Globalization and Corona

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Humanity, Globalization and Corona

Globalization also refers to multidimensional set of social processes that creates, multiply, stretch and
intensify worldwide social interdependencies and exchanges while at the some fostering in people a
growing awareness of depending connection between the local and the distant. At the core, globalization
is about shifting forms of human contact.
Corona virus are a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals.
There are many different kinds and some don’t cause disease. A newly identified type has caused a recent
outbreak of respiratory illness now called covid-19 that emerged in china In December 2019.This
outbreak has caused a pandemic in our world and many have been infected and many have died and are
Humanity is the characteristics that belong uniquely to human beings, such as kindness, mercy and
sympathy. Humanity is indispensible from we humans. Humanity got lots of connection with the values
we have, that we set experiencing our own world. Humanity is mostly encouraged by religion.

Globalization and Corona

Different views on globalization and corona;-Politics, Culture, Environment, Economy, etc…

Economic globalization refers to the intensification and stretching of economic interrelations across the
globe. Economic globalization needs the mobility of people, capital technology goods and services it
refers to how interdependent we have all become. Countries today depend on each for raw materials,
vehicle parts, food and thousands of other items. Many different countries economists say that economic
globalization makes us wealthier.
How does corona affect Economy?
The speed of the epidemic is picking up speed and causing more economic damage. Economist are
already predicting that this will be the hugest hit the market of countries been hit with after the Second
World War.

 Unemployment rate has dramatically increased and people still are risk of losing their job. This is
because of business shutting down and peoples lack of incomes affects their livelihood, their
ability to pay for basics like food and rent are at risk.
 Transportation:-because countries are under locked down there is no movement so buses, taxis
and trains are out passengers and even in countries like Ethiopia were we are not under locked
down people have limited movement and even if it’s a must people walk short distance instead of
using transportation; International flights suspended; Shipping are risky so have been halted for
the time being. Overall the transportation business has faced a huge financial problem.
 Travel and tourism:-since travel is related to transportation and due to the suspension of
international flights foreigners can’t get in the country. And as tourism is a vital part of economy
generating around billions of dollars. This has a huge impact.
Political globalization refers to the intensification and expansion of political interaction across the globe.
How does corona affect the politics?
During a pandemic like this it always leads to increase in state power or government takes decisive
measures and displays its power. Political authorities give a sense of this is us temperament since the very
early stage of this pandemic we just have to wait and see what the final results will be. But we know
already know that Hungry and Poland witnessed rulers who use covid-19 as a cover for authoritarian
motives of becoming Prime minister for life with the capacity to rule by decree to censor and shut down
the press to put their political enemies into prison and arrest and these aren't public health measures
although there is also that danger that we have seen in those countries. It's clearly leading to Crisis.
Pandemics like this revolutions, wars and economic crisis are key determinants of historic changes.


Humanity and Corona

Different views on humanity and corona:-religion and social life

Religion can be explained as asset of beliefs concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe,
especially when considering as the creation of the superhuman agency, usually involving devotional and
ritual observance and often containing moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
How does corona affect Religion?
The pandemic has impacted religion in various ways ,including the cancelation of the worship service of
various faiths , the closure of Sunday school , as well as the cancelation of pilgrimages surrounding
observance and festivals. Many churches ,synagogues ,mosques and temples have offered worship
through live stream amidst pandemic. And Ethiopia has announced a national prayer
Social life
Social life is our day to day interaction with the people who live around us and with us. Without this
interaction studies have shown human beings would lack compassion and sympathy towards other human
How does corona affect Social life?
Led to artificial of planetary social space into domestic and foreign spheres(us and them) . xenophobia is
to blame scapegoating we see that today with the Corona virus itsssomething that can happen has
repeatedly happened with the idea that this is a Chinese disease itsiit's a foreign disease were told and
therefore shutting borders against and we see Chinese Americans being attacked on scholl this is part of
the long term legacy of these diseases and we see it in Europe as well china townswere were deserted
long before the corona virus actually arrive the right wing nations a list politician of Europe have been
saying it imported by immigrants so that's one of te false stories.

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