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Computer and Internet


Reetu Singh
Bareilly College,Bareilly
• Nature of Computer technology and
Internet technology has changed a
lot in the past 10 years and will
change a lot in the next 10 years

• Most of you in 1991 had not even

heard of Internet, World-Wide Web,
Networks, Personal Digital Assistant
(PDA), Windows NT, Linux

• These are all now part of Computer

Technology and Internet technology
• What will we be talking about in

• What new Computer and Internet

Technology is being developed that
will be commonplace in a few years?

• Some things seem promising, but

may become equivalent of Betamax
and 8-track tapes

• Look at some areas of Computer and

Internet Technology development
Networking Technology
Power-Line Networking

Way to connect
computers in
home or office
using electrical
Power-Line Networking
• More convenient than phone lines
• Connect computer to network through the
outlet that provides power
• Data travels through electrical wiring
• Requires no new wiring and adds no cost
to electric bill
• Power-line networking is inexpensive
method for connecting computers in
different places in home or office
Wireless Networking
• Creates network by sending infrared or radio
signals between computers
• Better than Power-line networking; some
computers are not “plugged in” to electrical
• Laptop with wireless network card is
completely portable throughout home or
• IrDA (Infrared Direct Access) is standard for
devices to communicate using infrared light
Wireless Networking
• Infrared devices must be in direct line
of sight with each other (like TV
remote… which uses same infrared
• Infrared is almost always “one to
one” technology
• Radio signals better because no line
of sight requirement and ability to
broadcast to multiple recipients
Airborne Internet
• Satellite Internet access already
• Satellites orbit at several hundreds of miles
above Earth
• Imagine airplane-like device at
approximately 60,000 feet
• Aircraft will be undisturbed by inclement
weather and will be flying well above
commercial air traffic
Airborne Internet
Internet Technology
Application Service Provider
• Access over the Internet to
applications and services that would
otherwise have to be located on one’s
own personal computer
• Email, text editor, financial modeling
software, Computer Aided Design (CAD)
software, simulation software,…..
The Next Generation
About 120 universities and 25 corporate
sponsors are working on better Internet
infrastructure “Internet 2”
The Next Generation
• Larger bandwidth
• Faster speeds
• Better reliability
• Better security
• Better compression techniques (smaller
files to be transmitted)
• Caching – leaving copies around closer
to the point of need
• All developments will eventually
become part of standard internet

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