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Dr. Tri Wintolo Apoko, M.

Cherry Love B. Montales, Ed.D: of hunker since 2020, an academic staff in the study program
of English education of the same university, and specialized in curriculum development,
evolution, and language testing, development, and scientific writing. He has a wide range of
administrative experiences as Vice Dean for alumni and students affairs of education faculty of
Ohio, vice chairman of teacher professional education program, as Secretary of quality
assurance, to name a few. He took his master's in language education, and doctors in language
education at State University of Jakarta. He is actively involved in various organizations, as
shown assuming leadership roles, and currently the general secretary of teacher professional
education for long Indonesia since 2019. He visited almost all Southeast Asian countries,
including the Philippines, for his academic endeavors. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in
welcoming Dr. Tri Wintolo Apoko, M.Pd.

Dr. Tri Wintolo Apoko, M.Pd.: salaam aleikum wa warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. With morning
rubber to the host of this international forum, the president of Central Bicol State University of
Agriculture honored the committee of the six regional and first international forum on education
and races conference, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. It is my great pleasure
inviting me to be here in six regional and first international forums on education and research
conferences in central Baker State University of Agriculture village to see you all the participants
spiritually. We still do this as you are now facing the pandemic of Coronavirus 19 since March
11 2020 as the World Health Organization declared, so it has been more than one year.
Hopefully, this global disease outbreak will soon decrease and will not exist or happen anymore.
In this opportunity, I would like to share and give ideas dealing with the main themes on
reinventing education and this is fair and resist flexibility in the new normal. I start this with the
recent finding which describes learning mathematics in the new normal. As we understand
when we talk about the new normal today, it is closely related to what is happening now. There
is the dynamic of Coronavirus 19, where all the countries in the world need to have your
attention such as staying home more than the outside walking in your fish by wearing the mask.
Making sociologists dance, avoiding the crowds of people 60% of learning activities by students
and school and universities from face to face iteration to fully online learning. Using more
technologies, and psychological and social management, well, one of education and research
flexibility to reinvent is the bridge learning as one of the other is one of the other narratives or
solutions or to learning. This learning model actually is not something new. Yet it is becoming
more popular in this new normal. It is stated that blended learning is one alternative of education
formulation in higher education and because of its flexibility, it allows us to maximize many
positive education functions. Therefore, the research indicates that blended learning maintains
or increases access for more students and produces improved success rates for minority and
non minority students alike. And he says based on what you burn before in his research. In
addition, when students express their belief about the effects, the effectiveness of their learning
environment based learning is more effective than face to face and conveyed online. The
unabomber in the era of COVID-19 opens an opportunity to redefine the goals of education.
One of the goals is to prepare and provide learning models for students to better suit and be
broadly innovative and responsive in turn in times of disaster, diseases and emergencies.
During the era of social distancing practice demonstrating a major new normal in the
area. Many universities are headed toward fully online mobility or re learning mobility as
instructional approaches, fully or concrete online. Majority of the instructional approaches during
the COVID-19 era can be fishable. For example, in Indonesia, millions of students are ordered
to remain at home for learning while facilities have been closed for currently. It means that the
instructional activities are implemented online through a variety of online courses and electronic
textbooks, as well as a variety of online learning modes such as watch YouTube channels,
Schoology, Google Classroom, bold, zoom, Google means Microsoft Teams and so on. related
to the implementation of medullary I see the stated by Graham You know, it is commonly
described as an instructional approach that integrates traditional classroom methods and online
digital methods. And of course, this requires the physical presence of both teacher and students
with a teacher of students on throw off a time setting or base. Considering their social distancing
practice in this new era, group work approaches require integration with close physical contexts
such as formal and informal cooperative learning groups, think pair share, peer instruction, and
excel could be modified or reduced if you've eliminated the option of the instructional methods
of teaching. It is suggested by happy you know, that there can be more usage of methods that
require less movement and physical contact. One of the methods is direct instruction. It is an
instructional approach that is planned in sequence and managed by the teachers. The
implementation of the instruction to students is obtained mainly through strategy spike, lecturing
or reverse rail demonstration. Therefore, the COVID-19 Global auto race evidently really vining
the approach to instructional implementation. Now we move to what we call the flexibility in
wanting education and research in the new normal. The massive and sudden safe to adapt and
implement online learning has caused Yahoo and stress among the teaching faculty to teachers
need to reimage in most of curriculum planning, development of E content, online assessment
and reporting, which may have been developed without proper and planning and preparation to
achieve more focus, learning outcomes and develops effective E-learning methods. Teachers
should be provided with professional autonomy entrusted with their judgment. One might argue
that online learning may offer extended use or benefits for individuals who are unable to attend
a traditional full time festival firstly University YouTube persona or finance problems. In addition,
the flexibility of synchronous online learning may provide wider access and Evil Within
traditional higher education. institution hybrid or blended learning models could help improve the
quality of face to face teaching by moving content delivery online, and focusing in person
sessions on active learning.
And then, best your best Anwar Rashid, as he said that, relying on and adapting to
elearning during a global pandemic could lead to sec adopting more online elements in a
teaching by the teachers. This heart, however, has many practical problems and limitations. In
terms of availability of digital technologies for education. There is a wide digital inequality that
exists in society. One cannot assume that all students, as well as teachers would have access
to internet connectivity and associated powerful devices outside of their university to be able to
communicate based on the input on their own the importance of online learning in higher
education, including the problems faced by students and teachers. The research institution and
university needs to carefully design and implement the resource management guidelines that
are very weird social distancing protocols, and ensure very few student density on campus while
doing the research activity. The research areas that require physical laboratories may need to
rethink their working models and carefully plan and prioritize their experience. The university will
have to invest more in health and safety measures and infrastructure on their campuses to
ensure the safety of students and staff which may add to the financial strain on the university.
There are no best practices for universities and higher educational institutions to mimic and now
for years to follow. The wide issues and to protect house this issue in the coming months. The
universe should be coming up with new icons and standards of educational quality are not
compromised. Okay. The next one, I would like to tell you about how Danielle offered kind of
guidance to teachers and institutional hands who must manage the educational consequences
in the Union Omar. The first one is the preparation that the system could make. This could be
done by asking Westerners to bring or to take home the books needed for their own learning at
home. Besides, you know, having some training on ICT to teach your staff. The second one is
the needs of students at the levels and stages dealing with this global outbreak. The event or
what we call the technical and vocational education and training is one spatial program which is
needed as a key role in economic recovery. The third one is reassurance to students and
parents where institutions and educational systems might make space to help those students
whose parents are unsupportive and whose environment is not conducive to study by getting
the students and parents with frequent communication on a problem and situation first together.
The fourth one is the simple approach to online learning by using synchronous learning. A
synchronous walking gives teachers flexibility in preparing learning materials and enables
students to jangle the demands of home and study. A synchronous learning looks best in digital
formats. Teachers do not need to deliver material at a fixed time. All right. Next one is the
curriculum where teachers need to focus on two things, that is to continue to orient students'
learning to classroom curriculum and the assessment or examination for which they were
preparing and this for one is to maintain students English in learning by giving them various
assignments, nothing one is the assessment. In this case, institutions implementing this learning
often start the process of course construction by designing the student assessment that will be
part of it. And then the last one is the after COVID-19. Although tuition or my teaching face to
face on campuses, the expansion of online learning will further accelerate and higher education
will organize themselves more systematically to push every aspect of technology based learning
that they have found most useful. All right, the last one that I would like to share is dealing with
online learning in this context. In the news has been running the online learning in terms of this
tailoring program for primary school teacher education programs initiated by the Ministry of
National Education since 2010, and implemented by at least 23 state and private universities,
including in a facility of muhammadiyah professional learning activities use LMS learning
management system, and video conference which were held by the University as issued a role
of Minister of Education and Culture number 24. In 2012, on the implementation of this learning,
more universities developed a learning management system or LMS, using Moodle platform to
facilitate the students and lecturers learning activities. Before the payment of COVID-19 existed
in Asia, only few universities have some online learning programs as it is not easy to open the
distal learning or online learning program in which the requirements of opening the online
program is quite difficult. Therefore, to cope with this, so many facilities through the lectures, the
online courses that are in the curriculum, it means that the university does not have the distance
learning program yet, they conduct some online or open courses or materials synchronously.
Meanwhile, during the panic, it is such a sudden and messy fully online learning. As all the
students and lecture lecturers all over the world face this phenomenon, and one, online learning
with their own imitation or lock weaknesses of using ICT tools. Despite the limitations, it is then
becoming great challenges for the lecturers to manage online classes better. At first, they defer
the learning activities by animals of online learning from simple one to more complicated
devices. Of course, depending on the lecturer scales of ICT tools, also in the beginning, they
found some obstacles or problems. Implementing interactive learning activities such as the data
package are owned by the students and also the signals.
The government officials through the Ministry of Education and Culture have issued
circulars and regulation on online learning as the online learning has been done for months and
this will influence the quality of teaching and learning process in which more students feel so
bought you know, and tired of doing the tasks or assignments. Then the general there of higher
education based on the joints decree our four ministers, namely, from the Minister of Education
and Culture, Minister of religion Minister of Health, and Minister of Internal Affairs, issued one
regulation stated that the teaching and learning at university could be implemented by hybrid
learning, which combined face to face integration and online learning by applying the strict
health protocols since January 2020. However, it has not still been implemented, as the cases
of covid 19 pandemic increases. At present, more people, mainly the lecturers, have been
vaccinated. And this of course, if good news for the students to be again at campus for offline
learning, at least in July or September 2021, the university will be offered. Even though online
learning has started, you know, it doesn't, it does not mean that the online learning is no longer
used. In fact, online learning to measure the capacity and the competitiveness of one university
where the use of ICT tools in education is a must for lecturers and students. Ladies and
gentlemen, I think this is what I could share from a simple presentation. I believe that
reinventing the flexibility in education and research in the new normal is very important for a
better and qualified as we're as competitive instructional approaches. The teachers, the
researchers and institutional heads need to do. Thank you very much for your attention. Salaam
Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Good morning, everyone.

Cherry Love B. Montales, Ed.D: (not sure kung siya talaga, basta speaker 3 sya): So thank
you very much, Dr. Tri Wintolo Apoko, M.Pd.for making us more aware of how the Ashanti
region should adapt to new normal mechanisms on education and research, and also for giving
us a glimpse of the online learning context in Indonesia. So in as much as we want to answer
some of your questions, our dear participants to our plenary speaker, he has an equally
important commitment to attend to. Nevertheless, we still would like to express our sincere
gratitude to our plenary speaker for allowing us to present the certificate of commendation to our
speaker this morning. The citation reads Republic of the Philippines sent Robby pearl State
University of Agriculture p comer resort. The certificate of commendation is hereby given to Dr.
Three window apoco MPD. In grateful acknowledgement of his distinguished and invaluable
inputs as keynote speaker during the six regional and first international research forum on
education and research, with the theme reinventing education and research flexibility in the new
normal held on April 28 to 30 2021. We are zoom conferencing given this 30th day of April
2021. At Central because the University of Agriculture Sun was said really the marina solar
Philippines sign Dr. Alberto en Perry SUSE president for let us all give our resource speaker our
keynote speaker Dr. Tri

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