Chem Subjects

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00 Energy Technology and Policy: From Principles to Practice

5.000 Dimensions of Geoengineering
5.03 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry I
5.04 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II
5.05 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry III
5.061 Principles of Organometallic Chemistry
5.062 Principles of Bioinorganic Chemistry
5.063 Organometallic Compounds in Catalytic Reactions
5.067 Crystal Structure Refinement
5.068 Physical Inorganic Chemistry
5.069 Crystal Structure Analysis
5.07J Introduction to Biological Chemistry
5.08J Fundamentals of Chemical Biology
5.111 Principles of Chemical Science
5.112 Principles of Chemical Science
5.12 Organic Chemistry I
5.13 Organic Chemistry II
5.24J Archaeological Science
5.301 Chemistry Laboratory Techniques
5.302 Introduction to Experimental Chemistry
5.310 Laboratory Chemistry
5.351 Fundamentals of Spectroscopy
5.352 Synthesis of Coordination Compounds and Kinetics
5.353 Macromolecular Prodrugs
5.361 Recombinant DNA Technology
5.362 Cancer Drug Efficacy
5.363 Organic Structure Determination
5.371 Continuous Flow Chemistry
5.372 Chemistry of Renewable Energy
5.373 Dinitrogen Cleavage
5.381 Quantum Dots
5.382 Time and Frequency-Resolved Spectroscopy of Photosynthesis
5.383 Fast-Flow Peptide and Protein Synthesis
5.39 Research and Communication in Chemistry
5.43 Advanced Organic Chemistry
5.44 Organometallic Chemistry
5.45 Heterocyclic Chemistry
5.46 NMR Spectroscopy and Organic Structure Determination
5.47 Tutorial in Organic Chemistry
5.511 Synthetic Organic Chemistry I
5.512 Synthetic Organic Chemistry II
5.52 Tutorial in Chemical Biology
5.53 Molecular Structure and Reactivity
5.54J Frontiers in Chemical Biology
5.56 Molecular Structure and Reactivity II
5.561 Chemistry in Industry
5.601 Thermodynamics I
5.602 Thermodynamics II and Kinetics
5.611 Introduction to Spectroscopy
5.612 Electronic Structure of Molecules
5.62 Physical Chemistry
5.64J Frontiers of Interdisciplinary Science in Human Health and Disease
5.68J Kinetics of Chemical Reactions
5.697J Computational Chemistry
5.698J Quantum Chemical Simulation
5.70J Statistical Thermodynamics
5.72 Statistical Mechanics
5.73 Introductory Quantum Mechanics I
5.74 Introductory Quantum Mechanics II
5.78 Biophysical Chemistry Techniques
5.83 Advanced NMR Spectroscopy
5.913 Seminar in Organic Chemistry
5.921 Seminar in Chemical Biology
5.931 Seminar in Physical Chemistry
5.941 Seminar in Inorganic Chemistry

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