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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

MODULE 1: Materials and Wort

UNIT 1.8: Mashing and Wort Separation

SECTION 1.8.1: The Enzymatic Processes

ABSTRACT: In this unit we will introduce the various aspects of mashing in

the brewery and in particular the biochemical processes involved, how these
interact with the hardware in the brewhouse and regimes that can be
employed to create distinctly different beers.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: On completion and comprehension of this unit you

will be able to:

1. Describe and understand the various biochemical and physical reactions

involved in mashing in particular the enzymes present in wort and their
action on proteins, starch and other extract components.
2. Explain and describe the various techniques and mashing regimes
employed during traditional wort production.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the factors that affect mash tun
extraction and wort composition.

PREREQUISITE UNDERSTANDING: Basic biochemistry, especially enzyme


© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

1.8 Mashing and Wort Separation _________________________ 3

1.8.1 The Enzymatic Processes _________________________ 3 Introduction ___________________________________ 3 Mashing Overview _____________________________ 3 Mashing Biochemistry __________________________ 7
(a) Starch ________________________________________ 8 Malt Enzymes _________________________________ 9
(a) β-amylase _____________________________________ 9
(b) α-Amylase ____________________________________ 12
(c) Other Enzymes ________________________________ 13 Critical Mashing Factors ________________________ 14
(a) Temperature Influences Mashing __________________ 14
(b) Mash Thickness (Grist to Liquor ratio) ______________ 20
(c) Strike Temperature and Mash Thickness ____________ 21
(d) Mashing and pH _______________________________ 22
(e) Extract Composition ____________________________ 23
Self-Assessment Questions ___________________________ 25
Self-Assessment Answers ____________________________ 28

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1


We have reached a critical process point in the production of the beer. The
next step is to convert the malted barley into a nutritional extract essential for
fermentation performance and optimum beer quality. Is this step important?
Surely the maltster has done all the hard work providing the malt in a ready
state for brewing? Can’t we now simply add water, hops and yeast?
Unfortunately not!

The purpose of mashing is to extract the soluble sugars, dextrins and

inorganic substances from the malt grains in addition to converting the
insoluble material (starch and protein) to a fermentable form. The extract
quality of a mash, like any biochemical reaction, is influenced by
environmental conditions. These conditions include temperature, pH, mash
thickness, enzyme content, and substrate composition. MASHING OVERVIEW

In essence the mashing regime is a continuation of the malting process.
Kilning halts the modification of the malt by stopping vegetative growth and
preserving maximal extract fermentation.

The brewer must manipulate the final stages of malt modification by removing
the starch, sugars, proteins and the hydrolysing enzymes from the grain. The
grist is hydrated and the temperature increased. This starts the enzymatic
reactions that lead to production of the fermentable wort.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

Firstly, the milled grist is mixed with the brewing liquor as it enters the mash
tun. Effectively mashing starts the moment the grist and hot liquor meet.

Grist Case

Hot Liquor
Slide Valves



Figure 1. A schematic diagram of a contemporary Steel’s

masher. (Adapted with kind permission from Malting and
Brewing Science Vol.1)

New design vortex type pre-mashers allow the dry grist to pass through the
centre of the device as water is injected. This forms a water shield that
contains the malt dust and pre-wets the raw material. One of the greatest
advantages of this device is the protection provided by the mashing liquor,
against dissolved oxygen uptake. This minimises the effects of oxidation on
the hot mash – an extremely important factor during processing.

The mash tun is pre-filled with hot liquor prior to mashing in. This liquor is
most commonly referred to as foundation liquor. Foundation liquor is also
used in cereal cookers. This serves several purposes:

 It pre-heats and maintains mash tun temperature.

 Prevents blockage of the tun filter plates (if present).
 Minimises any oxidation of the mash.
 It prevents excessive damage to the husk as it hits the base of the tun.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1


Slide valve Sprayball hot

Hot Liquor liquor


Figure 2. A schematic diagram of a modern vortex mixer.

(Courtesy Briggs of Burton).

The mash is usually stirred throughout the duration of the mash regime. The
exception being the traditional British infusion mash – this is not stirred as the
mash tun is used as the separation vessel (i.e. as a combined mash and
lauter tun).

Why is necessary to agitate the mash? As the grist particles hydrate they
swell and the heat forces gelatinisation of the starch. This uncoiling of the
starch structure gives the mash a very viscous consistency. If the mash is not
agitated, because of its viscous nature, it would stick and potentially burn on
to the sides of the vessel. If agitation of the mash is too severe there is a risk
of imparting shear stresses upon the mash. Most importantly there is a
possibility of shearing and extracting β-glucans from the malt, as well as very
fine cereal particles that can hinder wort separation and extract recovery – not
to mention beer stability.

Mash agitation has the benefit of evenly distributing the enzymes and
substrate. It is essential to have good mixing of the mash to provide

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

maximum enzyme substrate contact. Without this the extract recovery can be
impaired – this has an effect on wort fermentability.

If using solid cereal adjuncts to brew, it is likely that the brewhouse will
incorporate a cereal cooker. You should recall that not all cereal starches
gelatinise at the same temperature. Barley starch gelatinises at around 61 –
62°C, whereas rice and maize starch gelatinise at temperatures between 70 –
80°C. If the adjuncts are not pre-gelatinised they must be cooked in a
separate vessel before addition to the main mash. Remember, when cooking
cereal part of the malt (or exogenous enzymes) needs to be added to the
cereal cooker to help the enzymatic degradation of the adjunct starch.

Once the mashing regime is complete and the starch has been converted into
extract the unhopped wort needs to be separated from the cereal mass. The
mash (unless using an Infusion system) is then transferred to the lauter tun
or mash filter. Both systems are, in essence, filters.

The lauter tun is effectively a big filter. The vessel has a false bottom, which
is a slatted floor plate that creates a sieve through which the wort is run-off.
The cereal mass or spent grains are trapped for removal. When preparing
the lauter tun (as with the mash tun) the bottom of the vessel is layered with
hot liquor. This can be referred to as underlet or foundation liquor.

The underlet helps maintain the lauter tun temperature and prevent excessive
husk damage when filling. Underletting is also a practical measure to raise
the temperature of the mash for reasons discussed later. Importantly this
liquor layer, which levels above the false floor, stops the slots in the plate
becoming blocked by the mash and stopping wort separation. Floating the
bed of mash above the false bottom throughout the filtration cycle means that
the required volume and rate of wort run-off from the lauter tun is maintained.

Prior to first worts collection a volume of wort is recycled through the lauter
tun. This vorlauf, as it is called, ensures that the wort is bright before
collection to the copper(s). Remember the cereal bed acts as a filter to clarify
the wort. As the wort is drawn off, the pressure differential above the bed and
below the false bottom increases. This results in dragging the bed down, and
compacting it. To overcome this the brewer can use two corrective measures.
They can either insert a second underlet to re-float the bed, and or they use
rakes to separate the bed.

The final stage of lautering is sparging. After the majority of the strong worts
have been collected, it is essential to recover the residual extract trapped
within the grain particles. Spraying or sparging the bed with hot liquor to
purge out the remaining sugars achieves this. The spent grains are removed
from the tun. In some instances this material may be used to produce animal
feeds, hence recovering some of the raw material costs.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

With a Mash Filter, the final stage is to squeeze the filter bed, by pneumatic
pressure, to extract the remaining worts.

Having taken a quick run through the mashing and wort separation techniques
encountered in the brewhouse, let us now return to the start and look at the
process in depth. MASHING BIOCHEMISTRY

So, what is happening to the malt extract during mashing? The principle
changes that occur are as follows:

 Soluble sugars and proteins are leached from the grist particles.

 Enzymatic degradation of some of the insoluble grist substances.

 Enzyme denaturation and inactivation.

 Chemical interaction of wort constituents.

 A decrease in wort pH principally due to the presence and

interaction of Ca2+ ions.

The most significant issue relating to the extract for the brewer is the enzyme
activity – especially the starch degrading enzymes. However, of equal
importance are the enzymes responsible for the degradation of β-glucans
(and associated gums), pentosans and proteins and polypeptides.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

(a) Starch
The starch granules comminuted from the malt make up the greatest portion
of the extract. This cereal starch is in granular form with two forms:

 Amylopectin (70-80%)
 Amylose (20-30%)

To recap, amylose is a straight chain polymer of glucose residues connected

via α-(1,4) linkages, comprising one reducing terminus and one non-reducing
terminus, as shown below.


C1 C4 n

Figure 3. The molecular structure of amylose showing the non-

reducing terminus (A), and the reducing terminus (B).

Amylopectin is similar in structure to amylose with the difference that the

amylopectin molecule is highly branched, at the α-(1,6) linkage. On average
the branch points occur every 27 glucose residues, giving a highly branched
molecule known as a ramified tree structure that gives an extremely large
molecular weight.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

C6 C1


Figure 4. A section of the amylopectin molecule showing the α-

(1,4) linked chains and the α-(1,6) branch points.

Due the nature of this structure and its extensive branching, the amylopectin
molecule has only one reducing terminus. Each branch point however, ends
in a non-reducing terminus MALT ENZYMES

The two enzymes responsible for starch hydrolysis are the α- and β-
amylases. They liquefy (α-amylase) and saccharify (β-amylase) the starch.

(a) β -amylase
β-Amylase is an exo-enzyme – that acts in an ordered fashion, i.e. it degrades
starch from the terminal glucose residue in the chain (i.e. the non-reducing
termini). The enzyme sequentially hydrolyses the starch molecules, releasing
glucose from this point along the chain.

β-Amylase attacks amylose and amylopectin at every second glucose

residue, which results in the production of maltose (hence the title the

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

saccharifying enzyme). Due to its great affinity for large molecules, β-

amylase is able to repeat this cleaving action with great speed, and is thought
to make several hits on one molecular polymer before switching to another
amylose or amylopectin chain.
β-Amylase is optimally active under such conditions – as it has reduced
affinity for smaller molecules and α-amylase degrades these molecules at a
reduced rate of degradation.

Due to its mode of action, β-amylase is capable (given sufficient time and
optimal conditions) of converting amylose entirely to maltose units. However,
when β-amylase is near α-(1,6) linkages (as found in amylopectin) the
enzyme stops cleaving the molecule. Only
10-15% of amylopectin is released as maltose by β-amylase in the absence of
α-amylase. The polymers left are therefore known as
limit dextrins. When we consider that amylopectin, constitutes
75-80% of total barley/ malt starch there would be a considerable problem for
the brewer if α-amylase were not also present.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

Non-reducing end

Reducing end

α(1,6) link α(1,4) link

Represents the limit of β-amylase action producing

β-limit dextrins.

Figure 5. A diagrammatic representation of the ramified tree

structure of amylopectin and the action of α- and β-amylase upon
it. 1α represents the random cleavage action of α-amylase. 2β
represents the ordered action of β-amylase cleaving at terminal
non-reducing ends in particular those created by the action of α-

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

(b) α-Amylase
α-Amylase is as an endo-enzyme that degrades starch from within the
molecule. Like β-amylase, however, α-amylase only cleaves
α-(1,4) linkages – but in a random fashion. This means that any
α-(1,4) link is open to attack, except those next to a α-(1,6) linkage.

The ability of α-amylase to produce significant proportions of fermentable

sugars (glucose, maltose and maltotriose) is restricted to attack on small
dextrinous molecules. These small polysaccharides increase in concentration
towards the end of mashing – however at this point in the process favorable
conditions for enzymatic activity are decreasing. This means the influence α-
amylase has on wort fermentability at this point is debatable.

α-Amylase opens up the large starch molecules advancing

β-amylase degradation especially on amylopectin. At every α-(1,4) link
hydrolysed by α-amylase, a new non-reducing terminus is produced assisting
β-amylase attack. α-Amylase can cause an extremely rapid decrease in
molecular size of the starch polymer, dramatically decreasing the viscosity of
the starch solution. It is because of this that α-amylase is known as the
liquefying enzyme.

But we have discussed that β-amylase has a higher affinity for attacking large
molecules. The argument therefore suggests that with excessive quantities of
α-amylase, wort fermentability can be detrimentally reduced.

KEYPOINT: After the starch gelatinisation temperature has been

exceeded and the starch structure uncoiled, α-amylase quickly reduces
the polymer size (liquefying the starch) and
β-amylase chops the polysaccharides into single maltose units
(saccharifying the starch).

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

Non-reducing end

Reducing end

α(1,4) link


Figure 6. A diagrammatic representation of the amylose polymer and its degradation by α- & β-
amylase. 1α represents the random cleavage action of α-amylase. 2β represents the ordered action of β-
amylase cleaving at terminal non-reducing ends.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

(c) Other Enzymes

During kilning of the malt the full complement of endosperm
modifying enzymes are reduced due to the extreme temperatures of
the kiln. As a result the brewer has limited opportunity to adjust and
compensate for the modification of malt in the brewhouse during

The hydrolysis of proteins is a prime example. At the end of mashing

approximately 95% of the malt starch has been converted but only
about 35-40% of the total protein is solubilised. Why is this?

The enzymes responsible for the initial degradation of malt protein

are the proteases. It is these proteases that degrade the proteins
into smaller polypeptides. However, these enzymes are deactivated
at temperatures >70°C, and therefore the heat labile proteases are
destroyed during kilning. This means that most proteolysis must
occur during malting and not mashing – insufficient protease
concentrations survive through to the mash to cause little if any
proteolysis during mashing.

In contrast the carboxypeptidases, (exo-petidases) are sufficiently

heat stable to survive kilning in substantial concentrations and so can
raise FAN levels of the wort. Remember the carboxypeptidases are
enzymes that cleave individual amino acids from the carboxyl termini
of peptides and polypeptides. It should be noted that excessive
carboxypeptidase action could be detrimental! Is it possible to have
surplus FAN? You may think that the yeast should simply mop up
any extra? Not true, high concentrations of residual FAN (and other
nutrients) can encourage and support the growth of spoilage
organisms, especially in unstabilised beers.

The second point to note is that the carboxypeptidases are involved

in the degradation of non-starchy polysaccharides (hemicelluloses
and gums) releasing them from the endosperm cell wall during
malting. The point here is that during malting there are β-glucanases
present (endo-β-glucanases) that will hydrolyze these β-glucans.
However, β-glucanases are heat labile and do not survive kilning and
are not found in insufficient quantities in the mash to degrade any β-
glucan released by the carboxypetidases. This can result in
extremely viscous worts giving poor extract recovery, sticky spent
grains and cloudy, physically unstable worts and beers.

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1 CRITICAL M ASHING FACTORS

The aim of mashing is to convert as much of the starch and protein
into the fermentable extract that the yeast will ferment. The malt
enzymes will help do this. Some consider the amylases the most
important enzymes due to the fact they provide the sugars for
fermentation. But without the carboxypeptidases, proteases and
glucanases how would the amylases gain access to the starch? The
answer lies in this harmonious collection of the malt enzymes, and
the brewer should be aware of this. But like any biochemical reaction
the environment in which the reactions occur is crucial in producing
the desired result. Looking at Table 1 you can see why this is not as
easy as it sounds.

(a) Temperature Influences Mashing

In general an increase in mash temperature will increase:

 Speed of enzyme activity.

 The rate of enzyme inactivation.
 The rate of starch gelatinisation, hydrolysis and dissolution.
 Mash homogeneity.
 Diffusion of substances throughout the mash.

Yet it can:

 Reduce wort fermentability

 Reduce extract yield.

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

Table 1. Optimum conditions and inactivation temperatures for

various enzymes during mashing.

pH Temperature Inactivation
Malt Enzymes
Optimum Optimum (°C) Temperature (°C)
α-amylase 5.3 –5.8 70 – 75 75 – 80
β-amylase 5.4 –5.6 63 – 65 68 – 70
Limit dextrinase 5.0 – 5.5 55 – 60 65
α-glucosidase 4.5 - -
β-glucan solubilase 6.35 60 73
Barley β-glucanase 4.7 – 5.0 40 63
Proteases 4.5 – 6.0 45 – 50 70
Carboxypeptidases 5.0 50 >70
Typical values for Commercial enzyme preparations
Bacterial β-amylase 6.5 85 -
Fungal β-glucanase 4.5 80 -
Bacterial proteinase 6.5 57 -
(Courtesy of Dr. T. Wainwright, Basic Brewing Science)

The following mash principles are based on a typical mash infusion


The rate of most chemical reactions will increase with a rise in

temperature. However, enzymes are inactivated with increasing
temperatures and they have an optimum temperature at which they
function. An elevated mash temperature may favour optimal activity
for one enzyme – but this temperature may be detrimental to another
(i.e. denatures it). The net result is an overall decreased enzymatic
activity in the mash.

This enzyme characteristic fundamentally controls the mashing

operation. Other enzyme responses are influenced by changes in
pH, enzyme: substrate ratios, malt modification, and mash thickness
(grist to liquor ratio). Of course it is wise to remember that optimal
conditions are not constant and deviate with the typical variables
inherent to brewing.

These variable conditions are briefly described below:

 Barley variety.
 Malt type/ modification/ diastatic power.
 Husk form and quantity.

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

Physical Processes
 Mill type and operation.
 Isothermal versus temperature programmed mash.
 Liquor quality and composition.
 Mash duration and temperature.

The most important enzymes are the amylases. They convert the
remaining unmodified starch granules in the mash into fermentable
sugars. Fundamentally, however, the two amylases have distinct
temperature optima:

Enzyme Optimal Inactivation

Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
α-Amylase 70 – 75 75 – 80
β-amylase 63 – 65 68 – 70

You can see that in any mash β-amylase activity declines prior to
α-amylase action. From this statement then, should we infer that any
alteration in mashing method, in particular mash temperature,
thickness and dilution, would show up as a change in wort
fermentability? The answer is most certainly yes!

The fermentability of wort is affected by mash temperature, and this

effect becomes exaggerated when β-amylase concentrations and or
the β-amylase: α-amylase ratio is low. Figure 7 illustrates the effect
of inactivation temperatures on enzyme action in the mash – but only
at levels that degrade β-amylase and have little or no effect on

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

α : β RATIO

Wort ferment ability






63°C 65°C 67°C

Mash Temperature

Figure 7. A graph showing the inter-related effect on

wort fermentability of both temperature and the α: β
amylase ratio.

If low mashing temperatures were used, the extract yield would be

drastically reduced whilst the fermentability of this diminished extract
would be high. Can you work out why? The low temperatures are
restricting α-amylase activity yet promoting β-amylase action:

 Reduced α-amylase activity (liquefaction)

= diminished extract yield.

 Increased β-amylase action (saccharification)

= proportionally enhanced fermentable sugar

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1


Extract / Fermentability (%)


Low High
Mash Temperature

Figure 8. A graph showing the effect of rising mash

temperatures on the extract yield and the fermentability of
the extract. We can observe the narrow range or “brewers
window” when a critical temperature range provides
maximum extract yield with favourable fermentability. At
temperatures below this brewers window then extract yield
declines, due to incomplete starch dissolution. At
temperatures above the optimal range extract yield declines
a little, whilst wort fermentability is significantly reduced due
to the degradation of β-amylase.

In dealing with the last two points, regarding enzyme ratios and mash
temperature, we have highlighted the importance of mashing
temperature on the quality of wort produced. Remember that wort is
the base of the beer and its condition dictates the final product
characteristics. We must therefore take great care to control the
mash temperature.

We have discovered that with infusion techniques the wort has high
fermentability at the lowest temperature at which maximum extract
yield is achieved. Fermentability declines as temperatures are
increased. In terms of final beer quality, reduced fermentability
means a reduced alcoholic strength. A high residual dextrin content
in beer will leave the product predisposed to increased microbial
spoilage. Of course the reverse is also true, higher fermentability

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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

gives a more alcoholic beer, perhaps with less body, and a thinner
taste but with reduced sweetness and enhanced biological stability.

Firstly, why should the level of malt modification define the

temperature range at which we can mash? Contemplate two very
distinct malt types in use around the world.

 The classic British ale malt (well to over modified)

 The traditional American lager malt (relatively under -


The degree of malt modification affects the rate of starch dissolution.

With the traditional, well-modified British ale malt, a good proportion
of the endosperm has been degraded during malting. This permits
the brewer to mash at a relatively low temperature while maintaining
extract yield and hence maximise fermentability. With the American
lager malt, which is typically less well modified, the brewer must
mash at significantly higher temperatures to gain adequate extract

How does this relate to enzyme concentrations, i.e. the diastatic

power of the malt? The British ale malt is well modified, starch
extraction during mashing is easier at the lower temperatures. The
higher temperatures necessitated by the American lager malt
however, mean that the enzyme concentrations have to be higher to
compensate for the enzyme inactivation that occurs at the higher
mashing temperature.

Let us also consider the influence mash dilution through adjunct use
has on enzyme activity. If we were to brew with an all malt mash,
under optimal conditions we would gain maximal extract and
fermentability. Then maize is introduced at 30% (w/v). What would
happen? Maximal extract yield would still occur providing we had
pre-gelatinised the adjunct in a cereal cooker. However, a reduction
in the percentage fermentability of this extract would be experienced.
Why? In a practical sense the amount of starch present is
maintained but the total enzyme concentration is reduced (the maize
adjunct provides very little if any amylase, which is almost certainly
degraded during the pre-gelatinisation step).

So it would seem that it is not as simple as choosing malt and a

temperature to mash at. We must match the modification, grist
composition and diastatic power of the malt to the mash profile we

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

(b) Mash Thickness (Grist to Liquor ratio)

In very basic terms the grist to liquor ratio is the proportion of malt
grist mixed with hot liquor to generate mash. The thickness of the
grist to liquor has an important effect on the final beer. The
significance of differing mash dilutions becomes apparent due to the
effects on:

 Initial mash temperature.

 Enzyme concentration, stability and activity.
 Wort separation / viscosity

We have discussed that the individual enzymes in the mash have

optimal working temperatures and above these temperatures they
are quickly denatured. The point to note here is the ability of the
mash to protect the enzymes against denaturation.

The analogy would be if we stood on Mount Everest! Those of us

who were wearing a thermal vest, 3 thin jumpers, and a coat would
be protected against the extreme cold better than those of us who
wore only 1 thick coat and got hypothermia. The multiple thin layers
trap the heat and provide more protection than one thick layer of
coat. This similar rationale applies to mashing. The thicker the mash
(i.e. the higher the solids loading) the greater protection the enzymes
are provided against the heat and so remain active longer. Of course
the opposite is true, the thinner the mash the quicker the enzymes
are degraded – most notably β-amylase activity can be drastically
affected, along with the other heat labile enzymes
(carboxypeptidases and proteases). This buffering capacity of the
mash in terms of its thickness is also relevant in connection with the
pH of the mash were similar effects are seen in terms of enzyme
stability and activity.

Above it has been noted that mash thickness influences enzyme

activity – in terms of substrate/ product inhibition. Any enzymatic
reaction proceeds rapidly when substrate concentrations are in
excess. Basically, as the substrate concentration decreases the
reaction declines.

For example at the beginning of mashing the reaction rate of the

amylases are at a maximum due the excess starch (the substrate)
present. As the mash cycle continues, the starch is hydrolysed and
the amylolytic reactions slow as the substrate concentration
diminishes. The point at which this occurs is dependant upon the
affinity of the enzyme for the substrate. In this instance the rate-
limiting factor is the ability of the enzyme to find and actively bind
with the substrate. Towards the end of the mash stage it is more
difficult as there is a reduced concentration of substrate.
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Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

At the same time the amylolytic reactions slow for another reason.
The degradation products of the starch polymers (amylopectin and
amylose) are called oligopolysaccharides or dextrins. Amylases
have a lower affinity for these smaller sugar molecules. The dextrins
are therefore degraded more slowly.

In summary then:

 Dilute mashes encourage more rapid enzymatic hydrolysis

because reaction products are less concentrated and
therefore enzyme inhibition is reduced.

 Thick mashes protect heat labile enzymes from denaturation.

(c) Strike Temperature and Mash Thickness

Mashing in, the initial mix of grist and liquor, is a critical process point
for any regime, but more so for the infusion system. It is at this point
that the temperature and consistency of the mash is determined
(consequently this influences the biochemical reactions and wort

At this point the primary concern is the strike temperature. This can
be described as the temperature of the hot liquor used to mash in.
Imagine a ton of malt held above the mash tun in the grist case
overnight ready for mashing the next day. Adding this cool malt to
hot liquor will result in the mash having a cooler temperature than the
liquor added – as the two mix and the temperature equilibrates.

At home we see this when we add pasta to a pan of boiling water.

As the pasta is added the temperature of the water drops and stops
boiling until we turn up the gas to bring the pan back to the boil. The
interesting thing is that this drop in temperature is of course
dependent upon the amount of pasta added. If we add say 10
strings of spaghetti the water temperature will drop only slightly and
require little additional heat to reach boiling again. Add 100 strings of
spaghetti and the pan requires a great deal of re-heating to regain
the boil. The same is true of the malt.

Once we have established the thickness of mash we want, we must

then consider the ambient temperature of the grist, the initial mash
temperature and set the strike temperature of the liquor accordingly.
This can be calculated and we will take a look at this in the self-
assessment questions at the end of this unit.

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

(d) Mashing and pH

pH has a major influence on the mashing process and in particular
enzyme activity. An important oversight often forgotten is that the pH
values of solutions change with temperature changes. This is
because at higher temperatures there is a greater dissolution of
acidic buffer compounds. For example, at 65°C the pH of the mash
is 0.35 pH units lower than a measurement taken at 18°C.

Table 2. pH optima for various enzymes found in a typical infusion

mash with standard grist to liquor ratio.

Attribute pH (Mash)
Greatest Extract Yield (Infusion) 5.2 – 5.4
Greatest Fermentability 5.3 – 5.4
Unfilterable mash < 4.7
Max. α-amylase activity 5.3 – 5.7 (wort)
Max. β-amylase activity 5.1 – 5.3
Max. Proteinase activity 4.6 – 5.0
Max. Carboxypeptidase activity 4.8; 5.2; 5.7

(Adapted with kind permission from Briggs & Hough et al. Vol. 1)

From Table 2 the optimum pH for an infusion mash is pH 5.2 – 5.5.

If this pH is used the following will result:

 More rapid amylolytic starch degradation.

 Enhanced carboxypeptidase and protease activity.
 Altered protein solubility and coagulability.
 Minimal tannin extraction.

Mash can be acidified in various ways and the most common

methods involve adjustment of the water hardness. Other methods
involve acidifying the mash with additions of sulphuric, phosphoric or
lactic acids. Lactic acid can even be derived from Lactobacillus
delbruckii for use – so complying with the Rheinheitsgeboht law.
Dark malts such as chocolate or black malt tend to have a lower pH
and therefore reduce the pH of the mash. In a physical sense then
how does lowering pH influence resulting mash and wort?

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

The lowering of pH can lead to:

 Greater starch breakdown therefore higher extract

yields and attenuation limits.
 Extensive protein breakdown resulting in enhanced
soluble nitrogen levels.
 More efficient hot/ cold breaks leading to reduced haze
potential and greater bacterial stabilisation.
 Improved wort separation due to less viscous worts.
 Restricted wort colour formation.
 Reduced hop utilisation and therefore bitterness yield.

By lowering the pH of the mash however, phosphatase activity

is increased which releases greater quantities of phosphate
ions leading to an enhanced buffering capacity. Some
consider this to negate the effect of mash acidification due to a
decreased drop in pH during the succeeding fermentation.
Mash acidification is beneficial and others suggest it also
creates better foam stability, and a softer beer taste.

(e) Extract Composition

The nature of the extract composition is obviously dependant
upon the grist recipe and mashing conditions. Approximately
75 – 80% of the total grist weight is extracted during mashing,
and the remainder (the insoluble material) is removed from the
process along with the spent grains.

The carbohydrate fraction of this extract mainly comprises

starch degradation products and soluble components of the
malt modified during malting. The predominant simple sugars
of the wort are:

 Monosaccharides (glucose and fructose)

 Disaccharides (sucrose and maltose)
 Trisaccharides (maltotriose)

The estimate of wort fermentability is calculated using the

composition of the mono-, di-, and trisaccharides as a
percentage of the total. This usually gives a fermentability of
approximately 75%. This can then be linked to the attenuation

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

Think of it this way, that 75% of the wort is fermentable sugar,

and therefore wort at OG 1050 (12.5 ºP) will ferment
(attenuate) down to PG 1012.5 (3.1 ºP) The remaining
unfermentables comprise approximately 2% of the wort
carbohydrates (hemicelluloses, and dextrins), protein and
inorganic substances. Nitrogenous materials of the wort
comprise approximately 5 – 6% of the solids from an all malt
mash (which is equivalent to 30 – 40% total nitrogenous malt

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1


OK then Mashing Technology! You will find this is a breeze. Lets

get going and put what we have learned to the test. Ready?

1. Quickly describe the objective of mashing and bullet point the

main process parameters that brewers manipulate during

2. Starch is comprised of what sub-units and in what proportions?

3. An enzymatic conversion quiz! This section has been a

relentless factual account. In order to describe the most
important features of enzymatic conversion in mashing, complete
the following statements:

a. In the world of enzymes, the amylase system is unusual


b. The process by which starch grains absorb water and swell is

called ………… and, for barley, operates in the temperature
range …. to ….oC

c. The optimum temperature for mashing in is ….oC because


d. Before amylase action can begin …..…. enzymes attack and

dissolve ……..

e. ……… constitutes ….% of starch and consists of branched

chains of glucose ……… units long.

f. ………. constitutes ….% of starch and consists of branched

chains each……… units long.

g. The main sugar in malt wort is ………….. consisting of ……

glucose units.

h. ……. amylase works on amylose and

amylopectin at random producing ……….

i. …..… amylase works on amylose and amylopectin removing

….. glucose units at a time.

j. The first obvious change during mashing is the ………….

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

k. Following the combined action of α- and β-amylase the main

sugars left in wort are …………

l. ……… are small branched chains of glucose molecules.

………. can break down these substances.

4. Give short answer explanations for how the grist to liquor ratio of
a mash may affect the wort collected?

5. Mash pH is an important parameter to monitor – bullet point the

effects that directing mash pH towards 5.2 – 5.4 will achieve?

6. OK we said in the learning material that we would take a look at

working out strike temperatures for mashing in the malt so lets
have a go.

We need to know the specific heat capacity of our brewing liquor

and malt (Specific Heat of water = 1.0, Specific Heat of Malt =
0.4), the weight of malt and liquor used (1 litre weighs 1 kilo) and
the temperatures of the malt and liquor.

Let’s work through the example below first.

Therefore the mashing in temperature achieved =

(1.0 [weight H2 O x H2 O temperature]) + (0.4[weigh t of malt x malt temperature])

(weight H2 O) + (0.4[weigh t of malt])

So if we mash in 227 kg malt @ 12°C with 600 litres of water @

80°C we get a mash temperature of:

(1.0 x 600 x 80) + (0.4 x 227 x 12)

= 710 C
(600 ) + (0.4 x 227 )

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

The question is however, if we were to mash in 5000 Kg of malt

(temperature 12°C) at a grist to liquor ratio of 1: 2.5 Brls / Qtr (UK)
what should the strike temperature be to achieve a mash
temperature of 68°C?

 1 UK Brl = 1.6365 hl
 1 UK Qtr = 152.407 Kg

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1


Well done you have finished this section. Give your self a break and
a reward for getting here. Once you have checked your answers,
which I am sure you have got right, read through the previous Saw’s
and see how much you can remember before tackling the next

1. Excellent! The main objective of mashing is to release the

extract from the comminuted malt and to force the further
extrication of the malt extract via enzyme action (i.e. convert the
starch, proteins and other carbohydrates by action of the relevant

The main reaction conditions we manipulate include:

 Mash Thickness (grist to liquor ratio)
 Enzyme concentration
 Grist recipes. This is the mix of dry goods we use – all malt,
solid adjuncts (wheat, barley, maize, rice, etc).

2. Starch embraces the two glucose polymers:

 Amylopectin (70-80%)
 Amylose (20-30%)

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

3. The enzymatic conversion quiz!

a. It operates efficiently at a high temperature (60 - 65.5oC).

b. Gelatinisation; 64oC to 67oC.
c. 64 - 65oC; a compromise between the optimum temperature for
gelatinisation and amylase activity.

d. Protease; a protein film that surrounds starch grains.

e. Amylose; 25%; 200 - 300
f. Amylopectin; 75%; 25
g. Maltose; two
h. α; shorter chains of glucose units with and without branches,

i. β; two
j. Lowering of viscosity of the wort.
k. Maltose, maltotriose, dextrins.
l. Limit dextrins, limit dextrinase.

4. Not an easy one so well done if you were able to pick out the
main consequences of altering grist to liquor ratios!

The grist to liquor ratio is basically the thickness of the mash.

Mixing proportions of malt with varying volumes of liquor
generate this. Obvious you say but are the consequences of
altering such regimes? The first thing that springs to mind is
obviously the temperature of the mash. Remember the strike
temperature and grist temperatures equilibrate to give the
mashing in temperature.

Therefore if we alter the volume of liquor used to mash in without

compensating with the strike temperature the following occurs:

 Increasing liquor volumes will increase the mash


 Decrease the liquor volume and we reduce mash


What affect does this have on the mash? If significant

temperature change occurs the malt enzyme activity will mainly
be affected. Increased temperatures will give reduced extracts
and fermentabilities whilst reduced mash temperatures will
reduce extract formation although they may increase the
fermentability of the reduced extract collected.
© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)
Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

Of course this question is slightly ambiguous! Why? Well what

have we altered the temperature from and to?

So what of the wort we collect? In terms of the final beer quality,

reducing fermentability will obviously attenuate the final alcoholic
strength, but will leave the beer rounded with a high dextrin
content to which some associate a fuller, more satiating body.
Coincidentally, a high residual dextrin content in beer will leave
the product predisposed to increased microbial spoilage. Of
course the reverse is also true, higher fermentability gives a
more alcoholic beer, perhaps with less body, and a thinner taste
but with reduced sweetness and enhanced biological stability.

5. By making sure our mash is in the pH range 5.2 – 5.4 we bring

about the following:

 More rapid amylolytic starch degradation.

 Enhanced carboxypeptidase and proteinase activity.
 Altered protein solubility and coagulability.
 Minimum tannin extraction.

We acidify the mash in various ways and the most common

methods involve alteration to the water hardness. Check Unit 1.5
– Brewing Water to refresh your memory regarding altering pH.
Other methods involve acidifying the mash with direct additions
of sulphuric, phosphoric or lactic acids. Lactic acid can even be
derived from Lactobacillus delbruckii for use complying with the
Rheinheitsgeboht law. Dark malts such as chocolate or black
malt also tend to have a lower pH and therefore reduce the pH of
our mash. In a physical sense then how does lowering pH
influence the mash and wort?

 Greater starch breakdown therefore higher

extract yields and attenuation limits.

 More extensive protein breakdown resulting in

enhanced permanently soluble nitrogen levels,
linked with the next.

 More effective hot / cold breaks leading to

reduced haze potential and greater bacterial
stabilisation linked via increased protein

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

Dipl. Brew. Module 1: Unit 1.8 – Mashing and Wort Separation – Section 1.8.1

 Improved wort separation due to less viscous


 Restricted wort colour formation.

 Reduced hop utilisation and therefore bitterness


Well done if you were able to collect all of these points


6. Ok let’s start off with the conversion of the various units.

1 UK Brl = 1.6365 hl
1 UK Qtr = 152.407 Kg
Therefore we are going to mash in 2.5 Brls liquor to 1 Qtr
of malt, or 152.407 Kg malt with 4.09125 hl of liquor.

Therefore: 5,000 Kg / 152.4 Kg = 32.8 Qtrs of malt

Therefore 32.8 Qtr x 4.09 hl= 134.2 hl (13,415.2 litres)

(68 0 C x 13,415.2 kg) + (0.4 x 5000 kg) - (0.4 x 5000 kg x 12 o C)

= 77.2 o C

Therefore we must mash in at a strike temperature of 77.2°C

The trickiest of the whole lot! Rearranging the equation was not a
simple task so congratulations on getting this far and completing the

© The Institute of Brewing and Distilling, September 2008 (Version 2009)

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