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NAMA: Rinda Aulia


1.Tulislah penjelasan lengkap tentang ...

Cause and Effect | So ... That, Such ... That |


‘So’ dan ‘Such’ merupakan bagian atau termasuk ke dalam kelompok adverb of degree atau kata
keterangan yang digunakan untuk menekankan kualitas dari seseorang atau sesuatu.


‘So’ ditempatkan setelah adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata keterangan) atau noun phrase yang diawali
dengan determiner (many, much, few, little).


-Hasbi is so funny that he always makes me laugh.

(Hasbi sangat lucu karena itu dia selalu membuatku tertawa)

-Silvia runs so quickly that I cannot chase her.

(Silvia berlari sangat cepat sampai aku tidak dapat mengejarnya)

-Sendy has so much money that he buy that Lamborghini.

(Sendy mempunyai banyak uang sehingga dia membeli Lamborghini)


‘Such’ diikuti oleh singular noun atau kata benda tunggal dengan artikel ‘a’ atau diikuti dengan plural
noun atau kata benda jamak.


-That is not such good ideas that we should try something else.

(Itu bukan ide-ide yang sangat bagus karena itu kita sebaiknya mencoba yang lain)

-She is such a beautiful girl! I admire her.

(Dia seorang perempuan yang sangat cantik! Aku mengaguminya)

-How could Dean say such horrible things to me?

(Bagaiman Dean berkata sesuatu yang sangat mengerikan kepadaku?)

So that

'So that' digunakan untuk menunjukkan Purpose and Result. So that merupakan penghubung yang
menunjukkan hasil (result).

Subject + verb + so that + Subject + verb

Contoh: He studied very hard so that he could pass the test.

She is sending the package early so that it will arrive in time for her sisters’s birthday.


So…that… digunakan untuk menunjukkan cause adn effect.

Subject + verb + so + adjective/adverb + that + Subject + verb

Contoh: Clark run so fast that he broke the previous speed record.

Emily worked so diligently that she received an increase in salary.

Subject + verb + so + many/few + plural count noun + that + Subject + verb

Contoh: The Barons had so many children that they formed their owned baseball team.

Subject + verb + so + much/little + non-count noun + that + Subject + verb

Contoh: The grass received so little water that it turned brown in the heat.


Such memiliki fungsi sama sepert so. Digunakan untuk menyatakan cause and effect.

Subject + verb + such + a + adjective + singular count noun + that + . . .

Contoh: It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors.

Subject + verb + such + adjective + plural count noun/non-count noun + that + subject + verb

Contoh: They are such beautiful pictures that everybody will want one.

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