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Year 8 PE CAT – Sem 2, 2021

Victorian Curriculum Content Descriptions:

 They examine the cultural and historical significance of physical activities.
 They explain personal and social skills required to establish and maintain respectful
relationships and promote fair play and inclusivity.

 Explore different cultural games in order to learn the significance of various activities.
 Research, plan and present a newly learnt cultural game to the group

 Research techniques of cultural games.
 Presentation skills of each groups selected cultural game.
 Being able to reflect on individual role within the group.

Cultural games research and presentation

Step 1. In groups of 3-4, research games from cultures you are interested in. You will need to select
one game you would like to present and lead for your peers. The game should be physically active
and cannot be a mainstream game that you have played at school in the past. It must have unique
rules or methods of game play.

Step 2. Fill out each section of the ‘Cultural Games’ template including:

• Background/History of the Game -Who plays the game, where is it played, why is the
game played, how does it relate to the culture and what equipment was traditionally used to
play the game.

• Short Description –In one or two sentences explain the aim of the game and how it is

• Number of Players –How many players can play?•Playing Area –What space/facility is
required for the game?

• Equipment –What equipment will you use to lead the game? (Be specific –E.g. If cones
are required include how many).

• Diagram–Include a diagram of how the game will be setup (Include equipment and

• Game Play & Basic Rules –Use dot points to explain how the game is played. Your
explanation needs to be detailed enough that anyone else could read and instruct your peers
on how to play. Include basic rules (e.g. No running with the ball).

• Teaching Points & Variations –What are the key teaching points your group will use to
instruct the game and repeat whilst the game is being played. What variations can be
implemented to either change the difficulty, movements or scoring options.

Step 3. Teach the game/ activity to the group over a 15min period.
Cultural Game:

Background / history of the game:

Short description of game: Game play and basic rules:

Number of players:
Playing area:

Diagram: Coaching points:

Individual reflection
Step 4: Individually, discuss how your cultural game has had an influence on the games, sports

and activities we currently play in Australia?

Step 5: Complete the following reflection individually:

1. Discuss your role within the group:


2. How did your actions lead to the successful completion of this task?

3. Explain both a personal and social skill you displayed when researching with your group?

4. How could this be improved when next working in a group?


5. Explain how you promoted fair play and inclusivity when leading your game to your peers?

6. How could this be improved when next leading a game/activity to a group?


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