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Lead and Mange Organisational Change

Shih an Tsai 201801319

Assessment 3.

1. What is the process for identifying opportunities for change?

There are six steps for identifying opportunities for change, which are the following:
1.Identify opportunities/problems
2.Gather data about the opportunities or problems
3.Generate ideas, alternative solutions
4.Select a preferred course of action
5.Implement the change/improvement/innovation
6.Monitor and evaluate the improvement

2. The objective you create from strategic planning should adhere to the SMART
principle. What are SMART principles?

SMART is an acronym and each character of the principle has the following meaning:
Specific –concentrating on the target objects.
Measurable – expressed the objects in a measureable form in order to be assessed
after implementation.
Achievable – set an appropriately limited in scope which considering financial,
physical, business’s human limits.
Realistic – applicable to the current environment
Time-framed – identify target dates and short-term steps

3. When analyzing information about business operations it should come from

various sources and should be what? List and describe.

The information can be sourced externally or internally. External data resources

specific at lager scale factor such as Global, state/territory specific, localized and
trend-related factors. Internal data resources are more focusing on business itself,
including needs of human resources, operation politics or procedures, operation

Lead and Mange Organisational Change
Shih an Tsai 201801319

plan and results, statistical information and any idea or opinion from customers or

4. Describe a change you have experienced in a workplace and outline the benefits and
the problems that were experienced.

About half year ago, the travel company I have been working in had introduced a
tour guide grading system. This system reflects several different factors such as
customer feedback, attendance, and dressing. Every three months it sums up these
factors and gives every tour guide a score and the tour guide who earns the highest
score gets the bonus. The grading system at first was against by some of tour guides
since it is difficult to digitalize the customer feedback while tour guides are deal with
different customers and customers may have different standards. Furthermore, it
may also create a competitive environment that breaks the relationship between
tour guides. However, the system does strongly increase the efficiency of monitoring
tour guide behavior. The company can easily find out if the tour guide always shows
up late or gives bad commentary by simply watching the score. In result, though it
does create higher pressure to tour guides, the system actually makes all tour guides
to become more concentrating on their jobs and their appearance as professional

5. What is a cost-benefit analysis and why is it used?

Cost-benefit analysis is a systematic approach to determine and comparing the costs
and benefits in specific circumstances. By using the ratio of benefits to costs, cost-
benefit analysis can lead to the optimal decision regarding opportunity cost. It may
be used to compare potential courses of action or simply to evaluate the desirability
of a single decision, project, or policy and it is often applied in commercial
transactions and business decisions.

6. What are the steps involved in identifying and managing risks?

There are three steps to identifying and managing risks:

Lead and Mange Organisational Change
Shih an Tsai 201801319

Step1. List potential risks to successfully achieving the goal. These include all sort of
situations, for example, insufficient resources, extending working hour, loss of the
money or relationship.
Step2. Determine the potential of each risk may happen-high, medium, low.
Step3. Provide applicable plans to reduce or avoid each risk.
7. What are the 4 external obstacles to change? List and describe.
1. Fear of the Unknown or Unfamiliar
A change to the business means an unknown in the future. However, by doing a
fine research and risk management can minimize the insecure feeling.
2. Ineffective Leadership
A successful change should implement through all levels of the company/
organization. Ineffective leadership would cause to misunderstanding to the
employees and result in fear and against the new policy.
3. Broken Communication
When introducing a change in a business or an organization, the communication
of the change between every level of the company/ organization can be crucial.
A bad communication might result to the change plan to fail or even into
negative effect to the company/ organization.
4. Undue Complexity
Change itself in the large organization or business can be a complicated and
lengthy process and become a significant barrier; therefore, a simple plan, or as
simple as possible, is the key to achieving the desired change.
8. What are the sections that you will need to complete in a change management
plan? List and describe each one.
1. Undertake cost-benefit analysis for high priority change requirements and
2. Identify and develop plans to manage risks or threats
3. Identify and address obstacles to change
4. Recognize resistance
5. Develop change management project plan and obtain approvals from relevant
authorities to confirm the change management process

Lead and Mange Organisational Change
Shih an Tsai 201801319

6. Assign resources to the project and agree reporting protocols with relevant
9. Why do you need to assign resources to any change?
During the process of change, it might involve the change of resources use such as
new materials, human resources management or new machines. It is important to
ensure all the new resources are in place and if the materials or equipment require
further training, make sure staff are properly trained.
10. To implement a change management strategy what should you do?
Develop communication or education plan, in consultation with relevant groups and
individuals, to promote the benefits of the change to the organization and to
minimize loss and arrange and manage activities to deliver the communication or
education plans to relevant groups and individuals


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