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Next week is my birthday, I wish you give me a yellow watch

2. 前几天的电话是儿子接的,你去问问他吧

Telepon beberapa hari lalu anak laki”nya yg mengangkat, kamu tanyalah pada dia

3. 你是什么时候开始学汉语?

When did you start learning mandarin?

4. 我二十分钟前已经到了, 你能不能快点来?

I already arrived 20mins ago, can you arrive faster?

5. 朋友给我介绍一个医生,我明天要去见他

My friend introduced me a doctor, tmr I will go to see him

6. 你的工作是谁帮你介绍的?

Who help you introduced/got the job?

7. 你多长时间没去看电视?

How long have you not been watching movie TV?

8. 明天我还有事情要做,我先回去准备准备

Tomorrow I have a thing to take care/urusan yang harus dikerjakan, I will go back first

and prepare

9. 我就(utk meyakinkan)喜欢这件绿颜色的衣服

I like this green clothes

10.你的意思 a lot of meaning 是我们要早点去机场吗? MEI YI SI

You meant we have to go to airport earlier?

Go to bed when you are tired, no need/don’t (to) go play ball


A glass of coffee is acceptable/lumayan, but today I alrd drank 3 cups of it.


Urusan dalam rumah dia, bgmn bs km tau bgtu banyak?

Bagaimana kamu tau ada begitu banyak barang di rumah nya?


Everyday you do the sport, do you still have time to study huh?

15.衣服先不要=别洗了,外面天天下雨 》setiap potong baju=仟仟衣服

Baju nya yg dulu belum dicuci JANGAN MENCUCI BAJU DULU, tiap hari di luar hujan

16. 我在去商店的路 lu4 上看到你的男朋友在跑步

ketika aku di perjalanan ke toko, didepan jalannya aku melihat pacar mu sedang


17.这里离 li2=from 机场有点远 yuan3,我开车送你吧 song bisa memberi (present)

bisa uga mengantar. Kalau menjemput: jie 接

From here, airport isn’t that far, I will mengantarmu

18.你看现在几点?时间不早了,我们回去休息 xiuxi WOY 吧

Do you see what time is it? It’s not early, we will take a rest.

19.你准备在哪里上大学? Zhunbei=ready or rencana

Are you ready for this afternoon class? Apa kamu berencana kuliah dimana?


Jalan pelan”, di jalan banyak air


Kamu dalam 2 jam apakah bisa sampai disana?

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