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Internship Program

Submitted as per the requirement of the course curriculum of

“Internship” in School of Law for internship at
<Name of the internship organization>
from <start date> to <end date>

Submitted by: Submitted to:

<Name> Internship and Placement Committee
<Enrolment No.> <Concerned Faculty>
<Batch> <Designation>
Declaration of Originality................................................................................................................4
Objectives of Internship...................................................................................................................7
Nature of Work................................................................................................................................8
Tasks Assigned and Accomplished.................................................................................................9
Overall Learning Outcome............................................................................................................14


 First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude towards my university, Bennett
University, Greater Noida, for aiding me in obtaining the bunch of internship opportunities.
Given that this was my first internship, every member of the staff as well as the administration
were incredibly helpful. Every piece of paperwork and other procedures were completed in a
timely manner at the university's end. I can't thank them enough for their devotion and

Moreover, I would like to thank my parents who have been a constant support for me during this
period of highly informative but challenging internship.

Furthermore, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and admiration to Adv. Amit Gupta Sir.
This internship would have definitely been a farfetched task without the support of Amit Sir. T
From the slightest subtleties in law to the most complex topics, were covered by him as he made
them all simple for us to comprehend. Furthermore, he allowed us the freedom to delve deeply
into legislation and do study in order to improve our knowledge and research abilities.

The aforementioned people are the ones because of whom this internship has been accomplished
successfully, I would like to express my gratitude once again in regards to the same.


<Enrolment Number>



I, _______________________________(name), with Enrolment No:_________________,

Student of _______________(Batch) at School of Law, Bennett University, do hereby declare
that the material presented in the internship report represents original work carried out by me
during my internship at ________________________________(name of organization) from
__________(start date) to ______________(end date).

With my signature I certify that: -

 I have not manipulated any of the data or results.

 I have not committed any plagiarism of intellectual property.
 I have clearly indicated and referenced the contributions of others.
 I have explicitly acknowledged all collaborative research and discussions.
 I have understood that any false claim will result in severe disciplinary action.
 I have understood that the work may be screened for any form of academic misconduct.

Date: Student Signature


1. & And
2. Anr. Another
3. CPC Code of Civil Procedure
4. DRC Act Delhi Rent Control Act
5. Hon,ble Honourable
6. NCT National Capital Territory
7. No. Number
8. Ors. Others
9. S. Section
10. SC Supreme Court
11. v. Versus

This particular report of internship has been prepared by me for the evaluation of my one-month
internship at District Court, Saket under learned counsel Adv. Amit Gupta. The college's
Internship and Placement Committee has given me the opportunity to intern at the
aforementioned office. The primary goal of this report is to showcase the duties that I completed
as a valid aspect of my programme of internship. This experience has enriched my knowledge, as
demonstrated in the said report.

All the relevant sets of facts and experiences have been mentioned in the report and have been
segregated in a week-by-week manner for comprehending the same in a better manner. Also, the
relevant submissions that I had made to the advocate have also been mentioned in the report for
due consideration of the evaluator.

As part of this internship programme, research has played an important role, and I've been able to
improve on it owing the same to this experience. With the support of this programme, I was able
to comprehend the body of work in a professional legal area. Because of this internship
opportunity, relevant legislations pertaining to Indian criminal law may be better understood and

• To comprehend the proper route of legal research.
• To become acquainted with the applicable legislation pertaining to the cases and research
topics presented throughout the internship programme.
• Analyzing and comprehending a variety of additional papers that were essential to the
work of research (and cases).
• The chance to conduct a comprehensive examination of the laws, their applicability to a
particular case and their representations before the Hon'ble Court.

• Researching on various aspects of civil law (DRC Act and CPC mainly).
• Researched on various aspects of res judicata, injunction, plaint, etc.
• Understanding the documentation of a civil petition.
• Assisting Adv. Amit Gupta Sir for various tasks that were assigned to me during the due
• Preparing numerous case notes required, after reading multiple papers, books, and other
secondary sources.


Unfortunately, due to the sudden outbreak of the pandemic at an unprecedented level, the courts
were ordered to be shut. I was supposed to attend the courtroom proceedings, but due to the
aforementioned, the same was not possible. As a result of the same, a major chunk of the first
week went in figuring out the modalities of the new normal and how this transition of lawyers to
virtual media was supposed to take place. The first half of the first week went in several briefings
of the kind of work I was supposed to do as a part of my Work from Home programme. Once the
queries in that regard were answered, I was given a briefing by Amit Sir in regards to the kind of
cases he is specialised and practiced in and the concepts that I had to learn beforehand in order to
keep up with the same. Though I missed out on the actual visiting of courts, the briefings helped
me in getting a grasp over the body of work (primarily research) as I was a novice to the same.
Since this was supposed to be a Work from Home based internship, I was informed that research
would form the major chunk of work that I am supposed to do. Moreover, I was briefed about
Manupatra, SCC and JSTOR, which were to assist me during the course of my research. Even
though courts were not operational, Amit Sir made sure that he took sessions from the first week
itself where he could give us valuable insights and intricacies of the workings of courts on a
daily basis. He covered the necessary aspects such as details about the filing of a petition, the
pleading of a lawyer before a judge, the questioning of judges, and several other valuable
intricacies. It was pretty fruitful for me as the sessions were quite informative and focused on
disseminating such information to we interns.

Furthermore, week one was inclusive of the allotment of the respective cases to me and the other
fellow interns on which I was supposed to conduct research and make the necessary submissions.
The case allotted to me was named Sh. Kishan Chand v. Sh. Om Prakash & Ors. First week for
us revolved around the assimilation of valuable provisions, case information report, necessary
applications and submissions. One of the primary tasks for us was to go through the Delhi Rent
Control Act in entirety. The DRC Act was the pivotal legislation that was supposed to be used in

the aforementioned case as the plaintiff and defendant relationship was that of a landlord and
tenant which was governed by the same.

This being the first-hand experience to a case of the civil nature, I found myself to be lucky as I
was handed the responsibility to research on the intricacies of DRC Act. The first week went by
in the process of these briefings, discussions and research.


As previously said, the preceding case law served as the focal point of our whole internship
programme because it was the major case being handled by Adv. Amit Sir at the time. The case
involved civil law.

The facts of the case that I dealt with were to be given in the form of case notes and were as
follows- The plaintiff and the defendant were landlord and tenant respectively where the plaintiff
was the owner of a shop in Mehrauli, New Delhi. The tenants were conducting their business in
the shop and were paying rent for the same in a timely manner. Their obligations were governed
by the DRC Act. Due to some personal reasons known to be involving plaintiff's son, the
plaintiff required the possession of his shop to which the tenants denied. Aggrieved by the same,
the plaintiff obtained eviction orders from the district court under s. 14 (1) (e) of DRC Act. It is
noteworthy that prior to this, the defendant did not deny plaintiff's ownership over the property.
But, post enforcing eviction petition, the defendant since 2012 began to deny the ownership of
the property and thus filed for an injunction themselves. The plaintiff complained to the police as
well but nothing was written down in a concrete manner and the matter was sabotaged.
Moreover, in order to annoy the plaintiff, the defendant began to undertake construction over the
plaintiff's property. Aggrieved by the same, the plaintiff approached the Hon'ble Court for
enforcing his legitimate rights in order to demand for a permanent injunction with cost in favour
of the plaintiff against the defendant before the court of law.

As the second week progressed, I carefully considered the relevant facts so that I could write and
handover the case notes to Amit Sir. Furthermore, I examined the petition in its totality to
determine the appropriate legal requirements.

The main applicable provisions in the aforementioned case were s. 14 of the DRC Act and Order
38 and 39 of CPC.

As already mentioned, s. 14 (1) (e) was extremely important to the case at hand therefore I
primarily researched upon its implications in the Indian courts. I tried to understand how an
actual owner can get a property vacated for himself or his relatives or blood relations under the
aforementioned provision of the DRC Act. Moreover, I researched and went deep into the
intricacies of Order 38 and 39 of CPC. Moreover, I was given some additional topics from Amit
Sir for better understanding, knowledge and application in regards to the same and therefore I
researched and went on to learn them as well. These topics included ex parte interim relief,
temporary injunction, perpetual and mandatory injunction, anti-suit injunctions, etc.

Moreover, in the second week itself, I was expected to research on relevant case laws that
supported our case in regards to s. 14 (1) (e) of the DRC Act. I researched on the same for the
entire week and I was fortunate to find pertinent cases that supported our cause.

 I was permitted to consider and evaluate the entire issue, which assisted me in better
comprehending the case during the course of my internship. I consider myself quite privileged
that Amit Sir allowed me to go deeply into the case's factual circumstances and the required legal

As far as research is concerned, I researched upon the application of s. 14 of the Act in the Indian
Courts through judicial precedents. Moreover, I researched primarily on the development and
interpretation of Order 38 and 39 of CPC.


Week 3 was devoted towards the documentation of the petition to which I was supposed to make
certain documents under the abled guidance of Amit Sir.

Primarily, in the third week, I was expected to fill out the Case Information Report by giving
necessary information to Amit Sir regarding the personal information of the plaintiff. We also
assisted in filling out the extra party information report.

Ample amount of time went by in sometimes dictating and sometimes typing the necessary
summaries, undertakings and memorials. I was also taught as to how we are expected to
document as well as file an affidavit. Lastly, the main arguments in the petition were also made
with us assisting Amit Sir in week 3.

Since I was representing the plaintiff in the case, ample amount of time went in discussions with
Amit Sir. Since I was already well versed with the law buy now, we spent a lot of time in its
implementation and interpretation to the cause and advantage of our client (the plaintiff). One
thing which was noteworthy here is that Amit Sir was always welcoming of our opinions as he
trusted our research.

Moreover, in the third week, I was given a set of video recordings of the aforementioned
construction that the defendant had undertaken over the plaintiff's property. I was asked to take
notes in regards to the same and verse Amit Sir about the same as well. Moreover, I was
supposed to talk to our client and prepare a brief upon the necessary conversations that he had
with the police officer at Mehrauli police station.

Lastly, in the third week I was given to draft the address form and the necessary set of
declarations that were required in the instant case. We spent a lot of time in negative the
arguments of the defendants through fruitful interactions with Amit Sir. Since these discussions
were open-ended, I was able to see through both the sides. Therefore, whenever I took up a
concept and enforced it into practicality, both Amit Sir and I made sure that we looked it from
both, the plaintiff's end as well as the defendant's end.

Moreover, as stated, the defendant denied the ownership of the plaintiff post 2012 but prior to
that he affirmed the same. Therefore, the receipts of rent were a necessary evidence in the instant

During the third week, I arranged these receipts in the necessary order so as to make them
organized and easy to decipher to whomsoever it concerned.


The fourth week for me and other interns who had been working on the present case was a
continuation to the third week since I was summarising the research work and findings. Adding
on to week 3, the fourth week was devoted to me making summaries of all the studies and
research on the law, files, and proofs completed on the case delegated to all of us, and I also
continued to interact with Sir, where we addressed circumstances that were beneficial to the
plaintiff's case.

On the other hand, we also looked at a neutralising the sections and orders described above. As it
came to a conclusion, we had delivered all of the summaries, fact finding reports, data, sheets of
dates, and necessary media to Amit Sir in the manner requested by him. In my view, I focused on
arranging the reports and materials in such a way that they would be easy to analyse for Sir and
useful in constructing his pleadings. Sir gave me positive feedback, praising my work and effort,
commitment, and perseverance. My internship, which had been a wonderful experience, came to
an end with the submission of the final report to Amit Sir.


Being my first-hand experience to the process of internships, I was formally introduced to the
field of law in regards to the intricacies it offered. However, we were unfortunate to not have
gotten an opportunity to visit the courts due to the COVID 19 outbreak. The same can be
considered a blessing as I got ample opportunities to research. I was taught how to conduct my
research through the platforms (SCC, Manupatra, etc.) As well as how to present the same before
any individual of the legal sphere. For my upcoming years in college, the research that I I have
done under Amit Sir, in my belief, would surely reap fruitful benefits for me and the same is
applicable for later in life.

I am fortunate that it I was expected to research on DRC Act as well as CPC which are extremely
necessary legislations and which are more practical than theoretical and require ample
interpretation through rightful directions. Moreover, I was introduced to various necessary
documents such as affidavits, case information reports, and several other forms in declarations
which I have learnt to file in the attic word format and the same is going to be fruitful for me
when I take up litigation post my graduation. Lastly, this internship has helped me in becoming
an open-minded person while researching on any topic of law as I have understood how to
approach the law from the plaintiff's end as well as the defendant's. I was given an opportunity to
read up on these laws as much as I can and I am thankful to Sir for the same. Lastly, this
internship process has made me learn the importance of procedural laws in our modern judicial
system and how they are supposed to be applicable in the current working of courts.

It is concluded that my internship under the abled guidance of Adv. Amit Gupta Sir was
definitely of fruitful experience as I I found myself to be extremely productive with the plethora
of opportunities that came my way in regards to the relevant set of procedural laws as well as the
DRC Act. This internship was inclusive of both research and practical tasks. Amit Sir helped me
in understanding the intricacies of a courtroom proceeding which connected the theory to the
practical for me.

The work of research was confined to the DRC Act and CPC. I was able to understand these
laws as well as get a hold over necessary documents such as affidavits, memorials, undertakings,
declarations, etc. Moreover, organisational skills were also tested as there was ample paperwork
during the course of my internship. I was given the liberty by Amit sir to dig deep into the laws
for finding the necessary solutions as I was supposed to to make notes and summaries of the
same by the end of the respective weeks.

To sum up, the experience was fruitful and productive and help me in hands my learning of law.
This internship has awarded me with interpretational skills which I am absolutely grateful for. I
have nothing but gratitude for each and every individual and most importantly Amit Sir for
having the faith in me and giving me the necessary opportunities to shine and flourish. The skills
that I have acquired through this internship are surely going to be helpful later in life.


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