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Nowadays in this society, there are people who think that owning a car is such a dumb idea

because that is why public transportation was invented. Meanwhile, there are others who support
the idea of having a private way of transportation. I totally agree with the idea of owning a car in
order to get to work or just for having that “privacy” a bus cannot get you. Also in this reality that
we are living in, a private car can prevent all kind of infections that can enter your body because
you are there by yourself.

First of all everybody loves privacy, and it is clearly for everyone to see that a bus, the train or a
taxi does not offer you that privacy you can feel on your car. One of the main reasons I emphasize
on this privacy is because, in a bus for example there is a lot of people in there who you do not
know. And most of the times are people with good intentions but you never know, also those
means of transportation have their own routes so most of the times you will never arrive on time
to your appointments. Or maybe you will have to walk because that bus does not take you to the
exact location you need. As somebody that uses the train (Metro), I can guarantee you that you
will always are going to travel having that concern that somebody is going to rob you. Meanwhile,
when I drive my parent’s car I feel really safe and I will always arrive anywhere on time.

Second of all, due to this pandemic and the way it spreads is actually dangerous sharing the same
transportation with a lot of people that you do not know. As we all know COVID spreads basically
by not wearing your mask and coughing or sneezing without covering yourself and in Medellin
people does not follow the basic rules in order to avoid getting ill so it is really hazardous going on
this kind of transportation because you can take care of yourself but if the ones around you don’t,
it doesn’t make sense. For example my aunt goes to her job by Metro and she has been really
paranoid with this pandemic and she is the type of people who disinfects everything as it should
be, but one day she was on a wagon and one person was coughing and later that day she started
feeling symptoms. She took the test and it was positive so is really sad to hear this story because it
shows that in Medellin the pandemic is not going to be over because people are not showing
concern on this.

To sum up, having your own car can help to acquire that privacy you have ever dreamed of, and
also it could help you get to places faster and avoid the chance of getting infected by covid. The
only thing we should do is learning how to have cars without contaminating the environment.

By Santiago Gutiérrez Álvarez 11E

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