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Nzoia Cluster – Feasibility Study

Feasibility Report - Busia Phase II Towns – Kakamega, Busia and Nambale



The surface loading rate is the most important parameter in the design of filters. The
recommended surface loading rate for rapid sand filters is 4-6m3/m2/hr. The adequacy of the
existing filters will be checked by checking the surface loading rate on the filters when the
treatment works is operating at full capacity. The existing filters will be deemed adequate if the
surface loading rate does not exceed 6m3/m2/hr when the treatment works operates at full
design capacity.

Existing Filters:
- Nr of filters provided, n = 3 nr

- Effective Sand Area of filters = Length, L 4 m

Width, W 1.85 m

Design Calculations and Checks:

Surface Area of each filter, A (= L x W) = 7.4 m2

Total Surface Area of filtration (= A x n) = 22.2 m2

Treatment Works Design Capacity, Q = 2700 m3/d

= 0.031 m3/s

Surface Loading Rate on Filters when 2700 m3/d

Operating at Design Capacity (= Q / A) 22.2 m2

= 121.62 m3/m2/d

= 5.1 m3/m2/hr

Water Design
Manual (MWI) Recommended Surface Loading Rate for Filters = 4 - 6 m3/m2/hr

Thus the existing filters ARE NOT ADEQU for a design capacity of 2700 m3/d

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Nzoia Cluster – Feasibility Study
Feasibility Report - Busia Phase II Towns – Kakamega, Busia and Nambale



The Phase II flocculation basin takes the flow for 1 sedimentation tank tank while the Phase I
flocculation basin takes the flow for 2nr sedimentation tanks. The 3nr sedimentation tanks are all of
similar size hence the total flow is proportioned equally between them

Phase I Floculation chambers

Nr of Flocculation Chamber = 3

Total Volume of water to be treated, Q = 2700 m3/d = 112.5 m3/hr

Flow into Flocculation Chamber (=Q x 2/3) 75 m3/hr = 0.0208 m3/s

Recommended inlet velocity in floculation chambers = 0.6000 m/s

Recommended outlet velocity in floculation chambers = 0.2000 m/s

Assuming average velocity in the chambers is = 0.4 m/s

Calculating headloss from equation for discharge through orifice

Q  CD 2 g h Where Q = Discharge (m3/s)

CD = 0.6200
h = Headloss (m)

Area of
Chamber Length Breadth Depth Volume Orifice Headloss
1 1.1 1.1 3.15 3.812 0.052 0.021
2 1.1 1.1 3.13 3.787 0.052 0.021
3 1.1 1.1 3.11 3.767 0.052 0.021

Detention Time = Total Volume

Discharge into Chamber

= 545.55 Sec = 9.09 min

Velocity Gradient in Flocculation Chamber

G where

G= Velocity Gradient (s-1)

Q= Design flow in basin (m3/s)
h= Headloss (m)
ρ= Density of Water (Kg/m3)
g= Graviational Constant
μ= Absolute viscosity of water
C= Volume of fluid in chamber (m3)

Chamber G Check
1 23.73 OK!
2 23.81 OK!
3 No Velocity Gradient Required Recommended range of G is 20s-1 - 75s-1

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Nzoia Cluster – Feasibility Study
Feasibility Report - Busia Phase II Towns – Kakamega, Busia and Nambale

Thus the flocculation chambers are adequate for design capacity of 1800 m3/d

Phase II Floculation chambers

Nr of Flocculation Chamber = 4

Total Volume of water to be treated, Q = 2700 m3/d = 112.5 m3/hr

Flow into Flocculation Chamber (=Q x 1/3) 37.5 m3/hr = 0.0104 m3/s

Recommended inlet velocity in floculation chambers = 0.6000 m/s

Recommended outlet velocity in floculation chambers = 0.2000 m/s

Assuming average velocity in the chambers is = 0.4 m/s

Calculating headloss from equation for discharge through orifice

Q  CD 2 gh Where Q = Discharge (m3/s)

CD = 0.6200
h = Headloss (m)

Area of
Chamber Length Breadth Depth Volume Orifice Headloss
1 0.925 0.925 3.19 2.729 0.026 0.021
2 0.925 0.925 3.17 2.711 0.026 0.021
3 0.925 0.925 3.16 2.702 0.026 0.021
4 0.925 0.925 3.15 2.697

Detention Time = Total Volume

Discharge into Chamber

= 1040.63 Sec = 17.34 min

Velocity Gradient in Flocculation Chamber

G where P  Q. .h.g
G = Velocity Gradient (s-1)
Q= Design flow in basin (m3/s)
h= Headloss (m)
ρ= Density of Water (Kg/m3)
g= Graviational Constant
μ= Absolute viscosity of water
C= Volume of fluid in chamber (m3)

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Nzoia Cluster – Feasibility Study
Feasibility Report - Busia Phase II Towns – Kakamega, Busia and Nambale

Chamber G Check
1 28.05 OK!
2 28.14 OK!
3 28.19 OK!
4 No Velocity Gradient Required Recommended range of G is 20s-1 - 75s-1

Thus the flocculation chambers are adequate for design capacity of 900 m3/d

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Nzoia Cluster – Feasibility Study
Feasibility Report - Busia Phase II Towns – Kakamega, Busia and Nambale



The surface overflow rate is the most important design parameter for horizontal flow sedimentation
tanks. The recommended surface overflow rate for horizontal flow sedimentation tanks is 1.0m 3/m2/hr.
The adequacy of the existing sedimentation tanks will be checked by determining the surface overflow
rate on the sedimentation tanks when the treatment works is operating at full capacity. The existing
sedimentation tanks will be deemed adequate if the surface overflow rate does not exceed 1.0m 3/m2/hr
when the treatment works operates at full design capacity.

Existing Sedimentation Tanks:

- Nr of sedimentation tanks provided, n = 3 nr

- Dimensions of sedimentation tanks = Length, L 9.5 m

Width, W 4 m

Design Calculations and Checks:

Surface Area of each sedimentation tank, A (= L x W) = 38 m2

Total Surface Area of sedimentation tanks (= A x n) = 114.0 m2

Treatment Works Design Capacity, Q = 2700 m3/d

= 0.031 m3/s

Surface Overflow Rate on Sedimentation Tanks when 2700 m3/d

Operating at Design Capacity (= Q / A) 114.0 m2

= 23.68 m3/m2/d

= 0.99 m3/m2/hr

Water Design Recommended Surface Loading Rate for Horizontal Flow

Manual (MWI) Sedimentation Tanks = 1.0 m3/m2/hr

Thus the existing sedimentation tanks ARE ADEQUATE for a design capacity of 2700 m3/d

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Nzoia Cluster – Feasibility Study
Feasibility Report - Busia Phase II Towns – Kakamega, Busia and Nambale



The clear water reservoir is used to provide the necessary chlorine contact time for treated water prior to
distribution of treated water to consumers. It is recommended that a minimum of 30 minutes chlorine contact
time should be provided for treated water.

Existing Clear Water Reservoir:

- Nr of clear water reservoirs provided, n = 1 nr

- Capacity of clear water reservoirs = 175 m3

- Total Storage Capacty provided for clear water, = 175 m3

Design Calculations and Checks:

Treatment Works Design Capacity, Q = 2700 m3/d

= 1.875 m3/min

Chlorine contact time provided by existing clear 175 m3

water reservoir (= C / Q) 1.875 m3/min

= 93.33 minutes

Water Design
Manual (MWI) Recommended minimum chlorine contact time = 30 minutes

Thus the existing clear water reservoir IS ADEQUATE for a treatment works design capacity of 2700 m3/d

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Nzoia Cluster – Feasibility Study
Feasibility Report - Busia Phase II Towns – Kakamega, Busia and Nambale



The backwash tank should have a capacity equal to the volume of water required to backwash at least one filter at a
time. The backwash rate for a filter is dependent on the filter media characteristics, mainly the effective size of the filter
medium grain. It is recommended that a filter be backwashed at the appropriate rate for a duration of at least 10 minutes.

Existing Backwash Tank:

- Nr of backwash tanks provided, n = 1 nr

- Capacity of existing backwash tanks = 50 m3

- Total existing storage capacty for backwash water, C = 50 m3

Design Calculations and Checks:

Existing filters: 3nr, each of dimension Length, L 4 m

Width, W 1.85 m

Area of one filter, A ( =L x W ) = 7.4 m2

Efffective sand size in filter 0.5 mm


Water Design Recommended back wash rate for a filter with effective =
Manual (MWI) sand size 0.5mm, R 25 m3/m2/hr

Recommended backwash time, T = 10 minutes

Backwash Water Volume required for one filter

(=RxAxT) = 30.83 m3

Capacity of backwash tank provided = 50 m3

Thus the existing backwash tank IS ADEQUATE to backwash one filter at a time

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