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Chapter 6 Fate

1- What was Svidrigailoff’s advice to Raskolnikoff?

He advised him to have some fresh air.
2- why did Porphyrius go to Raskolnikoff?
He told Raskolnikoff that he suspected him of the murder of Alena Ivanovna and her
sister because of his behaviour at the police station and because latr he visited the scene
of the crime.
3- What was Svidrigailoff’s advice to Raskolnikoff ?
He advised him to confess and told him that he would explain to the judges that illness
and poverty led him to murder and as a result he would have a shorter punishment
4- What did svidrigailoff tell Raskolnikoff about his new wife ?What was Raskolnikoff’s
He told him that she was only sixteen he found that teenager very fresh and charming
very willing to please him. Raskolnikoff was surprised that svidrigailoff could seriously
think of marrying a child of sixteen.
5- How did svdrigailoff try to blackmail Dounia?
He told her that he could tell her Rodion’s secret only on one condition to go with him
to his lodgings and to be alone with each other. The only thing he wanted was to make
her love him.
6- How did Svidrigailoff meet his end?
As Dounia refused him and was going to kill him , he committed suicide by shooting his
7- What did Dounia and Razoumikhin decide to do?
Razoumikhin was full of plans for the future for him and Dounia; they would soon be
married and were considering the idea of moving to Siberia in a few years to be nearer to
Rskolnikoff during his eight of hard labour.
8- How was Raskolnikoff saved?
He was sent to jail in Siberia to have his punishment of eight years of hard labour. Soia
helped him and supported him during his stay in prison.
12-How do these people show their love for Rodion ?

She could borrow against her pension and sent him some money to help him.
In St. Petersburg she was very worried about him and whenthey met and she told him
that she had
read his article in the journal and that she was very proud of him.

He used to help Rodion find a job as he knew that his friend was in need of money.
He didn't leave him alone while he was suffering from a high fever. He brought a doctor
to examine his friend.
He didn't believe that Rodion could kill the moneylender or steal her money.
He agreed without hesitation to look after Rodion's family.

She was ready to sacrifice herself to help her brother. That's why she accepted to marry
Peter Petrovitch.
She got angry when Peter Petrovitch accused her brother of having a relationship with a
prostitute and so she dismissed Petrovitch.
She didn't believe Svidrigailoff when he told her that it was Rodion who killed the

When Rodion confessed everything to Sonia, she showed him great sympathy and
advised him to give himself up to the police not to live with that burden for a lifetime.
She used to visit him in jail. She spent some money to persuade the authorities at the
prison to lighten Rodion's work load and to provide him with a healthier food.

13-Who gives Rodion this advice ?

A-"Consider escaping to America as soon as possible."

Svidrigailoff advised Rodion to escape to the USA saying that he could pay for that trip.

Svidrigailoff pretended totry to help Rodion but in fact he wanted to regain his relation
with Dounia.
B-“I recommend that you go to the police and confess to the murders."
Porphyrius Petrovitch advised Rodion to do that. He told Rodion that although he had
no evidence against him, he was sure that he was the murderer so he asked him to
confess to the murders and to put an end to that silly story.

C-“Your confession will wash away half your crime."

Dounia said that to Rodion. Svidrigailoff told her that he had heard Rodion confess to
the murders to Sonia. So she went to her brother to support and to encourage him
saying that she would be always beside him.

D-“Sit down. Drink some water."

The police officer said that to Rodion. Rodion went to the police station to confess to the
murders as Sonia told him. he looked worried and confused so the officer offered him
some water to drink.

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