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BY:TAMRAT TIZAZU …………………………….RU \4983\11






First of all we would like to praise almighty God for his charity kindness and for giving us the
strength to bring our longtime dream effort in to reality.

Next we would like to extend our most profound gratitude and sincere appreciation to MSC
DESALEGN H. our advisor whose consistent advice, comment, correction, and guidance were
invaluable to the completion of this paper.

Lastly our deepest appreciation goes to our beloved families for their continuous encouragement and
providing moral and financial support.

They were the resource of our effort and strength while we were in the long stay to complete our
study successfully.


The title of study is the major factors affecting academic achievement female student sport
science students in case of jimma university The main objective of this study will be
assess the major factor that affected students’ academic achievements females student
sport science student for this study the researcher have taken sample students 8 and 5
teachers by using sample random sampling techniques from the total population of 11
female student sport science students and 15teachers. The researcher was used only
questionnaires and interview as a data gathering instrument. Data will be collect it will be
analyzed and interpreted through qualitative and quantive method of data analysis.

Contents Page No


UNIT ONE...............................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Background of the study.............................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem..........................................................................................................2
1.3. Objective of the study.................................................................................................................3
1.3.1. General objective.....................................................................................................................3
1.3.2. Specific objectives....................................................................................................................3
1.4. Significance of the study.............................................................................................................3
1.5. Delimitation of the study............................................................................................................3
1.7. Definition of key terms...............................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................4
2. Review of related literature...............................................................................................................4
2.1. Concepts of academic achievement...........................................................................................4
2.2. Factor that academic achievement.............................................................................................5
2.2.1. Economic related problem...................................................................................................6
2.2.2. Family related problems......................................................................................................6 Family background and family structure...........................................................................7
2.2.3. Cultural related problems....................................................................................................8
UNIT THREE............................................................................................................................................8
3. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY.........................................................................................................8
3.1. Introduction................................................................................................................................8
3.2. Research design..........................................................................................................................8

3.3. Study area...................................................................................................................................8
3.4. Study Population.........................................................................................................................9
3.5. Sampling technique and sample size..........................................................................................9
3.6. Source of data.............................................................................................................................9
3.7. Data collection instrument.........................................................................................................9
3.8. Data collection procedure...........................................................................................................9
CHAPTER FOUR....................................................................................................................................10
4. WORK PLAN AND BUDGET BREAK DOWN.......................................................................................10
4.1. WORK PLAN..............................................................................................................................10
4.2 BUDGET BREAK DOWN..............................................................................................................11
Appendix .1..........................................................................................................................................13
APPENDEX 2.........................................................................................................................................15


1.1. Background of the study
Any educational institution has its aim, goal and objectives to bring the well qualified and
skilled man power. One’s country development depends on the well-educated knowledgeable
society. One of the intended objectives of the university is to have students with good
academic achievement. The academic achievement of the students depends on many factors
such as internal and external. So, internal and external forces are used for achieving goals of
higher education and obtaining necessary conditions for successful social life. On the other
hand, lack of success in education paves the ground for several personal and social problem
and deviation from achieving the goals of educational system. In this regard, one of the major
problems of higher education is the students’ academic failure which is not only leads to the
waste of current expenditure and time but also generates mental, psychological, social and
family problems for the university students. According to studies, this problem is increasing
every year so that many students cannot handle the curriculum (academic courses) or
complete it in due time. (

According to Accel and Haral (1996) the society background and educational level affect the
students learning achievement. A Socio economic problem is one of the factors which highly
affect the student’s motivation and achievements and according to Mathewos (2000) some
developed countries greatly solved the major factors which highly affect academic
achievement. But in most developing countries there are pronounced problems which directly
influenced the student’s achievement.


The adoption of teaching and learning process is unquestionable for the promotion of
educational objectives in order to achieve the objective of the university. This needs to fulfill
some requirements which are particularly important to improve the academic achievements.
The other important factors that affect student’s achievement include university
administration, the university environment, size and fulfillment of necessary materials and
students motivation.

Accordingly, the aim of this study would be to investigate and identify the main problems
that affect student’s academic achievements in jimma. University.

1.2. Statement of the problem

Most of Ethiopian universities are characterized by a number of students which is incomplete
with the capacity of class. The role of the university and parent are the most important factors
for achieving an effective teaching and learning activities.

Johone andKapoo(1978)said that sued system of education and home should become
university home i.e. home and university are inseparable, because they share common
responsibility to conduct a successful teaching and learning activities.

According to Mittadoret (1979) students’ academic achievements can be affected by a lot of

problems associated with condition and family status. According to Otula (2007), effective
provision of higher education is hampered by socioeconomic status of parents. Parents from
low socioeconomic status fail to provide their children with basic requirements for university
including books, pens or pencils, proper nutrition and supportive environment for learning.
Moreover, reasonable teacher has to play the role of friend and guide his public. Wilcox
(1983) noted the tendency of student teachers to reproduce in their own practice; their
experience in classrooms which were teacher dominated and in which lecture and fixed
patterns of recitation predominated. In these regard the contribution of qualified teachers
especially with mastery of subject matter is the major factor that affect the students’ academic
achievement. This study will try to investigate factors that affect academic achievement
female student sport science in jimma university and based on these the following questions
are tried to answer:-

This study tries to answer the following questions:

1. Isothere problem of academic achievement in Sport Science Department?

2. What are the main problems which affect the female student’s academic achievement
in sport science department?

3. What is the role of teachers in helping to solve their problem?

1.3. Objective of the study

1.3.1. General objective

The general objective of the study is to understanding the major problems that affect the
academic achievement of jimma university female student sport science students.

1.3.2. Specific objectives

The specific objective of this research are:-

 To identify major factors which affect students learning achievement?

 To identify the contribution of social and economic status of parents in affecting the
students learning achievements.
 To identify the impact of university based problems on students’ educational success.
 To identify the possible solution.

1.4. Significance of the study

Education is an important instrument to elevate most of the problem of the society. The aim
of this study will be to search the solution of the problems which influence female student’s
academic achievement in Jimma university female student sport science students. The
contribution of this study wil be to encourage the provision of relatively teachers who play a
great role in improving the students learning achievement initiate students. Teachers and
other concerned bodies to reduce the state factors such as family related problem and
economical related problem and so on.

1.5. Delimitation of the study

The scope of the study will be concerned with academic achievement of female student sport
science students inJimma university

1.7. Definition of key terms

Academic:-are the theoretical relevance in university and the degree of capability of students
to success in what they learn in their academy. (John Bellingham (2004): Academic’s
Dictionary of Education).
Achievement: Are the act of achievement, attainment or accomplishment and the full display
of armor bearing of individual or cooperation (

Investigate: - is inquiring information (

Social: - relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or
doing enjoyable things with each other (

Motivation - The force that creates the energy for a goal holds that energy or desire
throughout the task and channels a particular behavior towards that goal (Wiseman &
Hunt, 2001).

Participation: are the act of sharing the activity of the teacher tried to increase his student
engagement in class activity. (


2. Review of related literature

2.1. Concepts of academic achievement
Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a
person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional
environments, specifically in school, college, and university. School systems mostly define
cognitive goals that either applies across multiple subject areas. e.g., critical thinking or
include the acquisition of knowledge and understanding in a specific intellectual domain. e.g.,
numeracy, literacy, science, history. Therefore, academic achievement should be consider to
be a multifaceted construct that comprises different domains of learning. Because the field of
academic achievement are very wide-ranging and covers a broad variety of educational
outcomes. The definition of academic achievement depends on the indicators used to measure
it. Among the many criteria that indicate academic achievement, there are very general
indicators such as procedural and declarative knowledge acquired in an educational system,
more curricular-based criteria such as grades or performance on an educational achievement

test, and cumulative indicators of academic achievement such as educational degrees and
certificates. All criteria have in common that they represent intellectual endeavors and thus,
more or less, mirror the intellectual capacity of a person. In developed societies, academic
achievement plays an important role in every person’s life. Academic achievement as
measured by the grade point average or by standardized assessments designed for selection
purpose such as the Scholastic Assessment Test determines whether a student will have the
opportunity to continue his or her education. e.g., to attend a university. Therefore, academic
achievement defines whether one can take part in higher education, and base on the
educational degrees one attains, influences one’s vocational career after education. Besides
the relevance for an individual, academic achievement is of utmost importance for the wealth
of a nation and its prosperity. The strong association between a societies’ level of academic
achievement and positive socioeconomic development is one reason for conducting
international studies on academic achievement, such as Programmed for International Student
Assessment, administered by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
The results of these studies provide information about different indicators of a nation’s
academic achievement; such information is used to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of a
nation’s educational system and to guide educational policy decisions. Given the individual
and societal importance of academic achievement, it are not surprising that academic
achievement are the research focus of many scientists; for example, in psychology or
educational disciplines. This article focuses on the explanation, determination, enhancement,
and assessment of academic achievement as investigated by educational psychologists.

2.2. Factor that academic achievement

Here are some of the factors that affect a student’s academic achievement:

 The support and availability of the parents, their financial situation and standard of
living. In Québec, as in other places in the world where the topic is studies, it has been
observed that students in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas get lower marks.
 The geographical location of the educational institution.

For example, English as a second language is not learned in the same conditions
throughout Québec.

 The percentage of students in the university whose mother tongues are not the
language of instruction  
  The diversity of student profiles in the same class
  The grouping together, in certain university, of students with severe learning
difficulties, or with problems associated with psychosocial integration in special
education classes 
 The various practices pertaining to the student admission requirements. Some
educational institutions admit students indiscriminately, are other selects them on the
basis of previous academic achievement or their results on aptitude tests.

2.2.1. Economic related problem

Masel (1952) conduct a research proposal on students to investigate the effect of various
factors related to university. the study is addressed socio economic university environment,
Instructional variable, educational background, and health condition of the students are the
main factors. In addition to this shortage of language is highly affecting the motivation of the
students and lowers their education, (Morgan, 1978)

2.2.2. Family related problems

Jonathan and Ghanaian (1983) mentioned importance’s of university and personal factors in
determining academic achievements of the students. They identified the family background
as the most important factor. They suggested that as the students may be in a better position
to this study. According to Chaparral (1987) examined the relationship between parental
occupation and the academic achievements to university students using analysis, variance,
and concluded that there was parental relationship.

Chaperon (1969) demonstrated that achievement in Biology, mathematics, physics and other
sciences have appositive relationship with economic background that means work scored by
the students is higher than those students from the middle and lower socio economic groups.
Coleman (1997) proposes that family influences can be separated into components such as
economic, human, and social capital. Economic capital refers to the financial resources and
assets available to families, whereas human capital provides parents with the knowledge
resources necessary to create supportive learning environments for their children. In contrast,
family social capital is defined by the relationships that develop between family members. It
is through these relationships that children gain access to the economic, human, and cultural

resources of their families. Similarly, Pierre Bourdieu (1998) suggests that children in
families from various social status and ethnic/racial groups have differing degrees of access
to those forms of cultural capital that support academic success. Bourdieu claims that within
social groups, parents provide experiences that result in children developing similar tastes,
preferences, academic motivation, and preferences. Eventually, these attributes are related to
social status and ethnic/racial group differences in academic and occupational outcomes. A
number of theories have been developed to examine those parent-child interactions that
provide children with differential access to family resources. Family background and family structure

Investigations that have adopted refined measures of family influences have tended to show
that they are related more strongly to academic outcomes than are more global measures of
family background. Kellaghan and these colleagues (1993) conclude, for example, that family
social status or cultural background need not determine a student's achievement at university.
They propose that for academic success, it is what parents do in the home, and not children's
family background, that are significant. Similarly, Sam Redding (1999) indicates that in
relation to academic outcomes, the potential limitations associated with poor economic
circumstances can be overcome by parents who provide stimulating, supportive, and
language-rich experiences for their children.

It is important, however, to recognize the nature of the interrelationships between family

background characteristics and more refined family influences. In the development of a
model of human development, for example, Stephen J. Ceci and his colleagues (1997)
propose that the efficacy of a family influence for academic success is determined to a large
degree by a child's family background. They observe that parent-child interactions are the
forces that lead to academic performance. In addition, they claim that academic success is
achieved only if family background resources can be accessed to maximize the association
between family influences and outcomes: relationships between family influences and
academic achievement need to take into account the potentially constraining or expanding
opportunities provided by children's family backgrounds. Analyses of the relations between
families and academic achievement also need to consider children's family structures, such as
the influence of single-parent families and the effect of sibling structures.

2.2.3. Cultural related problems
In the review made by Cohan and Ross miller (1987) created the impression that students,
family, peers, and general society extend much influence on learning that university factors,
university resources such as pupils, expenditure and amount of well trained teachers have
much more effect on education alignment of students.

According to Wilcox(1984) since students come to university from different family

background having various economic, social, physical environment reasonable teachers has
to play the role friend and guide his pupil generally healthy a relationship between a teacher
and his pupils is very important as fertile ground to result in a desirable outcome.



3.1. Introduction
This study will be designed to examine factors affecting academic achievement of female
student sport science student. In this proposal the researcher will be explain the methods that
would be used to carry out the investigation including study area, sample population, data
collection method, data analysis and the procedure that would be followed in the study and
other ethical consideration.

3.2. Research design

Research design refers to the way in which a proposal plans to collect information or data.
The research method in terms of achieving the objective of this study is a quantitative form of
research which is the descriptive proposal methods based on nominal data.

3.3. Study area

This study will conducted in Jimma University that is located in Jimma Zone, in Oromia
region and the largest city in South Western Ethiopia. Jimma has a tropical rainforest climate
and it features a long annual wet from March to October. Temperatures at Jimma are in a
comfortable range, with the daily mean staying between 20°C and 25°C year-round. It has a
latitude and longitude. JU is one of the second old generation universities in Ethiopia and

located 346km far away from Addis Ababa capital city of Ethiopia, it has three branches with
one main campus in Jimma town, engineering in KITO FURDISA campus, BECO campus
and Agricultural science campus.

The total populations of the study are all NS students there are found in Jimma University.
The total numbers of statistics students are 36, the total number of biology students are 56,
the total number of mathematics students are 27, the total number of chemistry student are 45
and the total numbers of physics students are 35. Therefore, the total population is 199.

3.4. Study Population

This study will be conduct in JimmaUniversity female student sport science student. It
includes female students. The total population of the study is 11 students and 15 teachers.

3.5. Sampling technique and sample size

The researcher well be used 8 students and 5 teachers as a sample from the total population.
The researcher well be select sample by using simple random technique for students and

3.6. Source of data

The study are based on primary data source. The primary data well be collect from female
student female sport science students and sport science teachers in Jimma University by the
use of questionnaires and interview.

3.7. Data collection instrument

The relevant data well be collect through questionnaire and distribute this questionnaire to
the respondent (students) by preparining open end and close end questions and the teachers
by preparing interview.

3.8. Data collection procedure

All the respondents well be filling in questionnaire. This study willbe use the questionnaires
because the select population are a literate and time for collecting data is limited. The
researcher well be developing close-end questions because they are easy to fill, save time and
keep the respondents focused on the subject. Questionnaires well be used to get necessary

information about the academic achievements of the student’s and factors that affect
academic achievement of the students. The researcher well be select items to questioners
which include close end question the data well be collects after the questioners have been
distributed for sport science students of the university.



In presenting the time schedule, a bar chart approach will be developed by Henry L. Gantt. A
Gantt chart is a planning tool that shows graphically the order in which various tasks must be
completed and the duration of each activity. The length of each task is shown by a bar that
extends over the number of days, weeks or months the activity is expected to take. This will
take Eight months. The plans of the study will be applied for various activities.
No Activities March April May June
. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1 Topic • • • •
Development • • • •
2 of research
3 1st and • • • •
Final draft
4 Proposal • • • •
defense and

6 Data
analysis and
7 Report
8 Advisor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
9 Final Draft

10 Research
11 Presentation
Table 4.1 work plan


In this study the following material cost will be appropriately available Budget schedule.

No Item Amount Unit cost in Cost in birr

1 Pen 1 10 10
2 Copy 50page 1.50 87
3 Paper 500 sheet 40cent 200
4 Memory 16GB 200 200
5 Flash 1 300 300
6 Mobil card 10 10 100
7 Note book 1 80 80
Total 977
Table 4.2 budget line


 Aceel.j.s Hurled RD(1996)family involvement children and desclassing

Chopra(1968)parental acceptation and academic achievements, the journal
educational research vol-lx
 Chaparral (1987) examined the relationship between parental occupation and the
academic achievements to university students.
 Chopra(1964) cultural deprivation and academic achievement, the normal education
 Chaperon (1969) demonstrated that achievement in Biology, mathematics, physics
and other sciences.
 Coleman (1997) proposes that family influences can be separated into components.
 Cohan and Ross miller (1987) created the impression that students, family, peers, and
general society extend much influence on learning that university factors,
 Ferharmankeith, T.Z and Reamers T.M(1987) hOmeimplance on school
leatningjourna of education research and L-XXX

 Join, JC and kapper (1978) researcher carry philosophical and social foundation in
education LuahianparkashBrotter educational publicasher
 Johnston JandJnyona, XL(1983) of school factors educational achievement and
comparative education vol-xxx

 (John Bellingham (2004): Academic’s Dictionary of Education).

 Kellaghan and these colleagues (1993).
 Moslow Tamiru (2000) factors affecting achievement of school, Ethiopia JOURNAL
 Mitaleret .G(1979) THE CHILDS RIGHT educational policies UNESCO.
 Morgan(1978) long age and creative thinking the new york harper
 Pierre Bourdieu (1998)
 Sam Redding (1999) indicates that in relation to academic outcomes, the potential
limitations associated with poor economic.
 Stephen J. Ceci and his colleagues (1997) propose that the efficacy of a family
influence for academic success.
 Wilcox R.T (1984) effective teaching in Ethiopian school Addis Ababa artistic printer
 (
 (
 (
 (
 (
 (
 (Wiseman & Hunt, 2001).
 (
 (
 (

Appendix .1




This form is filled by female studentes sport science students

Dear students

The aim of this questionnaire is to gather information about your academic achievement as
you are femal studentes sport science students. You are kindly requested to respond for the
following questions by putting (X) mark to your selection on the provided box.


SEX: - Male Female

AGE: - 16-20 21-25 26-30 ABOVE 31


1. Does the university environment affect your academic achievement?

A. Yes B. NO
2. If you answer for question no, 1 yes mentions it?


3. Does your university give your material support when you learn and study at

A. Yes              B. No

4. If your answer is yes for question number 3. How many times they do?

A. Always   B. Sometime   C. Rarely

5. Do your university obligate when you absent from the class?

A. Yes B. No

6. Are you missing the class?

       A. Yes      B. No

7. If your answer yes for question number 6 how many times you are absents?

       A. Always    B. Sometimes     C. Rarely

8. Does your teachers help low achieving students by giving tutorial class?

    A. Yes     B. No

9. If your answer is yes in number 8 how many times your teachers do it?

A. Always    B. Sometimes      C. Rarely

10. Do the teachers use various methods of teaching to improve students’ achievement?

      A. Yes       B. No

11. Would you please mention the possible solution to overcome the factors that affect academic
achievement? ....................................................................................................................................





Interview for teachers

The major purpose of this study to investigate the factors that affect academic achievement

Part I:- Background information

Sex: - male female

Age: - 21-30 31-40 41-50 Above 51

Qualification: - B.SC degree M.SC degree PHD degree

Job experience: - 1-5 6-10 11-20 above 20

Part II: - Study based information

1. What are the main factors that affect student’s academic achievement?

2. Do you apply a proper evaluation format and implement the objective?

3. Do you believe the environment affect students academic achievement? How?

4. Do you think that cultural and economic factors affect student achievement?

5. What are the possible solutions in order to increase the academic achievement?


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