English Journals Accredited For The Purpose of Promotion

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Third Class English Journals

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes

Stop Accreditation on stop
1. Leonardo Journal of Sciences Academic Direct , Romania
01/08/2013 stop
African Journal of Agricultural
2. Academic Journal / negeria Stop Accreditation on 1110-0168
American Academic & 2/3/2014 stop
American Academic & Scholarly
3. Scholarly Research Center/ Stop Accreditation on
Research Journal
United States 21/9/2020
17/3/2019 stop
Asian Network for
4. Journal of Applied Sciences Stop Accreditation on 5662- 1812
Scientific Information
Asian Network for stop
Stop Accreditation on
5. Journal of Agronomy Scientific Information,
Faisalabad, Pakistan
Asian Network for stop
Pakistan Journal of Biological Stop Accreditation on
6. Scientific Information,
Sciences 21/9/2020
12/7/2020 stop
International Journal of Applied Australian International ISSN 2200-3592 (Print)
7. Stop Accreditation on
Linguistics & English Literature Academic Centre ISSN 2200-3452 (Online)
Australian International 17/3/2019 stop
International Journal of Comparative
8. Academic Centre PTY. Stop Accreditation on 9451-2202
Literature and Translation
LTD 21/9/2020
2020/1/21 stop
Advances in Language and Literary Australian International
9. Stop Accreditation on 2203-4714
Studies Academic Centre.-
24/4/2018 stop
Canadian Center of Science
10. International Journal of Chemistry Stop Accreditation on (1916-9701)
and Education
International Journal of English Canadian Center of Science 11/13/2018 stop
11. 1923-869X
Linguistics and Education
2019/10/28 stop
Canadian Center of Science
12. International Education Studies Stop Accreditation on 1913-9039
and Education
2019/11/28 stop
Canadian Center of Science
13. Journal of Politics and Law Stop Accreditation on 1913-9047
and Education
2020/1/21 stop
Canadian Center of Science
14. Journal of Agricultural Science Stop Accreditation on 1916-9752
and Education
2020/2/23 stop
Canadian Center of Science
15. Studies in literature and language Stop Accreditation on 1923-1555
and Education
2020/2/23 stop
Canadian Center of Science
16. English language Teaching Stop Accreditation on 1916-4742
and Education
2019/11/28 stop
American International Journal of
17. Center for Promoting Ideas Stop Accreditation on 2162-139x
Contemporary Research
26/2/2019 stop
International Journal of Language and Center for Promoting Ideas
18. Stop Accreditation on 2374-8850
Linguistics (CPI), USA
17/3/2016 stop
19. Journal of Social Sciences COES,RJ,LLC /U.S.A . Stop Accreditation on 2305-9249
10/3/2016 stop
20. Veterinary Medical Journal COES,RJ,LLC /U.S.A . Stop Accreditation on
17/3/2019 stop
International Journal of Information,
21. Elite Hall Publishing House Stop Accreditation on 1478-1484
Business and Management

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes
27/12/2015 stop
Journal of Experimental Biology and
22. Horizon Publisher/India Stop Accreditation on
Agricultural Sciences
13/8/2015 stop
The International Arabic Journal of
23. IMEDPUB Stop Accreditation on
Antimicrobial Agents
29/11/2013 stop
International Journal of Applied and International Academy of
24. Stop Accreditation on 2319-4014
Natural Sciences Science / India
5/4/2018 stop
International Journal of Computer and International Academy
25. Stop Accreditation on
Electrical Engineering Publishing
International Institute for 17/3/2019 stop
European Journal of Business and
26. Science, Technology & Stop Accreditation on 1905-2222
Education/ U.S.A 21/9/2020
2020/2/23 stop
27. Journal of Studies In Education Macrothink Institute Stop Accreditation on 2162-6952
14/11/2017 stop
28. International Journal of Linguistics Macrothink Institute, Inc. Stop Accreditation on (1948-5425)
20/6/2018 stop
29. Nature and Science Marsland Press Stop Accreditation on 1545-0740
29/11/2018 stop
30. Research in Health Science SCHOLINK Stop Accreditation on 2470-6205
20/6/2018 stop
International Journal of Business
31. Sciedu Press Stop Accreditation on 1923-4007
11/12/2018 stop
International Journal of Financial
32. Sciedu Press Stop Accreditation on 1923-4023
7/8/2018 stop
International Journal of Business and
33. Science Publishing Group Stop Accreditation on 2328-7543
Economics Research
British Journal of Medicine and stop
Medical Research
34. SCIENCEDOMAIN Stop Accreditation on 2231- 0641
Journal of Advances in Medicine and
Medical Research (new name)
01/07/2013 stop
35. European Journal of Medicinal Plants Stop Accreditation on
International / India
6/7/2012 stop
Journal of Wireless Networking and Scientific & Academic
36. Stop Accreditation on
Communications Publishing
5/5/2019 stop
International Journal of Theoretical Scientific & Academic
37. Stop Accreditation on 2167-6844
and Mathematical Physics Publishing
18/8/2020 stop
38. Agricultural Sciences Scientific Research Stop Accreditation on 2156-8553
14/6/2020 stop
Scientific Research
39. Open Journal of Statistics Stop Accreditation on 2161-7198
2020/4/19 stop
Journal of Water Resource and Scientific Research
40. Stop Accreditation on 1945-3108
Protection Publishing Inc.
24/4/2018 stop
Scientific Research
41. Open Journal of Statistics Stop Accreditation on (2161-718X)
Publishing, Inc
03/03/2013 stop
Advances in Materials Physics and Scientific Research
42. Stop Accreditation on 1110-6751
Chemistry Publishing, Inc / U.S.A

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes
16/05/2013 stop
Scientific Research
43. Open Journal of Nursing Stop Accreditation on 2162-5344
Publishing, Inc / U.S.A
20/6/2018 stop
Journal of Geoscience and Scientific Research
44. Stop Accreditation on 2327-4344
Environment Protection Publishing, Inc.
24/4/2018 stop
Scientific Research
45. Open Journal of Geology Stop Accreditation on (2161-7570)
Publishing, Inc.
08/03/2011 stop
The Global Journal of Finance and
46. Serials Publications Stop Accreditation on
13/1/2013 stop
British Journal of Science /
47. British Journal of Science Stop Accreditation on 2047-3745
15/2/2017 stop
International Journal of computer Foundation of Computer
48. Stop Accreditation on 0975-8887
applications Science
International Digital 18/8/2020 stop
49. World Applied Sciences Journal Organization for Scientific Stop Accreditation on 1818-4952
Information 21/9/2020
International Journal of 15/11/2015 stop
International Journal of Artificial
50. Artificial Intelligence and Stop Accreditation on 2278-4012
Intelligence and Mechatronics
Mechatronics /India 21/9/2020
International Journal of 2/2/2014 stop
International Journal of Engineering
51. Engineering Research and Stop Accreditation on 1947-3036
Research and Applications
Applications / India 21/9/2020
International Journal of 28/8/2014 stop
International Journal of English and
52. English and Education/ Stop Accreditation on 2278-4012
India 21/9/2020
20/3/2018 stop
International Journal of Computer
53. L J S Publishing Stop Accreditation on 1947-5500
Science and Information Security
27/3/2019 stop
Journal of Physical Therapy Science Society of Physical Therapy
54. Stop Accreditation on 2187-5626
(2187-5626) Science
Universite Mohammed 13/05/2015 stop
Journal of Materials and
55. Premier * Faculte des Stop Accreditation on 2147-0618
Environmental Science
Sciences /Morocco 21/9/2020
Academic Press , Harcourt
Brace Company Publishers ,
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
56. Australia . For the Int.Union
of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology .
Academy & Industry
Signal and Image Processing : An
57. Research collaboration 01/08/2013
International Journal
center (A I R C C )
Journal of Language Teaching &
58. Academy Publication 2/11/2017 (1798-4769)
Theory and Practice in Language Academy Publication Co.,
59. 10/3/2016
Studies Ltd./ United Kingdom.
International Journal of Robotics and
60. ACTA Press , Canada 06/01/2010
Adumatu Journal , Saudi
61. Adumatu 21/10/09 1991-637X
International Journal of Applied Advanced Technology &
62. 3/8/2017 2147-8228
Mathematics Electronics & Computer Science : ATScience
Bilig: Turk dunyasi sosyal bilimler Ahmet Yesevi Universitesi /
63. 29/11/2013
dergisi Turkey
Ain Shams University *
The Egyptian Journal of Medical Egyptian Society of Human
64. 13/05/2015
Human Genetics Genetics, Medical Genetics

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes

65. Journal of Academic Social Science Akademik Dizin 2/11/2017 (2148-2489)

Al-Azhar University ,
Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar
66. Scientific Society of 14/10/09
Medical Faculty ( Girls )
Faculty of Medicine , Egypt
American Association of
Advanced Research and Studies
67. Advanced Research and 17/9/2020 2692-2800
Journal of Foreign Language, American Research Institute
68. 2020/2/23 2333-5882
Cultures and Civilization for Policy Development
American Research Institute
Journal of Engineering and
69. for Policy Development/ 7/8/2016
United States.
American University in
70. Alf :Journal of Comparative Poetics 3/8/2017 1546-9239
Arab Society of English
71. Arab world English Journal 17/3/2019 2229-9327
Language Studies, USA
International Journal of Management ARAB WORLD ENGLISH
72. 17/3/2019 1478-1484
Concepts and Philosophy JOURNAL
Ashley Publications Ltd.,
73. Expert Opinion, Pharmacother
London, U.K.
Asian Remote Sensing
74. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics Research Information 5/4/2018 1513-6728
Journal of the Association of Asphalt Association of Asphalt
75. 2019/11/28 0270-2932
Paving Technologies Paving Technologies

76. Journal of Ilahiyat Researches Atatürk University 27/6/2019 2458-7508

Journal of Statistical Theory and Atlantic Press

77. 12/7/2020 2214-1766
Australian Society for the
Australia and New Zealand Journal of
78. Study of Intellictual 1039-9712
Developmental Disabilities
Disability , Australia.
79. Indonesian Journal of Geoscience Badan Geologi/ Indonesia 15/11/2015 2320-5121
Bahrain Medical Bulletin ,
80. Bahrain Medical Bulletin 10/9/08
Barker Publication Limited
81. Postgraduate Doctor , Middle East
, England.
International Quarterly of Health Baywood Publishing
82. 2319-4103
Educaiton Company , Inc,U.S.A.
83. Nauka, Iskusstvo, Kul'tura Gosudarstvennyi Institut 8/11/2016 2305-5499
Iskusstv i Kul'tury
84. Journal of Oriental Studies Bizim Bure /Ankara. 31/3/2016
Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,
85. Pediatric Anesthesia Online 27/6/07 2229 – 3922
Bowen Publishing
86. Jianzhuxue Qikan 30/10/2013 0972-1045
Company Ltd. / U.S.A
Scientific Journal of Architecture Bowen Publishing
87. 29/11/2013
“Jianzhuxue Qikan Company Ltd. / U.S.A
88. Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition Cambridge University Press 2/11/2017
Carfax Publishnig Ltd., for
Journal of Obstetrics and the Institute of Obstetrics
Gynaecologoy and Gynaecology Trust .
European International Journal of Center for Enhancing
90. 12/7/2020 2304-9693
Science and Technology Knowledge (CEK), UK
91. Prague Journal of English Studies Charles University 2020/2/3 2336-2685
Chitern Publishing
Beaconsfield for the
92. Medicine Science and Law
Brithish Academy of
Forensic Science . U.K
93. Revista Dilemas contemporáneos Civil Society – Mexico 2020/1/21 2007-7890
* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes

94. Cogent Education Cogent OA 8/11/2016 2331-186X

Journal of Earth Science and David Publishing Co., Inc./
95. 13/8/2015 2028-2508
Engineering U.S.A
Della Societa Italiana Di
96. IL Nuovo Cimento 2319-1473
Fisica , Bologna , Italy .
Deutches Ubersee - Institut,
97. Nord - Sud Aktuell 1815-9346
Hamburg , Germany
Journal of Development & Research Development and Research
98. for Sport Science Activities Academy for Sports 29/11/2018 2414 – 6900
(JDRSSA) Science Activities
Neural Parallel & Scientific Dynamic Publishers , Inc ,
99. 06/01/2010 2040-7459
Computations U.S.A
Metron – International Journal of
100. E S I A Books and Journals 21/03/2011 0033-2941
International Journal of Economics
101. EcoJournals 5/5/2019 2146-4138
and Financial Issues
Journal of Accounting and
102. Editura 7/8/2018 6004-2559
Management Information Systems
Egyptian Dental
103. Egyptian Dental Journal
Association,Cairo, Egypt
Egyption Society of Dairy
104. Egyption Journal of Dairy Science 2/7/08 0378-7966
Science , Egypt
Egyption Society of
Egyptian Journal of ENT and Allied
105. Otolaryngology and Allied 14/10/09
Sciences , Egypt
Journal of Clinical Medicine
106. Elmer Press / Canada 24/10/2012 2224-3240

107. Procedia Computer Science Elsevier 2019/10/8 1877-0509

108. Social Sciences & Humanities Open Elsevier 18/8/2020 2590-2911

Journal of Taibah University for Elsevier Science &
109. 5/4/2018 1658-3655
Science Technology
Gene An International Journal on Elsevier Science , The
110. 2355-9314
genes and genomes Netherlands
Journal of Economic &
111. Emerald Publishing Limited 20/3/2018
Administrative Sciences
Progress in Electromagnetics
112. EMW Publishing 1/8/2012 1110-8630
Research Letters
EMW Publishing,
Electromagnetics Waves.(Progress in
113. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2231-0894
Electromagnetics Research)
International Journal of Engineering Engg Journals Publications
114. 27/1/2014 1738-9976
Science and Technology / India
Mitteilungen der Frankischen
115. Erlangen, Germany
Geographischen Gesellschaft
Excerpta Medical , Inc,
116. American Journal of Surgery 0003-6951
New York , U.S.A.
Faculty of Archaeology ,
117. Leiden Journal of Pottery Studies Leiden University , The 15/8/07 2162-5336
Journal of Social Sciences & Faculty of Arts University
118. 04/01/2012
Humanities of Karachi / Pakistan
Faculty of Dental Medicine
119. Al-Azhr Journal of Dental Science Al-Azhar University , Cairo 1110-1792
, Egypt .
Aces( Actualites Cliniques et Faculty of Dentistry, The
120. Scientifiques) Revue de le Faculte de University of Saint-Joseph, 1605-9786
Medecine Dentair Lebanon
Faculty of Engineering –
121. Journal of Al – Rafidain Engineering 12/02/2012 2320-8694
University of Mosul/ Iraq

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes
Faculty of Engineering,
122. Alexandria Engineering Journal Alexandria University, 2308-0981
Mediterranean Journal of Human Faculty of Laws, University
Rights of Malta, Malta
Faculty of Pharmacy ,
Alexandria Journal of Pharmaceutical
124. Alexandria University , 0716-4254
Faculty of Pharmacy ,
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical
125. University of Karatchi, 2347-2618
Zagazig Journal of Pharmaceutical Faculty of Pharmacy ,
126. 11/4/07
Sciences Zagazig University , Egypt
Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Faculty of Physical Therapy
127. 19/3/08
Therapy , Cairo University , Cairo University , Egypt
Revista de Estudos AntiUtilitaristas e Federal University of
128. 17/3/2019 7501-2179
PosColoniais Pernambuco- Recife, Brazil
Zeitschrift Fuer Orhtopadie und ihre Ferdinand Enke Verlag,
Grenxgebiete Stuttgart - Germany
Arab Journal of basic and applied
130. Science ( ‫المجلة العربية للعلوم األساسية و‬ Francis Group & Taylor 20/6/2018 5299-2576
‫) التطبيقية‬
Gauthier - Villars , Elsevier
Computes Rednus De L' Academic
131. De L' Academic Des
Des Sciences
Sciences Paris , France.
Journal of Experimental and
132. GESDAY / Turkey 16/05/2013 2281-4485
Integrative Medicine
The Swedish Journal of Scientific
133. Global Council of Science 20/6/2018 2001-9211
hayat saglik ve
134. Anatolian clinic 11/10/2016 1524-1904
135. Egyptian Journal of Social Work Helwan University 2020/2/23 2356-9204
Hindawi Publishing
136. Rehabilitation Research and Practice 17/5/2012 2174-9094
Corporation / U.S.A
International Journal of Corporate
137. I G I Global 11/12/2018 2334-4628
Finance and Accounting
International Journal of Information
138. I G I Global / U.S.A 01/09/2013
Security and Privacy
International Journal of Cyber
139. I G I Global/ U.S.A 8/11/2014 1930-1650
Warfare & Terrorism
International Journal of Digital Crime
140. I G I Global/ U.S.A 8/11/2014
and Forensics
International Journal of Secure
141. I G I Global/ U.S.A 8/11/2014
Software Engineering
Indian Journal of Health and IAHRW Publications
142. 2019/10/8 2321-3698
Wellbeing Private Limited
International Journal of
143. Environmental Science & Sustainable IEREK press - Egypt 2020/1/21 2357-0857
Journal of Law ,policy and
144. IISTE 13/8/2015
I-Manager's Journal on Software
Engineering: a brand new matrix of
145. i-Manager Publications 14/5/2014 2319-4014
thoughts for the technology savvy of
the modern era
I-Manager's Journal on Software i-Manager
146. 15/11/2015
Engineering Publications/India
International Journal Nano and Bio
147. Inderscience Publishers 4/2/09
International Journal of Corporate
148. Inderscience Publishers 13/2/2019 1754-3037
149. Endodontology Indian Endodontic Society 20/6/2018 0970-7212

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes
Institue of Geology,
150. Geolines Academy of Sciences of the
Czech Republic
VISIONS – International Social Intellectual Association
151. 27/6/2019 1409-8962
Sciences Magazine Democratic Club
Intemational Association of
Dairy,Food and Environmental Milk,Food and
Sanitation Environmental Sanitarians
International Association
International Journal of Thermal &
153. for Sharing Knowledge and 20/3/2018 (1923-7308)
Environmental Engineering
International Association of
154. Resonal Relationships Relationship Research,
International Balkan
155. Turkish Studies Journal 2020/5/28 1308-2140
International Journal of
International Journal of Agriculture
156. Agriculture Innovation and 13/05/2015 1947-3435
Innovation and Research
International Journal of
International Journal of Computer
157. Computer Science & 27/12/2009
Science & Network Security
Network Security , Korea
International Journal of
International Journal of Toxicological
158. Toxicological & 6/7/2017 0975-5160
& Pharmacological Research
Pharmacological Research
International Knowledge
159. Journal of Education and Practice 2019/10/8 2222-1735
sharing platform
Journal of Tourism ,Hospitality International Knowledge
160. 20/9/2017 2312-5187
&sports Sharing Platform IISTE
International Scientific
161. Chemistry International 2019/9/5 2410 - 9649
Journal of Mathematics & Computer International Scientific
162. 3/8/2017
Science Research Publications
Journal of the International Society International Society For
163. 4/2/09
for Teacher Education Teacher Education
IRED Scientific Publishing
International Journal of Advances in - The
164. 2020/4/19 2250-3765
Computer Science & Its Applications Institute of Research
Engineers and Doctors
165. Bioscinece Research ISIS net / Pakistan 27/12/2010 1110-6611
Medical Journal of Islamic Academy Islamic Academy of
166. 1028-8880
of Sciences Sciences, Ankara-Turkey
Islamic Development Bank.
Islamic Research &
167. Islamic Economic Studies
Training Institute, Saudi
168. Journal of Tourismology Istanbul University 11/12/2018 2459-1939
American Journal of Economics and JAAR publishing center,
169. 17/9/2020 2328-1227
Finance USA.
170. Clinical Case Reports John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 24/4/2018 2050-0904)
171. Jordan Journal of Chemistry Jordan 5/11/09 2159-581X
Journal of Applied
Journal of Applied Economics and
172. Economics and Business 25/03/2013
Business Research
Research / Canada
Global Journal of Psychology and Journals Global Science
173. 2019/10/8 2408-6894
Behavioural Education research
Journals Global Science
174. Global Research Journal of Education 2019/10/8 2408-6894
Kegan Paul International ,
175. Arab Journal of Social Sciences London , U.K.and N.Y, 1301-0549

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes
King Abduaziz, City for
Science & Technology,
National Commission for
Wildlife Conservation &
176. FAUNA of Arabia
Development &
Natrumuseum Senchenberg,
King Saud University *
King Saud University Journal.
177. College of Engineering / 16/05/2013
Engineering Sciences
Saudi Arabia
King Saud University
178. Journal of King Saud University
Riydh, Saudi Arabia
Kluwer Academic
179. Journal of Materials Science Letters
Publishers, U.S.A.
Korean Academy of
180. Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics 2/1/2018
Conservative Dentistry
Korean Association of
Korean Association of Arabic
181. Arabic Language, Literature 28/11/2010
Language, Literature
/ Korea
Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area
182. Kyoto University 2/11/2017 1061-5369

183. Middle East Journal of Age & Ageing Lesley Pocock 27/6/2019 1449-8677

184. Middle East Journal of Nursing Lesly Pocok Publisher 20/6/2018 1834-8742
Library of Podlaska named
185. Librarians Podlaski 8/11/2016 1640-7806
Luckazs Gornickiy
Lippincott Williams and
186. Critical care Nursing Quarterly 17/1/2015
London Journal of Tourism, Sport London Metropolitan
187. 5/04/2015 0970-3888
and Creative Industries University
188. Pediatrics and therapeutics Longdom Publishing 14/6/2020 2161 -0665
189. The Lebanese Medical Journal LOP 5/04/2015
190. Philosophy and public issues Luiss University Press 14/6/2020 2240-7987
191. Journal of Fungi M D P I AG 29/11/2018 2309-608X
192. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing MA Healthcare / Ltd UK 3/8/2017 0361-0918
Journal of Environmental Science and
Health . Part A:Toxic / Hazardous Marcel Dekker , Inc .,
Substances & Environmental N.Y.U.S.A.
Engineering .
Communications in Statistics, Marcel Dekker Inc.,
Simulation and Computation N.Y.,U.S.A.
Masaryk University /
Czech Journal of Tourism Masaryk
195. Faculty of Economics & 2/1/2018
Mashhad University of
196. Iranian Journal of Orhinolaryngology 24/09/2013
Medical Sciences / Iran
Research Journal of Applied sciences, Maxwell Science
197. 01/08/2013 1799-2591
Engineering and Technology publications /U.K
Medicine Science
198. Medicine Science 15/3/2017 2147-0634
Academic Group
Medico - Legal Society of
199. Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine
Japan .
200. Saudi Journal of Obesity Medknow 13/8/2015
Radiation Protection and Medknow Publications and
201. Third clacss 10/3/2016 1683-3198
Environment Media Pvt. Ltd./ India.
202. Research Journal of Medical Sciences Medwell Journals / Pakistan 01/09/2013 0041-4255
Merit Research Journal of Education Merit Research Journals –
203. 2020/1/21 2350-2282
and Review USA

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes

204. Metaphorik.de Metaphorik . de / Germany 18/08/2013

Middle East Fertility
205. Middle East Fertility Society Journal 0972-0464
Society, Egypt
Middle East Technical
Middle East Technical University
206. University , Faculty of 16/4/08
Journal of the Faculty of Architecture
Architecture , Turkey
Language , Literature and Cultural Military Technical
207. 25/01/2012 0933-1743
Studies Academic
MSP Internaitonal . Inc.,
International Journal of Fertility,and
208. Medical Science Publishing
Women's Medicine
National Council for
209. Lebanese Science Journal Scientific Research , 1999-768X
Journal of Applied Biological
210. Nobel Publishing / Turkey 25/01/2012
Nutrition Society of
211. Malaysian Journal of Nutrition 24/10/07 1011-601X
Malaysia, Malaysia
Oman Medical Specialty
212. Oman Medical Journal Third clacss 22/5/2016
Board / Oman .
213. Journal of Phonetics and Audiology OMICS International 24/4/2018 (2471-9455)
Journal of Intellectual Property Law
214. Oxford University Press 7/8/2018 1747-1540
& Practice
215. Oxford Journal of Law and Religion Oxford University Press 7/8/2018 2047-0770

Statistical Methods & Applications Physica Verlag, a Springer

(Journal of Italian Statistical Society) Verlag Company, Germany
Palestine Economic Policy Research Policy Research Institute -
217. 2/1/2018
Institute (MAS) MAS.
Polish Academy of
218. Applications Mathematicae Sciences, Institute of 1029-855X
Mathematics, Poland
Poultry Science Association
219. Poultry Science 2075- 0528
Journal of Security and trust
220. Publishing corporation 8/11/2014
Qatar University * College
221. Studies in Business and Economics of Business and Economics 6/7/2012
/ Qatar
222. Journal of Applied Horticulture Rapid Publication, India
Republic of Turkey /
Perceptions: Journal of International
223. Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ 20/3/2018 (1300-8641)
RSNZ Publishing, New
224. Journal of Agricultural Research
225. Tobacco Use Insights SAGE 27/3/2019 1179-173X
226. Contemporary Review of Middle East SAGE 2019/9/5 2347-7989
Fen Edebiat Dergisi (Journal of Arts Sakarya University, Faculty
227. 2230-7168
and Science) of Arts and Science, Turkey
Journal of Mathematical & Science & Knowledge
228. 2/11/2017
Computational Science Publishing Corporation Ltd
Science and Engineering
International Journal of Security and
229. Research Support Society/ 15/11/2015
Its Applications
American Journal of Applied Science Publications , New
230. 5/11/08 1350-4851
Sciences York , U.S.A.
Journal of Mechanical Engineering & Scientific Academic
231. 6/7/2017 2163-2413
Automation Publishing
Scientific and Technical
232. Turkish Journal of Physics Research Council of Turkey
( TUBITAK ) , Turkey

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes

233. Palaeobotanist Scientific Publishers 3/8/2017 0031-0174

Scientific Publishing Centre
Journal of King Abdulaziz
234. , King Abdullaziz
University( Marine Sciences)
University , Saudi Arabia.
Journal of Semigroup Theory &
235. Sick Publishing Corporation 6/7/2017 2051-2937
Micrologus Nature, Sciences and SISMEL EDIZIONI DEL
236. 7/8/2018 1123-2560
Medieval societies GALLUZZO
Journal of Intellectual and Soceity for the Study of
Developmental Disability Intellectual Disabilities.
Zacchia Archivio di Medicina , Societa Editrice Universo -
Sociale E Criminologica Roma , Italy .
Societe Franaise de
239. Bulletin SFPT Photogrametrie et
Teledetection France
South Texas College of
240. International Trade Law Journal 20/2/08
Law , U.S.A.
241. 3D Research Springer 12/2/2015
Springer 2096-0255
242. Frontiers of Engineering Management 12/7/2020
European Journal of Drug
243. Springer /France
Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
Statistical Economic and
Journal of Economic Cooperation Social Research and
Among Islamic Countries Training Center for Islamic
Countries, Turkey
SUHA Danismanlik
Hadis Tetkikleeri Dergisi Journal of
245. Arastirma Yayincilik 25/7/07
Hadith Studies(‫)مجلة بحوث الحديث‬
Adina , Istanbul , Turkey
Journal of Values Education Suleymaniye , Istanbul ,
246. 16/1/08 1618-2006
(Děgerler Egitimi Dergisi) Turkey
Sultan Qaboos University,
Sultan Qaboos University Medical
247. College of Medicine / 07/04/2013
Sylvia & Andreas Stark,
248. Studia Dipterologica
Ampyx- Verlag, Germany
Tata Energy Research
249. Pacific and Asian Journal of Energy
Institute , New Delhi
Journal of Biologically Active
250. Taylor & Francis 4/11/2018 2231-1866
Products from Nature
251. Cities & Health Taylor & Francis 12/7/2020 2374-8834
252. Global Affairs Taylor and Francis Group 2020/2/3
Taylor And Francis Group,
253. Applied Economic Letters
The Academic Publication
Arab Journal of Administrative
254. Council, Kuwait University. 2039-6597
The African Finance
255. African Finance Journal
Association. South Africa
The American Association
256. Mental Retardation on Mental Deficiency
Journal of Visual Impairment and The American Foundation
Blindness for the Blind.N.Y.,U.S.A
The American Institute of
258. Applied Physics Letters 0726-3864
Engineering Journal of the University The College of Engineering
of Qatar , University of Qatar , Qatar
The Council for
Physical Disabilities : Education and Exceptional Children ,
Related Services Devision for Physical and
Health Disabilities , U.S.A.

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes
The Egyptian Anatomical
261. Egyptian Jounal of Anatomy
The European Associatioan
European Journal of Cardiothoracis for Cardio - Thoriacis
Surgery Surgery Springer -Verlag,
The Faculty of Veterinary
Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary
263. Medicine , Istanbul 28/02/2012
Medicine Istanbul University
The Medical Society of
Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases
264. Chest Diseases and 2052-5656
and Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis , Egypt
The National Information
and Documetation Centre.
Egyptian Journal of Biomedical
265. Academy of Scientific 2281-4485
Research and Technology.
The Nordic
Pharmacology and Toxicology ( An
266. Pharmacological Society ,
International Journal )
Copenhagen , Denmark.
267. Journal of Orthoptera Research The Orthopterists Society
The Saudi Gastroenterology
Association , King Saud
268. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology
University Press , Saudi
Arabia .
The Scientific Committee
JML Journal Medical Libanais (
269. of the Lebanese Order of
Lebanese Medical Journal)
Physicians , Lebanon.
Bruno Pini Mathematical Analysis
270. The University of Bologna 3/8/2017 2240-2829
271. Journal of Tourism Research toleyis sendikasi 13/05/2015
272. Littérateur Toulouse University 2019/10/8 0563-9751
Transstellar Journal
International Journal of
Publications and Research
273. Environment,Ecology, Family and 30/10/2013
Consultancy Private Ltd. /
Urban Studies
Tunisian Society of
Infectious Diseases
274. Revue Tunisienne d'infectiologie 17/5/2012 2305-9249
Through: Edisciences /
Turkish Historical Society /
275. Turk Tarih Kurumu. Belleten 10/1/2016
Turkey .
International Journal of Liberal Arts Tyne & Wear, United
276. 26/12/2016 2307-924x
and Social Science Kingdom
U.S.A,Switzerland and
277. Drug Informantion Journal
Glossa : Ajournal of general
278. Ubiquity Press 2019/10/8 2397-1835
Universidad Complutense
279. Anaquel de Etudios Arabes 2019/10/8 1130-3964
de Madrid
Universidad de Los Lagos,
Alpha (Osorno) : Revista de Artes,
280. Instituto Profesional de 17/3/2010
Letras y Filosofia
Osorno , Chile
Universidad Interamericana
281. Revista Empresarial Inter Metro de Puerto Rico * Recinto 29/11/2013
Metropolitano / Puerto Rico
Universita degli Studi di
282. EQA Bologna * Department of 10/3/2016
Agricultural Sciences/Italy.
Universita degli Studi di
283. Between 25/03/2013
Universita degli Studi di
284. Urbanstica PVS
Roma (La Sapienza), Italy

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.

No Journal Publisher Date ISSN Notes
Universita Degli Studi di
285. Fragmenta Entomologica 0973-5151
Roma, Italy
Medicina Sportive journal of the Universitaria 1841-0162
286. 2019/7/30
Romanian Sport Medicine
Universitat of Barcelona ,
287. Interactive Educational Multimedia Multimedia Teaching and 27/6/07 0975-8887
Learning Group , Spain
Universite Eotvos Lorand
288. Revue D'etudes Francaises 5/04/2015
de Budapest
Melanges de p’Universite Saint –
289. Universite Saint Joseph 6/7/2017 0253-164x
Journal of Islamic & Arabic Universiti of Kebangsaan
290. 23/04/2012 2051-2937
Education Malaysia
Relma: International Review of
University cluj – napoca /
291. Studies in Applied Modern 25/03/2013 0023-8952
University of Agronomic
Scientific Papers. Series A. Sciences and
292. 18/8/2020 7414-1454
Agronomy Veterinary Medicine of
Alexandra Journal of Pharmacutical University of Alexandria,
293. 11/4/07
Sciences Egypt
European Journal for Person Centered University of Buckingham
294. 31/3/2016
Healthcare Press / United Kingdom.
Istanbul Universitesi Orman Fakultesi
University of Istanbul ,
295. Dergisi ( Review of the Fuculty of
Istanbul , Turkey .
Forestry )
University of Montana,
296. Psychological Reports
Missoula , Montana, U.S.A.
297. Arab Stages University of New York 2020/4/19 2376-1148
298. Oregon Review of International Law University of Oregon 3/8/2017 1416-6399
International Journal of Child, Youth University of Victoria, -
299. 2020/1/21 1920-7298
and Family Studies Canada
University of Warmia and
300. Diagnostyka 26/3/08
Mazury in Olsztyn , Poland
Wiley – Blackwell
301. Journal of Safety 06/01/2010
Publishing , Inc, U.S.A
Wiley Publishers Chichester
Applied Stochastic Models and Data
302. , N.Y., Brisbane,Toronto , 1012-8298
and Singarore.
Journal of the Arab Society for
303. Wolter Kluwer Medknow 20/9/2017 2147-0634
Medical Research
304. Saudi Journal of Oral Sciences Wolters Kluwer 14/6/2020 2542-7849
The International Arab Journal of Zarka Private University /
305. 28/11/2010
Information Technology Jordan
Miscelánea de Estudios Árabes y
306. ‫جامعة غرناطة‬ 2020/2/3 2340-2547
Hebraicos. Sección Hebreo

* Updated list by the Dean Council decision No. (39/2020) dated 24/8/2020 and the Journal Committee No.
(9/2020) dated 2/9/2020.


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