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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University

College of Natural and Social Sciences

Department of Anthropology

Humanity globalization and corona: some reflections

Table of content page no

Corona virus ……………………………………………………………………....…3

Humanity ………………………………………………………………………………3

Globalization ……………………………………..……………………………………3

Economic dimension of globalization and its relation to corona…... 4

Religion dimension of globalization and corona………………………….. 5

Cultural and social dimension of globalization and corona….………...5



Humanity globalization and corona: some reflections

Corona virus

Corona virus is type of virus. There are many diffrent kinds and some cause disease. A
newly identified type has caused a recent out break of respiratory illness now called
covid-19 that emerged in china In December 2019.


The definition of humanity is the entire human race or the characteristics that belong
uniquely to human beings, such as kindness, mercy and sympathy.Humanity is
Indispensible from us humans. Humanity got lots of connection with the values we have,
that we set experiencing our own world. For some, some values are important and for
other, some other values are important.

Corona has affected humanity both positively and negatively. We have seen how fear has
taken a hold of people, bringing out their most selfish side. How people left super
markets empty; buying food, masks, disinfectants and other hygiene products
compulsively. Furthermore they also have shown acts of racism and discrimination
against certain collectives fearing that they may be infected with covid-19.

On the positive side we have seen how people have offered to buy food for the most
vulnerable groups and words of encouragement. Doctors and nurses who are giving up
their days off and holidays to taking extra turns without rest. Hotel are donating their
beds to hospitals and opening their doors for treatment of patients.

Defining globalization

The term globalization should be used to refer to a set of social processes that are
thought to transform our present social condition into one of globally.

Globalization refers to multidimensional set of social processes that

creates,multiply,stretch and intensify worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges
while at the some fostering in people a growing awareness of depending connection
between the local and the distant.

At the core, globalization is about shifting forms of human contact.

GlobalIzation isn not a single process but a set of processes that operate simultaneousl
and unevenly on several levels and in various dimensions.

Different views on Globalization and Corona





So let's see the economic and politics of corona virus in relation to Globalization

Econonomic dimenshion of globalization and its relation to corona

Economic globalization refers to the intensification and streching of economic

interrelations across the globe.

Economic globalization also refers to the mobility of people capital technology goods
and services if refers to how interdependent we have all become specifically countries
regions and trading blocks countries today depend on each other we depend on each
other for raw materials vehicle parts food and thoisends of other items for example,when
you buy a new car where was it made its parts probably came from.Many different
countries economists say that economic globalization makes us wealthier,however it is
also linked to greater inequality.

So how does corona affect Econmy?

The speed of the epidemic is picking up speed and causing more economic damage.

Unemployment- risk that peoples could lose their job because of business shutting down
that means peoples don't have incomes which affects peoples livelihood there ability to
earn money and their ability to pay for basics like food and rent are at risk.

Trade- Due to fear of the spread of the epidemic almost all trade routes are closed. This
will lead to a huge loss for businesses that depend on exporting their products

Public Transportation – This played a big role in the spread of the virus. Now all
transportation mediums are allowed to have limited number of people not only that but
all taxi cabs need to be sterilized and the drivers and coworkers to wear gloves and
masks. Even though this precautions have been set it is advised to stay home.

International flights suspended- the main reason it the epidemic spread globally is
because of international flights. There is a high rate of infected people coming from
countries that have high confirmed cases.

Travel and tourism- As tourism is a vital part of economy it generates around billions of
dollars. Tourism can’t go without travel it’s a package deal. Travel being restricted for
obvious reasons will have negative effect on tourism.

Religion Dimension of globalization and corona

Since gatherings are prohibited most of our religion practices are done at home. It does
doesn’t affect our faith but more of our rituals and preaches

Cultural and Social Dimension of globalization and corona

Most cultural and social events that require gatherings or disobey social distancing are
cancelled. These include parties, weddings, funerals, book fairs, concerts, festivals,
premiers, sport competitions…etc.

Corona virus or specifically covid-19 has brought about a change in humanity and
globalization. Humanity has seen its lowest and highest. How fear can bring out the worst
and how compassion can bring everyone together.

Globalization has taken a step back all its dimensions with many shut downs and restrictions.

Nobody knows how long the covid-19 epidemic will last. If it does become more contagious
and wide spread the world may have to wait until a vaccine is developed to go out.

We have experienced far worse infectious diseases but the time and situation has made
Covid-19 one of the deadliest diseases. Some say that the spread of covid-19 was largely
helped by what globalization is today because there would not have been so many
shutdowns and limitations.



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