Timesaver Listening Elementary

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fpKectkea CUO UK PdF MU Brno INNA Tuiicouver Elementary Listening Edited by Judith Greet Teacher's reference key Time ‘A small clock on each page tells you approximately how long each activity should take. ) Level The number of stars on each page tails you the level of each activity Students with one-two years of English 8 Students with two-three years of English Listening tracks & There are two CDs. The top number relates to the CD; ‘the lower number to the track. 5 MSCHOLAS Loi WER ELEMENTARY LISTENING 11 Surprise Lunch have got ‘checking information; ticking yes # no: listen and draw 2 Christmas is Coming prepositions ‘cking information; completing gaps; drawing 16-47 3 The Babysitter feelings; times completing sentences: drawing: drawing times 18 4 The Maths Test ines ticking yes/no; identifying speakers 19 5 Will's Tah too choesing the correct picture 2021 6 Vicki's Pet ‘embedded questions ‘ordering pictures 22:23 ‘Travelling by Train ‘ravel completing sentences; ticking yes / no: veriting sentences in order Py B Lucky Socks must Fustn't ordering sentences; selecting sentences 25 9 Eating Out Pd tke 11 Hike identifying speakers; choosing correct sentences; identifying pictures 2627 10 Summer Holidays going to choosing correct pictures; matching pictures and sentences; ticking items in o lst 28:29 11. The Mystery Picture shapes / ice drawing a picture 30 12 american Festivals aciverbs of frequency matching 31 13 England vs America prefer listoning for adjectives 2 14 india comparatives and listening for numbers; ticking true oF fabe superiatives 33 15 What Shall We Do? suggestions and excuses choosing corract answers: completing sentences 34 46APhone Call from Jamaica —_ reflexive pronouns ticking the correct picture; completing sentences 35 17 Valentine's Day questions tags ing speakers gap filing 36-37 18 Guy Fawkes icining words reordering pictures; joining sentences 38:39 19 Holiday Plans first conditional matching: identifying speakers; gap filling 40-41 20 Global Warming uuniess listening for words; ticking true or false a 21 What's Your School Like? discussion ~ scheo! i complating a table a 22 Beverly Hills High School discussion recognising meaning of numbers: adding facts ‘American High School 4 23 Coral Reefs discussion — conservation checking facts 45 24 An Interesting Country discussion ~ countries matching sentences 45-47 25 A Typical English Person discussion ~ stereotypes completing a chart; recognising functions 48 26 Fox-hunting discussion.~for-hunting identifying speakers completing a word table 43 TIMESAVER ELEMENTARY LISTENING 27 Your favourite Sport discus completing Information 50 28 The Band discussion ~ dilemmas 1 comprehension questions st 29 The End of Term discussion — dilemmas 2 identifying speakers ticking yes / no; comprehension questions; gap filing 52.53 30 Oliver Twist literature; adjectives; checking enswers; completing sentences; regular post simple pronunciation 5455 31 A Christmas Carot literature ticking yes no; completing sentences 56.57 32 Robin Hood literature; multiple choice descriptions of people; irregular past simple 50-59 33 The Hound of the Baskervilles literature: ‘ist question; ticking yes /no; asking questions completing a table 60-61 34 Romeo and Juliet literoture; joining words answering questions; erdering pictures, 62-63 35 Othello literature gist questions; gap filling 64.55 36 Treasure Island literature; chymming words multiple choice; pronunciation 66.57 Teacher's Notes and Answers a3 Recording Script 68-80 __ i Pde MU Brno Luasce Uke 4% ee 3 Teacher's Notes Introduction Elementary Ustening contains 36 communicative worksheets based around listenings graded at elementary level, Each self-contained lesson includes pre-listaning, while listcning and post-istening tasks to ensure {ull exploitation and luncerstanging of each recording. Worksheets can be selected by structure, discursion topic cr literature ard will ck as a Useful supplement to any elementary coursebook. Answers are included in tha Teacher's Notes. 1 A Surprise Lunch (pages 14-15) Listening aims: Listening for gist ~ checking information; Listening for specific information ~ ticking yes/no ten and raw [New vocabutary: crisps, muffin, jealous, boring, rll, ham Pre-listening 1 lit whet food students can see inthe pictures Teach any new vocabulary or extend it by asking for examples fut and vegetables. Encourage them to create word wets for fruit and vegetables. Monitor asthe students Gscuss the questions. Al the questions ae in the past simple check that they are using the tone corel. This can ied to a genera discussion about eating healthily and giving advice to those who do nt eat sensibly 2 ct students preferences about the lunch boxes, Ask students whet they would ike ina lunch bes. You could ao discus if they think having a hinch box’ meal rather than a hot mesl is better. gening 3 Caplan thet Max and Robbie are discussing thet inch ‘owes inthis istening Students read through the statamens to mate sure they understand. Check answers. Play the ist pare ofthe recording tuvce. Answers: a} Yes b) No ¢) Yes d) No 2) No f} No 4 Got students to describe Mav's brother, Ase what they think the relationship between the brothers i lite ~ perhaps they argue quite abit. lit ideas from the students about Mavs brother’ plans. hey then listen to check Answer, He makes a spider and chocolate spread sancvich, 5 After students have drawn ther pictures they can compare thelr answers with a partner Each recording is repeated Answers: Max an apple, a chocolate bar, @ bottle of water anc a chesse sand, Jennie - a banana, some esp, some Coke, and a salad sandvich; Robbie - an epple, a yoghurt a cake and a sandaich, Postlistening 6 Go through the example with the stucents betore they play in pairs. Monitor and take a note of any prablers. ASK students who came up with the strangest sandwich, 2 Christmas is Coming (pages 16-17) Listening aims: Listening for specific information ~ ticking information; completing caps Naw vocabulary: tinsa\, decoration, cracker, angel, mini-dise player, wardrobe Pre-listening 1 Students match the pictures to find the words. Check. Elicit other words connacted to Christmas from the students. Encourage them to think about how to record their ‘vocabulary. In this case they could have a, page in their vocabulary books connected to Christmas. They could create sentences about themselves using the new words ‘Answers: a) angel b) present ¢) decoration a) tinsel el cracker #) turkey Listening 2 Ask students when they are given presents, Are they always 2 surprise? Do they try to find out what they are? Check students know all the prepositions, Play the recording, ‘rough once. Students check thelr answers with a partner Flay the recording again to check. Check answers. Answers: They looked in his parents bedroors, under the bed, Under the stat, behind the sofa and in the lounge, 3 Play the recording straight through and then play with pauses after each speaker to give students time to write Check answers, Answers: 1) doing 2) at 3) shirt )for Sb your 6) shirt 7 Playstation 8} fantastic 4 Play the recording through twice if necessary. Give students, time to daw the items in place. Check answers, ‘Answers: Students should dravy: CDVPlaystation an the wardrobe, Perfume in the crawers. Chocolates behind the wardrobe. Postlistening '5 Check students know how to play noughts and crates by hhaving a game with one af thern on the haa. In this game they will get their nought or cross if they give a correct sentence - you are the judge, Divide the dass into two tears. if you have a lorge group, you can divide them imo small groups of four to play each other, 3 The Babysitter (page 18) Listening aims: Listening for specific information ~ completing sentences, drawing, drawing times. ‘New vocabulary: babysit, packet money, bedtime, frightened, bored, spider, sieepy Preslistening 1 Ask a few questions to find out what frightens students, ‘Check they understand the vocabulary before doing the ‘exercte. Then read through the examples, nating the plural and singular verbs, and give students time to write or practise their sentences. Elicit examples from the students Ustening 2 Ask sturonts if they ever go babysitting, Do they like doing ic? Whynwmy not? Have they ever had any problems when babysitting? Give them time to read through the sentences before listening, Play the recording twice. Chack answers. Answers: 0) £20.00 b} money «) he wants ©) mobile phone «@) orange juice; chocolate har #] a game; reads q}9.30, hy) asleepssleeping 3 Explain vehat the students have to do and play the recording. Let them compore drawings, You can then ask different students te draw them on the board to check the answers, ‘Answers: Students should draw: 1 angry face: 2 sleepy face; 3 happy face; 4 hunary face 4 lay the recording, leaving a pause for students to draw the ‘times, Again ask students to draw the times on the board to heck the answers ‘Answers seven o'clock; 2 ten past seven; 3 quarter past seven; 4 swenty past seven 5 twenty past eight 6 half past eight, Postaistening 5 Stucents can dscuss in small groups and then report back (© the dass. 4 The Maths Test (page 19) LUstening aims: Listening for specific information ~ ticking ‘Yes/ No; Listening for gist identifying speakers New vocabulary: test, stomach ache, appendicits, medicine, feel sek Pretistening 1 Let students work in pats to do this exercise, heck answers Answers: 1a 2a 3a 4b 5a 6a Listening 2 Students read through the sentences before listening, Play the recording once, Check ansivers ‘Answers: a) Nob) No ¢) ¥85 d} No €)No f1No g) Yes Hes ives. 3 Play the recording again, ving students time ta read the sentences fist. Check answers. Elicit from students why the characters say these lines Answers: a} M5) GW a0 eM NW Postlistaning 4 Read through the excuses with the class. Let them worl in pairs to think of another excuse. Then they can swap sheets with arother pair to answer the questions lit some of the new excuses ~ the class cn vote on thelr favourite, In pairs, students practise the situation, Cheose a few to act {heir situation in Front of the class 5 Will's Tshirt (pages 20-21) Listening aims: Listening for specific information ~ choosing the cores peture New vocabulary: horrible, changing room, charity shop, accessaries, earrings, bracelet, belt, vist bar, sunglasses, rings, necklace Predistening 1 Give students about four minutes to discuss in pas or simak groups what they would wear. Teach any new vocabulary. Listening 2 Give students time to reed the questions and lock at the pictures. Play the recording twice. Check answers. Answers: 1C 2A 38 6C 5A 68 Post-listening 3 Students work in pairs to find coven problems, ict answers ‘Answers: 2) The hat is tao ig, 8) The jacket too small, ¢) The chocolate is too expensive. d) The car is too old. €) The balloon is too high. f)The cats too ft. 9) The man is too tall, * 6 Vicki's Pet (pages 22.23) Listening aims: Listening for gist «ordering pictures 5 New vocabulary: hamster, tortoise, guinea pig stick insect, seed Pre-listening 1 Letstudents try to fll as much of the puzale a possible. Thay ‘an then use dictionaries to help them. Check answers. Discuss the mystery pet. Ask students if they have any strange pets Answers: 1rortoise 2 hamser 3 parrot 4 rabbit Sistick insect 6 kitten 7 puppy B goldfish 9 guinee pig The mystery pet is a tarantula, Listening 2 Give the students time to look at the pictures before listening to the recording, Answers 1¢ 2f 3a 4e 5b 6d Postistening 3 These embedded questions might be quite dificult for the students, You need to take them through the changes step bby step. Get them to ask you a question, saying J want (0 go to the bank but I fon’t know where itis. What shall ask? Elicit where isthe bank, please? Write it on the boord and discuss how questions are formed, Ask them to ary to ade Do you know to the beginning of the sentence. Write the correct forrn on the board and paint out the changes, Le Do you know where the bank is? Then get them to add |idon’t know to the beginning of the question in the same way ie. Idon't know where the bank’, Practise with the ‘examples in the exercise. These are only with the ver’ te be (or modals. You could extent this to using do /does did, ‘Anowers: a} don't know how you can drink only water. i} don't knew how you gan eat that disgusting food, «) | dan't know what time its.) Idon't know where Charlie ise) | don't know how much the news Linkin Park CD fs. 1 dar’ know ‘where Vicki was yesterday. I don’: kraw why Wil n't here, 1) | don't know what Vick’ favourite film i, 7 Travelling by train (page 24) Listening aims: Listening for spedtc information - completing sentences, ticking Yes/No, writing sentences in order ‘New vocabulary: conductor, ticket, pilot, seatbelt, dives, to take off, to get oto, ta and, platform, skateboarding, embarrassing Pre-listening 1 Explain hon a venn diagram works if mecesay, Give the students time to cornplete tia pats They can use Predtistening 1 Students can wvosk in pairs to complete the exercise, Check answers and elicit other facts from the students about ina Answers: Hf 2 3g 4b (formerly Bombay) Se Gd Te Listening 2 Read through the numbers and let students guess what they might refer to, Play the recording through once “Answers: 2) number of people living in Murai B}population number ef languages d} number of tigers 3 Students reed through the sentences before Hstening again. Answersia)F BIE OF dT eF NF QT Postistening 4 Monitor asthe students are working ensuring that they are Using the correct form ofthe comparative adjective. 15 What Shali We Do? {page 34) Listening aims: Listening for gist - choosing the correct answers; Listening for spetifc information ~ completing sentences ‘New vocabulary: ballet, rucby, yous, intine hockey, go-karting Pre-listening 1 students sit in groups of eight and each asks a question eg Do you hang out with your friends after schoo!? They indicate the ansivers on the questionnaire. Elicit sentences from each group about the different questions, €.g, Sir of us hang out with friends after school: two of us don't hang out with fiends after school. Listening 2 Give students two minutes to read through the table, Play ‘he recording through once. Check answers. Answers: 2a 3a 4a Sb; Jennifer wants to watch TV, 3 Play the recording again, Students work in pairs to complete the sentences ‘Answers: 2} Why don't you come b) Let's go. ¢) How about ‘going 0) Shall we go 4) Bo you want to go Postlistening 4 Elicit ways of suggesting from exercte 3, Eidt any other ways of suggesting eg What about going ..? Students take ‘tums to make suggestions and give excuses. Monitor as they ‘work. Correct any mistakes at the end, Choose a few groupe ‘0 perform their dialogue in front of the class. You could vote on the best excuses. 16 A Phone Call from Jamaica (pege 35) Gstening alms: Listening for gist ticking the corect picture; Ustering for specific information ~ completing sentences New vocabulary: bur, sunbathe, henejmeon, package holes activity holiday Prelstoning 1 Give students shout three minute 1 solve the anagrams. There is no picture forthe package naliday Explain any newr vocabulary. ‘Answers: a) cruise b) camping «) skling d} package 2)saling f)actvty g) walking hy honeymoon Listening 2 Check any new vocally by getting the students to describe whar they can se in te pictures, Play the recording once, Check answers Answers: 18-28 3A ENED 3 Pause the recording regularly so that students have time to complete the sentences. Answers: See Recording script. Postlistening 4 Let the students work in pairs. check the answers. Answers. Students should remove the reflexive pronoun from ‘the following sentences: a,b,c ¢, 1 47 Valentine's Day (pages 36.37) ning aims: Listening for specific information — matching questions, gap filing New vocabulary: waste money Prodistening 1 Discuss with sturients what they think of Valentine's Day Let ‘them fook at the pictures in small groups and report back to tie dass, Elict other suggestions for presents, Listening 2 Give students a minute ta read thraugh the questions before answering them, Check answers Answers: a) Kate b) Simon ¢} Simon d) Simon e} Kate f) Simon g) Simon h) Kate 3 Students can complete the dialogue with the question tags first an then listen to che Answers: Tdoesn'tit? Zant? Aid you? 4 do you? Sidwt you? 6 ere you? 4 This is pronunciation practice before they do the next ‘exercise, Check tht they are getting the intonation coves. Postilistening 5 Go through the exampte with the class. Stucents have to. complete the table before working with a partner. Monitor ‘nd listen to the intonation. 18 Guy Fawkes (pages 32:39) Listening aims: Listening for gist~reordeting pictures Listening for specific information = joining sentences New vocabulary: fireworks, Catholic, cellar, gunpowder, ‘warn relative, torture, errest, confess Presistening 1 Discuss with the dass when they go to see fireworks Do ‘they lke ther? Do they think they are a good way to help celebrate an occasion? Listening 2 Discuss the pictues before the students listen, teaching any pea wocabuley. Pay the recording twice if necessary Answers The correct order 2,53, 164 3 Students lisen again to find out Row they can join the Sentences Let them discus their answers in pais before checking asa dass. Answers: 1 Guy Fawkes wos a Catholic and he hated the King: 2 Guy Fawkes joined a group of men who wanted o kil the ting; 3 One of the men had 2 relative who often vted the Houses of Parliament; & He warned his relative about the plan and his relative warnes King lames; S Wier Guy Fares entered the cellar cn the night of November Sth the King's man were already there; 6 They wanted to krow the names of the otter men so they tortured Guy Fawkes unil he confessed. Posttistening 4 This similar exercise to the previous ore Ansners.3) who b)so and ¢) When) When who and h}so. 4 > 55 Students can work in pairs to match the questions and answers Answers: 19 2d 3a 4) Se Gh 7 Be 9% ‘The man who stopped the conspiracy was Lord Monteagle. He vwamed the King, 19 Holiday Plans (pages 40-41) Ustening aims: Listening for gist - matching Listening for pectic information identifying speakers, gap filing New vocabulary: curry, spicy soldiers, ar alley, canal, surfing, passport, embassy Prodistening 1 Let students olscussin pairs and then check answers. Lat students make some of their own puzzles up. Answers: b} Thailand China d) South africa.) tly f) Greece Listening 2 Students have to listen and write down who mentions wien place asa possible holiday destination. Play the recording once. Answers: Paul - India, Australia, England, Sally Ann~ America, Scotland, elon 3 Play the recording again and then check ensue, Students vite the remaining three conditional sentences, Answers:a)5 bIP OP dS. If his brother dees insite him, Paul will go to india ithe can't take a month off work, Paul wan't goto india. (the weather is nice, Slly Ann will goto Scarland or keland, Postlistening 4 Let students work in pairs to think of powible answers, Accept al correct answers. Possible answers: b) If am ill, will use my insurance and go ‘to see a doctor) If someone steals my meney. Isl report it 10 the police and borrow some from my cousin; &) IF we can't find a hotel to stay in, we'll sleep in the car; ef If our car breaks down, well take it to & garage; ff | iss my plane home, 7) get the next one. 5 Play the song through for the students end ask them if they like it - whydwhy not? Give out the sheet and ask them to ‘ry and complete the gaps. Fay it through again so they ean check thelr answers and complete any cemaining geps. Answers: 1) ends 2) relax 3)spend 4) catch 5) come Shtravel 7)sit 8 having 9) are 20 Global Warming (oage42) Listening alms: stening for specific information - listening for werds Listening for ast cking tue or fase Now vocabulary: recjel, comport heap, eco, itt, reighoourhood,clbal waning, temperature, enronment flooe ek, ie e3p,povticn, can Gioxice, rainforest, cut down Presistening 1 You may I to teach ome ofthe new vocab ist. Go ‘through the quest oanate with the rudents to make ure they undestand it and introduce the new vocabulary at the same time. They can then answer the cuesons and chedk ‘hele sores. Ect who isthe greenest the less. establish their reacton to this and whether they sink is important and why fay not

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