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Introduction to Genetic Algorithms

Joachim Stender,
Brainware GmbH, Berlin, Brainware Ltd., London

Genetic Algorithms in general, and Parallel Genetic Algorithms in particular, are of

major significance to the development of the new generation of IT applications. The
potential which Parallel Genetic Algorithms offer over existing Information Processing
techniques is enormous. Genetic Algorithms are ideally suited to the processing,
classiication and control of very-large and varied data.

There are a growing number of programming systems for implementation of genetic

algorithms. They can be grouped in three major classes: qplication-oriented,
algorithm-orienfed and general programming Vstems.

Application-oriented systems are designed for use by business professionals who

wish to utilize genetic algorithms in specific applications domains without having to
acquire detailed knowledge of the workings of genetic algorithms.

Algorithm-oriented systems support specific genetic algorithm models. This class can
be split into two sub-classes: Algorifhm-specijic ystems and Algorithm libraries.
Algorithm-specflc systems embody a single common genetic algorithm, such as
Genetic Edge Recombination used to solve the traveling salesman problem. In general
they come in source code and allow the expert user to tailor them to his specific
requirements. Once modified according to user algorithms this open programming
system is compiled and tums into an algorithm-specific system. The systems available
in this category include: GENESIS, GAGA and OOGA Algorithm librarres support
many models coded in a common language like "C".

The third class, general programming systems, comprises many algorithms and
programming tools that can be used for a wide range of new algorithms and
applications. These programming systems subdivide into two sub-classes: Shells and
Toolkits. Shells are "black box" programming systems that hide the details of genetic
algorithm implementations from the GA-novice user. Most often shells present limited
flexibility and portability. Toolkits are general-purpose programming systems where
the GA-expert user can modify any part of them. These systems should include
features such as a sophisticated graphic interface; a parameterized algorithm library, a
high level language allowing the programmer to modify or program any algorithm or
application; and translators to various workstations and parallel computers.
Unfortunately, even the most sophisticated package today falling in this category,
SPLICER [I], lacks an interactive monitor to trace the execution phase, a high level
language and the support for parallel execution, features necessary for it to be
considered a full general-purpose programming system.

In practice the application of GAS to real world problems calls fior many additional
capabilities and for firther criteria to be considered in the algorithm

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The evaluation of the fitness function can be complex, for example involving
consideration of

- ihe number ofgenes required to achieve a given level ofperformance;

- both multiple case andpor5folio level objectives:
- measurement of fitness over selected ranges or ihe por?folio or in terms of
improvementscompared to a given performance level.

Moreover, gene representation and its interpretation may be complex, for example:

- requiring a mixiure of gene iypes, for example, genes to represent numbers,

functions or variables;
- requiring the assembly of arithmetic equations:

The dependent variable may vary from simple binary variable to complex multi-state
and continuous variables.

It will be necessary to extend and adapt Parallel Genetic Algorithms to facilitate these
real world requirements, for example by the development of

a memov (as mentioned in severalplaces) io avoid to repetitive evaluation of

the same gene:
confrguable gene representations and decodingfacilities:
configurable genetic operators (cross-over, muiation, gene addition, gene
deletion, inversion):
configurable hill climbing strategies;
configurable business and statistical evaluaiionfacilities:
configurable breeding strategies;
configurable gene replacement strategies:
gene pool monitoringfacilities:
genetic operator efficiency monitors:
confisrable &a maskingfacilities.

The PAPAGENA Project Proposal is aimed at demonstrating applications and

developing a programming environment for Parallel Genetic Algorithms. The
applications will underscore the usefulness of Genetic Algorithms in European
industry, while the programming environment is motivated by the desire to establish a
European stanahrd.

This environment, called GAME (GenericAlgorithm Manipulation Environment), will

provide a general-purpose toolkit for the programming and simulation of a wide range
of Genetic Algorithm applications. It will comprise a library of common Genetic
Algorithms and a powerful graphic interface. In addition, the project will exploit the
intrinsic parallelism of Genetic Algorithms and develop a compiling and mapping
system targeted at European high-performance supercomputers, specifically
transputer-based systems, and future architectures to be provided by the O M -
Initiative supported by ESPRIT.

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The application areas to be targeted at a demonstrator level will span three important

- Protein Folding;
- Applications in Engmeering;
- Financial and Economic Modelling.

These three applications have been chosen because they meet the above requirements
and have the properties which allow parallel genetic algorithms to demonstrate their

The aim of this application is to develop a method for the "ab initio" calculation of
optimal protein conformations. This is to be attained by combining "force field" energy
calculations, based on semi-empirical parameters, with Parallel Genetic Algorithms as
the means for providing a "quasi-optimal" search technique. The workpackage will
create, as a demonstrator, the application of the method on the ab inifio calculation of
energetically optimal conformations of polypeptides.

Conventional methods for the calculation of protein conformations have to rely on the
existence of a good approximate solution. This, for example, could be achieved by
using experimental techniques such as X-ray cristallography. Given a case where only
the primary structure o f a protein is known, the techniques currently used do not
provide a sufficient degree of accuracy in the prediction of tertiary structures. The
most crucial limitation of all conventional methods is based on the employed search
strategy. Parallel Genetic Algorithms allow a major improvement here by supplying the
means for a far more effective search in the realm of all possible solutions. Given a
method which allows a sufficiently "good" calculation of energetically "quasi-optimal"
protein tertiary structures to be carried out within a few hours instead of weeks or
even months, a scientific and commercial breakthrough in protein engineering and
protein design would follow as a logical consequence. This would mean, for example,
that proteins could be designed to meet well-defined ecological and medical

The aim of the work on financial and economic modelling is to develop PGA-based
application support models for optimizing economic and financial models. Two
demonstrators will be developed: one for credii marketing and risk management and
one for predicting industrial area clusiering in East Germany.

Current decision tools for the marketing and management of credit leave considerable
scope for valuable improvement. Within the demonstrator application on credit
marketing it will be necessary to:
- identifv andprovide the exiensions of the GAME environmenf required by this
- investigate and design meihohfor continuous adaptive optimization;
- implement and evaluate successive demomirators of ihe application sysiem.

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The second demonstrator application within this area will create an economic model
for Zocutionul clustering in Brandenburg (East Germany). The system will identify
prime locations and therefore support decision making processes in economic policy
provisions as well as in corporative local industrial invests.

NASA Johnam Spa= Center. SPLICER- A Genellc Tool fOr Search and Optlmizatlon, In Genetic Algortthm Dlgest

0 1994 The lnstllutlon of Electrical Engineers

Printed and publlshed by the IEE, Savoy Place, London WCZR OBL, UK


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