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❏ This style is the s​ tandard one. 
❏ The c
​ ontent dictates and affects the way people  ❏ Professional language/tone is used​ in this style. 
communicate​, which r​ esults in various speech styles. 
❏ Each style dictates what a
​ ppropriate language or 
★ communication between teachers and students 
vocabulary should be used or observed. 
★ Employers and employees 
★ Doctor and patient 
FIVE TYPES OF SPEECH STYLE ★ judge , lawyers or president 

Casual  FORMAL 
❏ Consultative  ❏ This style is ​used in formal settings 
❏ Formal  ❏ This style is a ​one way process 
❏ Frozen  ❏ EXAMPLE: 
  ★ Sermons of priest and minister 

INTIMATE  ★ State of national address of a president. 

❏ This style is p
​ rivate​ which o
​ ccurs between close family  FROZEN  
members or individuals.  ❏ The other term is; ​Static Speech Style 
❏ The language used in this style c ​ annot be shared in public  ❏ This style is “Frozen” i​ n time and remains unchanged. 
or any person.  ❏ It mostly o
​ ccurs in ceremonies. 

CASUAL  ★ Preamble to the Constitution 

★ Lord’s Prayer 
❏ This style is c​ ommon among peers and friends.  ★ National Anthem 
❏ Jargon​, s​ lang​ or the ​vernacular language​ are used.   
SPEECH ACT ❏ Illocutionary 
● Illocutionary speech act, it is n​ ot just saying something 
❏ John Langshaw Austin​’s Speech act Theory 
itself​ but, 
● as​ peech act​ is an ​utterance​ defined ​in terms of a 
● It is the act of saying ​something with the intention o ​ f; 
speaker’s intention​ and​ the effect it has on a listener.  
stating an opinion​, c​ onfirming or denying​ something, 
● Essentially, it is the ​action​ that the​ speaker hopes to 
making predictions​, ​promise​, r​ equest​, ​giving order​, 
provoke in his or her audience.  
decision​, ​advice or permission​. 
● Speech acts might be ​requests, warnings, promises, 
apologies, greetings​, or any number of d ​ eclarations​.  
● There are lots of DLA in this subject – (opinion) 
● A speech act ​might contain one word​ or ​several words or 
● You can now turn off your camera – (permission)  
● Go leave this meeting – (order) 
● For example: Thanks Thank you for always listening to 
my discussion. I really appreciate it. 
❏ Perlocutionary 
● It happens when what the speaker says​ has an effect on 
❏ Utterance 
the listener​. 
● In spoken language, an utterance is t​he smallest unit of 
● The aim of perlocutionary is to​ change feelings, thoughts, 
or actions. 
● The a ​ ction of saying or expressing​ something aloud 
● The ​response​ may ​not​ necessarily be ​physical or verbal​ it 
is elicited by;  
❏ Three Types of Speech Act 
● Inspiring or insulting Persuading or convincing Deterring 
● Locutionary Speech Act  
or scaring 
● Illocutionary Speech Act  
● Perlocutionary Speech Act 
● I was born Filipino, I will live as a Filipino. I will die a 
Filipino – ( inspiring)  
❏ Locutionary  
● Texting while driving kills you, your loved ones and other 
● This act happens with the ​utterance of a sound, a word or 
people. ( deterring) 
even a phrase a ​ san
​ atural unit of speech. 
● Locutionary has ​sense and has the same meaning​ to both 
the s​ peaker and the listener. 
● EXAMPLE: What?   
I don’t know. 

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