1 - Absence of Trust

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1. Absence of Trust

Scripture: Romans 9:30-10:4

Main Idea: To Fully Surrender to Christ


[Introduce series... “The 5 Barriers to Full Surrender” & 5 Dysfunctions Model]

Since returning from the Brengle Holiness Institute, I have been giving a
lot of thought about the word "submission" in relation to the theme of
holiness. For a large part of my Christian walk, my view of personal
righteousness has been defined by the degree to which I have engaged in
the spiritual disciplines. When I have struggled with sin, I have tried to
overcome either by being more determined (try harder) or more devout
(pray harder). Although, both are noble attributes, neither approaches have
the power to make me a righteous man, as they are fundamentally centred
upon what I do.

Don't misunderstand me, I am a firm believer in prayer and value the role
of other spiritual disciplines (as I have been greatly influenced by people
like William Law, St Francis of Assisi, Thomas a' Kempis). But, I have
come to realise that no amount of human effort can make me righteous; it
is only by 'submitting' to the One who declares me righteous, because of
what He has done, that makes me a righteous man.

So, what does submission mean? [deal with misconceptions]

To "Submit" comes from the Greek word "hupotasso".

 hupo - means "under"

 tasso - means "to arrange"
 hupotasso - means "to arrange oneself under"
To submit is to literally "arrange oneself under" the authority of another.
Whenever this word is used in the New Testament, it is in context of
relationship to another person. Rather than being a word that infers
oppression, it is an act of the will to choose to humbly position oneself
under the leadership of another. In the context of Christian faith, I willing
choose to position myself under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This
willingness to submit to another is based upon a foundation of trust. I
choose to put my trust in a Saviour who has the power to completely
transform me into the person He has called me to be, because I trust in His
ability to do so. When I submit to this divine relationship, it is then my
most natural desire to commune with Jesus through prayer and the reading
of His Word. The spiritual disciplines become a response to grace, rather
than a means to grace.

Listen to these powerful words by former General of The Salvation Army,

Frederick Coutts, from his book "The Splendour of Holiness":

"The first word in the Christian vocabulary is not struggle - but surrender;
not one more try - but to yield to the divine will; not one more effort and
this time you will make it - but to submit to another. For the gospel of
Jesus does not begin with a call for a man to do something to save himself,
but to cast himself without reserve upon him who has already promised to
be his Saviour."

Holiness is all about relationship and all healthy relationships require a

foundation of trust to work. Without trust, relationships will never
progress beyond superficial courtesies. This is as true for our relationships
with each other, as it is for our relationship with God. In fact, I don’t think
that you should submit or surrender to anyone you don’t trust!

If trust is so essential to successful relationships, then the single greatest

barrier to relationships would have to be the “absence of trust”! This is
the first barrier to full surrender.

Let’s have another look at Romans 9:30-10:4….

In this passage, Paul draws a distinction between two groups of people, the
Gentiles and the Israelites.
1. Obtained righteousness without pursuing it (faith)
2. Pursued righteousness without obtaining it (law)

The fundamental difference between those who obtained righteousness and

those who pursued righteousness, is an issue of “trust”…

At best, there is a MISPLACED TRUST

 Dependence upon human effort – works

“They pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works”

 Romans 10:3 – “Since they did not know the righteousness that
comes from God and sought to establish their own, they did not
submit to God’s righteousness.”

At worst, there is an ABSENCE OF TRUST

 Disregard of divine effort – grace

“They stumbled over the stumbling stone”

 1 Corinthians 1:23-24 – “But we preach Christ crucified: a

stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those
whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of
God and the wisdom of God.”

But when there is a FOUNDATION OF TRUST

“There may be righteousness for everyone who believes”

 “Trusting God completely means having faith that He knows what

is best for your life.” (Rick Warren “The Purpose Driven Life” p. 71)

 Full Surrender means learning to trust God!

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