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The Repertory of Homoeopathic Nosodes

and Sarcodes














The Repertory of Homoeopathic Nosodes
and Sarcodes
Fullname: The repertory of Homoeopathic Nosodes and sarcodes

Author: Dr. Berkeley squire

First published in March, 1996 from Scotland, Great britain.

First published in India in 1997 by b. Jain publishers (p) ltd, New delhi.

Second edition published in March,1999.

In Greek the term ‘Sarcode’ means fleshy. Sarcodes imply protoplasm of animals as
distinguished from vegetable protoplasm. In homeopathy some of the Sarcodes are proved
medicines. They are obtained from healthy endocrine or ductless glands or normal secretions of
living human organs & lower animals. The secretions are mostly hormones.

Eg: Adrenaline, cholesterinum, fel tauri, insulin, pancreatium,Pepsinum etc..

Hormones are specific substances produced by the endocrine glands of higher animals, which
are secreted into the blood & thus carried to all part of the body where they regulate many
metabolic functions of the organism. They are quick acting and only a minute amount may have
a profound effect on metabolism. Hormones are either proteins (eg:-
insulin)steriods(eg.cortisone) or relatively simple organic compounds (eg. Adrenalin)

Nosodes: Stedmann’s medical dictionary: this word came from two greek words



Ie; the treatment of the disease by means of causal agents or a product of the same disease is
called nosodes

H.P.I(vol-14) – Homoeopathic preparation from pure microbial culture obtained from diseased
tissue and clinical materials (secretions, discharges etc.)

The remedies which are prepared from diseased product of human beings, lower animals, and
diseased plant products are called nosodes

Eg. :Bacillinum



The nosodes are unique remedies with a wide range of actions that closely follow the ‘standard’
medicines of the Materia Medica – but the nosodes are multi-dimensional. The Master of
Nosodes and author of another repertory of nosodes, Dr. Othon A Julian sometimes
recommended isopathic prescribing of nosodes.

But Homœopathy is not Isopathy. Homœopathy takes the totality of signs & symptoms exhibited
by the patient in mind & body – and prescribe on that basis. The homœopathic prescription is
purely based on the symptomatology and not upon the presence of an infecting organism. It is
said that the mind decides to be ill and the body decides the symptoms.

First interest in the nosodes was the result of friendship with Dr. Gordon flint and his miasmatic
approach to illness Vipera torva in the treatment of RA spurred on his failure to achieve desired
ends in certain clinical cases, and at the same time convinced of the over whelming power of
Homoeopathic medicine, he went to study constitutional prescribing in some greater depth ,
and so became convinced of the value of nosode prescription. He started to bring together for
his own use something of a compilation of material from various known and established sources
.Thus began , a few years back , the idea for this index so that others might reap benefits that he
has enjoyed .

We see many regional repertories, which deals with one particular region of the body or one
particular disease, like repertory on eye, repertory on respiratory organs, repertory of
intermittent fever etc. But here is a repertory, which is constructed considering only nosodes
and sarcodes . Other homoeopathic drugs from plat kingdom animal kingdom, mineral kingdom
etc . are not taken in to consideration. The idea behind this way of construction of repertory is
because of the vital role played by nosodes and sarcodes in treating the sick folks Dr, Berkeley
Squire, a resident of Scotland , great Britain , wrote this repertory and published it in the year
1997 and second edition in 1999.

In the preface of this repertory, author has given the various reasons, while he wrote this book.
Following are the few reasons:

As nosodes and sarcodes are prepared from body substance and discharge they must have a
peculiar affinity with the functions of the body and they are unique, nosodes and sarcodes are
considered for the construction of this repertory .There are other repertories , like kent’s
repertory , Boenninghausen’s repertory , Boger’s characteristics repertory etc. which also has
nosodes and sarcodes in them, but in these repertories nosodes and sarcodes get buried in the
mass of other references . When these repertories were constructed the no. of nosodes and
sarcodes were less and also their clinical verification was not confirmed repeatedly. But as the
year passed , and clinical verification has confirmed the utility of nosodes and sarcodes , these
drugs are separated and repertory is constructed.

When these nosodes and sarcodes are separated from the huge bulk of drugs in the materia
medica , and studied separately , one can enhance their knowledge about them and extend their
knowledge and skill for treating the sick folks . Any work that helps up to acquire more
knowledge and more skill is worth for the space in the shelf.

Every Homoeopath on earth knows the utility of nosodes and sarcodes in treating the cases
especially the chronic ones. By re-repertorising a case with this work we can come to a better
understanding of the miasmatic basis of what we are treating .
The remedies are represented in a single grade only.

Total no. of remedies included in this repertory is 106

For the construction of his repertory author has taken material from 30 sources.

Sources: –

Dr. Berkeley’s work is the compilation of the work of Dr (s) Kent, von Bœnninghausen, James
Bell, Carrol Dunham, Guernsey, Constantine Hering, Samuel Hahnemann, G. H. G. Jahr, Lee,
Rushmore, Timothy Allen, Othan Julian and from his own observations in clinical practice.

Remedy relationships: –

This repertory contains the relations of 105 medicines; with other nosodes, sarcodes,
imponderabilias and also the medicines belongs to vegetable, animal & mineral kingdoms.

It consists of 35 chapters namely

1) Mentals

2) Head

3) Vertigo

4) Eyes

5) Vision

6) Ears

7) Hearing

8) Face

9) Nose

10) Mouth

11) Tongue

12) Teeth

13) Throat

14) Stomach

15) Abdomen

16) Rectum

17) Urinary

18) Male genitals

19) Female genitals


21) Cardiovascular system


23) Back

24) Skin

25) Perspiration

26) Fever

27) Nervous

28) Sleep

29) Physical generals

30) Aggravations

31) Ameliorations

32) Pain and sensations

33) Desires

34) Aversions

35) Remedy relationship

Under each chapter the rubrics are printed in roman style, which is followed by aggravations
(Agg.), Ameliorations (Amel.) , when , where, with. At first indentation, subrubrics and at second
indentation, the subsubrubrics, and third indentation subsubsubrubrics are printed.

Construction of this repertory:

For the construction of this repertory author has largely adopted Boger’s Boenninghausen’s
repertory .

In this repertory ordinary English language has been used . The reportorial language has been
converted in to regular use english.

Thus for aetiology, author has used FROM, for concomitants he has used WITH, and for location
WHERE is used.

Following is the scheme of subheadings appeared in this repertory



FROM (aetiology)


WITH (Concomittants)

WHERE is situated between WHEN and WITH

For eg.

Chapter: HEAD


AGG. –morning, rising on

– air , open

– eating

– stooping

AMEL.- eating


FROM – congestion


WHEN – rising on

-sleep after

WITH – headache

Following are some peculiar rubrics given in this repertory

1) Dual personality

2) Duty, excessive senses of

3) Retardation- mental

4) Tics

5) Head- inflammation-encephalitis

6) encephalomyelitis

7) meningoencephalitis
8) neuritis

9) Eyes, Lagopthalmus

10) Abdomen,inflammation, angiocholitis

11) Abdomen, gut dysbiosis

12) Rectum, Toilet training difficult in hyperactive boys

13) Urinary, Nephrotic syndrome

14) Female genital, Contraceptive pill-ill effects of-inherited effects in children

15) Development- sexual retarded

16) Fetus arrested development :Sec.

17) Chest , Air hunger

18) Bronchiectasis:Pert.,psor

19) Funnel chest:Tub.

20) Locomotor :Carpal tunnel syndrome

21) Raynaud’s syndrome

22) Skin, Haematoma:X ray

23) Neurofibromatosis

24) Physical generals, Cancer

25) Clinical

26) Demineralization

27) History medical

28) Hypercholesterolaemia

29) Leucocytosis

30) Metabolic rate fast

31) Prophylaxis- appendicitis- psor.

32) Sequaele with well being

Dr. Squire not used the conventional grading of the medicines – because (as clarified by him)

1. Some authors use only two types of distinction while others use three or more. Thus Allen
uses only plain type and italics. [e.g. Kent’s repertory & Synthetic – 3 typography; BTPB & BBCR
– 5 typography; Bœricke’s repertory – 2 typography; Synthesis – 4 typography].
2. There are fewer nosodes and they are quite distinctive in their individual actions.

3. In the main rubric, there are distinctive rubrics attached to the remedies. Dr. Squire hopes
that the detailed descriptions will be just as effective as the grading of remedy importance in a
given condition.

4. Dr. Berkeley preferred to examine the ‘spread’ of a remedy rather than rely upon what may
be the contentious accentuations; so, he had not found this unaccented work any bar for
successful prescribing.

5. Many practitioners may criticize this repertory for not grading the remedies and some may
criticize for neglecting so-called ‘small’ remedies.


1. It deals with 105 medicines (nosodes, sarcodes & imponderabilia).

2. The bibliography contains 30 source books and the ‘Remedy References’ part of the book
contains the bibliography numbers of each medicine – which is the symbol of authenticity.

3. Arrangement of the chapters according to Hahnemannian schema and the arrangement of

rubrics according to BBCR. But there are some unique division of chapters & rubrics. E.g.
——“Smell’ is not a separate chapter like Kent’s repertory; but mentioned as a rubric under
Nose chapter.


There is no sub-chapter. Bladder, Kidney, Prostate, Urethra & Urine (Kentian division) are
mentioned in the Urinary chapter.

Male and Female Genitals are separated.

Cardiovascular is a separate chapter after Chest.

Locomotor and Nervous are separated.

4. Some chapters are separated and are very useful clinically. They are Aggravations,
Ameliorations, Pains and Sensations, Desires and Aversions. They are useful for quick reference.

5. Remedy Relationship chapter deals with all the mentioned 105 medicines used in the

6.Many new nosodes & sarcodes are included. Materia Medica part is not included and their
pathogenicity on healthy human is not available in common Materia Medica. For this, they are
less useful in clinical practice

7.Though Dr. Squire clarified for not grading the drugs – but as majority of us are accustomed
with ‘grading of medicines’ in repertorization, it may create confusion; and the practitioners
may show lack of interest in using it.
Conclusion: –

According to John Paterson, “The motto of the medical profession is still Tolle Causam, find the
cause and to-day there are many who consider that germs are the only cause of disease and are
working to discover the specific germ or virus for well known clinical entities”.

Earlier to them, Dr. Constantine Hering was the first stalwart to observe the efficiency of the
nosodes in his clinical practice. Since then prescribing nosodes has gained its popularity.

In the recent era where mixed miasmatic and complex diseases are spreading their roots for
firm hold, nosodes are the aid. Administration of nosode becomes inevitable for CURE, when
most well-selected medicine fails.

o Harinadham.K, “The Principles and Practice of Repertorisation”, 2 nd edition,
published by Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi.
o Vidyadhar R. Khanaj, “Reperire”, 4th revised, published by Indian Books &
Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi.

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