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Gapas, Daniel John L.

| BSA 2D

Principles of Organization and Management

1. Discuss the role of Job Analysis in Human resource planning.

The role of job analysis in Human Resource is to collect information about a job by identifying
the duties, tasks, responsibilities and activities of that job. By performing job analysis, this will
help the Human Resource in identifying the job position that they really need and are looking
for. The information collected will then aid the preparation of the job description which will
identify the specific duties and responsibilities of the person in that job.

2. Why would job description/specification be useful in Human resource activities such as :

a. recruitment
Job descriptions are helpful in identifying particular skills or abilities that are necessary for a
position or the environmental pressures that apply to the position. A good job description
tells the applicant what the position may involve or require.

b. Selection
The preparation of job descriptions are also helpful in the selection of people who are fit for
the job because it states the duties and responsibilities that a person should have which acts
as a guide in the selection on whoever is really qualified for that job.

c. Performance appraisal
Job descriptions are also important for performance appraisal as it also acts as a basis
whether the person selected for that job position is being able to properly perform his/her
duties and responsibilities. It helps in evaluating the employee’s performance and also
describes the expectation of the organization on the employees.

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