ]n (n o. of sts. d i .vi si Ь l e Ь y 4 l . l ): l st. r ow , r i g h t зid e , w h i| e : k l,
* k з tog . kn i tti n g 3 i n to th i s st. (= k 3 tog ., l e ove sts.
,l on l e f th o n d n е e d | e . w r n ;
69ll/l8 croфet pullover ond GoP for Е8 k I in some st.), k ; rep. from *' 2пd row, wrong зide' Ёink: p. 3rd row' righ!
уcor old side. pink: k 3, lhen rep. from * in lst row; end wilh k 3 tЪg. orid k 3 fгom thesе
filoteriol: 18 ozs red. 2 ozs blue ond 2 ozs white сrepe wool; woo| сroсiet
'l-p|y sts., k 3.4lh row. wrong side. white: p. Rows l*[ form the рqttern.
hook si z е 8 ; o n e zip fo s t ener 5 ins . |onq.
B oз i с p o l l o i n з h|f. irs . , replo с e] s t h|f. iг . in еoсh r ow by2 сh. T e n si on : ]3 sts. x ]7 r ow s = 2 x 2 .i n s. st. st. _ ]2 sts. i 1 2 r o w s = lэ h x 1з ll
Pof{erпэd зtripвз (no. of sts. divisiЬ|e Ьу 4 + 21i Isl сnd 2пd rows, red: h|f. trs. i n s. stor D otte r n .
3rd юw, blue;2 h|f. lrs.,. iп пeхt h|f' lr. of previous row, l potteгn tr. (= y1fi, Boсk: Usiпg pink woo| сost on 59 sts. ond work 3 rows in qorter st. foг edoe.
insert hook in top of h|f. tr. from right to |eft ond drow loop. twiсe, drow up Сoпt. in st. st. When work meosuгes 4 ins' (35 rows) in ne1t wronq side йw
|ooрs to l/z inсh then drow lhreod through oI| 5 loops on hook. the hlf. tr. of p tog. the 5th-7th sts. ond 8 times every foll. 4th--6th sts. ln nexl riqht side row,
pre vi o u s r o w r em o ins unс ro с hеt ed),3 h|f. tr s.i r ep. fr om *.4th r ow . bluв : ,l h |f . d i vi d e w or k i л сe n tr e on d k 2 i n сe n tr e st.. f i n i sh e oсh si d e
lr' in еoсh st. of pгevious row. sth гow, whilo: 4 hlf. trs.. * I pottern lr. round seporote|y in stor polt-ern over 2] sts. А|ter 1/э inсh (2 rows) |z5l-3+2+x5J
fo||. h|f. lr. of lost гow but one,3 hlf. trs.: rep. from * ending with l potterп tr. from divisioп сost off for ormhole oп outer edge in every o|t. ь=rA +
round losl but one h|f. tr., l hlf. lr. 6th юw. blue: os 4th row. 7th сnd 8th rows, r,low os f o|I ow s: 3 sts. on сe ,2 sts. on сe on d l st. on сe . = ё т lz l .з
5 \
rodз os 3rd ond 4th rows. lп the iпstruсtions, the hlf. trs. ore olI termеd sts. W h e n or mh ol e me osu r e s l l /r i пs. (]0 r ow s) сost of f 4 Е l' ё
stitсhes. sts. i n 2 f ol l . ol t. r ow s f or sh ou l d e r . I n i st r ow ' of sh ou l d e r | | I I
Tensioп:,l8 sts. х 14 rows = 4 x 4 ins. sh op i n g . сost of f 7 sts. f or n e сk sh op i n g . ё 1 lA
PuLtovEп, Bсdl: Мoke 7l сh. in red ond сroсhet 70 d. с. for welt. Aftеr l inсlr F]onl3 work os for boсk but without division ond with lower Тl l I
(7 rows} woгk the 8 rows of potterned strips theп сont. in red woo| in bosiс pot. n e сk. W h e n or mh ol e me osu r e s 3 /l i n сh (6 .r ow .s) сost 1Ц Д
lern. When work meosurеs l01/z ins. (38 rows) from welt, deс' 2 sts. oп either сe n l r e у sts' on d тh e п l st. l w I сe on e tth e t s|d e tor sh op -of f
|n o. ЦnJ
side in 2 foll. rows for rog|on. then deс. l st. 20 times. When rog|on meosures IVloking up: Join seoms. Croсhet l row d' с. round oгmtro|es,
ll/r ins. (6 rows}, divide work in сentre ond finish eoф ho|f seporole|y. |п |ost пeс* edge. ond bqсk neсk oрening. Sew buttons ond eуes to
row' l l sls. remoio..for neсk оdqe. oo( op e п I n g .
Fюnt: work os for boсk but йithout division ond with |ower neсk. When roo|on
meosurеs 5 ins. (l8 rows). |eove сеntro 'l2 sts. Unсroсheled ond finish eoсh ъide
sеporсleIy. .For nвсk shoping deс. l st. 3 times ot inner edge in every row. 2 sts.
6911|22 КnittedPuIloverond skirt for doll size t&.l7 ins.
remo|п ror |osl row. ll/lotelio|: 2 ozs yel|ow ond for thв beIt on oddment oronqe Pinqouin "Cгеpe
SIgevэr: Мoke 3l ф. wirh red woo| ond сroсhet 30 d. с. for Ьond. After l iпсh Cry|or" (fine sуnthetiс сrepe yorn); knitting пeedIes size l2; one-zip fostener
(7 rows), work 8 rows of potlerned stritrs. in lst row work 2 sts. in every 6th st.4 ti- 5 i n s. |on g ; 2 0 i n s. e |osti с; on e b e |t сl osp .
mes = 34 sts. Then сont. in red woo| ond bosiс pottern. Тo shope sides. inс. ] st. on St. sl.
either side iп every 4th row 9 times = 52 зts. When work meosures,l.l ins. (39 Tensionз 16 sts. x 22 rows = 2 x 2 ins.
rows) from Ьoпd deс.2 sts. ot eoсh eпd of fo||. row foг rog|on, then deс. t it. PUtl.ovER' Bq*: Cost on 48 sls. ond woгk in st. st. Аfter 1.inсh {l4 rows) divide
2l times.6 sls. remoin for losl row. work in сentrе ond finish eoсh sidе seporolely over 24 sts. For the.ormhotё' when
Gollсr: Мoke 8,t ф. with red wooI ond сroсhet lhe work meosurеs 2'lz ins. (30 rows) сost off ot outside edqe in every o|l. row 2 sts.
8 гows of lhe pollвrn stripв ЬerЪ-c й.-сБ"i. ii iЬj tw i се on d ,l st' l w i сe = l 8 sts. W h е n or mh o|e me q su r e s-2 l /r i n s. (2 6 r o w s l с o s t o f f
in bosiс oottein. ln l]th row from Ьeq. work too. -!11lrs+_-l.1з-l15-
Еh. T l ,/1 | 5 sts' tw i сe f or sh ou |d e r sh op i n q .Costof f гe m.8 sts.f or пe сk.
everу 2пd ond 3rd hlf. tr. 26 times = 54_sts., work_2 6l \ ЁЁ / || Fmnl: work os for Ьoсk bui without divisioп ond with |ower neсt. When ormhole
гows. Woгk 2 rows d. с. iп red over сost on edqe. +L \ | l ./ l | . meosuгes l% iпs. (20 rows) сost off сentre 8 sts. ond finish eoсh ho|f seoorote|y.
filсk i п g up : L i g h t| уp r e s s o | l p i e с es. Joiп seoйs. At - l1 \++1 :I For neсk. shoping сosl off on inside edge 2 sts. onсe ond l st lwiсe. Shoje shoui.
rowd.с. round
inse*]t oe r s os тoг D oск.
l;fl'.Тlfij;.щ'k l l l\ ll S|eevэs: Cost on 29 ond work in st. st. To shope sides inс. ,l st. oп either side
cAP: Мoke tll сh. with red woо|ond work sz d.с. ТI I*s t |т iп every l0th row 3 times = 35 sts. When worЁ meosures 3tlz ins. (40 iowit с"si
Afler 2 rows. work rows lJ of рotlerпed stгipe onсe |: l.Гт l . I off for lop oп eitheг side in everу olt' row 3 sts. onсe, 2 sls' onсe,.l st. 3 iimes,
ond rows 3_8 onсe. Cont' in red. in Ьosiс poitern. |n l l
l l I l l l 2 sts. twiсe, сost off rem. l.l sтs.
3l'1 Rg,: J.,".I"''li.!qi;
:""Jx,':?; *t EJl. SКIRT (wоrk 2):. Сost on
either side in 9th row ond-58
sts. ond work in st. st. To shope sides deс.
iп eveтy 4th row l0 limes. When work mеosures 4зlr ins.
st. on

iess Ьei. thJJес. Dгow up rЬй. zl srs. j6ln seoй. l-.--195--{ }5ts5-t (52 rows), сost off rem. 36 sts.
illoking up: Ljghtlу steom pтеss рieсes, ioiп seoms.. Piсk up 59 sts. round neсk
e d g e on d w or k i h k l . p l r i Ь . W or k з /r i n сh on d сosl of f . FЬ l d b o n d in h o | f o п d
6911||9 Pulloverwith diogonol stripeвfor l0-l2 уeor old hem _down. Work сh. st. round boсk nвсk opеning ond insert zip foste.
}lоloriolз 9 ozs white ond l,l ozs blue 4.ply wool; knitting needles sizes 8 ond n e l . Т u r n u n d e r з /r i n сh h e m on .sI e e ve e d g в ,.l ow e .г J аJ e ' oi - - p o t Ъ ! e . ' Б n а
6: oпe zio fosteпer 5 ins. lono. skirt. Croсhel l round d. с. on woist edoe oЁ
Noь. ThЪ wo| is used douБ|e. for lhe two.tone seсtion l lhreod white ond t drow doub|eelostiс threodthiough
!hreod Ь|ue, for the bIue seсlions, 2 threods bIutl. iffiJ,#g .nж2l= F55-.{ tз'5+55-J
St. it.
Teпзion: 16 sts. х 20 rows = 4 x 4 ins.
Bсdr: Using sizэ 8 need|es ond two.loпe woo|, сost on 68 sls. ond work 2 ins. ff,]l:
I+{1т /_|
(l2 rows} in k l, p l rib. Choпge lo size 6 needles ond сoпl. in sl. sl. For orm.
3:*;l':*J. уe||ow lo сentrв. jL
holes. when work meosures 12
(62 rows) from wе|t, deс. on either side in li / l
вverу o|t. row os fo||ows: 2 sts. twiсa, 1 st. twiсe = 56 sts. Whsn ormhote meo- Loopз: (mo. ke4). Usiп g y^e |low
woo|, moke 7 st--J iЁ- EJ* t- _ J
sures 3 ins. (16 rows} divide work in сentre ond fiпish goсh side seDorote|y. wheп ond сroсhet os tor be|l. sew 2. |ooрs to J.ont F?5_.{в meosure9.6Vz iпs. (3,l rowsl сost off 6 sts. 3,times iп eve.ny o|t..row for r}${ F9_.|
rcist ond 2 to Ьoсk woisl os i||ustгЬted.Drow
shoulders. Cosl off rвm. l0 зts. for nЬсk. belt through.
69т112з Pultover,tkirt ond ioсketfor doll зize 16_17 ins. PUttovЕR, lell bodl: Cost on 23 sts. ond work in loсy pollern. Wheп work'meo.
surеs 3'/: iпs. {24 rows) сost off for ormho|e oп |efthond odge iп every o|t. row.
MglrrioI: For lhe put|over 2 ozs white, for the skirt l oz dork blue Piпgouin 2 sts. tw i сe on i l ' l st. i w i сe = ]7 sl s. W h e n or mh ol е me osu r e s 2 l l z in s . ( 16 r o w s ) . .
"Creps Crylor.; foг the ioсket 2 ozs whilо Pingouin -.Мodome Pingouin- (pullovar сost of f 4 sts. i n 2 f oI I . oI t. r ow s f or sh ou I d e r sh op i n g . Cost of f r e m . 9 s t s . f o r .
ond. i ki r t = fi n e s y nt hеt iс с rеPе yor п; ioсkgt = 4.P |у synth.t.|с yor п,; kr u l tmg ne(.
ne е d| e s s i z e s 1 2 o nd l1 ;8 s i|v еr bultoпs' one z iP toslener ) |ns. |oп9; z u tn s' Right bgck: work to сorrespoпd'
eI os i i с.
i t rй сJ в o tl e l п ( no . o f s ls . div is iЬ lt by 8 + l); lзt r ow з. k l, p 2. сr oss 3 Froпll Cost on 43 sls. ond work in loсy pottern. After 3r/l ins. (24 rows) shope
(=.s | . l . k п i twi sd, k 2 t o g. , ps s o o nd k)' p 2,1вр o.m. е w ith k l . z n d ormho|e os desсribed foг Ьoсk = 3l sts. Wheп ormhole meosures ll/z ins. (,ll
iowз . p 1' k2' Ь 3, k 3; йЁ fгom * еndiф with p l. Rowз l-2 form the potiern. rows}, сosl off сeпtre l] sts. for neсk ond finish еoсh side seporoielу. For neсk
St. rt. sh op i n g . d e с. l st. tw i сe on i n si d e e d g o. Sh op e sh ou l d e r s os f or b oс k .
iэпtion: 16 sls. x 22 rows x 2 х 2 ins. st. st. _ 16 sts. х 19 rows = 21ll x 21ll S|* ve s: Cost on 2 7 sts. on d w or k i n I oсy p otte гn . T o sh op e si d e s , iп с . l s t . o n
i ns . s t r i p e d p o tte rn. eithвr side in эvery 6th row 3 times = 33 sts. Аfter 4 ins. (26 rows) d9с. for lop
PUttoVЕi:.Using white wooI oпd size 12 need|es сost oп.30 sts.. oпd beg ot- Ieft on еither side in еvery o|l .row 3 sts. onсe, 2 sts. twiсe ond 3 sts. onсe. Cost off
sIеeve; woгk in it. st. oсross pu||over. Тo shope sidеs. of s|eeve in. l st. on either rem. l3 sts. '
side i;9rh row onсe' in everу-,16 4th row 8 times ond in everу.o|l. row-lwiсe = Мokiпg up: Join seoms. on wrong side, piсk up 33 sts. round neсk ond work in
52 sts. Тhen for sides, сosl oп sts. on either side = 84 sls. сont. stroight unti|
k l, pl riЬ. After l inсfi сost off iй riЬ.'t6|d bo;d iп holf ond hem down. Cгoсhet
work meosures 5з/r in's. (64 rowl lhen divide work in сentre for neсk. Work boсk 1 roй d. с. oп boсk edges moking 8 сh. eуeIets foг buttonholes on righthoпd edge.
ovsr firsl 42 sts. After t iпф tl3 rows} from division, сost off 32 sls. in next wrong Sew bultons to |eft edgе.
side row for Ьoсk opeпinq.-|п nexi low сosl on з2 sls. ogoin. After l inФ
ll2 rows} from openi;q sliЬ sts. oпto spore needle. Work front ond front neсk тRoU,.sERs, lelt tidэ:.Cost on.27 sls. oлd work iп st. sl. To shope |egs oftеr 1l/r
ёver |osf 42 sts. At the_diviiion, сost off 5 sls. onсe, 3 sts. onсe ond l sl. twiсe = ins. (l4 rows} inс. l sl. on either side. Rep. 'l-3+-7--{
32 sts. Work 4 more rows to сЬntre front oпd theп work left ho|f to motсh. Аfter i n с.55 time
inс. ti me ss in verry
i n e ve y 66th
l h rrow,
ow .33 ti
me ss iin
21lz ins' (26 rows) of neсk shoping, work over Ьoih seсtions qnd finish left ho|f of every 4th row = 45 sls. Аfter 7 ins. |62
rows) deс. for ggusset on еeither
u sse t on side
i th e r si d e iin

рuI|ovgr lo motсh.
itlokiпg up: Steom press light|y. Еmbroider lhe border over thе сеntre 6 rows of е ve r y ol t. r ow osl f o||ow s: 22 sl s. on сe on d
front lroй bвq. to Ёrrow. Work Ьorder ovgr сeпtre 4 sts. of s|еaves, 4 sts. wida, ll st. э5 ti l I me s. Lon
t. str ol
oi q
g h lt u
Un ti
t|ll w or k
lo neсk edge.- Using white woo|, piсk up 48 sls. from neсk edgе, work 20 rows meosures 4rlz ins. (38 rowsf from beg. of
sl. sl., сost off. Еmbroider 2 rows from neсk edge ond fo|d пeсk bond in ho|t to gusset. Cosl off rem. 3l sls. '
inwсrds. Join seoms. Turn uпder t/r inсh hem on sleеves. Croсhet d. с. round boсk
opening. inserl zip foslener. Croсhet 2 rounds d. с. ond l rouпd Ьoсkwords d. с. Riglrtside: work os for left side.
on lower edoe of oullover in while wool.
5КlRT: ln dork bIuе os for desion 6911t22Ьu| withoui Ьe|t.
JAскEт' Bodt: Usino size ll ieed|еs ond the thiсker white woo|, сost on 4l sts.
ond woik in stripedЪollern. А|teс 2эh iпs. (22 rows) сost off for ormho|es in эvery
oIt. row 3 sls. oliсэ, 1 st. twiсe = 3] sls. WЬen ormholes meosure T/r ins. (22 rowsl
сosl oft for shou|der shoping on either side iп every olt. row 3 sls. oпсe. 4 sls. l--8-.1 l---8,51 1l--5{ l-1+6-l
onсg. Cost off rem. 17 sls. for neсk.
loll flоnt: Usinq size ll need|es сosl on 19 sts. ond work in striped pottern; on 6911t26 "Cinderello" woll honging,size 20 x 62 ins.
|efthond edge eЪd with p 2 ofter lost k sl. Shopэ oгmho|e on righthond edge os l/lotgriol:20 x 62 ins. iroп-on vi|ene, 21 x 67 ins' pole blue ond l3 x 67 ins. dork
for boсk. Front shoping Ьegins ot some iime os ormhole; deс. l 5t. onсe ond or e e п f e l t. Smo|| oi oсe s of f e l t i n th o f ol l ow i n E сol ou r s: 6 x 1 4 in s ' p o | e o п d
6 times l st. in evsry 4lh row. Shooe shou|dвrs os for Ьoсk. йe d i u m g r e e n , l 8 .x 2 4 i n s. w h i te , ,l х 7 i n s. yЪ||ow , 5 x 5 i n s. p o le o п d d o r k
light froпt: Work t6 сorerspond. Fз{__115_----{ 1тттr e r d , smo[| p i в сe s of p o|e on d d or k b е i g е . p o|e р i п k on d d or k Ьr o w п . R e m n o n ls
of differeпt'f|owered broidings (or oddments ,l of :olouгed wooI for еmbroiderуin9
S | e оvo r з U si n g ^s ize ll nвedlвs o nd .w hile \v_- -
on f|owers) 4 iпs. Ьroсode Ьroiding _ inсh wide, 35 lronsporent gloss peorls,
woo|, сost on 27 sts. ond w
тo shope
Potterп. l".::[:l:,PНll
sides, )I ftffi.+ 1 yd . g o|d Ь r oi d i n g , 1 5 g o|d f l ow e r s, 2 5 g o|d stor s, 2 g o|d p e or | s , 4 w h it a o n d
2 ye ||ow ston e s, 6 si |ve r se q u i n s' l g ol d r i n g ' 5 g ol d sh op е s, 2 g old p e o r I s . o b o u l
;i'\1. i,Yf."t,j'l.,lЗГo3".',tsТ,й
ъti".'ъ *!- г
row 2-sls.5 timзs.Costolf ,fi-i_g,-+2.{-
Т м]]!il 5 0 smo|| ye I l ow p э or |s. l p i n k f e oth e r . l ske i n g o|d An сh or th r еo d o n d l s k e in
Anсhor embroideiy twist in go|d ond yellow, foЬriс glue. l Ьurdo tronsfer 549/,Ш
priсe DМ 4.40. See pottern piiсe list for terms of supplу. Тhis tronsfer сontoins de.
l.:'iy,,:.'' T_ toiIs of moterioI ond inslruсtions.
Mokiпg up: Join seoms. Croсhet 2 rows a5Еs}zt }ztдi-з{ ]nslructions: Iгon vi|ene lo wrong side of pole Ь|ue fe|t, stiсk edgos of felt over
d. с. iound front ioсkеt edgе ond neсk Т A r . vi |e п e . Cu t ou l " g r oss" f r om d or k g r э э n f е |t os sh ow n on d sti сk o n . T u r n u n d e r

side ond Iower edges ond stiсk down. Cut 3 smol| fir trees from po|e ond medium

ond2 buttons+/ t + l !**Я

-| greеn, ond otso f |orge fir lrees (thе tronsfer сontoins l tree ЬnIу, use iroсiпg
. leftedge
poper lo сopy othеr 2). Cut dress of prinсess ond ierkin. сooсh, horses ond dovas
" frоm white fe|t ond stiсk on os shown. Cut сooсh windows ond whee|s from ye|low
fе|l, сrown for сooсh oпd soddIes from pole beige fе|t' prinсe.s gorment from dork
tш{Ljil.j rеd fe|t, Ьoots from medium Ьrown fe|t. prinсe.s hoir from dork brown feIt. opron
from poIe rеd felt, feet, foсes ond honds from piпk felt ond stiсk on.
F7-{ l-?s-l rFS{
Cut ihe flowers from lhe Ьroid, stiсk on or sew on (or embroider bгight flowвrз
6911124 Cope, lrouseri ond Gop for doll size 17-18 ins. in lozy doisy siitсh with soiin stitсh dots _ see i||ustrotion}. Sew Ьroid of go|d
,Crёpe peorls round сooсh window, stiсk 2 gold flowers lo сooсh roof, deсorole whee|
Molэliol: ,l ozs. red oпd on oddment of white Pingouin Cry|or" (fine
h u b w i th g o|d p e or l s, e mЬ r oi d e r sp oke s w i th g о|d th r e od , e mЬ ro id e r o у e | | o w
synthetiс сгepе уorn); knilling need|es ond сroсhel hook size 1l; fivе buttone; sotin slitсh dot over the сrown. Stiсk on sodd|es ond deсorote eoф one with
l 0 i ns. e l o s ti с .
o go|d motif. Sвw on si|ver sequins for doves. eyes. Point on eyes of horses ond
St. rl.
Tэпsionз 26 sts. x 40 rows = 4 x 4 ins. of figures with b|oсk Ьiro. Attoсh feolher to hol ond go|d ring to neсk. EmЬroider
CAPЕ, Bodr: Usino red wool сost on 42 sls. For hem shoрing, inс. on either sidв i e r ki n on d Ь ool s i n сh oi n sti tсh or sl e m sl i tсh . Emb r oi d e r p r i n сe ,s ie r k in o n d p r in .
in ev6ry olt. row 2 sls. 8 limes ond l st. 5 times = 84 sts. Аt|et 2зll ins. (28 rowsl сess.s shoes wilh yellow dots in sotin .hoir
stiiф. Мoke prinсess.s hoir from ye||ow
embгoidery threod, sew on peor|s os sIide", sew or stiсk on broсode Ьroidiпg
сost ofl on eithзr side for top shoping in everу oll. row l st. 7 times ond 2 sts.
os o сrown, deсorole wilh slones ond go|d f|owers. Sew g|oss peor|s to skirt os
l3 timвs. Cosl off rem. l8 sts. for neсk. g|oss
Frcпl: work oз lor Ьoсk Ьut with |ront opening ond Iower neсk. When work meo. ilIustroted ond ottoсh рeor|s lo lop of dress. Sew go|d peor| Ьroid round
opron ond sew on go|d f|owers. Sew go|d slors round neсk, sleeve oпd edgв of
suros 2 ins. (20 rows} k 2 log. on either side of the сenlrе 42 sts. fоr buttonho|es
lop of dress. To hoпg up piсlure olloсh 7 |oops ot equoI distoпсes (сul from po|e
ond wrп onсё in p|oёe of dei. st. For front opэning, ofter 3l/z ins. (36 rows} divide
work in сentrе ond finish eoсh side side sepoгotе|y. Whеn work meosuros 2 ins. Ь |u e f e |t 5 ' l l x 1 i n сЬ ). |f r e q u i r e d n e ote n b oсk b у сove r i n g w i th l i n i n g .
(l0 rows) from division с for neсk shoping on iпside edge in every olt. row
os f o| | o w s: 3 s l s ' t wiс e, 2 s ls . o пс e, l st. onсe.
Moling up: Join seoms. Croсhet round |ower еdge os fol|ows: lзl round, lad: 69|||27 Woll honging os Advent сolэndol, size l4 x 34 ins.
d. с. 2nd Ьuпd, whilэ: d. с. 3;d round, red: l h|f. tr. in some р|oсe os lst. whito Use Ьurdo pottеrn 579120,priсe DМ 2,20 (sеe pоttern рriсe Iisl for lerms of supp|y).
d. с., * l сh, miss l d. с., l hlf . tr' in some ploсe os next while d. с.; rep. f rom Тhe individuo| molifs сon be lгonsferred lo motеriol or felt remпonts usinq Ьurdo
Work in some monnsr round neсk. Work d. с. round front opening in red ond on сopуing poper (l poсk сonloins 2 white ond 1 ye||ow sheet, priсe 9ц 2,_). De.
righthond edge work 2 сh. eуelets os Ьutlonholes. Sew Ьultons to lefthond edge. |oiIed informotion regording motеrioI ond the instruсtions ore inсluded with thв
Sew 2 Ьuttoпs lo iпside of boсk. pottern sheеt 579120.
тtousEns. Le|i зide: Cвt on 3l sts. ond work in sl. st. To shopв |egs, inс. l sl.
on either side in everу 12th гow 4 times = 39 sts. When work meosures 5'/z ins.
(56 rows) deс. for gusset shoping on eithor side in everу oll. row l st. twiсe oпd
in overy 4th row l sl.3 times. Work onother 3 ins. (30 rows) then сost off rem. 69|1l28 EmЬroidered Chriзtmoзсord
29 sts. Si z e (f ol d e d )7 x 4 i пs'
Пighl зidс; work os |eft side. l/lotзriol:6 x,| ins. рole fobriс _ 7 threods = 3/r indr. oddments of Andror
filсliпg up: Joiп seoms. Turп undсr l/z inсh embroidery twist in the fol|owing сolours: pink, |i|oс, whitе, red, уe||ow, po|e
hвm on Ieg oпd woisl edges. Drow lhrough brown ond green. Go|den bronzв sproy lo сolour thе foЬriс; while сordboord for
l h e сor d _ l ,l x ,l i n s.
CAР: Cost ori 80 sts. ond work in st. st. When lntlruсtions: CoIour lhe fobriс goldeп Ьronzв, wheп it iз сomp|вtely dry work thэ
}з.sl-1ъ_{ вmbroidery with oI| threods of embroidery yorп oссoгdiпg to the сhoit from thэ
work meosures 2||z ins. |21 rows) deс. in fo|l.
right side row Ьy сrossing 2пd ond 3rd sts. сenlre outwords. Work onge| in сross stitсh ond wгiliпq in stem stitсh. FoId сord.
ond ev e r y fo | l. в l2 t h o nd l2 t h sts. 5 times boord in hoIf ond stiсk finiЪhed embroidery lo front.
(сros s s t. = s l . l, k l, ps s o }. R eр. deс.9 timеs т
in every riоht sidg row ov6r somo slэ. Drow
up rвm. 20Ъts. Join seom. Croсhe kound вdge T 6911lT, ЕnvelopeЬog for Chlislmos post
ol сop сs for сope. tor the сhЬ зtrop, moke
Si z з : l 3 x 1 5 i п s.
o red сh. 3 ins. |ono' ond сrodret red oпd
white Ьorder on il.os-for сopе. Sew strop to i/loteriсl: 26 x 14 ins. whiie foЬriс _ 9 squores = з/r inсh. For the lining' 26 x 14
right edge of сoР. Attoф Ьutton сnd oуз to F8*-l-8-l ins. grеen toffеto, l сurloin ring to hong up Ьog. For lhэ emЬroiderу, oddmenls
|eft edgв. of Anсhor emЬroidery twist in thg fo|lowing сoIours: b|uo, turquoise, уeIlow,
g ol d e n ye ||ow ' р o|e on d d oгk g r e e n , p o|e oп d d or k g r e у. sol mon р in k . p in k , o n d
red. Аnсhor sewing threod.
69||125 Spoilз puIloverond trou3elsfor doll size l7-l8 ins. lnзtruсtiont: Мork size of front with toсking sls. fol|owing threods of foЬriс
. M o dom e P in gou in .,( dou Ь |e
sуn lh еt iсkn it t ingyorn} ; (= l3 x 8 ins.}. Using 4 threods of embroidery twisl, work emЬroidery inside this
iAorо l i o |.4 o zs P i n g o u i nwo o |
k nittin1..ъ э d l e ss i z J l l ; в i g h t s m o ||bu t t on s;12 in s. e|osliс. morking from lhe сhort. The dork greу Iines ore nol сomp|ele|у drown in on the сhort, the ore ехlended os for os tho morking Iine oп the froп}. Work emЬroidery
ioсY potlern [no. of sls. divisib|e by 4 + 3): lrl row, wrong зidоз p.2nd lowз from сenlre oulwords, in сross stitсh ensurino thot oll the underneoth slitdles oo
* eпding w ith k l' 3r d low: s|. l . from boltom left to top right ond oIt the l-op stitсhes go from Ьoltom right -to
s | . l ,- p l , . si . l, k 2 lo g. рs s o . p l; r ep. fr om
k l ,... р l , wr n . p l, k l; rв p. fro m * ending w ith k l.4|h ]ow : s|. l, p l . p l ,. top left. lron finishod embroiderу from wгong side under o domp с|oth. Fo|d
k 3' p l ; reр. fгom ending with k'l. 5th row: k or p sl. os lhэy oPpeor in row below. e mЬ r oi d e r y i n to b og , i oi n si d e se oms, сU t f |op to o p oi n t l e ovi n g s e o m o l| o w o n с a ,
Rorз 2-5 form lhe Doltern. . moke fo|d ot Point. Stilсh o|| edgas ond iron. Cut toffeto lining to motсh bog,
Teпзioпl l.l sls, x l7 rows = 2 x 2 ins. st. sl. _ 16 sis. x 16 rows = 21lz х 21lz ins, ioin side seoms, insert iп bog ond hem edges logether. Attoф сurtoin hook to
locy potlern. Poiпt.

59tl/30 ToЬle runnerwilh сriЬ design in сrossslilсh lnslruсlionз:
Woгk emЬroidery fгom сhort' Тhe сentre is indiсoted Ьy on orrow; lhe сhort qhows
зl inсh).
Sizе 2.] х 50 inз', width of motif 15 ins. (2 stitфes =- oЬoul the сentre сompjete' the motifs of thе right holf shou|d Ьe repeoted iп revsrse
lrloterioIl For the design using the Фorl, з/r уd. evenweove * 54 ins. wide, from the douЬle orrow. ЕmЬroidеr the mЪtifs iп upright Gobe|in without tгomё ..
7 t hrе o d s = ] с m . ( . Do v o s " Ъo s у - сor e}. For the dеsign using bur do. lr on sf e r , stitсh ond the Ьoсkqround with tromё stitф. Comp|еtё boсlground to shope of
з/. yd . mo tе r i o t
- 5 4 ins . wide, , ll t h r eods = l сm. (.Lugono" eosу- сor e). For l h e сoot honger. B|oсk t]nished еmbroiderу. moisten ond o||ow to dгу. Cut off еxс6s
emЬroi d e r y . l 0 s k eins red, m edium gre en or go|den yeI|ow Апсhor embr oider y yor п . сonvos, f|oсe edges over wrong side 6f honger, stitсh down with stitфes rеoсhiпg
Тhe emЬr6idеry сon bе сorriеd out from the сhorl or from burdo trqnsfer 578iз5 from..edge to edqe. Hem sotin 1o wгong side of honger, if required stiсh Ьroсode
{p ri сe D М 3 , 8 5 , term s o f s upply s ee рotter n pr iсe Iist). b r oi d i п g гou n d e d g e s of сoot h on g e r .
i Ьsrruсt i o п s j C u t с lo t h t o Ы eis ure'2 6 x 54 ins. inс|uding ol|ow onсe for lt/ r i n ф
doub|е hem, moking sure thot the edges fol|ow the. stroight of the fobriс. Мork
lhe сentre in Ьoth direсtions, work embroiderу from the сentre oulwords. .stor s"
see orrow 69||136 Diogonollу shoped Gobelin Ьog, 8 x 4 ins.
i n сhort. R e p . p o t t ern bеt . o rro ws from сеntr e 3 limes. pIoсing os iI l u sl r o- lЛq,erlqt: 12 x 12 lns. doub|e.threod сoilon сonvos 6 squores = 1 сm. For the
t ed . Wo r k Ь d g e up' lo no rro w s ides.or r onging motifs ot dislonсes indiсo te d i n e mb r oi d e r y An сh or e mb r oi d e r y tw i st: 4 ske i n s Ь l oсk f or b oсkg r ou пd , 2 s k e in s e o с h
сh ort : e mb r o i d Ъr с rib m o t if o n o pposite nor r ow side з stitсhes ow oy fr om е d g е . b r ow n , g ol d e п уe l |ow . p ol e . g o|d е n ye ||ow on d g ol d e n b r ow п; l ste in e o Ф p o le .
Work с r o ss sti tс h es o v er 3 t hrеo ds i n both dir есtions. Cut off сor ner s diog on o||y me d i u m on d d or k p i n k, p ol е st b |u e , p ol e oпd me d i u m b l u e , 3 sh o d e s m o r ig o ld
f or l 1/ r i n ф d o u Ь Ie hem . F o Id hеm douЬ|e to w r ong side, toсk oпd sew dow n u si n g ye l I ow , ye I l ow i sh g r e e n , р o|e , уe l I ow i sh g r e e n , me d i u m,4 sh od e s b lu is h g r e e n ;
hem stitсh toking up 3 threods ot o lime. Press сloth сorefu||у from wrong side. l b og f r ome ,7 i n s. w i d в ,1 0 x l 0 i n s. l i n i пg mote r i o|,8 x 8 i n s. vi |e n е .
Whe n u si n g th e - t ro ns fеr m o k e s ure thot it is iг oned.on fo|low ing the str qig h t of ThisЪog сon Ьe oЬioiried iп o poсk with the motif o|reodу worked (oп|у the
t he mot e r i o l o s f o r qs po s s ib| e. А dd nor r ow Ьor der to |ong sides; lhis is g i vе n Ь oсkg r ou n d h os to Ь e ti l l e d i n )'
os o single striр in the pottern. Work emЬroidery os desсriЬed oЬove from dtoгl. ]nstrйсtionsl Work the embroidery with six threods iп upright Gobelin, emЬroider
boсkground over tromё stitсh (the сonvos must not Ьe visiЬle thгough the stitфes);
69ll/3l Cross stitсhсloth with Chrislmosstqrs сhorГ see poge l2. Еxlend boсkground Ьy 2 lo 3 sts. (= seom). Bloсk finished
Size 36 x 52 ins., 1 Lurex squore opproх. 3 x 3 ins. embroidery. lron on vilene. Cut Iining io size of embroiderу, ioin side seoms.
Тurn under сonvos сlose to embroidered edge ond sew down, sew on lining. sew
,l l yd. evenwшve with фoven-in Luгex threod _ 54 iпs. wide, 1l thrеods
= сm. (oьtoinoЬle in white ond ivory _ eosy.сore fobriс}. When Ьuуing the frome lo Ьog.
moterio| moke sure thot the Lurex squorеs ore even ol the ends. For the em.
broidery 9 skeins dork qreen ond 3 skeins po|e qreen Anсhor embroidery twist. 69||lз7 9 differeпtcushions
l ns t ruсt| o n sз T h e rе o rJll x lI Lurex solor es- inside lhe ll/r inсh hЬm. C u t of f
сorners diogono|ly, fo|d in hem os for o! Lurex threod' toсk ond hem down out. Pottеrn l8 on sheet C. port l20 сushion, with opp|iquё drow in.
side Lurex ihreod.'Work еmЬгoidery from сhort with 3 stroпds of threod in сross Hкrt.зhoped сushion
stitсh over 2 threods in Ьoth dirесiioпs. А|ong the hem еmЬroider I dork grеen Si z e 1 2 x l 3 ' /r i n s.
ond 1 po|e green stor oIternote|y (dork green stors in сorners). ln сentre of с|oth lUloleriol; For eoф сUshioп 26 x 16 ins fe|i, рop|in or Iinen, foг the opр|iquё
deсorote on oreo of 3 x 7 squores with stoгs, working 3 dork ond 3 рole grеen 8 х 8 iлs. сo|oured сotton moteriol, for the сroфet boгder сo|oured сotton yorn,
ollernotely, see illuslrotion. Press finished с|oth from wrong side oп o soft bose. Anсhor Astrello in silver ond gold, l сroсhet hook of suitoЬle 'size. smo|l bright
Ьeods ond sequins, sewing threod, сotton wool or foom ruЬЬer for stuffing the
сUshion. сotton Ioсe to hong up сushion.
6911|з2 Cross stitсhсloth with Christmosongels Geneтolз Cut 2 сushion shopеs in poIiл moleriol with з/. inсh hem o||owonсe
J|ze J/ x эJ Ins. (sheet C). сul smoII heort from сottoп molerio| wit[out hеm ol|owonсв ond ottoсh
Embroidеry from сhort 12 х27 ins. (5 stitсhes = l сm). to front. When deсorotion is сomp|eto, ioiп seoms, |eove on opening on one side
Еmbroi d e r y fг o m t ro ns fer 1 8 x 4 l ins ' (l0 stitсhes = 3 сm}. l o stu f f сu sh i on , с|osе th i s op е пi n g b y h on d .
IUloteriol: lllz yds. molerio| _ 54 inь wide, l,l threodj = l сm ("Lugono", eosу. 3 сu sh i on s oз w oI | h сn g i n g s: 5 е й oe oоs on d se q u i n s to p r i n tе d f |o w e r s o f s m o I l
сore fobriс}' Anсhor emЬroidery twist; ihe figures in broсkets ore for the design heorl. sew o сroсhel сh. of si|ver or go|d Lurex round heort. Attoсir o сгoсhet
u s i ng t h e с h o r i : 4 ( 2 } s k eins go |den ye||ow 0307;2 (l) skein eoсh r ed 047, me d i u m сhoin os o |oop.
gre е n 0 2 2 8 , tu r q uo is е, do rk 0 l6 9 ;4 (2) skeins tur quoise рoIe 0l69;2 (l) ske i n s 3 сushions lor фoir Ьсd<s: Еmbroider f|ow6rs of smol| heort with trеnф knots
eoсh white 0402, si|ver grey 0398 ond po|est solmon pink 0336. ] buгdo tгonsfer in сotlon yorn;.embroider striped heort with 3 rows of сh. stitсh.
577lЗ0 price DМ 3,30; terms of supp|y see potterп priсe list. Тhe lronsfer in. Croфet surround of the f|owered heort in o suitoble сo|our os fo||ows: * 4 сh.,
сIudes o somp|e potlern from whiсh the embroiderу сon be worked by сounting l d. с. in 3rd сh., l hlf. tr. in 2nd dr., l tr. iп lsi dl.; reр. from t. Sew on Ьordёг
the threods ond whiс*r oIso shows how to p|oсe the сo|ours. w i th i n vi si b |e sti tсh e s.
lnэlfuсtions! Cut сIoth inсludinq ol|owonсe for o l inсh douЬIe hem to 42 х 58 ins. Croсhet os fol|ows for the Ьorder of the striped heortl moke o сh. of suffiсieпt
mo ki no su r e th e edo es o re s lйio ht . P uIl out l thr eod 3!/z ins. in fг om edoe s; i n |ength, work l row d. с. oYer it. Sew Ьordei to heort. Sew on o loop mode of
the сйпeгs puIl out-threod lo poinl of interseсtion onIy. Cut of сorners diogЪпdI|y. сotton |oсe'
turn under douЬ|e hem, toсk, hem stitф down toking 3 lhrеods ot o lime. Мork lhe 3 droir сuзhionsз
сentre in both direсtions. lron on tronsfer following stroight of fobriс os for Si z e 1 4 x 1 4 i n s. or si z e of сh oi r
ospossiЬ|e, see i||ustrotion. Work embroidery with 4 stronds in сross slilсh. see lYlorerio|: For eoсh сushioлs 30 x l6 ins. сollon moterio| _ motdtino heort mol€ r io|
sompIe pottern for pIoсe of сolours. Work the design from the сhort with 3 stronds, of сhoir boсk сushions, bright сotlon yorn. one сroсhet hook of suitoЪ|e size.
eoсh сross stitсh сovers 2 threods in Ьoth direсtions. Seе i||ustrotion for positioning GenercIз Cut сushioпs to 28 х 141lz iпs. with з/r inсh seom o||owonсe, work em.
of mot i fs { o n n o r ro w s ides 4 high с ondles w ith 2 smo|| сond|es on either sid e ; on Ь r oi d e r y, th e n i oi n se oms l e ovi n g on oр e пi n g f or stu f f i n g , с|ose lh is ' s e o m w ilh
t he l on g s i d e s, 2 s m o |I. с o nd| еs -in с enlr e, one gr oup of onge|s on eilher sid e th e n h on d sti tФ i n g .
4 s m o| | с o n d I e s. Pres s finis hed em broider y fr om w r ong side on o soft bose. Deсorolion: Embroider Frenсh knots on fronl of flowered сushioп, usiпg bright
сotton yorn, work zig.zog Ьorder round сushion os desсгiЬed oЬove. Atloсh 4 tos.
sels to the сorners. ЕmЬroider slriped сushion with 6 lines of сhoiп stitф. For
6917|зз SpeсtoсlesGosewilh rosesemЬroideredin potit.point 2 sidеs of lhe сushion, сroсhet o Ьorder os follows: using сotton yorп, сroсhet
Мotif 29 : 30 stilсhes. o сh . of oр p r op r i ote l e n g th l st .ow з d . с. 2 n d r ow l l сh . to tu r п, l d . i. in ls t d . с .
IlA qt e : i с I : 2 x ] 0 ins . fine с o пv o s ( in o lopestr у fr ome), o few thr eods o{ An сh or of previous row *, miss 2 сh., l d. с. of previous row, l d. с. in next d' с.; reр.
embroi d e r y th r e od in t he fo IIo wing сo|oUr s! yelIow ish gr een 0253. po|e g r e e n from *. 3rd rowз in eoсh сh. loop of previous row l d. с.,7 сh. Мoke 20 tossels
0255, green 0257. dork grеen 0246, po|e pink 048. solmon pink 06, pink 0,l9. геd in рo|e сotton уorn, 8 in dork yorn. Attoсh 2 po|e ond l dork tossel ollernote|у
020. dork red 045. brown 0375. to ф. |ooo.
I jpeсtoс|es сosЬ (detoils of where to buy ond mount ore found in the йort.
whiсh сon Ьr obtoined Ьy sending o stomрed. oddressed enve|ope to the
puЬ|ishеrs quoling no. 3805/68.Мotif in bottom гight of сhort, see "PilI box"}.
In s l ruсl i o n s: W o rk t hе еm bro idery with 2lhr eods of embr oider у уor n using u p r i g h t
Go Ьe I i n s ti tс h . T h e bo с k gro und do es not need fi||ing in. Golden rules for eniovinq wines
oour heqd Chef Еrisf Biisner P.oflerr suggeslion3 emqnoting
6911/34 GoЬlin hond Ьog with Ьlo* Ьoсkground from lhe burdo lest kitсhens
Sii e ' 10' / r x 8 i n s. It is nol neсessorу foг уou to leorn from memorу o Ьig book. in order to beсome
Мoteriol: 24 ins. douЬ|e.threod сotlon сonvos _ 24 ins. wide. 6 squores = l сm. o сoпnoisseur of wines ond vinloges. Wв hove mode out o few golden rules,
l Ьog frome with сhoin hond|e. Еor the embroidery Springer Zephir wooI in the w h i сh w i l I h e |p you сh oose th a r i g h t w i n e s.
f oI I ow i n g с o I o U гs :6 s k eins Ь |o с k 280l;4 skeiпs poIe beige 2872; l skei n e oсh
white 2800, poIe у.e||ow 2077i-2 skeins eoсh golden уe||ow 2079, Pole brown 2869;
1 skein oronge 2807; 2 skeins eoсh pink 2829. red 28i},l, dork red 2893, ye|lowish Wine hos Ghorocter . . .
green, po|e 2029' yelIowish green 203l, ye||owish green, dork 2033; l skein eoсh
po|est liIoс 2082, po|e liIoс 2082 A, liloс 2083, dork |i|oс 2084, dorkest liloс 2Q85.
. Тhe mostdetisivepoints
whiсhodiustsitselfto its inheгitedфoroсteristiсs.
,l ore lhe position ond tyрe of vine. We ore pгoud of our wines grown on tho
burdo сhort 436/30, priсo Dм з,з0. terms of supp|у see potlern priсe list (the sloрiлg viпeyords of Bodеn, bul of сourse, olso in other wine growing orеos,
сhort oIso сontoins instruсtions for l сushioп. o purse ond o рowder pox). one finds еquo||у good wines. Тhe wine уou like most depends oп уour tosЬ Ьuds.
lпslruсtioпsl Embroider bog from фort whiф сonloins exoсt dotoi|s. I osse ss l h e w i пe s os f o||ow s.
Ahrз velvelу soft, tingIiпg |ote riрe Burgundy of ruby red сo|or.
691|/35 Тwo сoql hongers wirh GoЬelin аmЬroiderу Bodenз g|owing. roсioI with o frogront Ьoquet.
l /z
Mo teri o |; y d . G o b e I i n с o n v o s , 2 4 iпs. wide ( su ffiс ienfor
t 2 h on oerl,4 souore s Еrcnсoniс: slrong. с|ossiс ond eorthу.
= l сm (Pene|opeсonvos).For the emЬroideryAnсhor Ke|im rco| ii tЁЬ fol|Ьwing Ceпtrэ| Rhine: fresh with de|iсote boquel, loslу to the polote.
сo|ours (severol threods of eoсh oгe suffiсient}:pure while 3203,oole oink 3246_. Мэзel|о, Soor, luwer (triЬutorу of the Мose|): Priсk|ing, fruiti, oromotiс
dork pin& 3247, red 3250, dork rеd 3152, pole lreen 3254, gгeЪri 323j, mediuй with
sI i g h t sou r п e ss.
9reen 32З6,dork greеn 3238,for the Ьoсkground3-skeiпs Ьloсk_3056. Тhe сhort сon. Nсhe (triЬutoryof the Rhine):fruitу ond refined.
be obloined by sendiпg o stomped oddressedenvelope to the ouЬ|ishersouotinq- g
no. 3805/68'Тhe hongЪrs сon 'be mounted рrofessiono||y(th; d|ort qives oi Rheingоu (renownedvintoge oreo lo ihe north of the Rhine}: refinod ond of o
оddress). |t фould Ьe пoled thot the detoils in the сhort.orё for o honЪer with oeIlсolё sweelness.
pole boсkground.For ihe design with b|oсk Ьoсkgroundthe sуmbo|sore osJo|lows: Rhgпish Hessel p|eosing. frogront ond mild.
Rheп Pqlqliпсte: strong ond pithy, but of pleosing volour.
П = Ь|oсl 3056(Ьoсkground) WirtemЬeщ: heody ond oррeoIing.
ond purе ;hite з203 (jвmрtу squore in fIower motif) MU l l e r -T h u r g ou : p l e osi n g on d mi l d .
@ = рo|e pinlс32zt6 Portugese: mi|d, Ьeсoming toЬ|e wine.
Rhenish Grope; frogront. flowery ond tosty.
ш = dork pink 3247 Wine
RuЬrlспdl poIotoЬte with deIiсote boquet.
Еl - red 3250 Lote ripe Ьurgundу: ve|vеty, polotoЬIe, fiery.
= dork red 3152 Si|voner: p|еosont ond tosty, frequeпt|y with on unoЬirusive sweetness.
ш Tromiпer: riсh in olсohol with o sсented oгomo.

Е = pole grеen 3234

Whiсh wine for whiсh oсcosion?
A = sreen 3235 Evе n i n g s i n f r on t of l e I e : tosty, mi |d w i n e s.
Friendly. get-together. between'leotime qnd suрper: pleosing toslу wine.
tr = mediumgreвn 3236 r e sl |ve Lu n сh e on : mI |d , n ot too h e ovY o w i n e .
E ve n i n g b on q u е t: р ol otob |e f u || w i n e .
= dork green 3238 Re сe p ti on s: tosty, sp or k|i n q w i n e .
Й JubiIees ond fomilу get togethers with no sрrеod: |ote ripe up to eIite.

WЬot does winэ 9o with? Poge l8ll i,lЕAтs
the rioht thino wou|d Ьэ' whot oppеolз lo you. You сon without hosilolioп Ь:eoke Sreoksrуled,,Holsbin,
tho oЙ ru|e.-while winв.lo while.Ьeots onё|red wine lo dork meols.. Hеrэ o fвw lпqlзdiontr |or I porroпз: ,l veol эlвoks, еoф l/r lЬ. or 4 deеp freozв turkоy
stoъks, so|t, pepрei, f|our, l tob|вsрoonbutler or morgorinв, 4 еggs, 2 sliсas of
o- to boilеd fish' servэ o tosty, light wine, suсh os Si|voner.or Мtller.ThurEou. toost,.o smo|Ioйouпt of voсiore' smo||omounl of smoked so|mon.
Fr i r d f i s h с ol I sf o r . s wi m m i пg , i n o st ron gerwin с, i. e..W eissh erЬ st .. NB. Ёmonotinofrom Fritz von Ho|stein,Diplomot gпd eourmot.
О For o roost you wi|| need o heovy wine: Ruldnderwhite or |ote Burgundy.of Sorink|e steoki with so|t oпd pерper ond loss in floui. Hэot in o f|ot рon tho fot
сourse it Eoes without soying thot thэse vinlogеs olso go well with roost veni. s[owly' ploсв sleoks in poп, fry on Ьoth sides. |n tho meontimeloost 2 з|iсes of
son. duсk or goose. toost,'s6rye steoks on q hot рlotter, ond frу in lhe some fot 4 eggs. P|oсe eggs
For vonison it is сuslomory to serye q full Ьodied rеd wine, Ьut even o loslу on top of steoks. Spreod toost wilh butler or morgorine, gornish with |eltuсe
] lвoves, dislriЬutr ovвr soйe fiIlets of sorde||вn,сoviore ond smokod solmon,
w hi t e w i ne, i. e . o R u l d n d e rto s t esiu st os well.
oсrпish with seomentsof |emon.Surround ihе vвo| stэokз with theso sondwhiфes.
J Cheesa ond wine orв two good Porlners. Тhe сheosomust ьo of o mild sorl, Serve Frэnсhfriёd pototoзsond solod вхtro.
the |ol€ BUrgundyve|vetу. per person оpрrox. 360 сo|ories.
О No wine is seryed with dessgrls.A gloss of dtompogne ссn Ьe offered.
Sruffed Veol Steoks
Wine os seosoning lпoвdientз lol rJ вэвonзз Lвt Уour butфer сut .teosPooп
Dod(els in the vool steoks eoсh
The fine oromo ond thё mild sournessof the wine ore on oid io moпу dishвs ond soЬe 6 ozs., in wЬight, l poir Ъork sousoges. l muslord, l toЬIespoon
enhonсe the tostв. However. Ьв сorefuI| It is not lhe omouпt whiф сounts, Ьut сhopрed herЬs, l вgg, so|t, pepper, flour ЬreodсrumЬs,l tob|вspoonbutlgr o'
morgorine,l toЬ|espoonсhoрpedherbs.
iust o зmoll dosh suffiсes. Hеre ore mу suggestions: NB. For those molэs who сo|| vш| .semi moot..
Whito wine for . . . Мix the sousoge mgot logеthgr with thз mustord. dropped herЬs ond уo|k of egg.
sluff the ooсkвts of stgoks with thiз mixturв. Seoson slэokз on lhe outside wilh
I po|e сreom soups so|t ond pвpper. Toss iп flour, lhen in Ьooten up whito of egg, ond finoIlу in
I pole souсesfor meot ond fish Ьreodсrumbs.Heot slow|y fсt in o f|ot pon, рloco sleoks in somе ond fry Unti|
tondеr. Ploсe on o hol plotter. tino|ly odd the remoining hвrЬs to the fol in pon,
I fruit soups, fruit solod ond stewedfruits ond рour over the sleoks. Serve qсGoьPoniэd with Pommэs fritвs gnd solod.
Q Hol|oпdoisesouсо Per person opprox. 1160сo|origs.
] evэrу tуpe of fish soupз
lt fish Ьrewogeond mdrinotes Crutted over тu'key slэok
I steomedpou|trуond veo| lпglэdi.пt. 3.rvg3 4 P6вont!
I souerkrout,сhiсoryond button mushrooms ,l dеep frеezo lurkеy stвoks, eoф some 4 ozs., solt. peрpвr,3 toЬlвspoonsoil. l/r
ссп ЬЬtlon mushrooms,l leospooп droppвd herbs, (рors|ey,ihyme or orэgoпo ond
О pole sugor iсing сhervi|),4 sliсes of фeese, o smoll omountof hot pepper.
Пed winв lor . . . NB. Piesupposingyou woпt lo p|oсe in front of уour guesls somothingdifferent.
}lзthod: De-freezelurkвy steoks oссording to direсlions on poсkogэ. Seoson with
J oxtoil ond Goulosh soups so|t ond pepper. ond brшh over with oi|. Pre heot o gril| poп, grill the steoks iп
] Ьroiled roost Ьeef some on both sides. Heol up ihe mushroomssеporole|У,stir iп herЬs. Surround
morinodвfor venison вomg orouпd the slgoks. qqrЬiзh with strips of сheesэ.Put |id oп pon ond ol|ow
] drееse to.mв|l. Fiпo|ly iрйnk|o ovеr wilЬ.popriko or b|o* fresh|у6round Peppеr.
I rooзt venison (horв, vеnison, roeЬuсk, wild Ьoоr) Serve wilh gri|led tomotoеs,сroomedmoshedрotoloesond grovу.
O фoсolote sousesond iсings Per polson opprox. 350 сoIories'
And now: Cheers ond muсh oood moy it do you. But Ьeworel Pleoso donl
the wine down". Drink it in t-inysips,'ol|ow ii to torry for o shorl while on уour Pogol8ll
oolote. ond lhen |et it run sloйly down your throot. This wiI| then Ьe evidenl lo ^nЕAтs
SteokrЁlo Poris
ЬverуoЬэ thot уou oro o сonпoisЪeur,ond oble lo enioу wiпe, sudt os is worthy
of it. lngrcdiollr |ol rl poвonr: 4 veoI steoks eoсh oЬt. l/r |Ь. in wgight, so|t, PePpвr,
flour, 2 toЬlespooпs Ьutler or morgorine. 3 вggз. l lob|espoon фopped hэrЬs.
NB. Leovino oul lho Doos сon Ьr eolen os we|| Ьy dieteliсs.
Relotive lo gloss: t/lзthodз Sdoson stedks with solt oпd peppвr. lЬss in f|our. Heot up slowlу in o
Here.s how o suitoble wine gloss looks: soma is somеwhot Ьu|ged. beсoming poп lhe fol, p|oсe steoks in some ond fry on both sides' Remove from pon.
f|oo .up
more s|ender upwords, so thot-the boquet is сough ond hвld. oпlу fill tho gloss Bsit eggs sеoion with o litt|e so|t ond pЪppэr ond odd the dropрed hriгbs.
lhreв-ouorlersfull. Boke or fry in o Iight|у grзosed poп with р|ostiс finish, sido bу side ,| thin pon.
сokes (minus f|ourl. Ro|| uр iп eoф ponсokв one stgok. PIoсв on o hot p|olto'.
pour over the fсt from pon ond gornish with lomolooз. Servo with gгеen Peos oi
Poge l8l Cold Plotters welI os fгied diсвd oototes.
per Person opprox. З30 сo|ories.
"Florido" Solqd
lпсlodiэntз Ьr.l pоrзonзз 2 opples, 1 heod oс св|ery, o сUp greвn peos, 1 po*oge Pogel89 sтEWs
grEted o1monds.,.2 oronges, l'ioсkogo of moyonnoise, solt, o few doshes of shorp
oeoDer. IUlсe ot ,/2 Iemon. Smoked mool in peo slow
NЁ.. odtiсious os hors d.oeuvre, or moin dish for o сo|d supрer.
lngrcd]ontt for l parзonз: l/r |Ь. groвn peo3 (|eguminous), ll/z |iters wсler, Vr |Ь.
Мethod: Wosh, oee| ond сore opp|es. Skiп ths row heod of сe|ery, сUt iп slrips
smoked mвot, 2 onions, 4 сorrots. sd|t. p6pper, l/r leosрoon moriorom, l heod of
f or oro i e ) mi x . lЬ qet heг wit h t hd. peos ond olmonds. Usiпg o рoinled kn i f o сu t
сe|ery,.| polotoes, l loЬ|еsрoon pors|€ y .
irou-nd 2.oronoеs in zig.zog shoрe.'Removв the pulp of the .l holvеs wilh o spooп, NB. on o сo|d dov one сon indu|oe in o few more сq|ories.
сut in diсes. Аъd to lhё ofore.mеntioned inEredieпts and sеoson to o piquont toste
маrьod: Sook the peos in Ьoi|eJ, ond o||owed to сoo| off woter overnight. Cul
with so|t, shorp pepper oпd iuiсe of Iemon. Stuff the solod iп the orongo hol|ows,
os o good oссonponiment serve with butter oпd toosl. oЬout 8 ozs., smoked meot in сubes, o|low lo boсome opoque Ьy s|ight htot ih o
pвr Persoп opprox. 430 сqlories. deep souсepon. Soutё the onion in somв, odd lhe сorrols, сe|ery, diсed зmokвd
meol ond peos with lh€ woter in whiф they wero sooked. Boi| for oЬt. l hour.
Тhen odd lЪe diсed polo'oes, solt, рeрper' йoriorom ond Ьoi| up o|| together for
Fiзh Solod o furlhor 20 minules. FiпoIly stir in сhopped pors|eу.
lnqrэdients {ol 4 nовonз: 2 сups f|oked fi|Ied of fish, '/r lb' smoked fish or sвo Per person opprox. [B0 сo|oriвs.
soImoп steok, 2 ёggs. 6 lomoioes, 2 piсkted сuсumЬers, so|t. pepper, vinegor,
'l poсkoge moyonnoise, ,l toblespoon фopрed heфs. VegetoЬle Stew
NB. As os hors d.oеuvre q proDer tiсkl6r of tho polole. lngrediэnB lor r| peвonз:3 lЬs.. fresh vegelobles, i. e. сouIiflower, white lurnips,
Simmer the fillet of fish iri vёry litt|e solted woler. o|most ol Ьoiling poiпt unti| сor r ol s, |e в k, сob b og e э l с., w e |l w osh e d on d сu t u р f i n e |у),2 o n io п s , 3 t o b le .
done, rеmove ond o||ow to beсome сoId. Cut the smoked fish or seo solmon stэok ,|lД
spoons ЬUller or moгgorine, lilerз woter, soit, poрpеr' lеo leospoons essgnсr
in sl'rios, ЬoiI eoos.untit hord.Ььi|ed, сut in diсes, Iikewise the lomotoes ond of oromo, l boy |eof. 2 сloves of gor|iс, !/z сon mixеd mushrooms, 4 Pototoos, l
pi сkl e d ё u с u m b eri. -W e| | m ix wit h the.w e|l dr oined Ьnd floked fi|let of fi sh on d Ьuпсh сhives.
ьlher iпgredients' seoson lo tosle with soIt, pерper, vinegor, moyonnoiso ond NB. Just o little somethino differeпt on meot|ess tridoy.
herbs to o piquonl toste. А||ow the so|od lo stond in o еold p|oсe for l hour, lhen l/letЬоd: Preporе tho veq_etoЬles os indiсoled obove' diсo thв onions. Ploсв fot
gornish wiih letluсe leoves ond serve. in о deep souсoрoп, soйt6 thе onion uпlil opoque, odd vegetoЬles o.пd simmer.
рel person opprox. Ф0 сolоries. Add woter, then сodd сrushed с|ovв of gor|iс, so|t, pepper, seosonings, boy|eof
qnd сover with lid ond Ьoi| for oЬout 15 mins. Now odd the mixed mushrooms,
Poge t82 CoId P|qtterз smo||y diсed pototoes ond soup noodles, fino||y onhonсэ the losto of thэ siew
wi|h пUlmeg ond finе|y mindred сhives.
Moroсoni Solod per psrson opprox. 5]0 сo|ories.
lng:odieпteз for tl per:onsз l/z lb. moroсoni, Yr сon red popriko, 3-{ piсkled сu-
сumbors, '/r |b. Solomi, l/r |Ь. hord сheeso, 1 onion. l сruзhed сlovE of gorIiс, l Pogel90 sтЕWs
Ьeokвr yoguгt. l poсkoge moyonnoise, so|t, pepper, viпegor, !/z leosрoon fresh
or dried dil| seed' t/нl сuр milk. фэсiolitуof Alsoсe
NB. A hеorty meoI foг thosв who ore olwoys thirsty' ltцrodiэnь fol tl pэвonз: 3 |bs., pototoes, l Ib. onions, soll, pepper, !/r |Ь.
Roll the mo'roсoni in o сleon сloth ond drow ovЪr the edgе of toЬle. so thot it shou|der of |omb, l/l |b. hind leg of pork, 2 сloves of gorliс, 1 boy|eof, t/z teo.
Ьreoks. Cоok lhевmoroсoni iп Ьoilinq solt woler ond Ьoi| for oЬt. l0 minutвs. spoon thyme, 1 |iter whitе wine (Rhenish grope wiпe = Riesling).
Cut the popriko, sweel piсkles. so|omiЪnd сheese in l/r inсtr thid< сuЬвs. Add these NB. Еven if reodiпo this, it mokgs one,s mouth woter.
to the finely сhoppon onioп, сrushed с|ove of gor|iс уogUr|, moуonпoise, ond weIl Pee| potoloes, сut lп l/r inф thiсk sliсes. сut onions in strips. We|| гub meot with
droined mqroсoni. Seoson to toste with so|t, рepPer, vinegor ond di||. FinoIlу odd so|t ond pеpper, spriпk|e over the сrushed gor|iс, сrushod boy Ieof ond thyme.
the milk ond slond in o сoId ploсo for l hour. Sorinkle ootoloes |ikewisa with so|t ond oepoer.
.winЪ PIoсe these tooether with the mgol
рer Peгson oрprox. 820 сoloriвs. 1; o f;7g.proof dish. Fi|| uр with white and сover, o' с-over with foil. Boke
bу I25o |or obout ll/z hours.
pel Рersoп opрrox. 750 сo|ories.
lngrodientз for 4 pоrsoпs: |Vlullonwith white Ьeсns
2 сups riсe, 2 onions, 4 loЬ|espoons oi|' 2 hoopвd teospoons сurry (not too hot}, lпgrcdicпtз fol 4 perзonзз r/а lb. white Ьeоns, lVr lilers woter, 2 onions, l toЬle.
1/z lb. hom.sousogo, 2 opp|es, 2 bononos, 2 sweеl piсkles, l fresh popriko pod sрooп butler or morgorine, 2 ozs., smokвd boсon, з/r |b. breosl of multon o. from
(greвn), (even уe||ow or red), l Ьunсh фives or porsIey, l poсkoge moуonnoise, the shoulder, 4 сorrols,2 |eoks. l heod of сe|еry.2J pololes,2 сloves of gorliс.
so|t, peрper, vinegor, oi|, '/нl сup of mi|k. so|t, pepper, Ьoy|gof, 2 с|oves, r/z tвospoon thymв, 2 tob|espoons сhopped pors|ey.
NB . I s to s ty o n d beс o m ing t o . Io le g uesls.. NB. Home|y fore for Ьeorly eoleгs.
Pogг the riсe into thэ Ьoi|ing so|t woler ond сook for oЬt. 20 mins. Droin off Jl/lothоdl Sook the Ьeons in boiled оnd сoo|ed off woter ond ollow to stond over.
wotel, сool off with сo|d woter ond droin thorough|y. Sout6 lhe diсed onion iп night. Soutё onion ond boсoп go|den brown in deep pon' Cut the mutton in big
oi|, stir in lhe сUrrу. Cul the hom sousoge. сpp|es, Ьononos. swввt piсk|es ond pieсes, odd diсed сorrols, |eeks, ond piесes of сe|ery. Add Ьeons ond boil for
popriko pod in diсes. Add some together with the onions to the riс€ . Finоlly odd oЬout l hour. Now odd thв diсed pololoes, boy|eof, сrushed gorliс, solt. pepper,
the с}rives or porslву (фopped}. moуonnoisв, solt, pepper, vnegor ond o Iiti[r oi|, с|ovэ ond thуme. Boi| for oЬoul onolher 30 minutes ond then stir in tЬэ сhopped
then.фe,rnilk. Тho solod must nol be too dry' per рerson obl.7.l0 сo|ories.
рэr рg.soп opprox. 920 сo|ories. porзleу. Seoson wilh vinegor ond sugor ond lomolo pu|p (optiono|l.

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