Darshana Ichhabhedi Ras Jan 2018

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Original Article

Pharmaceutical Standardization of
Ichhabhedi Rasa- An Ayurvedic Formulation
Darshana Mehkarkar*, Bharat Rathi , Dhirajsingh Rajput2, Anita Wanjari3, Mujahid Khan4

Joinsysmed ID: JID18023OA Submitted Date: 06-03-2018 Approved Date: 06-04-2018

Corresponding Author: Darshana Mehkarkar, Senior research fellow, Regional Ayurveda institute for
mother and child health, Nandanvan, Nagpur (MH)
Email: dmehkarkar@gmail.com
1, 3 2, 4
Co-author (s): Professor, Assistant Professor, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
MGACHRC, Salod (H), Wardh (MH)

Background: Panchakarma is the branch of Ayurveda medicine which deals with various procedures for the
elimination of Doshas from body. It includes Snehana, Swedana, Vamana, Virechana and Raktamokshan.Out of which
Virechana procedure deals with the elimination of Pitta Dosha. Various formulations have been described in classics for
Virechna. Ichabhedi Rasa is a classical preparation commonly used for Virechana. Ichabhedi Rasa is described in
various classical texts with some variation of ingredients. It contains Shuddha Jaipal, Shuddha Gandhak, Sunthi,
Marich, Shuddha Parada and Shuddha Tankana. Jaypal is the chief ingredient of the preparation having Katu Rasa,
Ushna Virya and Katu Vipaka. It is well known for its strong purgative action. Objectives: In present work an attempt
has been made to standardize Ichabhedi Rasa. Materials and Methods: Jaypal, Gandhak, Parada, Tankana, Sunthi,
Marich was collected from local market of Wardha. Herbal raw drugs were authenticated by Dravyagunadept,
M.G.A.C.H. andR.C. Wardha. Parada, Gandhaka, Tankana were authenticated by Dattatray Ayurvediya Rasashala.
Ichabhedi Rasa was prepared as per textual reference at Dattatraya Rasashala. The organoleptic characters, the various
physico-chemical properties such as moisture content, ash values, extractive values were carried out to ascertain the
quality, purity and safety of this herbal formulation. Results: Prepared Ichbhedi Rasa analyzed for the physico-chemical
parameters which was within the pharmacopoeial standards. Conclusion: 100 gms of Ichabhedi Rasa can be yield from
the 110gms of raw drug which was within the pharmacopoeial standards.
Key words: Panchakarma, Virechana, Ichhabhedi Rasa

Panchakarma is a bio-cleansing regimen Ichhabhedi Rasa is basically a Rasaushadhi
comprising of five main procedures (Vamana, commonly used for Virechana. It is described in various
Virechana, Basti and Raktamokshana) that facilitates classical texts with some variation of ingredients.
better bioavailability of the pharmacological therapies, Ichhabhedi Rasa contains Shodhhita. Jaypal (Croton
helps to bring out homeostasis of body, eliminates tiglium) as a chief ingredient along with, Sunthi
disease-causing complexes from the body and checks the (Zingiber officinale) Marich (Piper nigrum), Shodhit
recurrence and progression of diseases. For this five Parada Shodhit Gandhak, Shodhit Tankana. Jaypal
folded treatment regimen there are various formulations having Katu Rasa Ushna Virya and Katu Vipaka and is
described in Ayurvedic texts which are herbal, animal well known for its strong purgative action.
and mineral origin. Rasashastra texts involve several To maintain the therapeutic effect of
Rasaushdhies which are very useful for Panchakarma formulations standardization is essential which involves
procedures. Advantages of Rasaushdhies described in the quality and purity of the ingredients standardized
texts, are therapeutically effective even when methods of preparation and qualitative and quantitative
administered in a small dose (unlike Kashthaushdhi analysis of finished products. Standardization of drug
which are generally required to be administered in a large begins from the selection of crude drugs. To establish an
dose). These products are not unpalatable .Rasaushdhies effective standardization system, every Ayurvedic
produce their therapeutic effects instantaneously. pharmacy should maintain a collection of crude drugs
which are properly standardized. Samples collected
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from market are compared to standard quality control
parameters to check the quality and purity of crude
In the present study an attempt has been made to
standardize the manufacturing process of Ichhabhedi
Rasa and to establish the quality assessment parameters
for the formulation.
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Mehkarkar Darshana et. al; Pharmaceutical Standardization of Ichhabhedi Rasa
Analytical parameters for finished drug were general
Methodology: appearance in including size, shape, organoleptic
Ingredients like Marich, Sunthi, Jaypal, Gandhak, properties, hardness, uniformity in weight, and
Parada, and Tankana (table 1) collected from local disintegration time and physicochemical parameters
market of Wardha. The herbal drugs are authenticated by including loss on drying, ash value, acid insoluble ash,
Dept. of Dravyaguna, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved water soluble extractive value, alcohol soluble
College Hospital and Research Center. extractive value, pH.

Methods: Observations and Results:

Methods for preparation of Ichhabhedi Rasa includes During the preparation of Ichhabhedi Rasa the
following: purified mercury and Gandhak taken in a Khalwayantra
· Jaypal Shodhana triturated vigorously to obtain a smooth, black coloured
· Preparation of Kajjali powder called Kajjali. Other ingredients were added as
· Preparation of Ichhabhedi Rasa per the sequence mentioned in the reference Shloka.
In Rasendra Sara Samgraha Bhavana was not
Jaypal Shodhana: mentioned for this formulation .After detailed literature
After removing shell and seedling Jaypal is added with review from Rasatantra Sara and Siddhyog Samgraha it
purified Tankana and subjected to Swedana process for was decided to triturate the above mixture with Nimbu
6 hours in Dolayantra filled with cow milk[1]. Swarasa Bhavana for 6 hours. After the Bhavana process
obtained mixture achieved all Subhavita Dravya
Preparation of Kajjali: Lakshanas like, smooth, soft in texture turned to desired
Shodhita Parada was taken in Khalwayantra ,fine shape when pressed between fingers. This mixture was
powder of Shodhita Gandhaka is added and trituration then rolled into pills. The prepared Ichhabhedi Rasa Vati
was continued until the formation of Kajjali (fine, was tested for parameters for standardization of Vati. The
smooth, lusterless powder). data of uniformity of tablet shows that 90% tablets were
within acceptable range of weight variation
Preparation of Ichhabhedi Rasa:[2]
Sunthi, Marich are powdered separately and passed
through sieve no. 85 to obtain fine powder. Sunthi,
Marich and purified Tankana are taken in equal parts
with 3 parts of purified Jaypal. These are mixed with
Kajjali and properly triturated with Nimbu Swarasa
Bhavana to obtain a uniform mixture. Obtained soft
mass is rolled into Vati of 1 Ratti size. These Vati are dried
in shade and preserved in glass jar.

Analytical study:
Analytical study of Ichhabhedi Rasa was carried out in
Dattatraya Rasashala MGACH and RC Salod (H)

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Mehkarkar Darshana et. al; Pharmaceutical Standardization of Ichhabhedi Rasa

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Mehkarkar Darshana et. al; Pharmaceutical Standardization of Ichhabhedi Rasa
Discussion: insoluble ash. The result revealed that Ichhabhedi Rasa
Ichhabhedi Rasa is indicated in Bhagandara, is free from unwanted organic and inorganic compounds
Kushtha, Shula etc. diseases where strong purgation is and production site was good enough keeping sample
required. It contains Jaypal which is strong purgative. free from dust and other soil matters etc. The 24.06%w/w
Kajjali enhances purgative action due to Yogvahi nature, of water soluble and 14.10% w/w of alcohol soluble
this formulation overall holds Tikshnata, Vyavayi, extractive were present in IR indicating that the drug is
Vikasi, fast acting properties due to Jaypal which is having good solubility in water.
poisonous drug.
After entering into the body it causes Rakta, Conclusions:
Pitta and Vata Prakopa, it enhances the peristaltic Average weight gain in Ichhabhedi Rasa after
movements of intestines. The blood vessels supplying to Vati preparation was 2.16 %. Value for standard
intestines undergoes dilation due to which the blood Ichhabhedi Rasa for parameters such as Ash value, Acid
circulation along with the Doshas from Madhyam Marga insoluble ash, Alcohol soluble extractive, Water soluble
and Shakha approaches towards Antahkoshtha .Here extractive, Loss on drying, pH, Hardness, Uniformity of
the fluid part gets absorbed by the intestines and weight, Dissolution time and Disintegration time was
yellowish, watery stools passes which ultimately leads to 42.34 w/w, 7.33 w/w, 13.47 w/v, 23.78 w/v, 3.95 %, 8.14,
Koshtha Shuddi. 1.23 kg /cm2, 128.006 mg, 15 min and 20.66 min
There are multidimensional uses of Ichhabhedi respectively. Similar work on large scale preparation of
Rasa. In case of Shotha and Udaravyadhi Ichabhedi Ichhabhedi Rasa is needed to establish these findings.
Rasa helps by removing excess of fluid content which
helps in reduction of inflammation. In Kapha References:
predominant Kasa and Tamak Shwasa there is [1] Kashinath shastri, Rasatarangini, Motilal
accumulation of Kapha Dosha in chest which causes Banarasidas publications, 11th ed,chapter 24/313-314,
obstruction to Prana vayu. Ichhabhedi Rasa by strong p.705.
purgation reduces the fluid content of Kapha Doshas [2] Govindadas, Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Mishra S
which ultimately reduces obstruction of Pranavayu (editor), Udararogadhikar 40/61-62, reprint 2007,
which reduces the intensity of symptoms. The Choukhamba Surabharati Publication, Varanasi; p.736
formulation with proper Anupana can be successfully [3] http://www.pharmainfo.net/friability-test, last
used in various conditions. accessed on 25/12/2017 at 2.30 pm
Prepared three batches of Ichhabhedi Rasa were [4] Gupta AK. Introduction to Pharmaceutics – I. 3rd
analyzed to establish standard parameters. The strength edition New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors;
of a tablet plays a very important role in its marketing and 1994. p. 270.
dissolution. The mechanical strength of tablet or
granules can be determined by its hardness and through Conflict of Interest: NIL
friability test. Conventional compressed tablets that lose Source of Support: NA
less than 0.5% to 1% of weight are considered Ethical Clearance: NA
acceptable[3].Weight variation of tablet causes variation Registered to: NA
of active medicament which changes the bioavailability.
Acknowledgment: NIL
This may be due to causes such as variation in granule
size, poor flow, bridging, rat holing, punch variation and
poor mixing. IR tablets were found to have (mean ± SD)
128.06 mg average weight. 90% tablets were within
acceptable range of weight variation as for natural –
herbal products, ±10% range of weight variation is
acceptable. Both hardness and disintegration time
interfere with the bioavailability of drug. IR tablets was
found to have 1.25 kg/cm hardness and 22 min
disintegration time which was noticed with in accepted
limits[4]. Moisture content should be minimum to
prevent degradation of product. Excess of water in drug
encourage microbial growth, presence of fungi or insects
and deterioration following hydrolysis. IR contained 4%
w/w moisture showing that the tablet should be protected
from humid atmosphere by keeping silica bag in it as
climatic changes affect the tablet. The result shows that if
it would not be protected in humid atmosphere, then
water activity would be increased and it will cause
degradation of the tablet. Ash values are the criteria to How to cite the article: Mehkarkar D, Rathi B, Rajput
judge the identity and purity of crude drug, where total, DS, Wanjari A, Khan M. Pharmaceutical
water soluble and acid insoluble ashes are considered. IR standardization of Ichhabhedi Rasa- An Ayurvedic
contained 42.65% w/w of total ash and 0.8% w/w acid formulation. J. Ind. Sys. Med. 2018;6(1):10-13

13 Joinsysmed Vol.6 (1), January-March 2018

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