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Give some probable reasons why Lam ang was able to speak right
away after he was born. 

Lam-ang was able to speak right away after he was born because he is
unique and possesses extraordinary powers and abilities. He is not just an
ordina child who follows the usual growth of a human. Lam-ang is a kind of
creature who is brave and strong even at a young age. He has abilities that
no one has. Also, Lam-ang is destined to be someone who can protect his
hometown or tribe from the colonizers.

2. Why did Lam-ang decide to follow?

Lam-ang decided to follow his father because one day, Lam-ang had an unusual dream. In his
dream, he saw how his father was mercilessly killed by a group of Igorots. And he was seething
with anger when he woke up.

3. Why did Lam-ang want the attention of Ines Kannoyan?

Lam-ang wants the attention of Ines Kannoyan because he admires her

and he wants to court her. He loves Innes and willing to prove to her
parents how much he wants to be Ines' husband. He defeated one of
Ines’s suitors and was reincarnated as well.

4. If you were Lam – ang would you do the same thing as what he did in
the story, then why?

Yes, if I am Lam-ang, I would do the same thing because I want to

protect my hometown and I want to save my father. I will nicely use the
given extraordinary capabilities and in helping the people around me. I
will pursue someone I love to prove that my intention to her is true and
I’m willing to do everything for her.

What is your opinion on the custom of the Ilocanos wherein the groom has to
dive into the river after his wedding?  Explain your opinion? (10 pts.)

In my opinion, it’s alright because we should respect their tradition, knowing

that it was their way to discover if the boy is willing to sacrifice and dwell on
any challenge to show his love to her wife. It might be dangerous but it’s
important to be followed since it is from their ancestor’s beliefs.

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