ICICI PO Exam Previous Questions

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ICICI PO Exam Previous Questions

Reasoning Questions

1. P, Q, R, S and T are five speakers who have to speak on a particular day, not necessarily in the
same order. R is neither the first nor the last speaker. There are three speakers after S and three
speakers ahead of T. If P speaks after Q, then who is the last speaker to speak?

A. S
B. T
C. P
D. Q
E. Cannot be determined.

Answer: Option C


There are three speakers after S. So, S is the 2nd speaker.

There are three speakers before T. So, T is the 4th speaker.

R is neither the 1st nor the 5th. So, R is the 3rd speaker.

P speaks after Q, So P is the 5th and Q is the 1st speaker. So, P is the last speaker.

2. Five persons - A, B, C, D and E are being compared in weight and height. The second heaviest
person. D is the shortest. A is the 2nd tallest and shorter than E, The heaviest person is the third
tallest person. There is only one person shorter than B, who is lighter than E and A respectively.

Who is the heaviest person?

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. E

Answer: Option C
3. 15 people entered a theater before Sujit. 7 people entered the theater between Sujit and Suraj
and 20 people entered the theater after Suraj.

How many people are there in the theater?

A. 28 B. 36 C. 44 D. 40 E. Cannot be determined.

Answer: Option E


If Sujit entered before Suraj then the number of people will be 15 + 1(Sujit) + 7 + 1(Suraj) + 20 =

If Suraj entered before Sujit then number of people will be 7 + 1(Suraj) + 7 + 1(Sujit) + 12 = 28.

So, the number of people in the theater cannot be determined.

4. A, B, C, D, E and F are six cities which are collinear in the same order. The distance between any
two adjacent cities is equal. A bus starts at A for city F. It takes 25 minutes for the bus to travel
from one city to another and stops for 5 minutes at each place. If the bus reaches E at 8:55, then
at what time did it reach station B?

A. 7:25
B. 7:30
C. 7:35
D. 7:40
E. 7:50

Answer: Option A


Between B and E there are two intermediary stations C and D. For traveling from B to C, from C
to D and from D to E it takes 3 * 25 = 75 minutes. At each of C and B it halts of 5 minutes. Hence,
the time taken to reach E after starting at B is 85 minutes. i.e. one hour 25 minutes.

Hence, it started at 7:30 at B. =>it reached B at 7:25.

5. P, Q, R, S, T and U are six cities which are in a row in the same order. A bus, b1 travels from P to
U and another bus b2 travel from U to P. The bus b1 reaches S at 10:40 and bus b2 reaches Q at
10:35 if the travel time between any two adjacent cities is 40 minutes and the stoppage time at
each city is 15 minutes, then at what time do they start at their respective destinations?

A. 8:00, 7:00
B. 8:00, 7:10
C. 8:10, 7:10
D. 8:15, 7:25
E. 8:10, 7:00

Answer: Option C


The bus b1, which started at P, reached S at 10:40, passing through the intermediary cities Q and

The time taken to travel from P to S

= 3 * 40 + 2 * 15 = 150minute
(journey)+(stoppage) = 2 hrs 30 minutes.
Hence, b1 started at 10:40 - 2:30 = 8:10 at P.
b2 reached Q, starting at U, through the city T, S and R.
The time taken by it to reach S = 4 * 40 + 3 * 15 = 205 minutes = 3 hr 25 minutes.

Hence, b2 started at, 10:35 - 3:25 = 7:10, at U.

6. 36 31 29 24 22 17 15

A. 13 11
B. 10 5
C. 13 8
D. 12 7
E. 10 8

Answer: Option E


This is an alternating subtraction series, which subtracts 5, then 2, then 5, and so on.
7. 3 5 35 10 12 35 17

A. 22 35
B. 35 19
C. 19 35
D. 19 24
E. 22 24

Answer: Option C


This is an alternating addition series, with a random number, 35, interpolated as every third
number. The pattern of addition is to add 2, add 5, add 2, and so on. The number 35 comes after
each “add 2” step.

8. 7 9 66 12 14 66 17 ------ , ------

A. 19 66
B. 66 19
C. 19 22
D. 20 66
E. 66 20

Answer: Option A


This is an alternating addition series with repetition, in which a random number, 66, is
interpolated as every third number. The regular series adds 2, then 3, then 2, and so on, with 66
repeated after each “add 2”

9. 16 26 56 36 46 68 56 ----- , ---'

A. 80 66
B. 64 82
C. 66 80
D. 78 68
E. 66 82

Answer: Option C

Explanation: Here, every third number follows a different pattern from the main
series. In the main series, beginning with 16, 10 is added to each number to arrive at the next. In
the alternating series, beginning with 56, 12 is added to each number to arrive at the next.

10. 13 29 15 26 17 23 19

A. 21 23
B. 20 21
C. 20 17
D. 25 27
E. 22 20

Answer: Option B


Here, there are two alternating patterns, with every other number following a different pattern.
The first pattern begins with 13 and adds 2 to each number to arrive at the next; the alternating
pattern begins with 29 and subtracts 3 each time.

11. Glucose : Carbohydrate :: Soyabean : ?

A. Proteins
B. Vitamins
C. Minerals
D. Legumes

Answer: Option A

Glucose is rich in carbohydrates and soyabeen is rich in proteins.

12. Jeopardy : Peril :: Jealousy : ?

A. Envy
B. Insecurity
C. Lust
D. Sin

Answer: Option A

First is a more intense form of the second.

13. Pigeon : Peace :: White flag : ?

A. Friendship
B. Victory
C. Surrender
D. War

Answer: Option C


Pigeon is a symbol of peace and white flag is symbol of surrender.

14. Teheran : Iran :: Beijing : ?

A. China B. Japan C. Turkey D. Malaysia

Answer: Option A

Teheran is the capital of Iran and Beijing is the capital of China.
15. Enough : Excess :: Sufficiency : ?

A. Adequacy
B. Surplus
C. Competency
D. Import

Answer: Option B

Sufficiency indicates 'enough' and surplus indicates 'excess',

16. Squint : Eye :: Squeeze : ?

A. Tongue
B. Cloth
C. Throat
D. Hand

Answer: Option D


To squint is to constrict the eyes and squeeze is to constrict the hands.

17. Hermit : Solitude :: Intruder : ?

A. Thief
B. Privary
C. Burglar
D. Alm

Answer: Option C


The words in each pair are synonyms.

18. Tea : Cup :: Tobacco : ?

A. Leaves
B. Hookah
C. Toxin
D. Cheroot

Answer: Option D


Tea is contained in the cup. Similarly, tobacco is contained in cheroot.

19. Market : Demand :: Farming : ?

A. Farmer
B. Monsoons
C. Foodgrain
D. Supply

Answer: Option B


Market depends on demand, farming depends on monsoons.

20. Skirmish : War :: Disease : ?

A. Medicine
B. Patient
C. Epidemic
D. Infection

Answer: Option C

Second is a more intense form of the first.

21. If FEATURES is written as GCDPZLLK in a code, what will be the fourth letter from the left, if
ADVANTAGE is written in that code?

1) E

2) F

3) W

4) X

Ans- 3

22. Refer to the terms given below. There is a pattern that defines the relationship between the
first two terms. Determine this relationship and then identify the missing term of the second pair,
such that both the

pairs are analogous.






Ans- 4

23. Refer to the number series given below. Identify the pattern/relationship between the
numbers and
find the missing number.

11, 12, 16, 25, 41, 66, ___

1) 101

2) 102

3) 103

4) 104

Ans- 2

24. Choose the odd one.

1. uncle 2. nephew

3. brother 4. niece

Ans- 3

25. Four options are given below. Three of these options are similar to each other because they
follow the same pattern. Identify the option that is dissimilar to the other three.

1) AE6

2) FD10

3) AD6

4) DE9

Ans- 2
26. 120, 99, 80, 63, 48, ?

1. 35 2. 33

3. 34 4. 25

Ans- 1

27. Which one of the following a 'Drama' must have?

1. actors 2. story

3. sets 4. director

Ans- 2

28. Cloth : Mill :: Newspaper : ?

 1. editor 2. reader

 3. paper 4. press

Ans- 4

29. Yard is to inch as quart is to

1. gallon

2. ounce

3. milk

4. liquid

Answer: 2
30. KPA, LQB, MRC, NSD, -------------





Ans- C


Aptitude Questions

1. Express a speed of 36 kmph in meters per second?

A. 10 mps
B. 12 mps
C. 14 mps
D. 17 mps

Answer: Option A


36 * 5/18 = 10 mps

2. Express 25 mps in kmph?

A. 15 kmph
B. 99 kmph
C. 90 kmph
D. None

Answer: Option C

25 * 18/5 = 90 kmph

3. The speed of a train is 90 kmph. What is the distance covered by it in 10 minutes?

A. 15 kmph
B. 12 kmph
C. 10 kmph
D. 5 kmph

Answer: Option A


90 * 10/60 = 15 kmph

4. A car covers a distance of 624 km in 6 ½ hours. Find its speed?

A. 104 kmph
B. 140 kmph
C. 104 mph
D. 10.4 kmph

Answer: Option A


624/6 = 104 kmph

6. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days and 16 days respectively. Both work
for 3 days and then A goes away. Find how long will B take to complete the remaining work?

A. 15 days
B. 12 days
C. 10 days
D. 9 days

Answer: Option D


3/12 + (3 + x)/16 = 1

x = 9 days

7. A and B can do a piece of work in 3 days, B and C in 4 days, C and A in 6 days. How long will C
take to do it?

A. 18 days
B. 20 days
C. 24 days
D. 30 days

Answer: Option C


2c = ¼ + 1/6 – 1/3 = 1/12

c = 1/24 => 24 days

8. A can do a piece of work in 10 days. He works at it for 4 days and then B finishes it in 9 days.
In how many days can A and B together finish the work?

A. 6 days
B. 8 days
C. 8 ½ days
D. 7 ½ days

Answer: Option A

4/10 + 9/x = 1 => x = 15

1/10 + 1/15 = 1/6 => 6 days

9. A can do a piece of work in 40 days; B can do the same in 30 days. A started alone but left the
work after 10 days, then B worked at it for 10 days. C finished the remaining work in 10 days. C
alone can do the whole work in?

A. 24 days
B. 30 days
C. 44 days
D. 17 1/2 days

Answer: Option A


10/40 + 10/30 + 10/x = 1

x = 24 days

10. A work which could be finished in 9 days was finished 3 days earlier after 10
more men joined. The number of men employed was?

A. 18
B. 20
C. 22
D. 24

Answer: Option B


x ------- 9
(x + 10) ---- 6

x * 9 = (x + 10)6

x = 20
11. A and B can do a piece of work in 7 days. With the help of C they finish the work in 5 days. C
alone can do that piece of work in?

A. 1 day
B. 10 days
C. 30 days
D. 32 days

Answer: Option C


C = 1/5 – 1/6 = 1/30 => 30 days

12. Ravi can do a piece of work in 30 days while Prakash can do it in 40 days. In how many days
will they finish it together?

A. 17 1/7 days
B. 27 1/7 days
C. 23 2/7 days
D. 16 4/11 days

Answer: Option A


1/30 + 1/40 = 7/120

120/7 = 17 1/7 days

13. Anil can do a work in 15 days while Sunil can do it in 25 days. How long will

they take if both work together?

A. 3 4/9 days B. 8 4/9 days C. 9 3/8 days D. 6 3/8 days

Answer: Option C

1/15 + 1/25 = 8/75

75/8 = 9 3/8 days

14. A can do a job in 18 days and B can do it in 30 days. A and B working together will finish
twice the amount of work in ------- days?

A. 21 ½ days
B. 22 ½ days
C. 23 ½ days
D. 12 ½ days

Answer: Option B


1/18 + 1/30 = 8/90 = 4/45

45/4 = 11 ¼ *2 = 22 ½ days

15. A can do a piece of work in 10 days and B can do it in 15 days and C can do it
20 days. They started the work together and A leaves after 2 days and B leaves
after 4 days from the beginning. How long will work lost?

A. 8 2/3 days
B. 9 2/3 days
C. 10 2/3 days
D. 10 days

Answer: Option C


2/10 + 4/15 + x/20 = 1

x = 32/3 = 10 2/3
16. Three persons invested Rs.9000 in a joint business. The second person invested Rs.1000
more than the first and the third Rs.1000 more than second. After two years, they gained Rs.
5400. How much third person will get?

A. Rs.2400
B. Rs.3600
C. Rs.2850
D. Rs.2000

Answer: Option A


First persons investment = x

Second persons investment = x + 1000

Third persons investments = x + 2000

x + x + 1000 + x + 2000 = 9000

3x = 6000

x = 2000

Ratio = 2000 : 3000 : 4000


4/9 * 54000 = 2400

17. A, B and C enter into partnership. A invests some money at the beginning, B

invests double the amount after 6 months, and C invests thrice the amount after

8 months. If the annual gain be Rs.18000. A's share is?

A. Rs.7500 B. Rs.7200 C. Rs.6000 D. Rs.5750

Answer: Option C


x* 12 : 2x* 6: 3x* 4


1/3 * 18000 = 6000

18. A and B rent a pasture for 10 months. A put in 80 cows for 7 months. How many can B put in
for the remaining 3 months, if he pays half as much again as A?

A. 120
B. 180
C. 200
D. 280

Answer: Option D


80* 7: x* 3 = 1:1 1/2

560: 3x = 2: 3

x = 280

19. A and B put in Rs.300 and Rs.400 respectively into a business. A reinvests into the business
his share of the first year's profit of Rs.210 where as B does not. In what ratio should they divide
the second year's profit?

A. 39:40
B. 40:39
C. 3:4
D. 4:3

Answer: Option A

3: 4

A = 3/7*210 = 90

390: 400


20. A and B invests Rs.3000 and Rs.4000 respectively in a business. If A doubles

his capital after 6 months. In what ratio should A and B divide that year's profit?

A. 9:10
B. 9:8
C. 3:4
D. 39:49

Answer: Option B


(3*6 + 6*6): (4*12)

54:48 => 9:8

21. A man purchased 3 blankets @ Rs.100 each, 5 blankets @ Rs.150 each and two blankets at a
certain rate which is now slipped off from his memory. But he remembers that the average price
of the blankets was Rs.150. Find the unknown
rate of two blankets?

A. Rs.150
B. Rs.225
C. Rs.250
D. None

Answer: Option D

10 * 150 = 1500

3 * 100 + 5 * 150 = 1050

1500 – 1050 = 450

22. The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 48 degrees
and for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 46 degrees. If the temperature on
Monday was 42 degrees. Find the temperature on Friday?

A. 40 degrees
B. 38 degrees
C. 36 degrees
D. 34 degrees

Answer: Option D


M + Tu + W + Th = 4 * 48 = 192

Tu + W + Th + F = 4 * 46 = 184

M = 42

Tu + W + Th = 192 -42 = 150

F = 184 – 150 = 34

23. The average age 9 members of a committee are the same as it was 2 years
ago, because an old number has been replaced by a younger number. Find how
much younger is the new member than the old number?

A. 7 years
B. 11 years
C. 18 years
D. 27 years
Answer: Option C


9 * 2 = 18 years

24. Nine men went to a hotel. Eight of them spent Rs.3 each over their meals and the ninth spent
Rs.2 more than the average expenditure of all the nine.

Determine the total money spent by them?

A. Rs.29.25
B. Rs.30.25
C. Rs.32
D. Rs.35

Answer: Option A


Average of 9 = x

9x = 8 * 3 + x * 2 x = 3.25

Total = 9 * 3.25 = 29.25

25. The average marks in mathematics scored by the pupils of a school at the
public examination were 39. If four of these pupils who actually scored 5, 12, 15
and 19 marks at the examination had not been sent up, the average marks for the
school would have been 44. Find the number of pupils sent up for examination
from the school?

A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. 32

Answer: Option B

39x = 5 + 12 + 15 + 19 + (x – 4)44

x = 25

26. HCF and LCM two numbers are 12 and 396 respectively. If one of the numbers is 36, then the
other number is?

A. 36
B. 66
C. 132
D. 264

Answer: Option C


12 * 396 = 36 * x

x = 132

27. Least perfect square number, exactly divisible by 21, 36 and 56 is?

A. 3600
B. 504
C. 441
D. 7056

Answer: Option D


LCM = 7 * 3 * 4 * 3 * 2 = 504

504 * 7 * 2 = 7056
28. In finding the HCF of two numbers, the last divisor was 41 and the successive
quotients, starting from the first, where 2, 4 and 2. The numbers are?

A. 700,400
B. 820,360
C. 800,500
D. 820,369

Answer: Option D

29. A man was employed on the promise that he will be paid the highest wages
per day. The contract money to be paid was Rs. 1189. Finally he was paid only Rs.
1073. For how many days did he actually work?

A. 39
B. 40
C. 37
D. 35

Answer: Option C


HCF of 1189, 1073 = 29

1073/29 = 37

30. An officer was appointed on maximum daily wages on contract money of Rs. 4956. But on
being absent for some days, he was paid only Rs. 3894. For how many days was he absent?

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

Answer: Option A


HCF of 4956, 3894 = 354

(4956 - 3894)/354 = 3


Verbal Ability Questions

DIRECTIONS for the question 1-2: The sentence has some blanks with four answer choices. Pick
the best option which completes the sentence in the most meaningful manner.

1. He does not fight because he is a coward person

A. He does not

B. Fight because

C. The is a coward person

D. no error

Answer: Option C

Cowardly is an adjective

2.He is anxious not only to acquire knowledge but also eager to display it

A. He is anxious not only

B. to acquire knowledge

C. but also eager to display it

D. No error

Answer: Option D

The sentence has no error

DIRECTIONS for the question 3-4: Fill in the blank with the right options provided.

3. ______ the new Safari Storme, Mahindra has more leverage in increasing the sales.

A. On

B. In

C. With

D. At

Answer: Option C

'with' is the right preposition here as it shows the 'possession'.

4. The passenger car sales showed a decline ______ 7% to 5.6%

A. of

B. to

C. from

D. for

Answer: Option C

To show the range the preposition pair is 'from....to'.

DIRECTION for question 5: In the sentence provided different ways of writing a sentence are
indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence that is grammatically correct.

5. The vivid photos of majestic animals and colourful birds form the wild-life park is a graphic
depiction of what is beautiful in the continent of Africa.
A. is a graphic depiction of what was beautiful in

B. are graphic depictions of what is beautiful in

C. is a beautiful and graphic depiction of

D. No improvement.

DIRECTIONS for questions 6 to 10: Read the passage and answer the question based on it.

"Many people who are looking to get a pet dog get a puppy. There are many reasons why people
get puppies. After all, puppies are cute, friendly, and playful. But even though puppies make good
pets, there
are good reason why you should consider getting an adult dog instead. When you get a puppy,
you have to teach it how to behave. You have to make sure that the puppy is housebroken so
that it does not got to the bathroom inside the house. You have to teach the puppy not to jump
up on your guests or chew on your shoes. You have to train the puppy to walk on a leash. This
is a lot of work. On the other hand, when you get an adult dog, there is a good chance that it will
already know how to do all of the previously mentioned things. Many adult dogs have already
been housebroken. Many adult dogs will not jump on or chew things that you do not want them
to jump on or chew. Many adult dogs will be able to walk on a leash without pulling you to the
other side of
the street. Puppies also have a lot of energy and want to play all of the time. This can be fund,
but you might not want to play as much as your puppy does. Puppies will not always sleep
through the night or let you relax as you watch television. On the other hand, most adult dogs will
wait on you to play. What is more, they will sleep when you are sleeping and are happy to watch
television on the couch right beside you. There is one last reason why you should get an adult
dog instead of a puppy. When most people go to the pound to get a dog, they get a puppy. This
means that many adult dogs spend a lot of time in the pound, and some never find good homes.
So if you are looking to get a dog for a pet, you should think about getting an adult dog. They are
good pets who need good homes.

6.The passage speaks of

A. How puppies do not make good pets.

B. How puppies can be very destructive

C. The work involved in training puppies

D.The immature acts of puppies

Answer: Option A
Author has given this in the first paragraph itself and after that he has explained that why should
we get a dog instead of a puppy

7.Which is the best example of a dog that is housebroken?

A. Rex always breaks things inside the house

B. Rover never jumps on guests

C. Muffin chews on peoples shoes

D. Spot goes outside to use the bathroom

Answer: Option D

'housebroken' means one has to train the dog to not to excrete at improper place so option D is
the case in point.

8. The author apparently thinks that puppies are

A. Friendly and playful

B. Not as cute as adult dogs

C. Not as playful as adult dogs

D. Hardworking

Answer: Option A

clearly mentioned in the first few lines of the passage

9.Which is the best synonym for ‘behave’ as applicable to this passage?

A. Understand

B. Train

C. Act

Answer: Option C

the author says that one has to train a puppy 'how to behave' implies 'how to act'

10.The author begins paragraphs 2 and 4 with the phrase, “On the other hand”. This phrase is
used to

A. Contradict previous information

B. Contradict a later statement

C. support the following paragraph

D. Highlight an example

Answer: Option A

on the other hand' means 'contrast the previous statement by giving examples/arguments.

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given


A. Lean

B. Gaunt

C. Emaciated

D. Obese

Answer : Option D

A. Limited

B. Small

C. Little

D. Short

Answer: Option D


A. Misappropriate

B. Balance

C. Remunerate

D. Clear

Answer: Option A


A. producer:theatre

B. director:drama

C. conductor:bus

D. thespian:play

Answer: Option D


A. shard:pottery
B. shred:wood

C. blades:grass

D. chip:glass

Answer: Option D


A. mangle:iron

B. scabbard:sword

C. bow:arrow

D. fence:epee

Answer: Option D

Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Direct/Indirect speech. From the given
alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

17. "If you don't keep quiet I shall shoot you", he said to her in a calm voice.

A. He warned her to shoot if she didn't keep quiet calmly.

B. He said calmly that I shall shoot you if you don't be quiet.

C. He warned her calmly that he would shoot her if she didn't keep quiet.

D. Calmly he warned her that be quiet or else he will have to shoot her.

Answer: Option C
18. I told him that he was not working hard.

A. I said to him, "You are not working hard."

B. I told to him, "You are not working hard."

C. I said, "You are not working hard."

D. I said to him, "He is not working hard."

Answer: Option A

19. His father ordered him to go to his room and study.

A. His father said, "Go to your room and study."

B. His father said to him, "Go and study in your room."

C. His father shouted, "Go right now to your study room"

D. His father said firmly, "Go and study in your room."

Answer: Option A

Directions to Solve

Which of phrases given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to
make the grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is, mark 'E' as the answer.

20. The small child does whatever his father was done.

A. has done

B. did

C. does

D. had done
E. No correction required

Answer: Option C

21. You need not come unless you want to.

A. You don't need to come unless you want to

B. You come only when you want to

C. You come unless you don't want to

D. You needn't come until you don't want to

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

22. There are not many men who are so famous that they are frequently referred to by their short
names only

A. initials

B. signatures

C. pictures

D. middle names

E. No correction required

Answer: Option A

23. They were all shocked at his failure in the competition.

A. were shocked at all

B. had all shocked at

C. had all shocked by

D. had been all shocked on

E. No correction required

Answer: Option E

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for
the given word/sentence.

24. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool

A. Imbecility

B. Senility

C. Dotage

D. Superannuation

Answer: Option C

25. That which cannot be corrected

A. Unintelligible

B. Indelible

C. Illegible

D. Incorrigible

Answer: Option D
26. The study of ancient societies

A. Anthropology

B. Archaeology

C. History

D. Ethnology

Answer: Option B

27.A person of good understanding knowledge and reasoning power

A. Expert

B. Intellectual

C. Snob

D. Literate

Answer: Option B

Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passivevoice. From the given
alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

28. After driving professor Kumar to the museum she dropped him at his hotel.

A. After being driven to the museum, Professor Kumar was dropped at his hotel.

B. Professor Kumar was being driven dropped at his hotel.

C. After she had driven Professor Kumar to the museum she had dropped him at his hotel.
D. After she was driven Professor Kumar to the museum she had dropped him at his hotel.

Answer: Option A

29. I remember my sister taking me to the museum.

A. I remember I was taken to the museum by my sister.

B. I remember being taken to the museum by my sister.

C. I remember myself being taken to the museum by my sister.

D. I remember taken to the museum by my sister.

Answer: Option B

30. Who is creating this mess?

A. Who has been created this mess?

B. By whom has this mess been created?

C. By whom this mess is being created?

D. By whom is this mess being created?

Answer: Option D



Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus

Time Speed & Distance

Time & Work

Profit & Loss

Ratio & Proportion

Simple & Compound Interest


Number Series


Number System

Heights and Distances


Areas, Volumes

Reasoning Syllabus

Number Series

Letter Series




Clocks & Calendars


Blood Relations

Seating Arrangement

Problem Solving

Logical Deductions

Statements and Conclusions

Critical Reasoning

Situation Reaction Test

Decision Making

Symbols and Notations

Logical Sequence Of Words

Statements and Assumptions

Data Interpretation

Verbal Ability Syllabus



Sentence Completion

Spelling Test

Passage Completion

Sentence Arrangement

Idioms and Phrases

Para Completion

Error Correction (Underlined Part)

Fill in the blanks



Active and Passive Voice

Spotting Errors


Sentence Improvement

Joining Sentences

Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)



Identify the Errors

Plural Forms

Odd Words






Identify the Sentences



Sentence Pattern
Axis PBRM Exam Sample Questions

Reasoning & Mathematics

1. AP, BQ, CR, DS, __


Answer: Option A

2. A certain sum of money invested at some rate of interest(S.I), triple it self in 4 years. In how
many years the principal will become 9 times of itself at the same rate?

A.12 years
B.15 years
C.16 years
D.none of these

Answer: C

When the principal is in simple interest the interest for every year will be same. In 3 years the
amount becomes 3 times the principal and we have A = P + I. or 3P = P + I ? I = 2P i.e. the
interest is 2 time the principal in 4 years or equal to principal in 2 years. The interest will be equal
to P in 2 years. So interest will be 8P in 16 years. Amount after 16 years = P + 8P = 9P. Hence the
required answer will be 16 years

3. At a certain ice cream parlor, customers can choose among five different ice cream flavors
and can choose either a sugar cone or a waffle cone. Considering both ice cream flavor and cone
type, how many distinct triple-scoop cones with three different ice cream flavors are available ?

A. 12
B. 16
C. 20
D. 24
Ans. C

4. 7584 : 5362 : : 4673 : ?

A. 2367
B. 2451
C. 2531
D. None of these

Answer: Option B

5. Given set : (6, 15, 26)

A. (46, 56, 66)

B. (50, 59, 71)
C. (60,67,72)
D. (60, 69,82)

Answer: Option D

In each set 2nd number = (1st number + 9)
And 3rd number = (1st number +13)

6. City M is situated in which direction with respect to city D.

I. City K is to the south of city P.
II. City M is to the north of city R, which is to the west city D.

A. If the data in statement I alone are sufficient.

B. If the data in statement II alone are sufficient.
C. If the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient.
D. If the data given in both the statements I and II together are not sufficient.
Answer: Option B

From I: P
(No information about city M and D)
From II: M
               R              D
(M is north-west with respect of D).

7. Introducing Reena, Mounika saidî She is the only daughter of my fatherís only daughter, How is
mounika related to Reena?

A. Aunt
B. Niece
C. Data Inadequate
D. None of these

Answer: Option D

Mounikaís fatherís only daughter ñMounika, So Reena is mounikaís daughter i.e…, mounika is
Reenaís mother.

8. BAZ, DCY, FEX, ?





Ans- D
9. 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ?

A. 7

B. 12

C. 10

D. 13

Ans- C

10. Statement:
Should government close down loss marking public sector enterprises?
I. No, all employees will lose their jobs, security and earning; what would they do?
II. Yes, in a competitive world the rule is ‘survival of the fittest’.

A. If only argument I is strong

B. If only argument II is strong
C. If either I or II is strong
D. If neither I nor II is strong

Answer: Option A

I is strong because we can’t ignore a large section of employees. II is not strong because it does
not add anything to the statement.

11. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which is the one that
does not belong to that group?

A. 29
B. 85
C. 147
D. 125
Answer: Option C

All other numbers are in the form of n2+4 where n is a natural number.

12. Statements 
I. No magic is a trick 
II. All charms are tricks 
III. All Hoaxes are charms 

I. All Hoaxes are tricks 
II. All tricks are charms

A. Either Conclusion I or II is true
B. Both conclusions I and II are true
C. Neither Conclusion I nor II is true
D. Only Conclusion II is true

Answer: Option E

13. contract

A. agreement
B. document
C. written
D. attorney

Answer: Option A

An agreement is necessary to have a contract. A contract may appear on a document (choice
b), but it is not required. A contract may be oral as well as written, so choice c is not essential. A
contract can be made without an attorney (choice d).

14. One afternoon, Manisha and Madhuri were talking to each other face to face in Bhopal on
M.G. Road. If Manisha’s shadow was exactly to the exactly to the left of Madhuri, which direction
was Manisha facing?

A. North
B. South
C. East
D. Data inadequate

Answer: Option A

In the afternoon the sun is in the west. Hence, the shadow is in the East. Now, East is to the left
of Madhuri. So, Madhuri is facing South. Therfore, Manisha, who is face to face with Madhuri, is
facing North.

15. A salesman of cable TV, while trying to sell his product, was explaining to a perspective
customer. “Free TV channels are not really free. You end up paying heavily for the costly
advertisements that support free TV channels.”
Which of the following, if true, goes against the statement of the salesman?

A. Consumers who do not own a TV are the ones who spend less on purchase as compared to
those who own a TV.

B. At places where the reception of signals is very weak, cable TV will be able to provide a better
picture quality.

C. Cable TV channels also have as many advertisements as free TV channels.

D. Those who subscribe to cable TV channels also get access to some free TV channels.

Answer: Option C

Choice (a) supports the salesman’s statement. It states that those who do not watch TV tend to
spend less. This supports the salesman’s statement.
Choice (b) is referring to the TV signals but not about advertisements. Hence, (b) is out of
Choice (c) states that the cable TV channels also allow advertisements as much as free TV.
Since the salesman has pointed out that advertisement make viewing of free TV indirectly costly,
the same is applicable to cable TV as well.
Hence, (c) goes against the statement of the salesman.
According to choice (d) people get access to some free TV channels also. But it is not clear
whether those few free channels have advertisements.
Hence, (c) does against the statement of the salesman.

16. 2.75 + .003 + .158 =

A. 4.36

B. 2.911

C. 0.436

D. 2.938

Ans- B

17. 7.86 × 4.6 =

A. 36.156

B. 36.216

C. 351.56

D. 361.56

Ans- A

18. 7/20 =

A. 0.035

B. 0.858

C. 0.35
D. 3.5

Ans- C

19. Which of the following is the least?

A. 0.105

B. 0.501

C. 0.015

D. 0.15

Ans- C

20. All of the following are ways to write 25 percent of N EXCEPT

A. 0.25 N

B. 25N / 100

C. ¼ N

D. 25 N

Ans- D

21. Which of the following is closest to 27.8 × 9.6?

A. 280

B. 300

C. 2,800

D. 3,000
Ans - A

22. A soccer team played 160 games and won 65 percent of them. How many games did it win?

A. 94

B. 104

C. 114

D. 124

Ans- B

23. Three people who work full-time are to work together on a project, but their total time on
the project is to be equivalent to that of only one person working full-time. If one of the people
is budgeted for one-half of his time to the project and a second person for one-third of her time,
what part of the third worker’s time should be budgeted to this project?

A. 13.3%

B. 35.2%

C. 16.7%

D. 18.7%

Ans- C

24. 32 is 40 percent of what number?

A. 12.8

B. 128

C. 80

D. 800
Ans- C

25. 313 – 225 =

A. 112

B. 115

C. 88

D. 1115

Ans- C

26. A sum of Rs. 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest. What is
the rate of interest?

1. 3%

2. 4%

3. 5%

4. 6%

5. None of these

Ans- 4

27. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he includes the
interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of 10%, the
effective rate of interest becomes:

1. 10%

2. 10.25%

3. 10.5%
4. None of these

Ans- 2

28. A lent Rs. 5000 to B for 2 years and Rs. 3000 to C for 4 years on simple interest at the same
rate of interest and received Rs. 2200 in all from both of them as interest. The rate of interest
per annum is :

1. 5%

2. 7%

3. 7*1/8 %

4. 10%

Ans- 4

29. A sum of Rs. 725 is lent in the beginning of a year at a certain rate of interest. After 8 months,
a sum of Rs. 362.50 more is lent but at the rate twice the former. At the end of the year, Rs.
33.50 is earned as interest from both the loans. What was the original rate of interest?

1. 3.6%

2. 4.5%

3. 5%

4. 6%

5. None of these

Ans- 5

30. A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest.
After 3 years he had to pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal
amount borrowed by him was:

1. Rs. 2000

2. Rs. 10,000

3. Rs. 15,000

4. Rs. 20,000

Ans- 3


Verbal Ability
English Sample Questions

1. Antonyms of ANIMATE

A. truthful
B. false
C. active
D. dull

Answer: Option D

Animate (alive) and dull are antonyms.

2.  Choose the correct spelt word out of the given alternatives.

A. Corrupt
B. Currupt
C. Coruppt
D. Curropt

Answer: Option A


A. stoic
B. imaginative
C. inflexible
D. submissive

Answer: Option B

The word wooden means emotionless, rigid. The word imaginative (sensitive, thoughtful) is
antonymous to it.

4. He hasn’t slept in his bed.

A. His bed has not been slept in.

B. He had not been slept in his bed.
C. His bed had been slept in.
D. His bed had not been slept in.

Answer: Option A

His bed has not been slept in.

5. I am rich.

A. amn’t I?
B. aren’t I?
C. am I?
D. do I?

Answer: Option B

6. This is —– car I bought yesterday

A. no article
B. a
C. an
D. the

Answer: Option D

7. Advantage

A. de
B. re
C. dis
D. ub

Answer: Option C


A. assistant
B. learner
C. perpetrator
D. scholar

Answer: Option A

9. The workmen left red lights near the pit. They wanted to warn motorists.
(A) The workmen left red lights near the pit in order to …..
(B) The workmen left red lights near the pit so as to …..
(C) The workmen left red lights near the pit as they …..

A. A and B
B. B and C
C. A and C
D. None of these
E. All the three

Answer: Option E
The two sentences are linked with an action and the purpose of the action. ‘In order to’, ‘so as to’,
‘as’, ‘so … that’ etc. can be used to combine the sentences.

10.  If I were you, I wouldn’t speak a word to her.

A. If I was you
B. If I am you
C. If I be you
D. If I can be you
E. NO correction required

Answer: Option E

The given sentence has a subordinate clause of supposition. It is grammatically correct.

11. The king died —–

A. hareless
B. heirless
C. hairless
D. airless

Answer: Option B

12. To perform this experiment (a) / drop little sugar (b) / into a glass of water(c) / No error (d)

A. to perform this experiment

B. drop little sugar
C. into a glass of water
D. no error

Answer: Option B

13. Quite often we are faced with the dilemma of having to decide what is right and what is
wrong. —- The best way to overcome the inherent and instinctive negative tendencies present in
us is to go by one’s conscience to do the right thing.
(A) Our instinct tells us one thing, where as our conscience tells us something else.
(B) Undesirable thoughts should be abandoned.
(C) Relying on one’s conscience can often be misleading.

A. Only A
B. A and B
C. A and C
D. Only C

Answer: Option A

Statements B and C do not comply with the given statements. The two sentences, linked by
statement A, make a logically coherent paragraph.

14. She is rich but arrogant.

A. simple
B. negative
C. compound
D. complex

Answer: Option C

15. To sing a different tune

A. to mention something in a song or a poem

B. to say something clearly and loudly
C. to choose somebody from a group for the sake of special attention
D. to do somebody else’s job or perform his/her duties
E. to change one’s opinion about something or somebody

Answer: Option E

‘To sing a different tune’ is to change your opinion about something or somebody.

Axis Bank PBRM Bank Placement Paper Syllabus

Quantitative Aptitude Syllabus


Time Speed & Distance

Time & Work

Profit & Loss

Ratio & Proportion

Simple & Compound Interest


Number Series

Mixtures & Alligations


Number System

Heights and Distances


Areas, Volumes

Reasoning Syllabus

Number Series

Letter Series



Clocks & Calendars

Cubes & Dice


Blood Relations


Data Sufficiency

Seating Arrangement

Problem Solving

Coded Inequalities

Logical Deductions

Routes & Networks

Grouping & Selections

Statements and Conclusions

Mathematical and Computer Operations

Critical Reasoning

Situation Reaction Test

Decision Making

Symbols and Notations

Logical Sequence Of Words

Statements and Assumptions

Data Interpretation

Verbal Ability Syllabus



Sentence Completion

Spelling Test

Passage Completion

Sentence Arrangement

Idioms and Phrases

Para Completion

Error Correction (Underlined Part)

Fill in the blanks



Active and Passive Voice

Spotting Errors



Sentence Improvement

Joining Sentences

Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)



Identify the Errors

Plural Forms

Odd Words






Identify the Sentences



Sentence Pattern

Tag Questions
Axis ABYB Exam Sample Questions

Quantitative Aptitude

1. A and B can do a work in 15 days and 20 days respectively, in how many days will the work be
completed if they work together ?

A. 8 2/7 days

B. 35 days

C. 8 4/7 days

D. 17 days

Ans - C

2. What time will be taken by an amount of Rs 900 to yield Rs 81 as interest at 4.5% per annum
of simple interest ?

A. 2 years

B. 4 years

C. 3 years

D. 1 year

Ans - A

3. What will be 60% of a number whose 80% is 320 ?

A. 200

B. 450

C. 240

D. 210

Ans - C
4. Which is Prime ?

A. 6

B. 9

C. 7

D. 12

Ans - C

5. What is sum 4% of 40% of 400 and 2% of 20% of 200 ?

A. 6.4

B. 7.2

C. 0.8

D. 3.2

Ans - B

6. A chair is bought for Rs 600/- and sold at a loss of 10% . Find its selling Price .

A. Rs 600

B. Rs 540

C. Rs 560

D. Rs 580

Ans - Rs 540

7. Which number is neither prime nor composite ?

A. 15

B. 48
C. 1

D. 18

Ans - C

8. How many sides does a heptagon have ?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 5

D. 7

Ans- D

9. In a function of 70% of participants know English and 65% know both languages . Find the
total number of people present in the function .

A. Data Inadequate

B. 200

C. 70

D. 600

Ans- A

10. A triangle is a closed planet Shape with

A. 2 sides

B. 4 sides

C. 3 sides

D. 5 sides

Ans- C
11. Name the Closed figure with 4 sides

A. Triangle

B. Hexagon

C. Quadrilateral

D. Pentagon

Ans- C

12. An equilateral triangle has

A. One right angle

B. Only two equal sides

C. No equal sides

D. All 3 sides equal

Ans- D

13. A closed planar with 4 sides is called a

A. Hexagon

B. Segment

C. Heptagon

D. Quadrilateral

Ans- D

14. By selling a watch for Rs 640/- , a man loses 20% . What is that watch cost price ?

A. Rs 600
B. Rs 1000

C. Rs 400

D. Rs 800

Ans- D

15. A closed planar shape with 5 sides is called a

A. Heptagon

B. Hexagon

C. Pentagon

D. Square

Ans- C

16. A line segment is defined by

A. 3 points

B. 4 points

C. 2 points

D. 1 point

Ans- C

17. The length and breadth of a rectangle are in the ratio 3 : 1 . If the breadth is 7 cm, then the
length of the rectangle is :

A. 18cm

B. 21cm
C. 14cm

D. 16cm

Ans- B

18. In a class there are 20 boys and 15 girls .The ratio of boys to girls is

A. 3 : 4

B. None of the above

C. 4: 5

D. 4:3

Ans- D

19. Find the value of x which will satisfy the following expression :

Sqrt( x - 2 ) = Sqrt(x+2)

A. 9/4

B. 1/16

C. 3/2

D. None of these

Ans- D

20. The average of 10 number is 23 . If each number is increased by 4, what will be the new
average be ?

A. 27

B. 29
C. 22

D. 25

Ans- A


Reasoning Ability

1. Annihilation : Fire :: Cataclysm : ?

A. Earthquake

B. Steam

C. Disaster

D. Emergency

Ans- A

2. If Arun says , " Vimal' mother is the only daughter of my mother " , how is Arun related to Ravi ?

A. Father

B. Grandfather

C. Brother

D. None of these

Ans- D

3. Drama : Stage : : Tennis : ?

A. Net

B. Court

C. Racket

D. Tournament

Ans. B

4. Hot : Oven : : Cold : ?

A. Air conditioner

B. Ice cream

C. Refrigerator

D. Snow

Ans- C

5. KPA, LQB, MRC, NSD, -------------





Ans- C

6. Handsome : beautiful : : Husband : ?

A. Girl

B. Wife
C. Women

D. She

Ans- B

7. 2, ?, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256

A. 3

B. 4

C. 2

D. 5

Ans- B

8. BAZ, DCY, FEX, ?





Ans- D

9. 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, ?

A. 7

B. 12
C. 10

D. 13

Ans- C

10. Reading : knowledge : : Work : ?

A. Experiment

B. Employment

C. Engagement

D. Experience

Ans- D

11. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, ?

A. 35

B. 36

C. 48

D. 49

Ans- B

12. Food : Stomach : : Fuel : ?

A. Plane

B . Engine

C. Automobile
D. Truck

Ans- B






Ans- A

14. Light : Sun : : Fire : ?

A. Fire

B. Moon

C. Electricity

D. Star

Ans- A

15. ABC : ZYX : : CBA : ?




Ans- D

16. Statement : Should Students study in early hours of morning ?

Arg I : YES, Mind is fresh and alert at that time .
Arg II : No, early risers feels sleepy throughout the day .

A. Only Assumption II is strong

B. Neither I nor II is strong

C. both the Assumptions are strong

D. Only I is strong

Ans- D

17. If DELHI is Coded as 73541 and CALCUTTA as 82589662, how can CALICUT be coded ?

A. 8543691

B. 5279431

C. 8251896

D. 5978213

Ans- C

18. AZA , BYB , CXC, ?




D. None of these
Ans - C

19. If in a certain language, MIRACLE is coded as NKUEHRL, then how is GAMBLE coded in that
language ?





Ans- C

20. ' Match ' is related to ' Victory ' in the same way as ' Examination ' is related to ?

A. Success

B. Appear

C. Attempt

D. Write

Ans- A


English Ability

1. Complete the sentence :

Because King Philip's desire to make Spain the dominant power in sixteenth century Europe run
counter to Queen Elizabeth's insistence on autonomy for England, ------------ was ----------- .
A. Diplomacy , Simple

B. Conflict , Inevitable

C. Reconciliation , assured

D. Ruination , impossible

Ans- B

2. Complete the following sentence

While serving as editor of the Anchorage Daily News , Katherine Fanning significantly increased
the newspaper's ---------- making it Alaska's ---------- paper.

A. Integrity , wittiest

B. Circulation , Oldest

C. Debt , Preeminent

D. Readership , favorite

Ans - D

3. She is tallest of all the girls .

A. the tallest

B. the taller

C. a taller

D . taller

Ans- A

4. Antonyms of Culminate :

A. End
B. Commence

C. Wind up

D. Conclude

Ans- B

5. Ron has few friends because he is ------------ and cares only about himself .

A. mundane

B. intrepid

C. egocentric

D. Voracious

Ans- C

6. Synonyms of Warrior .

A. Sailor

B. Soldier

C. Pirate

D. Spy

Ans- B

7. Synonyms of Attempt .

A. Explore

B. Try
C. Explain

D. Serve

Ans- B

8. Sorry, she can't come to the phone . She ----------- a bath .

A. Have

B. Is having

C. Having

D. Has

Ans- B

9. I think I ------------- a new calculator. This one does not work properly any more .

A. Am needing

B. Needed

C. Needs

D. Need

Ans - D

10. He travelled all ---------------- the world when he was eight years old.

A. Of

B. With
C. Over

D. in

Ans- C

11. Synonyms of Improvement.

A. Promotion

B. Preference

C. Advancement

D. Betterment

Ans- D

12. She want to become ---------- engineer .

A. the

B. No article

C. a

D. an

Ans- D

13. Are you attending ---------- reception today .

A. No article

B. a

C. the
D. an

Ans- C

14. We had a wonderful view of the bay through the -----------------

A. Zenith

B. Vicinity

C. Window

D. Proximity

Ans- C

15. She is so --------- that she easily catches cold.

A. Sensible

B. Sincere

C. Sober

D. Sensitive

Ans- D

16. Jane : " what --------- ? "

Mary : " I m trying to fix my calculator."

A. are you doing

B. you doing

C. you do
D. do you do

Ans- A

17. ---------- Lion is a ferocious animal.

A. The

B. No article

C. A

D. An

Ans- A

18. At a school dance :

Jane : " ----------- yourself ? "
Mary: " Yes, I m having a great time. "

A. Enjoy you

B. Do you Enjoy

C. You enjoying

D. Are you enjoying

Ans- D

19. Choose Correct Passive.

One must keep one's promises.

A. One's promises must be kept.

B. One's promises must kept

C. One's promises are kept

D. One's promises were kept

Ans- A

20. Find the Correctly spelt words .

A. Varicose

B. Verieties

C. Sereniti

D. Wrangeler

Ans- A


Personality & Psychometric Test

1. Which of the following would be considered personality development?

A. bodily changes during illness

B. personality changes due to the effects of a drug

C. a new career

D. decreasing activity level over time

Ans- D

2. If everyone in a group score two points higher on a measure of Conscientiousness taken one
year after the measure, the group shows high
A. Mean level stability

B. Rank order stability

C. Validity Coefficient

D. Personality coherence

Ans- B

3. ----------- refers to all these factors that disrupt the communication.

A. Nowhere

B. Nobody

C. Nonsense

D. Noise

Ans- D

4. ------------- is the last step of the listening Process.

A. Interpreting

B. Stop talking

C. Responding

D. Receiving

Ans- C

5. The annual achievements compared with the objectives of the job is ------------
A. Job performance

B. Job evaluation

C. Job description

D. None of these

Ans- A

6. Select the option with which you agree the most.

1. I get a lot of invitations from friends.

2. I have an open mind towards what other people might say.

7. Select the option with which you agree the most.

1. I smile at everyone I see.

2. I always ask for a bill (cash memo) when I buy stuff.

8. Select the option with which you agree the most.

1. I often regret my decisions.

2. Doing multiple things at one time can be fun.

9. Select the option with which you agree the most.

1. I make a schedule to study for my exams.

2. I am uncomfortable interacting with the opposite sex.

10. Select the option with which you agree the most.

1. I like to decorate my room.

2. I am very polite and respectful to everyone I meet.

Thank you
All the Best
HDFC Bank Exam Sample Questions

Reasoning Question and Answer

Question1. Odometer is to mileage as compass is to

1. speed
2. hiking
3. needle
4. direction
Answer: Option 4
Question2. Marathon is to race as hibernation is to

1. winter
2. bear
3. dream
4. sleep
Answer: Option 4
Question3. Window is to pane as book is to

1. novel
2. glass
3. cover
4. page
Answer: Option 4
Question4. Cup is to coffee as bowl is to
1. dish
2. soup
3. spoon
4. food
Answer: Option 2
Question5. Yard is to inch as quart is to

1. gallon
2. ounce
3. milk

4. liquid

Answer: Option 2

Question6. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

1. guitar
2. flute
3. violin
4. cello
Answer: Option 2
Question7. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
1. dodge
2. flee
3. duck
4. avoid
Answer: Option 2
Question8. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
1. branch
2. dirt
3. leaf
4. root
Answer: Option 2
Question9. Which word does NOT belong with the others?
1. street
2. freeway
3. interstate
4. expressway
Answer: Option A
Question10. Which word does NOT belong with the others?

1. heading
2. body
3. letter

4. Closing

Answer: Option 3

Question11. Conference : Chairman :: Newspaper : ?

1. Reporter
2. Distributor
3. Printer
4. Editor
Answer: Option 4
Question12. Safe : Secure :: Protect : ?
1. Lock
2. Sure
3. Guard
4. Conserve
Answer: Option 3
Question13. Master : OCUVGT :: LABOUR : ?
Answer: Option 1
Question14. Microphone : Loud :: Microscope : ?

1. Elongate
2. Investigate
3. Magnify
4. Examine

Answer: Option 3
Question15. Melt : Liquid :: Freeze : ?

1. Ice

2. Condense
3. Solid

4. Force
Answer: Option 3
Question 16. One morning after sunrise, Vimal started to walk. During this walking he met
Stephen who was coming from opposite direction. Vimal watch that the shadow of Stephen to
the right of him (Vimal). To Which direction Vimal was facing?

1. East
2. West
3. South
4. Data inadequate
Answer: Option 3
Question 17. Golu started from his house towards North. After covering a distance of 8 km. he
turned towards left and covered a distance of 6 km. What is the shortest distance now from his

1. 10 km.
2. 16 km.
3. 14 km
4. 2 km.
Answer: Option 1
Question18. P started from his house towards west. After walking a distance of 25 m. He turned
to the right and walked 10 m. He then again turned to the right and walked 15 m. After this he is
to turn right at 135o and to cover 30 m. In which direction should he go?

1. West
2. South
3. South-West
4. South-East
Answer: Option 3
Question19. X started to walk straight towards south. After walking 5 m he turned to the left
and walked 3 m. After this he turned to the right and walked 5 m Now to
which direction X is facing ?

1. North-East
2. South
3. North
4. South-West
Answer: Option 2
Question20. Hemant in order to go to university started from his house in the east and came to a
crossing. The road to the left ends in a theatre, straight ahead is the hospital. In which direction
is the university?

1. North
2. South
3. East
4. West
Answer: Option 1
Question21. Among T, V, B, E and C, who is the third from the top when arranged in the
descending order of their weights ?


B is heavier than T and C and is less heavier than V who is not the heaviest.
C is heavier than only T.
1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
3. Either I or II is sufficient
4. Neither I nor II is sufficient
5. Both I and II are sufficient
Answer: Option 1
Question22. Which word in the code language means 'flower' ?
'de fu la pane' means 'rose flower is beautiful' and 'la quiz' means 'beautiful tree'.
'de la chin' means 'red rose flower' and 'pa chin' means 'red tea'.
1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

3. Either I or II is sufficient
4. Neither I nor II is sufficient
5. Both I and II are sufficient
Answer: Option 4
Question23. How many students in a class play football ?
Only boys play football.
There are forty boys and thirty girls in the class.
1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
3. Either I or II is sufficient
4. Neither I nor II is sufficient
5. Both I and II are sufficient
Answer: Option 4
Question24. Who is C's partner in a game of cards involving four players A, B, C and D ?

D is sitting opposite to A.
B is sitting right of A and left of D.
1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient
2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
3. Either I or II is sufficient
4. Neither I nor II is sufficient
5. Both I and II are sufficient
Answer: Option 3
Question25. On a T.V. channel, four serials A, B, C and D were screened, one on eacn day, on four
consecutive days but not necessarily in that order. On which day
was the serial C screened ?
The first serial was screened on 23rd,
Tuesday and was followed by serial D.

Serial A was not screened on 25th and one serial was screened between serials A
and B.

1. I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

2. II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient
3. Either I or II is sufficient
4. Neither I nor II is sufficient
5. Both I and II are sufficient

Answer: Option 5


Aptitude Question and Answer

Question1. A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the
length of the train?
1. 120 metres
2. 180 metres
3. 324 metres
4. 150 metres
Answer: Option 4
Question2. A train 125 m long passes a man, running at 5 km/hr in the same direction in which
the train is going, in 10 seconds. The speed of the train is:

1. 45 km/hr
2. 50 km/hr
3. 54 km/hr
4. 55 km/hr
Answer: Option 2
Question3. The length of the bridge, which a train 130 metres long and travelling at 45 km/hr can
cross in 30 seconds, is:

1. 200 m
2. 225 m
3. 245 m
4. 250 m
Answer: Option 3
Question4. Two trains running in opposite directions cross a man standing on the platform in 27
seconds and 17 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23
seconds. The ratio of their speeds is:

1. 1 : 3
2. 3 : 2
3. 3 : 4
4. None of these

Answer: Option 2

Question5. A train passes a station platform in 36 seconds and a man standing on the platform
in 20 seconds. If the speed of the train is 54 km/hr, what is the length of the platform?

1. 120 m
2. 240 m
3. 300 m
4. None of these
Answer: Option 2
Question6. A sum of Rs. 12,500 amounts to Rs. 15,500 in 4 years at the rate of simple interest.
What is the rate of interest?

1. 3%
2. 4%
3. 5%
4. 6%
5. None of these
Answer: Option 4
Question7. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest, but he
includes the interest every six months for calculating the principal. If he is charging an interest of
10%, the effective rate of interest becomes:

1. 10%
2. 10.25%
3. 10.5%
4. None of these
Answer: Option 2
Question8. A lent Rs. 5000 to B for 2 years and Rs. 3000 to C for 4 years on simple interest at
the same rate of interest and received Rs. 2200 in all from both of them as interest. The rate of
interest per annum is :

1. 5%
2. 7%
3. 7*1/8 %
4. 10%
Answer: Option 4

Question9. A sum of Rs. 725 is lent in the beginning of a year at a certain rate of interest. After 8
months, a sum of Rs. 362.50 more is lent but at the rate twice the former. At the end of the year,
Rs. 33.50 is earned as interest from both the loans. What was the original rate of interest?

1. 3.6%
2. 4.5%
3. 5%
4. 6%
5. None of these
Answer: Option 5
Question10. A man took loan from a bank at the rate of 12% p.a. simple interest. After 3 years
he had to pay Rs. 5400 interest only for the period. The principal
amount borrowed by him was:

1. Rs. 2000
2. Rs. 10,000
3. Rs. 15,000
4. Rs. 20,000
Answer: Option 3
Question11. On selling 17 balls at Rs. 720, there is a loss equal to the cost price of 5 balls. The
cost price of a ball is:
1. Rs. 45
2. Rs. 50
3. Rs. 55
4. Rs. 60
Answer: Option 4
Question12. When a plot is sold for Rs. 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what
price must that plot be sold in order to gain 15%?

1. Rs. 21,000
2. Rs. 22,500
3. Rs. 25,300
4. Rs. 25,800
Answer: Option 3

Question13. 100 oranges are bought at the rate of Rs. 350 and sold at the rate of Rs. 48 per
dozen. The percentage of profit or loss is:

1. 14*2/7 % gain
2. 15 % gain
3. 14*2/7 % loss
4. 15 % loss
Answer: Option 1
Question14. A shopkeeper sells one transistor for Rs. 840 at a gain of 20% and
another for Rs. 960 at a loss of 4%. His total gain or loss percent is:

1. 5*15/17 % loss
2. 5*15/17 % gain
3. 6*2/3 % gain
4. None of these
Answer: Option 2
Question15. A trader mixes 26 kg of rice at Rs. 20 per kg with 30 kg of rice of other variety at Rs.
36 per kg and sells the mixture at Rs. 30 per kg. His profit
percent is:

1. No profit, no loss
2. 5%
3. 8%
4. 10%
5. None of these
Answer: Option 2
Question16. At what time, in minutes, between 3 o'clock and 4 o'clock, both the
needles will coincide each other?
1. 5*1/11
2. 12*4/11
3. 13*4/11
4. 16*4/11
Answer: Option 4
Question17. How many times do the hands of a clock coincide in a day?

1. 20
2. 21
3. 22
4. 24
Answer: Option 3
Question18. How many times in a day, the hands of a clock are straight?
1. 22
2. 24
3. 44
4. 48
Answer: Option 3
Question19. A watch which gains uniformly is 2 minutes low at noon on Monday and is 4 min. 48
sec fast at 2 p.m. on the following Monday. When was it correct?

1. 2 p.m. on Tuesday
2. 2 p.m. on Wednesday
3. 3 p.m. on Thursday
4. 1 p.m. on Friday
Answer: Option 2
Question20. In how many ways can the letters of the word 'LEADER' be arranged?

1. 72
2. 144
3. 360
4. 720
5. None of these
Answer: Option 3
Question21. The difference between the length and breadth of a rectangle is 23 m.
If its perimeter is 206 m, then its area is:

1. 1520 m2

2. 2420 m2
3. 2480 m2

4. 2520 m2
Answer: Option 4
Question22. The length of a rectangle is halved, while its breadth is tripled. What
is the percentage change in area?
1. 25% increase
2. 50% increase
3. 50% decrease
4. 75% decrease
Answer: Option 2
Question23. The length of a rectangular plot is 20 metres more than its breadth. If
the cost of fencing the plot @ 26.50 per metre is Rs. 5300, what is the length of the
plot in metres?

1. 40
2. 50
3. 120
4. Data inadequate
5. None of these
Answer: Option 5
Question24. A rectangular field is to be fenced on three sides leaving a side of 20 feet
uncovered. If the area of the field is 680 sq. feet, how many feet of fencing
will be required?

1. 34
2. 40
3. 68
4. 88
Answer: Option 4
Question25. A tank is 25 m long, 12 m wide and 6 m deep. The cost of plastering its walls and
bottom at 75 paise per sq. m, is:

1. Rs. 456
2. Rs. 458
3. Rs. 558

4. Rs. 568
Answer: Option 3


Q1. Direction: Select the option that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word.

a. Pride
b. Humility
c. Conceit
d. Indifference
Q2. Direction: Select the option that is most nearly oppositein meaning to the given word.
a. Frugal
b. Wasteful
c. Efficient
d. Plain
Q3. Direction: Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence meaningfully

She ___________ most of her time tomusic.

a. spent
b. lent
c. devoted
d. made

Q4. Direction: In the question, a part of the sentence is given in italics. Select the correct
alternative that is similar in meaning to the word in italics. Surprisingly, Alaska received scanty
rainfall this year.

a. rare
b. heavy
c. little
d. scattered
Q5. Direction: Read the sentence to determine if there is any grammatical error in it. Choose the
letter corresponding to the part that contains the error. Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.

(A) The meeting adjourned abruptly / (B) by the CEO after / (C) about three hours of
deliberation. / (D) Noerror

a. (A)
b. (B)
c. (C)
d. (D)
Q6. Direction: In the question, a part of the sentence is italicized. Select the correct alternative to
the italicized part that may improve the sentence construction.

Please remind me of posting these letters to my relatives.

a. byposting
b. topost
c. forposting
d. no improvementneeded
Q7. Direction: Select the correct option that fills the blank(s) to make the sentence
grammatically correct.

The success that he has gained, though striking enough, does not, however, commensurate the
efforts made by him.

a. about
b. from
c. with
d. beside
e. over
Read the passage and answer the questions.

Management is a set of processes that can keep a complicated system of people and
technology to run smoothly. The most important aspects of management include planning,
budgeting, organizing, staffing,
controlling and problem-solving. Leadership is a set of processes that creates organizations in
the first place or adapts them to significantly changing circumstances. Leadership defines what
the future should look like, aligns people with that vision and inspires them to make it happen
despite the obstacles. This distinction is absolutely crucial for our purposes here: Successful
transformation is 70 to 90 per cent leadership and only 10 to 30 percent management. Yet for
historical reasons, many organizations today don't have much leadership. And almost everyone
thinks about the problem here as one of managing change. For most of this country, as we
created thousands and thousands of large organizations for the first time in human history,
we didn't have enough good managers to keep all those bureaucracies functioning. Many
companies and universities developed management programs and hundreds and thousands of
people were encouraged to learn management on the job. And they did. But, people were taught
little about leadership. To some degree, management was emphasized because it's easier to
preach than leadership. But even more so, management was the main item on the twentieth
century agenda because that's what was needed. For every entrepreneur or business builder who
was a leader, we
needed hundreds of managers to run their ever-growing enterprises. Unfortunately for us today,
this emphasis on management has often been institutionalized in corporate cultures that
discourage employees from learning how to lead. Ironically, past success is usually the key
ingredient in producing this outcome. The
syndrome, as I have observed it on many occasions, goes like this: Success creates some
degree of marked dominance which in turn produces much growth. After a while keeping the
ever-larger organization under control becomes the primary challenge. So, attention turns inward
and managerial competencies are nurtured.
With a strong emphasis on management but not leadership, bureaucracy and an inward focus
takeover. But with continued success, the result mostly of market dominance, the problem often
goes unaddressed and an unhealthy arrogance begins to evolve. All of these characteristics then
make any transformation effort much more difficult. Arrogant managers can over-evaluate their
current performance and competitive position, listen poorly and learn slowly. Inwardly focused
employees can have difficulty seeing the very forces that present threats and opportunities.
Bureaucratic cultures can smother those who want to respond to shifting conditions. And the
lack of leadership leaves no force inside these organizations to break out of the morass.

Q8. Why did companies and universities develop programs to prepare managers in such large
a. Companies and universities wanted to generate funds through these programs.
b. The large number of organizations were created as they needed managers in good number.
c. Organizations did not want to spend their scarce resources in training managers.
d. Organizations wanted to create communication network through trained managers.

Q9. Which of the following characteristics helps an organization in its efforts to transform?
a. Emphasis on leadership and not management
b. Strong and dogmatic culture
c. Bureaucratic and inward-looking approach
d. Failing to acknowledge the value of customers and shareholders
Q10. Find the word that most closely means the same as the word 'smother'.

a. Suppress
b. Encourage
c. Instigate
d. Criticize


Personality Test

Q1. Select the option with which you agree the most.

1. I get a lot of invitations from friends.

2. I have an open mind towards what other people might say.

Q2. Select the option with which you agree the most.
1. I smile at everyone I see.
2. I always ask for a bill (cash memo) when I buy stuff.

Q3. Select the option with which you agree the most.
1. I often regret my decisions.
2. Doing multiple things at one time can be fun.

Q4. Select the option with which you agree the most.

1. I make a schedule to study for my exams.

2. I am uncomfortable interacting with the opposite sex.
Q5. Select the option with which you agree the most.
1. I like to decorate my room.
2. I am very polite and respectful to everyone I meet.


Sales Related Questions

In this section please select one option only. Multiple statements may be true but select the
one that is most important or foundational.

Q1. Successful selling is fundamentally about:

1. Convincing others to purchase with the use of compelling logical information.

2. Transferring positive personal belief in what I offer.

3. Persuading the buyer to purchase through the use of powerful statements.

Q2. When most people perceive they are being ‘closed’ by a sales person they usually: *

1. Raise objections or barriers to moving forward.

2. Reveal the real issues preventing a decision to buy.

3. Appreciate dealing with a professional.

Q3. Successful selling is most importantly about:

1. Finding prospects and persuading them to buy.

2. Effectiveness in positioning compelling benefits.

3. Working with my client to solve their problems.

Q4. To be successful in sales it is most important to: *

1. Be very persuasive and convincing.

2. Be an active listener and excellent questioner.

3. Be a strong closer, asking for the business early and often.

Q5. The most successful sales people:

1. Have great attitudes, strong work ethic and are driven by their goals.

2. Are ‘naturals’ and have the gift of being persuasive.

3. Are assertive and close confidently.

Q6. Successful selling is mostly about:

1. Presentation and persuasion.

2. Listening and questioning.

3. Leading and closing.

Q7. Success in professional selling requires the following:

1. Positive attitude, the right knowledge, strong work ethic and high levels of skill.

2. Confidence, assertiveness and competitively priced quality products or services.

3. Friendly manner, empathy, persuasiveness and assertive closing techniques.

Q8. The most important phase of the sales cycle is:

1. Closing (asking for the business) at the right time.

2. Questioning and probing to fully develop awareness and understanding.

3. Gaining agreement to purchase if all claims can be substantiated with evidence.

Q9. Buyers feel most comfortable with a purchasing decision when:

1. They are being led through a logical and structured sales process.

2. The seller asks questions and gains an understanding of their needs.

3. The seller clearly details all the features and benefits.

Q10. In the most successful sales calls:

1. The seller does most of the talking.

2. The buyer does more talking than the seller.

3 .The seller and buyer share equal air-time.

Thank You
All the Best

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