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Governments should invest more money in science education rather than other

subjects to develop the country. Do you agree or disagree?

In this day and age, many individuals reckon that authorities should devote national
budget to teaching science-related subjects rather than other ones with the aim of thriving
the nation. I am of the opinion that although science subjects play a vital role, other
subject also have their own considerable merits in the progress of making the nation more

---> It is said that national funding for education should give preference to science-based
subjects over others in an attempt to boost a country’s future development and progress.
Although an increase in scientific development can bring many outstanding merits to
national progress, I disagree that science is the primary contributor.

It is argued that = It is believed that=It is said that

Give preference to something over something:

In an attempt to / in an effort to / in order to / to + v1

Science Other subjects

Allow greater efficiency and higher History and Philosophy
productivity output. Gain better understanding of humanity
----> computer-based technologies -> -> a more well-rounded people with proper
workplaces -> deep sea/ ocean - computer / moral standards
computerized machinery
Renewable energy
Enhance imagination and creativity
Solar / wind energy - generate power
Music/ film/ other art forms -> improve the
Ease the reliance on/over fossil fuels quality of people lives -> overall
It is believed that government funding should give preference to science-based
subjects over others in an effort to thrive a country’s progress. Although an
increase in scientific developments can have many potential gains to national
progress, I disagree that science is the primary contributor.
On the one hand, there is no doubt that the advent of modern scientific inventions
has brought with a number of improvements in the way that countries develop. To
begin with, a series of electrical and computer-based technologies leads to much
more efficient workplaces. In fact, computerized machinery can do the work of
what could been done by humans, accelerating productivity outputs. Another
benefit that science has granted is the development of renewable energy, directly
facilitating different industrial fields. A typical example is that solar or wind
powers are beginning to ease the reliance on fossil fuels.

On the other hand, others subjects also play a vital significance to a country’s
overall development. First of all, subjects such as History and Philosophy have
allowed humans to gain better understanding of humanity. Therefore, most
countries would benefit greater from a well-rounded people with proper moral
standards. Secondly, arts should be put more emphasis to allow societies and
individuals to express themselves creatively through music, films and other art
forms. In addition, this can aid to improve the quality of people’s mental health.

In conclusion, although science developments have led to great breakthroughs for

most nations, science alone is not the key contributor to a country’s prosperity. It is
much more vital to focus all aspects. (267 words)

Is the mental strength important for success in sports or is it more important to have
strong and fit people in sports. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

 While many individuals advocate physical fitness is paramount important to

sportspeople, other people think that mental toughness is the key to reach success in
sports. Both views have their own remarkable merits, and I am of the opinion the
combination of both sides would facilitate people to be successful in sports.

On the one hand, mental strength contributes two fundamental benefits to sportspeople.
Firstly, mental toughness makes an athlete acquire a high degree of self-confidence.
Because they are able to block out distractions, they are more likely to stick to their
strategies during their performance, resulting in confident performance. Secondly,
sportspeople are able to perform under tremendous pressure. If they are able to control a
tense situation such as a penalty in which players need to take penalty kicks in a football
game, they will minimize thoughts of failure, so that they are able to score effectively.

On the other hand, although mental strength is paramount, in order to achieve success in
sports, players should obtain physical prowess. To begin with, physical fitness is a
decisive factor in almost sports. Take football as a typical illustration, the football game
lasts 90 minutes, so at the end of game, their stamina may fall down considerably, and
footballer are more likely to get tired or dejected, which results in hardly acing the match.
Moreover, when you do many adventured sports such as climbing which requires a great
deal of physical maneuver, so gaining a physical strong stamina might facility them in
conquering this sport.

In conclusion, mental strength might bring confidence and the ability to perform under
pressure, and physical fit might facilitate the process of doing and playing sports. I
strongly believe that a person who has both mental strength and physical fitness will be
successful in sports.

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