How To Enroll in ORP: List of Approved Providers

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How to Enroll in ORP

The Optional Retirement Program (ORP) may be chosen by certain employees in lieu of
Teacher Retirement System (TRS) based on the job they perform.

This is a once per lifetime irrevocable opportunity to elect to participate in the ORP. You
have a 90-day period to elect to participate in the Optional Retirement Program. If you
do not elect by the 90th calendar day after your initial date of ORP eligibility, you lose the
privilege of changing from the Teacher Retirement System of Texas to the Optional
Retirement Program. The Optional Retirement Program Acknowledgement is an
acknowledgement form only and is NOT an ORP election form.

TRS is a defined benefit retirement plan governed by Internal Revenue Code Section
401(a). All eligible employees of The University of Texas System are automatically
enrolled in TRS on their first day of employment. Employee and employer
contributions go into a large trust fund that is managed by knowledgeable professionals.
Retirement benefits are based on legislatively determined formulas.

See the TRS Benefits Handbook for more information on this valuable benefit.

ORP is a defined contribution plan governed by Internal Revenue Code Section 403(b).
Benefits are based on the performance of the investments selected and are controlled by
the employee.

Please review An Overview of TRS and ORP and a Brief Comparison of ORP and TRS
provided. For vendor contact information, vendor services provided, and fund
information, please visit

ORP is elected by completing the TRS-28 and by enrolling in ORP on UT Retirement

Manager at First time users,
click on “I’m a New User”. Please use your employee id number as the “Employee
Unique ID” and your established password. You may also enroll by completing the
TRS-28, the Authorization for Reduction for Employee Contribution and returning the
completed forms to Benefits Services by the 90th calendar day of your initial ORP

You must select a provider from the list of approved Providers, complete their
applications and follow their enrollment instructions to set up an account. Return the
completed applications and beneficiary forms directly to the Provider.


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