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“I do not ask the wounded person how he feels; I myself become the wounded person.

– This was said by the American poet, essayist, and journalist Walt Whitman.

As seen in the image, there are two persons. One who is standing looking at his self in the
mirror, about to take something from his pocket. And another one who is sitting at the side looking
like a beggar while holding a mirror. Also, there’s a hat in front of him.

Without deep or critical thinking, I would simply interpret this as a beggar asking for a
penny. But no! This representation shows that there are people who don’t just give money to a
beggar because they feel like giving. Or they feel like the beggar looks unfortunate. But, they give
and help because they can see their selves from the beggar’s position. This is what the mirror is for.
And that is why the person is looking at it.

This image is rooted to empathy. Empathy, the ability to emotionally understand what other
people feel, see things from their point of view, and imagining yourself in their place. It is putting
yourself in someone else's position and feeling what they must be feeling.
You are the artist of your life. Don’t give the paintbrush to anyone else.

As observed, there is a person dressed as a painter with a paintbrush, who seems to be painting a
step to a ladder. A ladder which we use to go up, and reach high places.

In life, you have to create your own path. If you want to achieve something, you should definitely
work your way there. And there’s no other way than to go up. Don’t lean on others. Don’t be
swayed by their judgements. Don’t wait for others to give you the signal. And don’t let anyone
dictate you. Climb and create your own ladder.

As what Joe Girard says, “The elevator to success is out of order. You’ll have to use the stairs… one
step at a time.”

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