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Максимальный балл – 25
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Письменное задание
Задание 1.
Прочитайте текст и письменно переведите его на русский язык.

Countries export some products and export others because sometimes it is cheaper to buy than to
produce. There is warm climate and much vegetation in Australia. This is very good for sheep-
breeding, and Australia exports much high quality wool. Taiwan has many skilled technicians
and so it produces radios, television sets and other electronic products for export. Canada’s
climate is good for wheat, and Argentina is a low-cost producer of meat. Canada ships its wheat
to Argentina and Argentina sells its meat to Canada. Both countries profit by these import-export
transactions. Very few countries do not take part in international business.

Задание 2.
Письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту (на английском языке):

1. Why countries don’t produce some products sometimes but buy them?
2. What does Australia export?
3. What country is a low-cost producer of meat?
4. Why does Taiwan produce electronic products?

Задание 3.
Дополните диалог недостающими фразами.

Norman Baker meets John Wiley and Nigel Mc. Can at John’s office.
N. Hello, John. ______________?
J. __________, thanks. ______________?
N. I’m OK. Thank you. Nice weather, isn’t it?
J. _____________. It’s very warm today, isn’t it?
N. Yes, and it’s not so warm back home in Canada.
J. By the way, I want you to meet Nigel Mc Can. He is the head of our sales department.
Nig. __________________. _________________. Is this your first visit to Lincoln?
N. _________, and I enjoy it very much.
J. OK, gentlemen, it’s a quarter past nine. Let’s ___________________. I think we may start

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