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Name : Ryan Arizky Figur

NIM : B1022151077

A. Choose T (True) or F (False) for your answers!

1. Lots of people do not have any trouble sleeping whenever they T F
sleep in the new place.
2. Researchers found that half of the brain remains more awake when T F
people sleep in the new place.
3. Researchers said that brain is watching for possible danger T F
in a place that is well-known.
4. Volunteers have a hard time sleeping on the first night T F
in the new place away from their home.
5. Researchers called the hard time sleeping on the first night T F
In a new place is “first-night effect”.

B. Tick your answer in the box Y (Yes), N (No), and D (Don’t know)!
1. Researchers measured brain waves for 25 volunteers
sleeping in the laboratory.
2. The volunteers were sleeping in the laboratory for two nights, but the
two nights were separated by one week.
3. The volunteers had to sleep at least for 7 hours.
4. The volunteers were so happy because they have to sleep
in the new place and far away from their family.
5. The researchers knew exactly the reasons why people have
trouble in sleeping.

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