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Advantages and disadvantages of online learning

1. Research:
- Synonym: homeschooling; home education; correspondence course; distance
learning/ education; e-learning; electronic-learning; online education; …
- Antonym: traditional learning/ education/ classroom; face-to-face learning; …
- Advantages:
+ Cost-effectiveness
+ Saves time
+ Readily available materials
+ No boundaries, no restrictions
+ Supports flexible schedules
+ Fast and easy sharing of resources
- Disadvantages:
+ Internet connection problems
+ Requires a good grasp of tech skills
+ Lacks human contact
+ Health related concerns
+ Difficult to acquire practical skills
+ Possibility of distractions
+ Stressful for those with weaker character
+ Not being able to cater for everyone
+ The cost of keeping materials up to date
2. Outline:
- Thesis statement: This essay will discuss both views
- Body paragraph 1:
+ Topic sentence 1: On the one hand, e-learning provides several major benefits.
+ Supporting points:
 Saves both time and money
 Supports flexible schedules
- Body paragraph 2:
+ Topic sentence 2: On the other hand, students who opt for online education may as
well encounter numerous problems.
+ Supporting points:
 Possibility of distractions
 Lacks human interaction
3. Essay:
In recent years, with the advancement of technology, the trend of online learning is
becoming increasingly popular. However, it remains debatable whether electronic
learning is beneficial or not. This essay will discuss both views.
On the one hand, online learning provides several major benefits. First of all, those
who go for it are likely to save both time and money. They do not have to go to school on
a daily basis, which may greatly reduce transport costs. Moreover, as they only have to
work from home, they are able to finish their assignments much more quickly and
therefore spare more time for hobbies and other activities. Secondly, unlike traditional
classroom, e-learning often offers a flexible curriculum. This is fairly advantageous when
emergencies arise, for students may embark on the tasks whenever they like without
being penalized.
On the other hand, learners who opt for online education may as well encounter
numerous problems. Firstly, they may easily be distracted from their study because of
environmental factors. For example, they may succumb to the temptation of television,
games, sleeping, etc., which is conducive to poor academic performance. Besides, the
deafening sounds coming from next door or outside roads may also be a major obstacle to
students’ progress. Another big disadvantage of e-learning is the lack of human contact.
Compared to public schools, online programs offer limited opportunity to interact with
other people. Therefore, students may become demotivated, which is likely to culminate
in poor results.
To encapsulate, online education presents learners with wonderful opportunities
to study effectively; however, it also has serious drawbacks. From my point of view, the
disadvantages of online learning surpass its advantages.

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