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Partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of








I hereby declare that this study titled “STUDY ON EMPLOYEE RETENTION IN
TEXTILE INDUSTRY” is the result of this project work carried out by me under the
guidance of prof. RAMANI NAIR in partial fulfilment for the award of master’s degree in
business administration by Bengaluru central university. I also declare that this project is the
outcome of my own efforts and that it has not been submitted to any other university or
institute for the award of any other degree or diploma or certificate.

Place: Bangalore Name: SWATHI. V

Date :25/1/2021 REG no:19MB7299



My gratification and exhilaration on the success of this project would be incomplete without
mentioning the names of all the people who helped, guided and encouraged me to for this
project would not have been successful.

I would like to thank my family for the support and blessing at each and every stage of my

I extended my sincere thanks to SHESHADRIPURAM INSTITUTE OF

MANAGEMENT STUIDES” studies, for giving an opportunity to complete my project.

I have immense pleasure in expressing my acknowledgement to our beloved director DR.

VATASLA G sheshadripuram institute of management studies. I thank your ma’am for your
valuable support. I thank professor RAMANI NAIR for her constant support, guidance,
suggestions thought the project and encourage as internal guide to complete the project

Last but not the least, I would like to thank my friend for their constant support and

Place: Bangalore Name: SWATHI. V

Date :25/1/2021 REG no:19MB7299



An abstract is a brief summary of a research article, thesis, review, conference proceeding, or
any in-depth analysis of particular subject and is often used to help the reader quickly
ascertain the papers purpose. Title of internship report is “STUDY ON EMPOYEE

A major concern of HR employers and business executives is the retention of productive

employees. It is more logical to retain a quality employee than to recruit, train and orient a
replacement employee of the same quality.

Employee retention is an ongoing process in which the organization retains the employees
for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the maximum period of time or
until the completion of the project. When it comes to the man power in the industry sector
the employee plays a major role as he has to balance the work on time with the
enhancement of skills.



1.1 introduction 3
1.2 theoretical concept of the study To
1.3 statement of the problem 10
1.4 need and relevance of the study


2.1 introduction 11
2.2 objective of the study

2.3 scope of the study

2.4 methodology

2.5 data collection

2.6 sampling plan

2.7 data analysis methods 13

2.8 limitations

2.9 overview of chapter scheme


3.1 need for swoc analysis of the study 14

3.2 swoc analysis To
3.3 strategic tools 21


4.1 outcome of the study 22


4.2 findings of the study To
4.3 conclusion 27

5. chapter-5

5.1 experience, learning & conclusion 27

5.2 experience To

5.3 suggestions 30

5.4 reference




A major concern of HR employers and business executives is the retention of productive

employees. It is more logical to retain a quality employee than to recruit, train and orient a
replacement employee of the same quality.

Employee retention is an ongoing process in which the organization retains the employees
for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the maximum period of time or
until the completion of the project. When it comes to the man power in the industry sector
the employee plays a major role as he has to balance the work on time with the
enhancement of skills.

With advancement of technology the up gradation is also needed. Up gradation also needs
time and money to be spent in the process which is again a huge burden on the industry.

INDIA is known for its textile industry having one of the leading textile industries in the
world India holds second position in the world for textile exports. As there are a large
number. of textile industries which are man power driven it is also important that the
workers play a major role in the process of manufacturing the product.

Not only are there modern mills but also many traditional family weaving businesses in
India and many handloom businesses as well. Weaving sectors and silk textiles, and
specialization in cotton industry. has been in existence for generations Looking at the
global picture India is one of the top countries in the textile industry for employee retention

When it comes to China the employee retention is 22 months. Interesting data is present
related to big and small companies. Usually, companies in 3 tier and 4 cities have a
higher retention rate than companies in tier 1 cities One reason is the leadership style that is
adopted in these small companies. A style that creates a personal attachment among

A family like relationship is created among the employees. When you are able to reduce the
turnover of the employees, you have higher chances to increase employee’s retention.
Whereas China is one of the leading countries in the business of export reaching almost
40% in some industries. We can also see that despite an increase in salaries, a lot of the
employees tend to leave jobs.


Even though in most cases money is a big motivation for the employees to leave their jobs,
it is not always like this. Factors like good environment a friendly environment that let
employees grow professionally and that take care of the work life balance is highly valued
by the employees.


India is 2nd largest textile exporter in the world having vast human resources in the textile
mills. In this country employee retention and improving the quality of the work is the key
area of focus for the industry.

According to Forbes, survey the indication is that with 54 % of Indian workers seriously
considering leaving the job and moving from one company to other company it is a huge
loss for the company in this country. The companies never understand the purpose of the
lower level and cannot understand the requirements of the workers. Thus concentration on
the satisfaction of lower level should be more to retain the worker in the same organization.

From the point of view of the company which suffers a loss of turn over cost due to the
process of training and time invested in it training the employees, it is important for the
workers to be retained in the same organization as low skilled workers will affect the

In order to maintain the workforce, with highly skilled staff it is important for the firm to
do analysis on regular basis in order to sustain the skilled laborers within the organization.

In the perspective of the competition it is very important that they look after it and it does
not affect the manufacturing process in the organization. Further the firm should not be
understaffed Retention is important specially the workers who are highly skilled need to be
retained in the organization.

The industry sector is one of the main indicators or a contributor for the GDP growth of
India as this country has vast production of textiles in this country and also many foreign

Textile industry in Bangalore There are more than 4000 textile industries in Bangalore and
more than 5000 weaving companies in Bangalore.


It has a huge business of export of textile which has been manufactured here as India is
famous for handmade stuff as well

It is the textile capital of India.

Companies in Bangalore have been strong from a very long time due to producing and
manufacturing high quality silk garments and products which are made out silk This state is
known for the production of silk of a very high quality it rates 2nd largest export of silk in

And there are many people involved in this business as there is a traditional family business
It is expert in production of handmade products which are being exported to other countries
by one of the leading textile companies from Bangalore.

As it is one of the largest textile producers in the country there are high expectations from
the view of the company, high production expectations and lack of individual respect to the
workers in the course of daily working scenarios. Retention of employees is a major issue

There are many companies in surroundings of Bangalore rural and outskirts which is also
one of the reason for many opportunities for the employees to shift from one company to

Top 5 textile mills in Bangalore according to 2020:

1. Good will fabric

2. Bombay rayon fashion limited

3. Yadalam group of companies

4. Vijiol

5. Amith garment services

6. Bombay rayon fashion limited

7. Yadalam group of companies

8. Vijiol

9. Amith garment services



Fairness and transparency are fundamental yet powerful concepts that can make a lasting
impression on employees. Five factors as the leading contributors to job satisfaction have
been identified:

1. Respectful treatment of all employees at all levels;

2. Compensation/pay;

3. Trust between employees and senior management;

4. Job security; and

5. Opportunities to use their skills and abilities at work.

Employee job satisfaction and engagement factors are key ingredients of employee
retention programs. The importance of addressing these factors is obvious, but actually
doing so takes time and these tasks are often left for another day. However, the payoff of
focusing on employee retention—in terms of increased performance, productivity,
employee morale and quality of work, plus a reduction in both turnover and employee-
related problems—is well worth the time and financial investment. The bottom line is that
by managing for employee retention, organizations will retain talented and motivated
employees who truly want to be a part of the company and who are focused on contributing
to the organization's overall success

In developing and emerging city like Bangalore it is very important that the rate of attrition
and retention of employee is one of the most desired practices for the high performance of

Getting the best talented skills workers will be very difficult in the coming years.

The best way to retain the workers with high talent in the same organization is to pay them
a high salary then their regular earnings.

From the point of view of the employee to retain in the same organization one more way is
by giving them the facility of long term and short term incentives specially for the skilled
labor. It helps the organization gain better financial position and helps retain the employee
in the organization for longer period of time.

In these days the organization is diverted towards the hunt of talent rather than the loyalty
of the employees. Actual loyalty also plays a major role in retention of the employees. The


employers instead of looking for new talent must concentrate on the workers already
employed to retain them

Keeping this as a major key point the organization should focus on techniques which
encourages both the employer and employee.

Such practices will ensure that higher goals are reached towards the success of the
organization and the level of performance will automatically increase.

According to GENTRY et al., (2007) argued that the employees feels linked with the
organization if they get support from their supervisor which lead them to return the favor to
the supervisor and organization through their retention.

The relationship between the owner and employer and employees will begin from the first
day of the recruitment It will be connected at all stages of the organization. The study says
that once employees get involved in the organization a good social relationship is built up.

To maintain the long term relationship between the workers, the workers should be
encouraged by giving them reward on the work they have done. More over recognition of
the good worker will impart a sense of loyalty on their part which is also important.

When it comes to the part of fresher’s they take an immediate decision whether to stay or
leave the organization in search of better opportunities. They show that in taking decision it
does not take much of time for them to move on.

Vos & meganck (2009) indicated that career development plan for the employees play a
vital role in the retention of the employees.

To avoid the future loss of the company it is better to change the process of the recruitment
as it is very important that the organization or a company to go with a flow of the market as
it is very important to sustain in market and retain its position.

From the view of the workers the organization should also concentrate on the leadership to
lead the workers in the organization so that the outcome will better. If these points are not
taken into consideration this may lead to failure in this organization and loss in the

In the garment factories it is more of autocratic leadership style which creates a heated
atmosphere where people do not want to work under a dictatorship. If the same is followed


in the organization there may be loss of skill, missing of knowledge, lack of concentration
in the work and will result in low efficiency of work in the organization

Vegardi, et al (2010) stated that the unequal distribution of work is a big issue, Work force
differ in skills and capabilities of each worker will differ from one person to another and
the payment of the workers also may differ from one person to another according to their
skills. Thus there should be a proper screening done in the organization to make a perfect
match between demand and the task force.


This theory emphasizes the need of the companies to consider the basic requirements of
their employees including health, job security and payment When the employees know that
you care about their health and that their job is guaranteed, they will be committed to the


Herzberg’s theory seems to be a very popular theory when it comes to retention factor of
employees. The Herzberg’s theory focuses on two broad categories of factors, which
determine employee retention rate they include motivator and hygiene factors. The
motivator factors lead to employee satisfaction whereas the hygiene elements cause
dissatisfaction. The presence of motivation causes employees to work harder and are found
within the job itself like recognition, achievement, work, growth and advancement. On the
other hand, hygiene factors decrease job satisfaction and are found surrounding the job like
relationship with boss supervision, remuneration, salary, security, work conditions and the
firm s policy. If these factors are considered employees will be encouraged to retain
themselves in the same company and make major contribution to its profitability

C. Victor vroom expectancy theory:

According to this theory the main reason for the employees to leave the organization is that
they compare themselves with the colleagues as the work or the skills differ from one
person to another

And they will have an assumption of different payment modes in the organization and this
makes them to leave the firm.

These are all pertinent arguments for retention of employees.



The most important human capital asset is the employee in any manufacturing industry
which includes the textile industry. Employees move from one company to another. In
other words, retention rate is poor and once they are skilled and not retained either because
they look out for better opportunities or because the employer himself doesn’t retain them,
it is a huge loss of talent and money resource for the company. Bangalore is the epi center
of the country in leading textile industry and the retention of employees in this textile
industry poses a big problem, the worker faces a lot of problems in working with the same
organization as a result he or she tends to leave the organization or choose the better option.

Lack of security on the job, extreme pressure of work and absence of basic facility,
extended work hours, rejection of leave, bonus, gratuity, epf, employee state insurance, and
much more occurs.

As 90 % of the workers in the Bangalore textile industry are women, the upper level people
in the organization take advantage of the situation and exploit them

The most important thing is to have a good hygiene atmosphere in the organization. And
health in the organization is also very important as the textile industry uses a lot of toxic
chemicals in the factories which are very harmful for the workers.

The life of women who work in the garment factories are pathetic which leads them to
change the decision to stay in the organization and this is the problem of retention.

The women have long working hours in the garment industry with rules and regulations for
even withdrawing their own provident fund. Since Bangalore is the major manufacturing
hub of ready-made garments several issues arising here needs to be studied.

Besides, payment of the employees is very low in the garment industry which is some were
around 7000 to 8000 in this city and the lifestyle of a lower class family people is very
difficult to sustain with such a low income.

Further as the organization upgrades and brings a lot of new technologies health hazards of
the women employees increases Efforts are made in this study to explore all these issues
relating to the problem of retention.



Retention is most needed both from the employee’s side and employers side Every type of
turnover is costly whether voluntary or involuntary. If an employee leaves at any time there
is time effort and money associated with recruiting, hiring and training a replacement. In
addition, there is also lost productivity while the position is vacant It takes years for a new
hire to equal the productivity of the employee who left. Further it can impact the morale
and productivity of the team that’s left which leads to loss of revenue, less efficiency and
further turnover. When employee departs there is the cost of knowledge, skill and
relationships. The broad effect is that current and former employees can share experiences
with personal, professional or online network which if negative puts both employer brand
and consumer brand at risk

Hence there is need to study employee retention and for the company to adopt retention
strategies. Retention helps in a successful healthy and balanced line of employees in the
organization. If garment factories use retention strategies it will be cost effective, manage
employee turnover, and attract quality employees. Further it will support productivity and
boost morale

Finally, in the absence of retention policies an employee who resigns from the company,
may join the competitor imparting his skills there.

The employee working for longer period of the time are more familiar with the company’s
policies, guidelines and thus they adjust better. This study is most relevant





Research design is a framework or a blueprint for collection measurement and analysis of

data. It refers to overall strategy chosen to integrate different components of the study in a
systematic and logical way so as the research problem could be addressed effectively. This
chapter contains the framework which includes objectives of the study, data collection,
sampling plan and data analysis. The study is focused on employee retention in the textile

2.2 OBJECTIVES of the study:

1 To analyze the organizational factors in the garment or textile factories influencing the
employee retention

2 To find out the factors prompting the employees to leave the organization within a small
period of time

3 To examine the necessary conditions to retain the employees and provide flexible work
schedule to the employees.

4 To make suggestions for retaining employees through making the stakeholders and
employees satisfied

2.3 Scope of study:

Retention of employees for managing includes strategic actions to keep workers motivated
and focused so that they elect to remain employed and fully productive for the benefit of
the organization. The study covers the employees in the textile factory mostly women
labour Since turnover is expensive and. performance of an organization affects the
unwanted turn over it is necessary look into factors responsible for employee retention and
also ensure that the already skilled labour is retained in the organization under study.


The method to solve the research problem is methodology. Descriptive type has been used.
Data was collected through different sources The data collected through survey of samples
of the employees working in Bangalore textile was done through issue of questionnaires.


For in depth understanding of the research a qualitative study is important for a specific
context. By contacting the people who are working in this particular field to get the raw
data from the workers in the organization correct information for the material needed for
the study could be gathered. An interview with the workers to get the detailed information
and refine the question according to the need and purpose was used

Collection of original data through surveys, interviews was then analyzed,

The secondary method used for analyzing the proper information through online papers,
study materials online, official records, archives, publications and previous studies was also
utilized Many industrial websites which give out the information regarding the whole
process in the organization was looked into

2.5 Data collection:

I. Primary data:

Primary data are those which are collected fresh for the first time and are original in
character. Primary data involves a lot of field work so it is time consuming compared to
secondary data collection The primary data is being collected through number of ways
from the employees working the textile industry from top level to the lower level
employees through interviews, and, survey, most of the information is collected through

II. Secondary data:

The data collected by someone else other than the common users is secondary in nature,
Sources of secondary data includes censes, information collected by the government
department, organization records and from other researchers which they had collected
originally. Mainly in simple terms the data collected by third party can be referred for
research purpose. And it is less costly and takes less time.

Both primary and secondary data was used in this study

2.6 Sampling plan

Simple random sampling.

Sampling unit the management staff, the employees in the industry.

Sample size 100 respondents.

Sampling instrument questionnaire with suitable questions to elicit information with

relevance to the objectives.

2.7 Data analysis methods:

The percentage analysis method was used in this study

2.8 Limitations:

1 The study was limited to a few employees

2 The answers given by employees lacked clarity

3 Time was a constraint

2.9 Overview of Chapter scheme:


Chapter:2 –Research design



Chapter 5 Experience, learning and conclusion.





The purpose of the SWOC analysis is to access the organization’s recent position before
deciding on any new strategy.

To find out what is working well and what is better for the enhancement of the weaker
section. the main issue is in the powerful but simple tricks to help the organization to
understand and estimate that is through SWOC analysis. SWOC helps in showing the
negative and positive aspects.

SWOC stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenge., This technique helps
in finding out the employees needs and wants, what are the difficulties faced by them. Thus
this method helps in reaching out to the employees one who works in any sort of
organization and help in sorting out the problem of retention of the employees. Even this
helps in understanding what is lacking and to eliminate the hazards that happen unawares.

The need for this technique is when it comes to


• What do we provide well for the employees?

• What are the unique facilities provided for them?

• What do others see as your strengths?

Strengths are the things that your organization does particularly well in providing the
protection and giving the insurance for the employees to feel safe and secure to work in the
organization, this can be distinguished from the competitors.

When it comes in relation to the workers more consideration may be given to the female
employees as they play the major role in garments industry. It is possible to empower them
and high quality products will emerge from this industry. They may easily be empowered
for high quality production. Women force are a strength to the textile companies.


• What could you improve?

• Where do you have fewer resources than others?

What are the weaknesses seen by the workers?


Now it’s time to consider the weak points which are left out to appeal to the workers and
focus on producing a stronger system and help in improvement of the factors that could
improve and sort of practices should be avoided.


• What opportunities are open to the organization?

• What trends could the organization take advantage of?

How can strengths be turned into opportunities? Opportunities are opening or changes for
something positive to happen.

And start thinking about the good opportunities that can be spotted immediately. These
don’t need to be game changers even small advantages can increase the organizations

Through this the life style may change with the workers giving a chance to upgrade
themselves in the organization.


• What threats could harm the organization?

• What ARE competitors doing with the employees?

• What threats do the weaknesses expose to you? Threats include many things that
can negatively affect the business from the outside such as demand for some qualified
workers may increase and they may have a plan for better offering which is a huge loss for
the company in case the workers join the other competitors and the main purpose of the
regular checkup is to find out if they face any difficulties in performing and should have a
regular update with the changes in the market. Adapting to market changes is a challenge



 The firms in Bangalore are mostly financially sound firms. The working
environment in the organizations are mostly peaceful as there are a lot of unions built up in
the organizations to empower the strength and principles is being followed by everyone.
All the facilities are provided to the employers on time.

 Medical insurance, life insurance & disability insurance for the employees in
garment industry as where the workers are working in the place where there are lot of toxic
chemicals and machineries which could cause a lot of damage to the human health in the
garments. So medical insurance plays a major role in the support of the workers to make
them feel secure.

 Maternity leave which also plays a major role in the garments factories as majority
of them or 90% of the workers in the factories are women so this also is one of the major
strengths for the women.

 Allowances which is offered for the employees in the organization like uniform,
food& travel allowances.

 And providing overtime fees for the workers who are likely to work more than their
regular working hours.

 The organization tries to be flexible enough to certain limit so that they can put their
full body and mind the reach the target.

 Work from home is also a small work where the women working at home can take
advantage of working from home to satisfy their needs.

 As in the situation of coivd-19 they were highly cautious about the health of the
workers as it is important to maintain the health of the workers.

 They have to try out new thing in the form of new work which is also an add on to
them and they feel happy and can feel the sense of belonging to the company.


 Garment workers are often forced to work more than 16 to 14hrs a day 7 days a

 During peak season, they may work until 2or 3am to meet the fashion brand
deadline. Their basic wages are also very low that they cannot refuse. They cannot refuse
the overtime also for the fact that many may get fired if they refuse to work overtime.


 As Bangalore is one of improving cities in India where the cost of living is high as
the people who work in the garments cannot afford to stay within the city they travel from
far flung areas which is tiring and time consuming.

 As 90% of the garment workers are female as they feel insecure about themselves
as there is a lot of molestation in such factories which is been faced by the female workers.

 One of the weaknesses are with the workers who work more than the time
suggested and the work from the company may be difficult, dangers, climatically
challenging or underpaid.

 The people who are forced to work must spend the majority of their paycheck on
food for their families to survive.

 As this may lead to mental and physical stress of the workers so this will lead to
health hazards.

 As there is a lot of toxic chemicals used in the industry which release some harmful
gases and not good for humans and environment.

 Through this few people back off when there is no proper rules and regulation
followed by the organization.


 For the female workers producing garments at home is an important role where
people can work from home and produce garment both at same time and most of them have
kids as they can take care of them also and reach out for their domestic requirements also
this is the main reason for them to earn and work both at same time.

 The opportunity opens up to improve their skills. Besides practice makes perfect

 Most homemakers in the garment and textile industry are paid according to how
many piece of clothes they have altered which is another opportunity.


 Over time can be an opportunity and as their payment of making the garments are
already low but they would wish to work for more time to earn extra money.


 The most common threats faced by organization are those employed with a negative
approach in the firm They do not have any intention to increase their productivity they are
here just to full fill their needs.

 As nothing can harm an organization more than unfaithful employees.

 The employees who attend the office only for the sake of salary are in fact the
biggest threat to an organization. Non serious employees do not contribute much toward
the productivity of a firm.

 As even if the firm is highly well equipped and they have the best infrastructure or
the best machinery it would not help if people associated with the organization are not loyal
and committed towards it.

 High attrition rate is another big threat to an organization. As the firm suffers huge
loss when talented employees quit and join other company which are competitors, when an
individual who has been trained for more than 6 months and all of sudden they take a
decision of leaving the firm. The assumption is that the employees who know their job and
responsibility will stick to the organization for the long time at least for two or three years.

 Another common threat faced by a firm is data and information loss. A lot of efforts
goes into formulating the strategies for a team within the organization .and it is unethical to
share the confidential matter with the competitors. There are teams within the organization
and if they have a common friend working with different teams and the friend try to share
their plan with other teams they may copy the strategies.

 Since there is a complete involvement of female worker in the organization there

will be lot of quarrels in the firm as they may get diverted instead of working on the project
they tend to fight and waste their time as this may lead to disturb a small part of the people
mentally as there will be violence during the fight.

 Security issues pose a major threat to the industry which has to make sure that
security staff appointed are responsible enough for the overall security and the organization
as well as safety of the employees as in the garment industry most of work is with clothes
which are highly flammable. Proper measures should have been to protect the firm from
fire and other natural calamities. Poor working conditions does not allow the worker to
work in the organization.

 The company should have a stable position so that they can handle the employee
even in the situation of lack of funds so it is important a lot of trust is built between both
employee and employer.


These tools go beyond SWOC and reveal much more in detail. It provides clear and
measureable goals. Strengths and gaps in the service team can be identified and
information gathered for improvement. It gives an insight into planning. The textile
industry in India is the leading sector of the economy and has grown post 90s. However,
the issues that it is facing today are many and a PESTLE analysis reveals the problems



Political instability is present with laws and policies issued by the government leading to
ups and downs, waste recycling, policy relating to trade in imports and exports all of which
has impacted the garment industry. The political procedures are unfavorable to the textile
industry even destroying their liberties and which could be harming employee’s retention
as they may decline to apply the procedures.


Regarding the economic factor impacting employee retention in this case it consists of
qualified workforce and gives a chance to trade their working goods to the other countries.
The opportunity of growth may also increase the productivity which can earn them more
money to encourage them to stay in the same organization.



This relates to the behavior and attitude of the workers. Literacy rate is really high among
the workers and they may not want to continue to work in garment industry which they
may consider as low status employment and retention is affected further social issues that
crop up are rules against child labour etc. which has its impact also.


Several new laws passed by government regarding taxation etc. affects the industry and
retaining employees of the same number proves difficult and thus retention is affected.


Advancement in technology increases the cost of manufacturing in garment industry and

the company cannot afford automation. There is hence technological backwardness in the
processing sector, structural weakness in weaving and processing and insufficient capacity
and training.

Government support is needed for the industry to thrive generate more employment and
help retention of workers


This analysis may help in the identification of future events by considering alternative
possible outcomes. Thus scenario analysis, which is one of the main forms of projection
helps in showing the future as the company may go into suffering due to a situation of fund
delay which may lead to a lot of difficulties in the payments. The workers try to leave the
organization and opt for the better chance to work with the competitors. This analysis may
help to bring an alternative to control this situation if not there may be chances of losing the
trained and experienced employees.

So it is better to have a prefect plan to solve this sort of problem in the firm. The
organization understands the potential impact of external influences that affect decisions.
By identifying changes that may occur in the economy and environment it is possible to
modify the decision to take these influences into account. Further by identifying potential
threats the organization can change the scope of their decisions to minimize impact of
potential threats

It is well known that recruitment, and training, are some of the highest staff expenses on
a company’s books. This is why it is vital for a company to not only understand how many
employees leave their jobs each year but why.? Not only can this process improve labour
engagement and happiness at work, but it can save thousands of rupees each year in
replacing lost employees.

Therefore, tracking retention is one of the best ways to understand the true financial cost of
unnecessary employee which leads to loss of the company.

Also, tracking how many people leave the company each year is a good indication of
employee engagement, morale, and productivity. If a company has got a high turnover rate
of employees each year, then this often shows that many employees are unhappy and
waiting to jump ship the moment a better opportunity arises.




This study regarding EMPLOYEE RETENTION in textile industry of Bangalore gives us
a view of responses gathered towards retention in garments.

 According to the survey which was conducted regarding retention there were in total 85
respondents 54% were male respondents and 46% were female respondents. There are
54 male members leading in the respondents.
 In case of occupation 85.9% respondents were students ,10.65%were professionals,1.2%
were business man 2.4% were others.
It is observed that maximum number of respondents are students.
 In case of education qualification out of 85 respondents 47% were graduates ,13% w ere
post graduates 36% were p u c&4% were SSLC.

The maximum number of respondents are graduates.

 In case of age from 17-30years old people had respond the highest group of age was 22
years old and 2nd highest respondents were 18 years’ old and the third highest was 19
years’ old.

The maximum number of respondents were at the age group of 22years.

Going into details of questions relating to the retention factor the following emerged out of
the study.

 1. New employees are likely to leave the organization because of

According to the data collected out of 85 respondents 41% of people agreed with
hard job, 7% people agreed with unable to perform, 7% people agreed with cultural
difference,1% people agree with don’t fit category and the left out 44% of people agreed
with all the above reasons.

Finally, we can observe that the maximum number of respondents agreed that 44% of
people agreed with all the factors mentioned above May be a reason to leave the

 2. Garments is only focused on retention because of:


According, to the data collected 4.8% of respondents agreed with high level of turnover
another,4.8% people agreed with underperforming of the staff,29.8% of people agreed with
the success of the business, 41.7% respondent go with growth of business,19% people
agreed with all above mentioned facts.

Finally, we can observe that 41.7% which is highest of people agreed that the company is
focused only on retention for the purpose of growth of the business.

 3. Is safety for women in garments very low and this a reason to leave the job.

According, to the data collected 38.1% respondents agreed it, 9.5% respondents disagreed
it, 11.9% of people strongly agreed it. remaining 40.5% of respondent are not sure by
choosing option may be.

Finally, we can observe that 40.5% of respondents are not sure about the safety because in
garments 90% of workers are women so it is important that there is molestation in such
places and physical abuse and lack of security for women as the 2ndhighest group of
respondent agreed there is low safety.

 4. Is the amount of 11.5 k in a month enough for garment workers for working
more than 9 to 10 hours a day in a city like Bangalore?

According to the data collected 0% of respondents said yes. 66.7% of respondents said no.
26.7% people said not sure about it and the remaining respondent of 6.7% of people said
that they have a moderate opinion about the payment.

Finally, we observe that 66.7% of respondents said no,it is not enough for the workers as
Bangalore is one of the expensive cities in India as the cost of living is high here and this
can be a reason to leave the job.

 5. When the garment employees are engaged they demonstrate

According to the data collected 39.85% of respondents agreed with motivation, 7.2% of
respondents agreed with stress, 20.5% agreed with dedication & remaining of 20.5%
respondents agreed with satisfaction.


Finally, we can absorber that 39.85% which is highest group of respondents agreed the fact
of motivation as it is important to encourage them in the organization and give opportunity
for growth as they will be motivated and perform well.

 6. Garments has a strong health policy to protect employees from toxic

chemicals from factory.

According to the data collected it is found that ,15 respondents agreed,4 of them disagreed,
6 of them strongly agreed and 60 respondent have moderate opinion.

It is inferred that most of the respondents have a moderate opinion that company does not
have strong law for toxic dyes.


According to the data collected it is found that ,32.9%people say yes,41.5% people say no
&25.6% people say maybe the opinion is strongly said no.

The inference is that they are not satisfied with the amount they are getting paid by the
current company as most of them have said no but when they get better salary they often
exit from the organization in search of better opportunity.

In the situation of covid-19:

As the city Bangalore itself an area of migrants who come in search of job, were living
with their soon family and had members who are depend on the income of that person who
works in garments.

The majority of employees lived in rented accommodation and when they had to fulfill
their basic needs for day to day life they had to suffer a lot due to lock down which was
imposed by government they did not have enough money to Pay their rent and afford for
food, gas, sanitary, products, phone top-up& drinking water.

A special need of medicine also was needed and was important in such situation.

Even before lock down they were living on poverty wages, due to low wages they had
enough to fulfill their day to day needs and expenses this was a situation when they were
not able to save the money for lock down expenses. And they were not able to pay the fees
of school children’s or pay for medical expenses.


Due to this situation many of garments workers were in debt as the situation was getting
worsen they had to leave the city and hit back to their villages and after going back the in
such a big city like Bangalore.

On another face of post lock down where many lost their jobs which effected the female
employees were their work has been extended than before in order to reach the targeted
goals &this will lead to lot of stress for the employees to handle extra hours. Due to this
situation the female workers cannot handle for working so many hours as this may result in
dropping or quitting from the job.

As the state government notification betray a complete lack of empathy and care for female
employees and proper rights to lead their lifestyle. According to the reports online in
pandemic situation they had not received salary of last month and if they had received they
got less salary that is half of the amount of last month of April.

They did not receive any sort of assisting from the form their company in from of cooked
food, clothing, or advances or loans & ration kits. Another may issue was they were not
able to with draw the ESI in the time of lock down which was their money in the time of
lock down if this was allowed it would have been a huge support at the time of lock down.

4.2 Findings of the study:

The demographic factors deal with the personal profile of the respondents taken for survey.
Gender, age, qualification, work experiences are dealt with in the

study. The information about these factors is important and can be used for data analysis
part. All discussed variables have positive correlation with employee retention. Career path
has strong positive correlation. is observed that 44% of people agree with all the factors to leave the organization when
they are not ready to put their full efforts. is observed that41.7% of people agreed the garments is only focused on growth of the
business. is observed that 40.5%respondents say not sure about the safety as ii is important
because 90% of employees are women in the garments.


28 is observed that 41.8%of respondents say no as if they are not satisfied with the
payment. is observed that 41.21% respondents say that keeping the employee happy and satisfied
is important as it shows confident in employees to sustain in the organization. is observed that 40.5% of respondent say that they get motivated when they are being
engaged in the organization. is observed that 66.7% of people say employees cannot sustain in the city like
Bangalore with such a low payment. is observed that 70.6% respondents have moderate opinion about health care policy for
employees as they use toxic chemicals and other hazardous substance used in the factory
can harm them.

4.3 Conclusion:

As India is 2nd largest textile where as the ultimate focus is that employees should also be
protected against all the harming factors and even the organization should support them for
the work that is accomplished by the workers as in the city like Bangalore it is hard to
sustain with such low salary. The retention of employees has been shown to be significant
to the development and the study

For accomplishment of the organization’s goals and objectives. Retention of employees

can be a vital source of competitive advantage for any organization. Today, changes in
technology, global economics, trade agreements, and the like are directly affecting
employee/employer relationships. “Until recently, loyalty was the cornerstone of that
relationship. All companies of any size is struggling in these days that how they could
retain their employees from leaving existing jobs for more payment or for the better
opportunity. It is observed that those employees who left their firm for more payment,
when asked to tell the reasons why they quit, they rate pay at 5th or 6th place in their
concern. The leading reasons are culture, identification, policies of the organization and the
relationship with company and co-workers. So for those firms who are struggling for
retaining workers they must understand the requirements of the workers and the factors
discussed above. This could help them in retaining their best talent with them for their long
term success. In this study we discussed the compensation, career path and working
environment affecting retention of the employees.




All the textile companies in Bangalore of any size are struggling in retaining process of the

Workers choose to leave the jobs form current firm and opt for more money or for the
better opportunity from competitors. It is discovered that those employees who left their
organizations for more pay, when they were questioned about the job which they wanted to
quit. the leading reasons are culture, recognition, environment, policies of the organization
and the connection with company and co-workers. Hence the company is struggling to
retain the workers.

The organization must realize the demand or need of the worker and act according to
those elements considered above. As this may help in retaining the best workmen as this
leads to long run success in every garment. In this study we discussed the compensation,
career path and working of employees.

environment effecting retention of the employees. We ultimately say that career path is

valuable factor that workers look forward to work in any organization.

This study helps companies in Bangalore to understand that value of their employees and
reasons to retain them because greater turnover means that workers are using organizations
as a stepping stone for their future and experience what they are gaining with them is

To retain workers, the frim must review their career plans and revise the structure
according to the


market so that intelligent and talented employees could serve more and would be an
advantage to the company in long run.


As I am perusing MBA got this opportunity to work on HR topic which was my

specialization, about employee retention in textile industry in Bangalore, as Bangalore is
one of the largest metropolitan cities in India people from all parts of the country come
here in search of job as we know that the one with low educational qualification and
illiterates get into the work of garments to fill full their needs as this city is high on cost

As I started to research through online website we go through about the situation of the
company that many skilled workers were to leave the company and join the one with better
payment and choose for better opportunities and I got an experience of how actually the
garments work from inside and what are the demands of the employees.

Due to the situation of coivd-19 we were not allowed to visit the factories. But I had a
chance to speak with the women who works in garments as she shared how hard it is to
sustain life with such low amount of payments and they had given a facility to few workers
to work from home for few processes but not for everyone.

As I did my research through online papers websites and got through e-books and few
journals by, Gentry, A. William&. Vos, D. Ans., &Meganck, A. (2009), which helped me
to understand the problems of retention in every organization.

I discovered that even when they are being paid good enough the workers are not satisfied
with culture of the organization, and the process which they tend to follow.

Another fact is about the molestation rate in such women working place are very high
which they undergo by the top level employees as there is no safety in garments. There
should be strict rules in place to avoid such cases.

According to my research many people agreed with Monterey and the mental health issues
which would be encountered.

My experience through this project was that if we allow the workers to grow and support
them as we can be a stepping stone for them and this makes the employees fully satisfied as
the result of the outcome will be high and by the comfort which we give for them gives the
company more returns in the long run.

5.3 Suggestions:

1. The company can increase the percentage of internal encouragement when they are
into competition of garment factories they can offered to highly talented employees
rather than preferring new workers from outside in order to retain workers.
2. Realization can be given as soon as they perform excellent in their job as this may
encourage and make them feel truly recognized in firm.
3. In case of employees one who has a lot of experience in this field can be paid highly
rather than recruiting as this keeps them motivated.
4. In order to seek attention, they had been involved in the groups under experienced
workers and make them to include in the activities done.
5. In case of enquiry they should immediately respond or take action which helps to
build trust.
6. Talents should be recognized promoted and rewarded to encourage within the
7. Time to time reorganization of talents.
8. There should be open discussion in the organization in order to tackle the problems.
9. Freedom of speech and working should be given in case of any misunderstanding that
can be resolved.
10. There should be proper instruction and guidelines for the employees to have a healthy
relationship between firm and workers.

5.4 References:

1. Gentry, A. William., Kuhnert, W. Karl., Mondore, P. Scott. (2007), The influence of

supervisory-support climate and unemployment rate on part-time employee retention A
multilevel analysis, Journal of Management Development, Vol.26, No.10, pp. 1005-1022


2. Vos, D. Ans., & Meganck, A. (2009), What HR managers do versus what employee’s
Exploring both parties’ views on retention management from a psychological contract
perspective, Personnel Review, Vol.38, No.1, pp. 45-60.
3.Hiltrop, Jean-Marie. (1999), Human Resource Practices to Attract and Retain Talent,
Management Journal, Vol.17, No.4, pp. 422–430. websites



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