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While some people think that the assistance of renowned individuals to international aid

organizations can draw attention to pressing issues. Others believe that celebrities can
make the problems seem less important. Although the former viewpoint seems to be
plausible in some cases, I strongly believe that the latter is more convincing.

Advocates of the idea of using well-known people’s support are also able to come up
with even more persuasive arguments to justify their opinion. To begin with, celebrities
can lead many campaigns to raise people’s awareness. For example, the #metoo
movement leading by Hollywood celebrities has brought a great deal of attention to
sexual misconduct in workplace over the globe. This progress has not only enhanced
women’s rights but made work environments safer. In addition, comedians have unique
advantage when generating social awareness. In fact, through laughing at the silly
customs and logic, people are able to not only unwind but reflect many important

However, there are some compelling reasons why people reckon celebrity

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