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Here are the assignment questions..

Assignment I - Questions

Q1. a. What is a Value Stream map and how does 8t help to identify waste and
eliminate it ?  Identify any practical task setting which you are aware of (mini project)
and complete a Value stream map of the same, draw a rough present state and
future state VSMs.
 b. Any lean Implementation activity first should start with 5S. Briefly describe 5S
activities and how does it help in Lean Implementation?             

2. a. Bringing Single piece continuous flow is integral to successful implementation of

a Lean System. How does Setup time reduction help in this ?
 b. Explain the concept of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) as a vital
component of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). How do you find OEE given
Cycle time, available time, down time, processed quantity and defective quantity in
an industrial setup ?               

Q3. a. Explain Kaizen. How does it help in improving value and reduce wastes. Explain with
an example.
b. Explain the concept of Kanban. Differentiate between single card and double card Kanban
and where are they used.

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