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Відділ освіти, молоді та спорту

Хмельницької райдержадмністрації
Методичний кабінет

Тематичні контрольні
роботи з англійської
мови для 6 класу
(За підручником Карп’юк О. Д.)

Укладач: Полюк Д. М., вчитель англійської мови Шумовецької ЗОШ І-ІІ ст.

Тематичні контрольні роботи з англійської мови для 6 класу (за підручником

Карп’юк О. Д.). – Хмельницький, 2016. – 36 с.

Рецензент: Сокол Н. В., методист відділу освіти, молоді та спорту Хмельницької


Рекомендовано до друку методичною радою Хмельницького РМК (протокол №1 від

24.01.2017 р. )

Збірник містить комплексні тематичні контрольні роботи з англійської мови

для учнів 6 класу (за підручником Карп’юк О. Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 6-
го класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів (6-й рік навчання). — Тернопіль:
„Видавництво Астон”, 2014), які охоплюють перевірку навичок читання, письма та
засвоєння лексичного та граматичного матеріалу, передбаченого діючою
Матеріал адресовано вчителям англійської мови та учням загальноосвітніх
навчальних закладів.

Вступ 4
Test 1. They are Friends 5
Test 2. An Ordinary Family 8
Test 3. My School Days 11
Test 4. My Sports 13
Test 5. Yummy! 16
Test 6. Going Shopping 19
Test 7. On the Move 22
Test 8. So Many Places 25
Answer key 28
Tapescripts 31
Список використаних джерел 36

Збірник містить 8 комплексних тематичних контрольних робіт для перевірки
засвоєння учнями матеріалу певної теми (за підручником Карп’юк О. Д.
«Англійська мова: Підручник для 6-го класу» (Тернопіль, 2014).
Контрольні роботи складаються з завдань для контролю навичок аудіювання,
читання, письма, а також лексичного та граматичного матеріалу, передбаченого
діючою програмою з англійської мови для учнів 6 класу.
Кожна правильна відповідь оцінюється в 1 бал, за написання твору
максимальна кількість балів – 10. Для перетворення набраної кількості балів в 12
бальну шкалу користуємося формулою ∙ 𝒚 , де x - максимальна кількість балів за
контрольну, а y – кількість балів, набрана учнем.
Наприклад: в Test 1 можна отримати по 5 балів за перше, друге, третє та п’яте
завдання, 6 балів за четверте завдання та 10 балів за твір. В сумі отримуємо 36 балів
– максимальна оцінка за роботу. Учень набрав 27 балів за контрольну роботу.
Скориставшись формулою ∙ 𝟐𝟕 отримаємо 9, що відповідає 12 бальній шкалі.
Щоб полегшити вчителю перевірку контрольних робіт, в кінці посібника
подаються ключі до завдань, а також тексти для прослуховування.

Name______________________________________Form 6___Date________

1. Listen to the secretary talking to the teacher and fill in the gaps in the table.

New Students
Student 1:
Name: Celine 0) Poulain
Nationality: French
Age: 25
Job: 1) __________________
Student 2:
Name: Manuel Garcia
Nationality: 2)__________________
Age: 32
Job: Engineer
Student 3:
Name: Eva 3)________________________
Nationality: Finnish
Age: 4)____________________________
Job: 5) __________________________

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.

1 I ___________________________________ (live) in a small flat near the city centre.

2 James ___________________________________________(watch) a film on TV now.
3 My friends and I often _______________________________ (go) to the sports centre.
4 I ____________________________ (not study) English every day – only on Mondays.
5 I ______________________ (wait) for an email from Chris. Can I have dinner later?

3. Find and correct mistakes in the sentences. One sentence does not have a mistake.

1 My sister studys biology at university.

2 My dad drives me to school every morning.
3 Brett clean his dad’s car every weekend.
4 My football practice starts at a quarter at four.
5 The teacher doesn’t give we homework at the weekend.

4. Look at the card and write the questions.

What’s her name?

Jane Hudson.
England. Name Jane Hudson
Country England
Address 35 Temple Street
35 Temple Street.
Age 25
4___________________________________________ Job teacher
25. Married Yes
Yes, she is.

5. Read Kerry’s blog. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a teacher, but I don’t work at a
secondary school and I don’t teach young students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to
40 years old and they come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or
for holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I teach them after
work. There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30.
We have a break at about 7.30 and then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get
home, and I’m quite tired. In the class, I teach my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of
new words in English. I ask questions and they answer. They speak in English in the class and
they do some homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises and sometimes they
read books. They like to watch English films and listen to English music at home. I like my
students! We talk about TV, sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good
English now too. If you want to learn English, come to my school! It’s very good!

1 Kerry teaches at a secondary school. T/F/NM

2 Her class has five students. T/F/NM
3 They want to learn English for an exam. T/F/NM
4 Kerry doesn’t teach grammar. T/F/NM
5 Sometimes she plays music in the class. T/F/NM

6. Write a short description of your friend. Write about his family, school and hobbies.
Write 50–60 words.


Name______________________________________Form 6___Date________

1. Listen and complete the text.

Hello! My name’s Rachel, and I’m from 1) _____________ . This is a photo of my 2)
_____________ . Our house is in San Diego. This is my 3) _____________ .His name is Steve,
and he’s 4) _____________ .He’s a 5) ____________ . This is my 6) _____________ .Her
name’s Grace. She’s 7) _____________ , and she’s a 8) ____________ .And this man is my 9)
_____________ , Bob.He’s 10) _____________ , and he’s a businessman.

2. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences.

Andrew = Irene

Ben = Kate Amelia = Peter

Louisa Matthew Susan

1 Andrew is Irene’s husband.

2 Louisa and Matthew are Ben and Kate’s children .
3 Louisa ________ ________ sister.
4 Louisa ________ Ben and Kate’s ________ .
5 Amelia ________ ________ wife.
6 Matthew ________ Louisa’s ________ .
7 Andrew ________ Susan’s ________ .

3. Read the article and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Mobile phones are an important part of our lives and most of us can’t imagine life without one.
They keep us in contact with friends and family at all times and when we have a problem we can
call immediately for help. Now parents can buy a special mobile phone for their four-year-old
children. Is this a way to help protect our young children or is it a silly idea?
The phone is called My Moby and it looks like a toy, but it isn’t. It comes in many colours and
young children love it. It has five buttons and two of them call Mum and Dad. Of course, the
parents control all the numbers in the phone and the idea is that the child can call their parents
when they want to. Also, the parents can call the child too! Many parents like the idea and they
think it’s good for safety. If the child gets lost they can call home!
However, not everyone agrees that it is a good idea. Many people are angry. They think children
today are growing up too fast. They want to be like adults when they are very young and this isn’t
good. They need to enjoy their childhood. These people think it is a very bad idea to give a
four-year-old a mobile phone. They think it is unnecessary and it can be dangerous for their
health. They say that young children don’t need to use a phone because they are always with an
So, is it a good idea or not? Can phones be good to protect our children or are they just good for
the phone company? What do you think? Send us your comments.

1 My Moby is a mobile phone for very young children. T/F

2 The phones are toys. T/F
3 The children can’t call who they want. T/F
4 The phones are all the same colour. T/F
5 Some people think childhood is too short these days. T/F

4. Complete the sentences with the correct present form of these verbs.

go work have speak stay study

1 Our family dinner together every evening. I think it’s important.

2 I with my best friend in the countryside for a couple of days.
3 At the moment, my cousin at a college in England. He is having a
great time.
4 We on holiday to Spain twice a year. We love hot countries!
5 My dad in a bank in the city centre. He drives in every day.
6 My brother Mike both English and French, but he prefers Spanish.

5. Read the text about family life and fill each gap with one word.
Family life (1) __________ changing a lot these days. In some countries, all the members of
a family (2) __________ in the same place, sometimes in the same home. However, in other
countries, people often have to move away from their home town to find a job when they are
ready to start work. They get married and start (3) __________ family away from their parents,
and then their children do exactly the same thing. Grandparents sometimes live hundreds of
miles away from their grandchildren. Sometimes they are even in (4) __________ different
country! This can cause a lot of problems when people (5) __________ older. Sons and
daughters can’t help their parents when they are ill and they have to go into hospital or special
homes. The grandparents are (6) __________ there to help with the grandchildren when they
are young and (7) __________ parents have to send them to special schools at a young age if
they need to go to work. In many countries, this problem (8) __________ getting
worse and people are worried that family life is never going to be the same again.

6. Write a short description of your family. Write 50–60 words.

Name______________________________________Form 6___Date________

1. You are going to hear a phone conversation. Listen and decide if the statements are true
(T) or false (F).
1 The boy is at school. T/F
2 The girl’s holidays are in July and August. T/F
3 The boy doesn’t have many holidays. T/F
4 The girl buys a lot of computer games. T/F
5 The boy has two brothers. T/F

2. Complete the sentences with the correct subjects.

1 In _________________________________, we learn about different countries.
2 In __________________________________________, we learn about the past.
3 In _______________________________________, we learn to paint and draw.
4 In _______________________________, we learn about the body and animals.
5 In __________________________, we learn to answer problems with numbers.

3. Read Kerry’s blog. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
Hi! My name’s Kerry, and I want to tell you about my work. I’m a teacher, but I don’t work at a
secondary school and I don’t teach young students. I teach older students. My students are 20 to
40 years old and they come to me to learn English. They want to use English when they work or
for holidays. I love my job, but it isn’t easy! My students have jobs too, and I teach them after
work. There are 15 students in my class. We start lessons at 6.00 in the evening and finish at 9.30.
We have a break at about 7.30 and then we have a drink of tea or coffee. It’s very late when I get
home, and I’m quite tired. In the class, I teach my students about grammar, and they learn a lot of
new words in English. I ask questions and they answer. They speak in English in the class and
they do some homework for the next lesson. Sometimes they do exercises and sometimes they
read books. They like to watch English films and listen to English music at home. I like my
students! We talk about TV, sports and work. My job is really interesting. They speak good
English now too. If you want to learn English, come to my school! It’s very good!

1 Kerry teaches at a secondary school. T/F/NM

2 Her class has five students. T/F/NM
3 They want to learn English for an exam. T/F/NM
4 Kerry doesn’t teach grammar. T/F/NM
5 Sometimes she plays music in the class. T/F/NM

4. Circle the correct modal verbs.
1 ‘I’ve got a temperature and I feel awful.’ ‘I think you must / should go to bed.’
2 When you fly to another country, you must / should take your passport.
3 You mustn’t / shouldn’t steal money.
4 Before you can go to university, you must / should get the right qualifications.
5 We don’t think you must / should lie to your boss.
6 I have a dentist’s appointment later today and I must /should arrive on time.
7 Do you think I must / should see a doctor?
8 I don’t think you should / must use your phone now.
9 ‘Must I do this test?’ ‘Yes, you must / should do.’

5. Write true sentences.

1 At home, I have to ________________________________________________________
2 At work/school, I don’t have to ______________________________________________
3 Next week, I must _______________________________________________________
4 I don’t think people should _________________________________________________
5 If you want to be happy, you should __________________________________________
6 I mustn’t forget to _______________________________________________________

6. You want some information about a one-week language course. Write a letter to the
Principal, Bennett School of English, Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR2 3FH. Ask about:
• price
• class size
• accommodation
Write 60-70 words

Name______________________________________Form 6___Date________
1. You are going to hear a job interview. Listen and complete the notes with one word in
each gap.

Job interview is with Mark (1) __________.

Future plans: finish exams and go to (2) _____________. He wants to be a sports teacher.
Sports: cycling, swimming (3) __________ and judo.
Job: at Sandalwood Sports Centre
Summer training sessions start: (4) _______________and finish: 5.30.
Training day for new employees: 28th (5) _______________.

2. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence does not have a mistake.

1 Sue speaks English fastly, and I can’t understand her.

2 We don’t have to sit in the sun for a long time. It’s very hot.
3 Do you can play football very well?
4 The students are waiting patient for their teacher.
5 I can’t do this test easily. It’s very difficult.

3. Complete the sentences with these verbs.

jump ski fall ride

1 Every time I go skating, I ________________________________________ lots of times!

2 My sister and I never _______________________________________ our bikes to school.
3 Can your dog _________________________________________________over that chair?
4 We usually _________________________________________ in the mountains in March.

4. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 A person who sails boats is a ________________________________________________.
2 A person who plays football is a ______________________________________________.
3 A person who rides bikes is a _______________________________________________.

5. Read the text. Decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).

The Little Olympic Club

The Little Olympic Club is a sports club for young people, but it’s a sports club with a difference.
All our members are good, strong athletes and they all want to be winners in the Olympic Games.
The difference is that all these young people are between six and 11 years old and they all live in
areas of our town where there are no sports centres or clubs. Their parents don’t have a lot of
money to spend on sports lessons, so they come here, and we help them. I organise the club, and
my friends Jane and Fisher do the training. At the moment, we have 30 children in the club and
they do cycling, running, jumping and some ball games. They work very hard, but they can’t
practise very often. We don’t have courts or a swimming pool. We usually practise in a big room
in a school near here or in the park. The school is very kind and doesn’t ask us for money. But we
have a problem. The club is getting bigger, and the kids are getting better! At the moment, we
have to use old equipment – like old bikes and gym equipment. We must find some more money
to help these children. We want to rent tennis courts, pay for time in the swimming pool at the
sports centre and pay for the kids to travel to different competitions. These children are the
athletes of the future. They love their sport and they know they can be winners. Can you help us?
Can you buy sports equipment – like bats and rackets or swimming costumes? Perhaps you can
give your time too? We must have more trainers. The Little Olympic Club is waiting for YOUR
help! Please contact us on

1 All the members of the club are competition winners. T/F/NM

2 You can’t be a member if you’re a teenager. T/F/NM
3 The club gives extra practice after sports lessons. T/F/NM
4 The club pays some money to use the school’s room. T/F/NM
5 The club’s equipment isn’t new. T/F/NM

6 . Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
1 I ______________________________________ (live) in a small flat near the city centre.
2 James ____________________________________________ (watch) a film on TV now.
3 My friends and I often _________________________________ (go) to the sports centre.
4 I ______________________________(not study) English every day – only on Mondays.
5 I __________________________(wait) for an email from Chris. Can I have dinner later?

7. This is part of an email you receive from your english friend, Sue.
You say you’re in a new club. Great! Tell me all about it. What is it and what do you do?
Write an email to sue telling her about the club. Write 60 words.

Name______________________________________Form 6___Date________

1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the gaps.

Delivery order
Name Mr 0) Baxter
Address 47 Church Lane
Tel. no 1)_________________
Order loaf of bread
kilos 2)___________________
kilo Cheddar cheese
1 packet of sugar
4)________________orange juice
Total cost £ 5)________________________
Delivery time: 3 p. m. this afternoon

2. Circle the correct form of the verb.

1 He travels / ’s travelling a lot for his job. 6 He’s going to marry / married her next
2 When did you come / came to New York? summer.
3 She can swims / swim 5 kilometres. 7 I enjoy / ’m enjoying this party!
4 We don’t see / aren’t seeing them this 8 Where is / does your brother live now?
evening. 9 Why is the policeman talking / talk to him?
5 They move in / moved in two weeks ago.

3. Complete the sentences with the correct will or going to form of the verbs in brackets.

1 ‘I’ve got a lot of cleaning to do.’ ‘Don’t worry, I (help)____________________________you.’

2 They moved house because they (have)_______________________________________
another baby.
3 ‘I must give Henry his present.’ ‘I (take)_____________ it, I (see)________________ him
later today.
4 ‘What time is the supermarket open on Sunday?’ ‘Idon’t know. I (do) ___________the
shopping later so I (ask) _____________________________.’
5 Don’t come and meet me – I (not get) _________________________________ lost.

4. Circle the correct letter.

1 a Do you like mineral water?

b Would you like some mineral water?
˗ Yes, please. I’m very thirsty.
2 a Which books would you like to read?
b What sort of books do you like?
˗ Romances and comedies.
3 a Would you like to go out later?
b Where do you like going out?
˗ I’d love to but I’m too busy.
4 a I’d like to live in the US one day.
b I like the US.
˗ Yes, I would too.

5. Read the letter. Circle the correct answers.

Lane House
Netherbourne Road
Dear All,
As you can see from the address, we are now in our new home! We got the keys last
Thursday and moved in on Friday. It was the coldest day of the year, so we didn’t enjoy it very
The new house has got five bedrooms, so it’s a lot bigger than the old one. All our furniture
looks very small and we keep losing the kids. We moved so the boys can have a bedroom each
now they are getting older, and it’s great having a spare room for visitors. Mike’s parents very
generously gave us some money when we moved so I think they will be our first guests.
One thing that is worse than the old place is the garden – the new one is smaller and it is
very untidy. However, there’s a park across the road so the boys can play football there. I can
see the park from the front windows so I won’t worry about them. We’re having a house
warming party

1 This is a(n) formal / informal letter.

2 It is a letter to lots of people / one person.
3 The letter is about moving house / the children.
4 The writer is married with children / single with no family.
5 The old house was bigger / smaller.
6 The old house had more / fewer bedrooms.
7 Mike’s parents are going to visit / live with them.
8 The old garden was worse / better.
9 She will / won’t send the boys to the park alone.
10 They had / are going to have a party.

6 . Read the questions. Write true answers and add a comment.

1 Do you like hip hop?

2 Are you going home after this test?
3 Have you ever lost something important?
4 Did you like your primary school?
5 Can you lend me £10?
6 Is the weather good today?

7. Write letter to your friend about Ukrainian traditional meals.

Write 60-70 words.

Name______________________________________Form 6___Date________

1. You are going to hear a radio advertisement. Listen and complete the information in the
Sharp Shopping Centre
Opening day: (1) __________ 15th September
(2) __________: Susie Burrows opens the centre
11.00: the shops open for business
Look out for bargains and (3) __________ gifts
The Chocolate Shop: free chocolate bars and cakes
Party for (4) __________: 2.00–3.30
Food: (5) __________ and biscuits
Band: Leather

2 . Circle the correct word(s) in each sentence.

1 How much / many money have you got? 6 I hate this town. There is nothing / something
2 I’d like any / some sugar. to do.
3 Can you give me some / any cake, please? 7 The milks are / milk is cold.
4 He’s got anything / something for you. 8 Have you got some / any chocolate?
5 How many / much students are in your class? 9 There isn’t some / any coffee in the cupboard

3. Complete the sentences.

some or any? much or many?

1 There are ______new students in my class. 5 How ______ brothers have you got?
2 Is there ______ tea? 6 How ______ were your jeans?
3 I don’t think there is ______ red wine. 7 Were there ______ people in the cinema?
4 We need ______ fruit. 8 Fifty pence isn’t ______ for a cup of coffee.

4. Where can you buy these things? Put the words in the correct columns.

carrot cake doughnuts dress espresso jumper

make-up shampoo soap tie trousers

a chemist’s a cafe a clothes shop

5. Read the information. Choose OS (Oxford Street), CM (Camden Market), or CS
(Carnaby Street).

Carnaby Street was a famous London street in the 1960s when the Beatles were young and
Britain was the centre of pop and fashion. Unfortunately, it is now a place for tourists where there
isn’t much to buy except postcards and badly-made souvenirs.
Oxford Street in central London is world-famous for its shops. However, many tourists find it
isn’t very interesting: the shops near Marble Arch are large department stores selling mass-
produced things and at the other end of the street there are smaller shops selling cheap clothes and
electrical goods.
Camden Market is in a fashionable area of north London. More than 9 million visitors go there
every year. The market is open all week but it is busiest at the weekends. If you don’t mind being
lots of people, it’s great walking along the streets looking at the jewellery, clothes, and antique
stalls. There are lots of small specialist shops and stalls selling interesting things from all over the
world, so make sure you have lots of time to look around.
Which shopping area(s) …
1 was fashionable forty years ago? OS/ CM/ CS
2 has lots of big shops? OS/ CM/ CS
3 sells things for tourists? OS/ CM/ CS
4 sells cheap clothes and CD players? OS/ CM/ CS
5 is very busy on Saturday and Sunday? OS/ CM/ CS
6 are disappointing for visitors? OS/ CM/ CS, OS/ CM/ CS
7 has things for sale in the streets? OS/ CM/ CS
8 is fashionable now? OS/ CM/ CS
9 sells more unusual things? OS/ CM/ CS
6 . Put the two conversations in the correct order.

In a clothes shop In a chemist’s

__1 _ Hello, can I help you? __1_ I wonder if you could help me. I’ve got
___ Here you are. a cold.
___ What size are you? ___ Thank you. And I need some tissues,
___ That’s great. Can I try it on, please? please.
___ Yes, I’m looking for a dress like this in ___ Of course. You should take two of these
red, please. three times a day.
___ Small. ___ Sure. Do you need anything for your
__7_ Of course. The changing rooms are throat?
over there. __5_ No, nothing else, thanks.
7. Write about your shopping experience. Write 60-70 words

Name______________________________________ Form 6___Date________

1. Listen to the conversation and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not
mentioned (NM).
1 Four people went to New York. T/F/NM
2 They stayed in New York for a week. T/F/NM
3 Kathy’s mum nearly lost the tickets. T/F/NM
4 The journey to New York was very noisy. T/F/NM
5 There were lots of people on the plane on the journey home. T/F/NM

2. Complete the sentences with these words.

guide book luggage package trip sightseeing

1 We went on a ________________________ holiday to Greece last summer. It was great.

2 Unfortunately, I lost my _______________ at the airport. It went to a different country!
3 The __________________________________ to the pyramids took three hours.
4 I don’t like ______________________________________ in cities. I get bored.
5 In the _____________________________, there were pictures of all the museums.

3. Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence does not have a mistake.
1 Which club your brother was in last Friday night?

2 Janet goed to the USA for two weeks last year.

3 I saw Betty a week before and invited her to the party.

4 Did you be at the tennis competition on Saturday?

5 I couldn’t went with my parents to Russia last month because of school.

4 . Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 I don’t like travelling on the u__________________ because there are too many people.
2 We went on an excursion to a mountain village on a b__________. There were 50 people
on it!
3 The police use special h______________________ to follow criminals from the air.
4 A t________________ took us from the airport to our hotel. The driver was very kind.
5 My brother has a small business and he drives a white v__________ with all his

5 . Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verbs.

I (1 do) ________________a charity bike ride from London to Brighton next year so I need
(2 get) _____________ fit. I decided (3 join) _____________ a gym and now I (4 go)
_____________ every day. I don’t like (5 get up) _____________ early but I manage (6 go)
_____________ at lunch time. I enjoy (7 swim) _____________ but I hate (8 use)
_____________ the running machines.
I haven’t smoked for six months – I used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day. I have started (9 be)
_____________ careful about what I eat. Before I started training for the bike ride, I (10 eat)
_____________ lots of pizzas and chips but now I enjoy (11 eat) _____________ fish and

6 . Read the text and answer the questions.

Jake and Gaby are Americans. They moved from Ohio to London five years ago. Jake
works for a bank and Gaby is a nurse at a big hospital in the city.
What do they like best? Gaby speaks for both of them, ‘We love London, there’s always
something interesting to do. The parks, museums, and theatres are great. We like to go walking
in the country at the weekends so we drive to Essex early on Sunday morning and walk all day.
We’re never going to live in Ohio again, we’d miss London too much.’
When asked why they moved to London, Jake says, ‘Gaby got a job and I followed her. I
didn’t work for the first three months – I was looking for a flat to buy and looking after things
at home. I started my job the day after we moved to this flat. Of course we speak the language
but we had some problems at first. Just small things like the different words for food – and the
different British accents can be difficult to understand.’

1 Gaby and Jake are an English couple in America. T/F

2 Jake thinks London is boring. T/F
3 They like going to the countryside at weekends. T/F
4 They want to go home to Ohio. T/F
5 Gaby and Jake work in London. T/F
6 Gaby and Jake work together. T/F

7. Make notes about the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by bicycle. Use your
notes and the words and phrases in the box to write a text giving your opinions. Write 60–
80 words.

First of all Also for example However

Firstly Secondly Despite the disadvantages


Name______________________________________Form 6___Date________
1. Listen to the radio advert and fill in the gaps in the table below.

Tour of Thailand by 0) Thai Tours

Length of holiday: 1)___________days
Bangkok: 2 days visiting 2)_____________________and busy markets.
Chiang Mei: 4 days trekking including a ride on a(n) 3)___________________
Phang Nga: 3 days canoeing in the Phang Nga National Park
Koh Samui: 3 days relaxing on 4)___________________
Cost: 5) £__________________including return flight from London

2. Choose a, an, the or 0 (no artcle).

1 I want __ orange from ___ tree.

2 Madrid is ___ big city. It's ____ capital of ____Spain.
3 I've got ____ idea. Let's go to _____ cinema !
5 I woke up in ______ middle of _____ night.
6 ____Madeira is ____ island in ___ Atlantic.
7 What's ____ longest river in ____ world ?
9 I bought _____ cake and ____ ice-cream; _____ cake was delicious.
10 Lucy has _____ uncle and ____ nephew; _____ nephew is seven.

3. Complete the sentences with one word.

1 People in China speak __________.

3 People in Italy speak __________.
4 People in Russia speak __________.
5 People in Wales speak __________.
6 People in Poland speak __________.
7 People in Japan speak __________.
8 People in Germany speak __________.

4. Read the online comments from people who stayed at a hotel. Answer the questions.

Last month, I stayed at the Stella Hotel with my wife and two children. We had a fantastic
holiday. We loved the hotel and the people were very kind and nice to us. We went swimming
every day from the lovely beach. It was only two minutes from the hotel. The rooms in the hotel
were very comfortable, and the food in the dining room was good. The children enjoyed the chips
and pizza! I prefer meals from the country I’m visiting, but there weren’t any Spanish dishes on
the menu. But that wasn’t a big problem.
For us, the Stella Hotel wasn’t very good. I went with two friends, and we stayed in the same
room. The room was very small, and the bathroom was dirty! We couldn’t see the sea from the
window. We sometimes went to the beach, and that was good. We went swimming there because
there were a lot of children in the hotel pool. It was very noisy. The people at the hotel couldn’t
answer our questions very well, and there weren’t any excursions. We wanted to visit some
interesting places, so we took a taxi. It wasn’t very expensive! We saw some lovely villages and
on the Friday we went to a big town.
The Stella Hotel is a beautiful hotel with lots of trees and flowers. It’s near the beach, but the
beach wasn’t very nice. Also, there weren’t any shops near the hotel. We wanted to buy some
presents for our friends at home, but we couldn’t. We could buy postcards, but they were all
pictures of the hotel! The hotel was very busy, but after dinner in the evening it was boring. There
wasn’t any dancing or music. We chatted to people in the hotel and wrote postcards every
evening! There were TVs in the rooms, but the programmes were in Spanish, and we couldn’t
understand them!
1 Who stayed in the hotel every night? A/B/C
2 Who visited places away from the hotel? A/B/C
3 Which person wanted different food? A/B/C
4 Which person went swimming a lot? A/B/C
5 Who wasn’t happy with the room? ___ A/B/C

5. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text.

My favourite holiday
My favourite holiday was when I was about five years old. My mum and dad took me and my
brother, James (1) ___ Sweden for Christmas. I remember the journey on the (2) ___. It took two
days, and I felt very ill, but it was very exciting! The boat was fantastic!! When we arrived in
Sweden, the weather was terrible. It was very cold, and there was a lot of snow. In England, we
(3) ___ usually get snow at Christmas, so it was wonderful for James and me. We drove for a
long time, all through the night, and then we arrived at this small house. It was beautiful. There
were about five little houses and a shop. In the house, there wasn’t a TV! We (4) ___ watch films,
so we played games with Mum and Dad. Also, we (5) ___ a lot outside in the snow. It was the
best holiday of my life!
1 A in B to C on
2 A lorry B helicopter C boat
3 A don’t B did C doesn’t
4 A wasn’t B couldn’t C weren’t
5 A did B made C played

6. Write about your favourite holiday for your school magazine.

Write 60–80 words.




1. 1 doctor / 2 Mexican / 3 Lipponen / 4 twenty-one / 5 artist

2. 1 live / 2 is watching / 3 go / 4 don’t study / 5 am waiting
3. 1 My sister studies biology at university. / 2 correct / 3 Brett cleans his dad’s car
every weekend. / 4 My football practice starts at a quarter to four. / 5 The teacher doesn’t
give us homework at the
4. 2. Where’s she from? 3 What’s her address? 4 How old is she? 5 What’s her job? 6
Is she married?
5. 1 F / 2 F / 3 F / 4 F / 5 NM


1. 1 the United States 2 family 3 brother 4 155 student 6 mother 7 42 8 doctor9

father10 44
2. is Matthew’s 4 is, daughter 5 is Peter’s 6 is, brother 7 is, grandfather
1 T2F3T4F5T
3. 1 has 2 am staying 3 is studying 4 go 5 works 6 speaks
4. 1 is 2 live 3 a 4 a 5 are 6 not 7 the 8 is


1. 1F/2T/3F/4F/5T
2. 1 geography / 2 history / 3 art / 4 biology / 5 maths
3. 1 F / 2 F / 3 F / 4 F / 5 NM
4. 1 should/ 2 must/ 4 must/ 6 must/ 8 should/ 3 mustn’t/ 5 should/ 7 should/ 9 must


1. 1 Jones / 2 university / 3 football / 4 8.30 / 5 July

2. 1 Sue speaks English fast, and I can’t understand her. / 2 We mustn’t sit in the sun
for a long time. It’s very hot. / 3 Can you play football very well? / 4 The students are
waiting patiently for their teacher. / 5 correct

3. 1 fall / 2 ride / 3 jump / 4 ski
4. 1 sailor / 2 footballer / 3 cyclist
5. 1 NM / 2 T / 3 F / 4 F / 5 T
6. 1 live / 2 is watching / 3 go / 4 don’t study / 5 am waiting


1. 1 0778 56765/ 2 tomatoes/ 3 6 eggs/ 4 two cartons/ 5 11.80

2. 1 travels/ 2 come/ 3 swim/ 4 aren’t seeing/ 5 moved in/ 6 ’s going to marry/ 7 ’m
enjoying/ 8 does/ 9 talking
3. 1 ‘ll help/ 2 ’re going to have/ 3 ’ll take; ’m going to see/ 4 ’m going to do; ’/ 5
won’t get
4. 1 B/ 2 B/ 3 A/ 4 A
5. 1 informal/ 2 lots of people/ 3 moving house/ 4 married with children/ 5 smaller/ 6
fewer/ 7 visit/ 8 better/ 9 will/ 10 are going to have


1 1 Saturday / 2 10.30 / 3 free / 4 children / 5 sandwiches

2. 1much/ 2 some/ 3 some/ 4 some/ 5 something/ 6 many/ 7 nothing/ 8 milk is /9 any
3. 1 some/ 2 any /3 any/ 4 some /5 many/ 6 much/ 7 many/ 8 much
a chemist’s a cafe a clothes shop
make up carrot jumper
Shampoo cake dress
soap doughnuts tie
tissues espresso
5. 1 CS/ 2 OS/ 3 CS/ 4 OS/ 5 CM/ 6 CS, OS/ 7 CM /9 CM/ 8 CM
6 In a clothes shop In a chemist’s
1 Hello, can I help you? 1 I wonder if…
5 Here you are. 3 Thank you. And I need …
3 What size are you? 2 Of course. You should take …
6 That’s great. Can I try… 4 Sure. Do you need …
2 Yes. I’m looking for … 5 No, nothing else, thanks.
4 Small.
7Of course. The changing …


1 1 T / 2 F / 3 T / 4 T / 5 NM
2 1 package / 2 luggage / 3 trip / 4 sightseeing / 5 guide book
3 1 Which club was your brother in last Friday night? / 2 Janet went to the USA for
two weeks last year. / 3 correct / 4 Were you at the tennis competition on Saturday? / 5 I
couldn’t go with my parents to Russia last month because of school.
4 1 Underground / 2 coach / 3 seatbelt / 4 taxi / 5 van
5 1 are going /2 to get / 3 to join / 4 go / 5 getting up / 6 to go / 7 swimming / 8 using /
9 used to smoke / 10 to be/being /11 ate/used to eat / 12 eating
6 1F/2F/3T/4F/5T/6F/7F/8F


1. 1 12 / 2 ancient temples / 3elephant / 4 beach / 5 1850

2. 1 an, the / 2 a, the, 0 / 3 an, the / 4 the, the / 5 0, an, the / 6 the, the / 7 a, an, the / 8
an, a the
3. 1 Chinese / 3 Italian / 4 Russian / 5 Welsh / 6 Polish / 7 Japanese / 8 German
4. 71C/2B/3A/4A/5B
5. 1B/2C/3A/4B/5B


A:Ah, Mr Peters! Can I have a word with you, please?
B:Of course.
A: There are three new students in your English class.
A: Can I give you their details now?
B:Yes, sure. Just let me get a piece of paper...
A: Alright... The first one is Celine Poulain.
B:Poulain? How do you spell that?
A: P O U L A I N . She's French and she's 25 years old.
B:Does she have a job?
A: Yes, she's a doctor.
B:How interesting. What about the second student?
A: He is called Manuel Garcia.
B:Spanish? •
A: No, he's Mexican. He's 32 and he's an engineer.
A: And the third student is Eva Lipponen.
B:Is that LI double P О N E N?
A: Yes, that's right. Lipponen. She's from Finland and she's 21 years old.
B:What's her job?
A: She's an artist. They all start next week.
B:That's fine.

Hello! My name’s Rachel, and I’m from the United States . This is a photo of my family.
Our house is in San Diego. This is my brother .His name is Steve, and he’s 15.He’s a
student . This is my mother.Her name’s Grace. She’s 42, and she’s a doctor.And this man
is my father, Bob.He’s 44, and he’s a businessman.

A: Hello! How are you?
B: I’m fine. It’s good to speak to you. Are you at home or at school?
A: I’m at school. It’s lunch time, and my lessons start at two o’clock. I’m in the classroom
with my friends. Where are you?
B: I’m at home. We don’t have school today. It’s a holiday!

A: Lucky you! In my country, we don’t have any holiday in June. Our holiday is in July
and August.
B: We have holidays then too!
A: Wow! Are you in the garden?
B: No. We don’t have a big garden. I’m in my room and I’m on the computer. I play
computer games in my free time.
A: I play computer games too. I like the new Fantasy World game. My sister has a lot of
games. I don’t buy them. I play her games!
B: What about sports? I play tennis on Saturdays and football on Mondays.
A: I don’t play sport. I watch it on TV. I like watching football. Have you got a sister?
B: No, but I’ve got two brothers. They’re very good at football. Mike is 17 and he plays
football in London. Sometimes he’s on TV.
A: That’s good! I’d like to meet him!
B: Come to England and stay with me and then you can meet him. You can come in
August. We can have a really good time!
A: Thanks. I’d like to come and stay with you! Oh, it’s two o’clock. Now I have a biology
lesson. Send me an email on your computer.
B: OK. My mum can speak to your mum about the holiday.
A: Great! Oh, here’s the teacher. ‘Bye!!

A: Good morning. You’re Mark, is that right?
B: Yes, Mark Jones.
A: And you’re here because you’d like to work for us in the summer.
B: Yes, I would.
A: So, what are you doing at the moment, Mark?
B: Well, I’m still at school. I’m taking my exams at the moment and then I’m going to
university to study sports training.
A: And in the future?
B: I want to be a sports teacher at a school.
A: And what sports do you do, Mark?
B: I’m a cyclist, but I can also swim, play football and do judo. I love all sports!
A: That’s excellent. We have the only indoor cycling track in the city! OK, about the job.
As you know, here at Sandalwood Sports Centre, we have sports training sessions every
summer for school children. They arrive at 8.30 in the morning and then stay with us all
day until 5.30 in the afternoon. Their parents pay a lot of money, so we have to train them
well. You don’t have to teach all the sports because we have a lot of trainers, but you can
do the cycling and swimming and judo, if that’s OK?
B: That’s great. It’s good practice for me before I go to university.
A: Do you cycle in competitions, Mark?
B: Yes, I’m National Junior Champion at the moment. But I don’t have any more
competitions before October, so I can be here every day.
A: Good! I think you’re just the person we are looking for.
B: Thank you very much.
A: We have a special training day for new people on July 28th. Can you be there? We
show you around the centre and give you safety training.
B: Yes, that’s very important. I can be there. Do I have to bring anything?
A: Bring your swimming costume and tennis racket. Oh yes, and your bike. I want to see
you ride!

A: Jackson's grocer's shop. Can I help you?
B: Good morning. I'd like to order a delivery.
A: Of course, sir. Can I have your name and address.
B: It's Mr Baxter from 47 Church Lane.
A: Baxter ... 47 Church Lane. Right, and your telephone number, sir?
B: Yes, it's 0778-56765.
A: 0778-56756?
B: N0,56765.
A: Oh, sorry. Now, what would you like to order, sir?
B: I'd like a loaf of bread, 2 kilos of tomatoes, and some Cheddar.
A: How much Cheddar would you like?
В: I think a kilo should be enough. Can I have 6 eggs and a packet of sugar as well?
A: Is that everything, sir?
B: Yes ... no, sorry. I'd like 2 cartons of orange juice too, please.
A: That's fine, sir. The total cost is ... erm ... £11.80 and we can deliver it at 3pm this
afternoon. Is that OK?
B: That's fine. Thank you very much.
A: Thank you.

I have some good news today! The new Sharp Shopping Centre is going to open on
Saturday 15th September. That’s next Saturday. And we have a day full of fun and
surprises for you all. To start with, famous TV actress Susie Burrows from our favourite
soap opera Dancing Years will be here at 10.30 to open the centre. First, the director of the
centre Bill Banks will give a short speech to welcome everyone, and then Susie will cut
the ribbon. Afterwards, you can talk to Susie, and she will give out photos of Dancing
Years and autographs of the actors. From 11.00, the centre will be open for business. All
the shops will have special bargains and free things to give you. I will be at The Chocolate
Shop! They are going to give free chocolate cakes and bars to anyone who goes in. There
will be a big party in the middle of the centre for children from 2.00 to 3.30. There will be
lots of food – sandwiches and biscuits – and then the children can play games too. At the
far end of the centre, there will be a miniconcert by a local band called Leather. They will
play from 12.30 to 4.00. Don’t miss them! They’re very good and they have a new album
out. It’s called First Leather Jacket and you can buy it in the new Rolling Records store on
the second level of the centre.

A: Hi, Kathy! Good to see you. Were you on holiday last week? You weren’t in
B: Yes. I went to New York with my mum and dad, and my sister, Julie. Dad had
some free tickets from his work!
A: Wow! How long were you there?
B: Just four days. Dad couldn’t stay very long because he had to go back to work,
and I have tests next week. I’m happy the school allowed me to go.
A: Was New York wonderful?
B: Oh yes! It’s the best city in the world! I bought lots of clothes, and we went
sightseeing. We walked through Central Park – it’s very big, you know! We went on a
boat to see the Statue of Liberty – she’s big too! It was a fantastic holiday. But the trip
over there was terrible.
A: Really? What was the problem?
B: Well, first our taxi was late, and then there were lots of cars on the roads. The journey
to the airport was an hour!
A: Oh, no! It’s usually 15 minutes.
B: Then Mum couldn’t find the tickets. They weren’t in her bag, and our plane was in 15
minutes. Then we saw our taxi driver. He had our tickets in his hand. Mum left them in the
A: What a nice taxi driver!
B: Then Dad was angry with Mum because of the tickets. And on the plane, Julie cried
because she couldn’t sit next to the window! It was a very long journey, and there was a
woman with a baby behind me. It cried all the time.
A: Poor you! Was the food on the plane OK?
B: No, it was cold, and the bread was old and hard. No, not a good journey.
A: And the journey home?
B: Wonderful! No babies, good food and a long sleep!

Have you always dreamt of visiting the Far East? Do you love adventure and excitement?
Then we have the perfect holiday for you. Thai tours offers a 12 day holiday in Thailand
that you will never forget. You will fly from London to Bangkok where you will spend the
first two days of the tour. Here you can visit ancient temples and shop in the busy markets
in the Thai capital.
Next you will head into the jungle for a four-day trek to Chiang Mei. You will visit
important cultural sites and spend an exciting day riding an elephant through the jungle.
After that, there is more adventure, as you will spend three days canoeing along the rivers
of the Phang Nga National Park.
After that you will probably want to relax and we have the perfect place for it. The island
of Koh Samui has some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. After three days on
this island paradise you will fly back to Bangkok before heading for home.
This is the perfect opportunity to see the best of Thailand on a short holiday. Throughout
your tour you will stay in comfortable accommodation and you will have an English-
speaking guide with you at all times. The total cost of the package, including return flights
from London, is just £1850. Call today and make your reservation.

1. Програма для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Іноземні мови. 5-9 класи.
-К.: ВД «Освіта», 2013 р.
2. Карп’юк О. Д. Англійська мова: Підручник для 6-го класу загальноосвітніх
навчальних закладів (6-й рік навчання). — Тернопіль : „Видавництво Астон”,
2014.— 224 с. : іл..
3. Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley Enterprise. Listening tests
4. Joan Soars, Liz Soars New Headway English Course: Beginner: Test Booklet
5. Joan Soars, Liz Soars New Headway English Course: Elementary: Test Booklet
6. Joan Soars, Liz Soars New Headway English Course: Pre-Intermediate: Test
7. Spencer David. Gateway. A2: Test CD
8. Spencer David. Gateway. B1: Test CD


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