Making Survey Questions Based On "Quality of Education & Student Satisfaction"

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An Assignment

Making Survey Questions based on “Quality of Education & Student Satisfaction”

Course Title: Business Research Methodology

Course Code: MKT 304

Submitted to
Dr. Md. Kashedul Wahab Tuhin
Associate Professor
Department of Marketing
Jahangirnagar University

Submitted by
Sabrina Newaz
ID: 1711
Batch: 8th
Department of Marketing
Jahangirnagar University

Date of Submission: December 08, 2019

Cover Letter

December 8, 2019

Dear Participant,

My name is Sabrina Newaz and I am an undergraduate student at Jahangirnagar University. For

my Course assignment, I am examining The Quality of Education and student satisfaction.
Because you are a student, I am inviting you to participate in this research study by completing
the attached surveys. The following questionnaire will require approximately 5 to 7 minutes
completing. There is no compensation for responding nor is there any known risk. In order to
ensure that all information will remain confidential, please do not include your name. Copies of
the project will be provided to my course instructor. If you choose to participate in this project,
please answer all questions as honestly as possible and return the completed questionnaires
promptly. Participation is strictly voluntary and you may refuse to participate at any time. Thank
you for taking the time to assist me in my educational endeavors. The data collected will provide
useful information regarding. Completion and return of the questionnaire will indicate your
willingness to participate in this study. If you require additional information or have questions,
please contact me at the number listed below. If you are not satisfied with the manner in which
this study is being conducted, you may report (anonymously if you so choose) any complaints to
me directly.

Sincerely yours,

Sabrina Newaz
Student, BBA Program
Department of Marketing
Jahangirnagar University
Information of Participant (Highly Confidential)
Educational Level

Survey Questionnaires

(Please put a tick mark on your selected option)

1. How well your educational system for you?

□ Extremely well
□ Very well
□ Somewhat well
□ Not so well
□ Not at all well

2. How important your educational system for your future career?

□ Extremely helpful
□ Very helpful
□ Somewhat helpful
□ Not so helpful
□ Not at all helpful

3. How your institution helps your educational quality to be enriched?

□ Extremely helpful
□ Very helpful
□ Somewhat helpful
□ Not so helpful
□ Not at all helpful

4. How well do the teachers teach at your Institution?

□ Extremely well
□ Very well
□ Somewhat well
□ Not so well
□ Not at all well

5. How effective is the teaching outside your major at your Institution?

□ Extremely effective
□ Very effective
□ Somewhat effective
□ Not so effective
□ Not at all effective

6. How well-maintained are the facilities at your Institution?

□ Extremely well-maintained
□ Very well-maintained
□ Somewhat well-maintained
□ Not so well-maintained
□ Not at all well-maintained

7. How helpful is your academic advisor?

□ Extremely helpful
□ Very helpful
□ Somewhat helpful
□ Not so helpful
□ Not at all helpful

8. How easy administrative procedures at your Institution?

□ Extremely easy
□ Very easy
□ Somewhat easy
□ Not so easy
□ Not at all easy

9. How safe do you feel on campus?

□ Extremely safe
□ Very safe
□ Somewhat safe
□ Not so safe
□ Not at all safe

10. How helpful is the staff at the on-campus health center?

□ Extremely helpful
□ Very helpful
□ Somewhat helpful
□ Not so helpful
□ Not at all helpful

11. How useful are the services provided by the on-campus career center?

□ Extremely useful
□ Very useful
□ Somewhat useful
□ Not so useful
□ Not at all useful

12. How easy is it to obtain the resources you need from your Institution library system?

□ Extremely easy
□ Very easy
□ Somewhat easy
□ Not so easy
□ Not at all easy

13. How healthy is the food served at your Institution?

□ Extremely healthy
□ Very healthy
□ Somewhat healthy
□ Not so healthy
□ Not at all healthy

14. How crowded are the dormitory facilities at your Institution?

□ Extremely crowded
□ Very crowded
□ Somewhat crowded
□ Not so crowded
□ Not at all crowded

15. How happy are you with the choice of university-sponsored extracurricular activities at this

□ Extremely happy
□ Very happy
□ Somewhat happy
□ Not so happy
□ Not at all happy

16. How satisfied are you with the policies that your Institution sets?

□ Extremely satisfied
□ Very satisfied
□ Somewhat satisfied
□ Not so satisfied
□ Not at all satisfied

17. How likely are you to continue attending your Institution next year?

□ Extremely likely
□ Very likely
□ Somewhat likely
□ Not so likely
□ Not at all likely

18. How likely are you to recommend your educational system to others?

□ Extremely likely
□ Very likely
□ Somewhat likely
□ Not so likely
□ Not at all likely

19. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience in educational system and at your Institution,
neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it?

□ Extremely satisfied
□ Very satisfied
□ Somewhat satisfied
□ Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
□ Somewhat dissatisfied
□ Very dissatisfied
□ Extremely dissatisfied
Thank you for your assistance

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