Innovative Pedagogy NVS

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Class 10


Comparison of natural indicators
Nature of the activity – group
Learning outcome
Students will be able to explore and identify different substances
that can be used as natural indicators
What we have to do?
Compare the difference in action of natural indicators
What do we require?
Purple cabbage, black grape skin, tripod stand, burner, filter
paper, dropper, lemon/ tamarind juice, vinegar, baking soda, soap
solution, test tubes
What do we need to know
pH indicators give different colours in different pH
How will you proceed?
Teachers activity :
Teacher will brief the experiment, form 8 groups and make
arrangements for required apparatus and chemicals
Students activity :
1. Crush purple cabbage
2. Add sufficient water to obtain solution
3. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes
4. Filter to a beaker using filter paper and funnel
5. Label the test tubes A, B, C, and D
6. Add 1ml of , lemon/ tamarind juice, vinegar, baking soda,
soap solution respectively to A, B, C, and D
7. Put 2-3 drops of cabbage extract to each test tube and
record your observations
8. Repeat the procedure using grape skin

What do we observe
Sample Color by purple Colour by black
cabbage grapes
Lemon/ tamarind
Baking soda
Soap solution

Class 10



pH of salt solutions
Nature of activity – group
Learning outcome
Students will be able to understand that pH of salts depends on
the strength of original acid and base from which they are formed
What we have to do?
To measure the pH of given salt using pH paper
What do we require?
Solutions of sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, aluminium
sulphate, pH paper, white tiles, dropper
What do we need to know?
pH of salt formed by strong acid and strong base is neutral
whereas strong acid and weak base salts are acidic in nature.
The salts of strong base and weak acids are basic in nature
How will you proceed?
Teachers activity :
Teacher will brief the experiment, form 8 groups and make
arrangements for required apparatus and chemicals
Students activity :
1. Clean the white tiles. Dry it
2. Place the strip of pH paper on it
3. Pour few drops of sodium chloride solution
4. Observe and compare the colour change in pH paper with
that of standard pH chart
5. Record your observation
6. Repeat the same procedures with other samples
7. Record your observations
What do we observe?
Sample solution Colour of pH paper Nature of solution
Sodium chloride
Sodium carbonate

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