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Debunking Claims Made in the NAB Spectrum Briefing

Areas of Agreement


 “Broadcast innovation and broadband  Agree.

development are not mutually exclusive

 “Broadcasters do not oppose incentive  A properly structured incentive spectrum auction

auctions, we do oppose any element of a is a win-win-win-win situation for broadcasters,
spectrum reallocation plan that would not the Treasury, wireless providers and consumers
be completely voluntary.” by compensating broadcasters who are willing to
exit and those who relocate – with billions left
over for the Treasury. To date, wireless providers
have paid upwards of $78 billion to acquire new
spectrum at auction, with over $60 billion going
directly to the US Treasury.

Debunking NAB Myths


 “No reallocation plan should move forward  A comprehensive inventory is already underway.
without a complete accounting of how the Calls for additional inventories would only create
wireless airwaves are allocated, licensed unnecessary delay.
and used.”

 “Wireless companies and others may be  Spectrum reallocation takes 6 to 13 years to

sitting on more than $15 billion in complete. The wireless industry is collectively
warehoused spectrum.” using 425 MHz of spectrum to serve over 292
million customers and is investing billions to
acquire additional spectrum to deploy next
generation technologies and services. 

 “Broadcasters already returned 18 channels  Licensees have strict build-out requirements that
(108 MHz) to the FCC as part of the DTV they must meet and are deploying new LTE
transition, much of which has yet to be technologies in this band. Consumer demand for
utilized.” wireless broadband service is up 5,000% since
the transition to digital television, due in large
part to the mass proliferation of smartphones,
which is why the FCC is asking for more spectrum
so quickly. Cisco projects that global mobile data
traffic will grow 26 times between 2010 and
2015, which could result in spectrum exhaust in
certain markets in 2 to 3 years.
Debunking Claims Made in the NAB Spectrum Briefing

Debunking NAB Myths


 “Reallocating 20 TV channels to wireless  Untrue. Consumers will not need to purchase

carriers cannot be accomplished without a any new equipment. Given the transition to
serious disruption to TV service for millions DigitalTV, any channel repacking by broadcasters
of Americans.” would not disrupt existing service.

 “Forty-two million Americans rely  The percentage of households viewing television

exclusively on free, over-the-air solely through over-the-air broadcasts has
broadcasting.” steadily declined over the past decade, from 24
percent in 1999 to 10 percent in 2010.

 “Television broadcasters use their spectrum  This would not change and is part of the win win
to deliver vital news and emergency proposition. By some economic estimates, if the
information and more to all Americans, free wireless industry were allowed to make
of charge and are innovating on their productive use of more of the TV bands, the
channels now, providing robust HDTV resulting social gains would be in the billions,
programming, new channel offerings and and that does not include the billions that would
soon, mobile digital television.” be generated as proceeds at auction. Moreover,
mobile DTV broadcast businesses are most
advanced in Japan and South Korea, where nine
out of 10 mobile TV users worldwide reside.
Despite combined viewers of more than 69
million, neither country’s services have
succeeded financially yet.

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